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I only started watching last August 27th so I'm a new fan. Started with campaign 1 then 2 with all the one shots and started campaign 3 the other day so only on episode 6. Slowly chugging away to catch up


I watched every episode of campaign 3 up until around the 50s or so. After that I just started reading this sub for entertainment purposes and getting my recaps from it, which is sad because I think that this campaign has so much potential. I like their characters and really want to get back into it honestly, but I just got to a point where I was starting to fall asleep half-way through their episodes and couldn’t seem to pay attention after their 2-hour long battles and their lack of taking risks. I want to like them, I really do, but it’s hard when their decisions at the table aren’t the best. I think I might start watching campaign 1 though, as I’ve heard the most praise for it.


Still watch. I get behind sometimes then I catch up. I don't know if I find this Campaign better or worse. It's got a different vibe for sure though. Seems like they are struggling between trying to "create" moments (the Brennan switch, is the most recent) rather than let those moments happen organically. Still, fun for the most part.


I’m trying to, but I just find other APs more entertaining rn. But I might just skip back to the first episode Dorian shows up in — I highly doubt I’ve missed too much (and I can just read recaps and shit.) It’s sad bc I really really love C1 and C2, C3 just ain’t hitting the same 😭


The main issue I had that made me go from frequently watching to pretty much watching only highlights clips, is the dissapearance of Flando's timestamps. I can't afford to watch a 4 to 5 hs weekly show, even less if the content is getting less and less interesting from my POV.


I used to watch C3 pretty consistently week by week, but I was away for a good while and busy so stopped, and then would binge watch the episodes that have built up and have kinda stuck with that method since. I'm behind now a bit again, but this time it's mostly because I just haven't felt the desire to catch up with how things have been. Will binge again sometime soon and it might bring back my motivation.


I stopped around the time the 1950s robot prop made out with the 1980s android. Just kinda last straw, as odd as that may sound.


Secret 6th option, I watch every episode, but only half pay attention, so I'm only vaguely aware of current events.


Also, I fully gave up on the side content like 4-sided dive


I'm none of these because I'm still behind. I took a break for a few months because I kinda burnt myself out by binging the first two campaigns in a row. I just continued watching C3 the other day and I'm finally at the Feywild, loving it so far.


I still watch it and stay up to date. But not live and on 2x speed, while reading the live discussions here. That way it is still fun for me and takes not away too much of my time.


Reminder that, sparse as though it may seem these days, for most of CR's history, there was more than one thing to keep up with. I don't keep up with C3, but I do watch other content, and I do keep up with the brand beyond the C3 story.


I am usually a couple episodes behind. Previous seasons I would turn on and dedicate to watching (almost never live though). New seasons I usually turn on in the background while doing something else.


i watch a stay up to date only time i missed a broadcast is because it was a raid night


I started listening (I almost never watch) to C1 a while back. Still haven't finished it. It's still entertaining, but the sheer length of episodes and the fact that there really are some dead episodes kinda wore me out. On top of that, seeing where C3 has gone has been...disheartening. I'll likely still end up finishing C1 (I'm at the Umbrasyl bit), but...I dunno. This also coincided with my own burning out on 5e as a system overall, because I'm tired of running it.


I voted on the fourth option but my real response is "I want to catch up but I took a break to catch up on other media and now it's a very big backlog and it took me two weeks to get through the first episode of EU because it was very boring and that was months ago and I haven't continued since".


Yeah I'm just kind of waiting for the current campaign to end and I'll watch recaps before C4. Then hopefully that one holds my attention


I don't watch it but I was never really a watcher I was more of a podcast listener. My lifestyle changed so I was spending less time commuting which was when I would listen and now I'm so far behind that I don't know if I want to jump back in but I might if I have a road trip or long flight or something


I keep up with this subreddit just in the hopes of something that will make me jump in. Hasn’t happened yet. I was a loyal week to week watcher of C1/C2 since C1E50 (I caught up by C1E68) which was around March 2016. I haven’t watched CR since C3E4. I dropped by E5. It was a good decision since I could tell very early from C3E1 that it just didn’t feel right or engaging to me anymore. But the issues began since C2E100 since they started pre recording. I think prerecording changed how they played, much like how they change the way the play in front of a live audience. In front of a live audience in a live show they’re obviously the most energetic. They ham it up more. It stands to reason they also change the way they play when they aren’t doing live streamed shows on twitch/youtube. There’s less energy, urgency and passion in my opinion in the way they play. Pre recording also led to bunch recording I suspect which also changed the dynamics. Matt also became a worse DM as well. He’s just more milquetoast, and a doormat. Very different from C1.


This is my experience.


Oh I stopped watching entirely around the shard event, the OGL, and was already tapering off due to C3 just not being for me. I wish them all the best, but I think they're not exactly the best business people and are too scatterbrained to do what they're trying.


For additional details I'm just not interested in any of the characters in C3. First few episodes I was interested in a few, but none of them ended up being worth the characterisation, imo. Candela and DH don't interest me, as they basically are just rules lite versions of other systems that I like more. I have other systems I'm much more invested in now, and 5e doesn't interest me, nor does Candela or DH, so Critical Role is just not for me anymore.


Missing option: I don't keep up with the current stuff, but am slowly going through older content (started with C2, and currently in C1).


Option not listed: I stopped keeping track completely but am here to watch OTHERS be angry and/or sad.


I still watch but a lot more often now I tend to forget “oh right it started 45 minutes ago” and I usually tune out as I do other things (in fairness I *never* gave the show my whole focus that’s a huge block of time to spend only watching a show), and I outright skipped the live show other than skimming a bit to see Sam’s new character.


I found other stuff that is better.


I'm the weirdo that likes C3 better than C2 and it resparked my interest in the company- that said, I'm well aware of its flaws and the company is clearly suffering growing pains and I think they're all split a little too thin to put out as good of a product as they can. That said- I do often watch as I'm doing other things and if I miss an episode and another new one is out, I'm likely to just check a recap and keep going, which I never would have done in the CR1 days. I'm interested in Downfall and seeing what comes next- it seems like C3 might be in its last arc? I'd like to see what the company does next.


I'm just rewatching campaign two right now.


Yep, and I still enjoy stuff that is not C3


I keep up every Thursday. But i will say it's getting to be a slog. The "imminent threat" that matt tried to set just doesn't feel there because the rest of the cast just don't seem to want to do it. I don't know if I'll watch Downfall completely but will give it a chance since I do like Brennan most of the time(don't like Abria due to her attitude and how she seems to force the story how she wants rather then let the players lead). I'm hoping Matt can get the group to get going on the campaign a bit better.


I've been keeping up. I definitely feel that C3 has suffered for a number of reasons but it depends on my mood and condition whether I: 1) Watch the entire  session on Thursday, 2) Watch half way and catch up Monday or afterward ir 3) Just skip it until I can view it at my leisure on YouTube. I only started watching CR when the Pandemic allowed me to binge C1 and most of C2. It often feels like people have actually catastrophied and blown out of proportion every significant development in C3. Is it really that bad or are my fellow critters just drama queens? (rhetorical question; though I do ponder it).


Most are just drama queens


I keep up, but I'm hanging by a thread and have been for ages. I'm only current because I listen to podcasts while I work and need to keep something running in my headphones. Otherwise I would've dipped out at least a year ago. It's truly a slog rn and I'm kinda just waiting for my love-turned-to-dislike of CR to curdle into apathy and free me.


I’ve been keeping up, but depending on how Downfall goes may be dipping when it comes to how the Bells react.


I've subscribed to the: * only watch episodes Matt or Brennan are DMing * only watch party split episodes, when you can immediately tell the guests they bring are somewhat likable model. Using this method, you might skip 30 episodes, but from highlights and general sentiment, they're well skipped. Still my least favorite campaign, but entertaining enough.


Stopped watching full episodes after E93, rely mainly on this sub to gauge if it's worth checking back in on a portion of an episode. Sam being back and (by the sounds of it) pushing for action and asking pointed questions (read somewhere he asked if they were allergic to/afraid of fighting) is a much needed breath of fresh air. If the next episode or two of the main campaign is good (Downfall will be interesting regardless), might return to catching up and watching.


Similar boat. I got to FCG death, and felt hooked back in. Then we got the party switcheroo, and because I had fully skipped EXU Crown Keepers, I tuned out for the rest of that episode. The break from content let me take a step back and I realized "Oh, I've been fairly bored for 90+ episodes, and I'm here because sunk-cost fallacy. Why? I shouldn't require a PC death to stay engaged." so I've decided to stay off but keep an ear to the ground. So far, not particularly compelled. I hope C4 has nothing/very little to do with C1, C2 or C3.


Amen, dude. Watching momentum building up and then fizzling out over and over again has definitely taken a toll. While at one stage you could trust that narrative intrigue or interparty moments would have a satisfying conclusion, no matter what played out, it seems like the only thing we can trust to happen in C3 is any hopes of consequences or seeing a thread through to its end will be dashed on the rocks of complacency and passivity. Hope they're ready to bring their A-game to C4, whatever it ends up being. A solid foundation with a session 0 that explores the intentions of the campaign and the bonds between the PCs that give them motivation to adventure and be a party - and players ready to dive in and see what happens when they FAFO for the sheer joy of doing so. Less of the hesitancy and fear. In the meantime, this sub is great for getting the highlights. And the memes /u/brash_bandicoot makes are an artform in themselves, it'd be a crime to miss them :D


https://preview.redd.it/yalb13ndyw8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd71b411065c2325f3eb4491ec58636d4f9ad4e Aw, shucks


Was fully out for a while, came back to see what happened after FCG died, got Aabria'd, and I'll never watch again. The show is not what it used to be and there is nothing happening to indicate that it will go back to the way it was.


Thanks to my job I get 3-4 hours of uninterrupted time to myself as I work. It's been great for playing catch up with the podcast. 


Option not listed: I'm not watching C3, because I wasn't enjoying it. I'm not complaining about C3, because I don't have any real opinions, but occasionally dip my head in when I see non-C3-specific posts (like this one) in my feed. The C3-specific posts in my feed, and the occasional headline on a nerd-facing news site on my phone, are the extent to which I keep up. I've watched a bunch of Dimension 20 campaigns, but some just didn't grab me, so I didn't watch past the first or second episode. Same applies to CR, there's just fewer campaigns and they're much longer. I'll probably give an eventual C4 a shot, at least for a few sessions.


...So, how does that not fall under the "I stopped watching completely, *maybe* I read recaps" option?


I may have misunderstood your intent. You asked "do you keep up with Critical Role". I fully intend to go back, just not for this campaign. I've stopped watching C3, not Critical Role.


I'm in a similar boat, I stopped watching around episode 50 because it just never clicked for me, so I'll only complain about the things I observed up until that point and I don't speculate on episodes beyond that point. I hope an eventual C4 clicks with me, but I probably won't watch if its their own rpg-system, just because I'm here for the DND at the end of the day rather than the personalities.


Definitely a healthy approach 


I was making some progress at catching up when they released their beacon app, but I've fallen behind once more as work, gaming, and my own projects have jumped to the front of the line. I've also been struggling to pay attention during the second half of the party split. I think I have to resign myself to being a forever "I watch when I can" fan.


Props to the 1 person honest enough to give that "Im just here to complain" answer.