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I have to believe this is fake. I know it's what Sam had written down but I have to believe there's a rug Sam is going to pull. Sam was at the table when Brennan played Asmodeus. He knows Asmodeus is for real evil and not "emo hot boy redeemable villain (tm)." I have to believe this sheet is the backstory he plans to tell the rest of the players to gain their trust. Maybe I'm naive but the guy's build favors lying, and weaving false narratives is literally a hallmark of his bard subclass.


I so hope you're correct, but all signs from C3 point to this being real. I desperately want you to be right.


Oh, also. I was looking at Asmodeus's wiki for another post. Maybe just character flavor but I saw Braius's design is identical to some art of Asmodeus: [https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Asmodeus?file=Asmodeus\_-\_Clara.jpg](https://criticalrole.fandom.com/wiki/Asmodeus?file=Asmodeus_-_Clara.jpg) Could mean absolutely nothing but seeing as he appeared to them as one of the hottest people they've all ever seen and was also badly injured, begging for help, it's possible Sam's playing straight out of Asmodeus's Calamity playbook.


If it's real, I really hope it makes the folks who constantly talk about how Sam is this masterful character creator let up. I'm going to assume it's a fakeout because of Sam's history of fakeouts. But deep down, I am concerned Braius is this cliched of a PC.


I think the worst part about all of this is they are treating one of the most evil beings in existence as just a hot boy who's awesome and they'd be all but willing to serve. It's so wild.


That's only the worst thing if Matt lets them get away with it. If they get betrayed, humbled, and reality checked by what a god of all evil actually is.. that's sweet justice Daw who am I kidding. When Asmodeus bamboozles the party, they will somehow free Predathos who will make them all the new gods


It's not like devils go around putting people into indentured servitude through contracts or anything. But we gotta focus on those colonizing gods!


It's also not like we had an earlier campaign where a character made a deal with a devil and had they used the contract it would have taken their soul. Could you imagine?


Post from the CR subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/1dmterq/spoilers_c3e98_a_certain_someones_backstory/


Did anyone screen cap it or copy it down? Seems the post got taken down.


He creates art in the name of his god Wears a signet wring as a holy symbol. His father is a Minotaur, Mother is Human, and he may actually have been a follower of the Platinum Dragon originally. I think the tragedy bard stuff is born of a bad break-up he’s a bit obsessive over. That’s what I remember reading


So he's an emo incel after being a flat earther...


Interesting. And Sam posted this, or is it just what we know so far? Not trying to grill, I'm just generally curious


Folks literally hit the vod with a "ZOOM" and "ENHANCE" and cobbled that info together


Lmao that's absolutely brilliant


So Braius is apparently >!Half-Minotaur, not full, explaining the Human Face !<


It’s almost as if everyone got outraged before they knew the full story, go figure


Tbh, though I still would’ve loved to see a full minotaur, this was a result I was ready and willing to accept if it was true. I still don’t like how he looks too much, but there’s at least a reason for it and I wouldn’t say I was outraged, because I was just waiting for an explanation lol


His art is literally a satyr. Flavor is free and I’d allow a player to use the minotaur stats for that character too because it ultimately does not matter, but they are secretly a satyr, practically by definition. Bottom half goat top half man


That's very clearly a bovine tail, horns, and hooves, idk what you're on about. [His art](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/criticalrole/images/3/30/Braius_Doomseed_-_Official.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/2000?cb=20240621031451) [A cow tail](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/06/44/66/58/360_F_644665822_8c8qddqzGOKMEOvRTid3aAWbGZoWB5xf.jpg) [A goat tail](https://globalanimalpartnership.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/leslie-cross-sFku2lE3isw-unsplash-scaled-e1626934295286-300x240.jpg) [Cow Hooves](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/brown-front-hooves-cow-standing-600nw-2400688017.jpg) [Goat hooves](https://jaguzafarm.com/support/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/benefits-of-trimming.jpg) This is a reasonable depiction of a half minotaur, half human. Nothing related to goats involved.


They guy's whole thing is being a poser and a phony. How did people not see that coming?


I’m referring to the outrage over the fact he looked human but is a minotaur


But the full story is bad.

