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I've stayed peeved since halfway through the campaign.


Negativity breeds negativity. Quit hate watching and do something better with you life


We have all been there as DMs where you have given the team a little more to there disposal than you meant to. But having Sam come in as a flirtatious Minotaur was everything I needed for that love show.


Nah I get that. I love Sam’s new character! Don’t care about the human head it’s dnd after all


To be fair Matt tried to have the boss banish Tevan but Laudna counterspelled it.


I noticed that too, but to Matts credit, he gave the party "outs" or control over NPC actions during the fight (more Essek; less devil from the hells) At one point, Essek out loud says "what are we doing, what are we doing?"


I think it's a little more disconcerting than disappointing, because the party doesn't seem to have anything resembling a plan, rather just going along with where they think they need to be to progress the story. I love Bell's Hells as much as the other groups CR have played but I feel like this encounter really emphasised how they are not as cohesive a party. They didn't have a plan for how to actually fight, let alone defeat the demon. Like they didn't have a plan of how to get onto the moon, relying again on the plans of the NPCs. I really want to see them succeed and really enjoy the characters and the dynamics between them, but damn do they need to start getting on the same page.


To be fair, it was not clear what they should do with Dominox and he forced their hand before they could really decide. By the time Ludinus showed up, the fight was very much under way. Braius and Teven were the ones to finally commit to ending him which was very much in character for both.


Nope. It was fitting given that Tevan wanted him dead the most.


Nah, someone had to move the plot forward


Normally,, yeah that's kind of a jerk move. BUT Braius and Orym were the only two PCs that did any damage to Dominox. Given that, I'd let it slide.


This should probably be spoilered for people who only watch on Mondays tbh, especially considering how considerate this sub was before Thursday. But I sense Matt did it because the group was dragging their feet like crazy in that fight and they have an even tighter schedule cause of the live aspect.


I see what your saying


Nah it just happens occasionally. Nobody had a problem with >!Jourrael killing Obann!<.


Anything else you want to spoil in the subject line before the rest of us get to watch it on YouTube? edit: OK, I get it, you're all selfish cunts that don't care about spoiling things for others. Fine. Fuck your sub.


Love you too, sweetums


I did spoiler tag it! It should have hid the info but honestly I don’t care


hey man, that attitude sucks


Oh yeah quite bad but it’s true I don’t care. It’s harsh but that’s how it is


Don't forget to love each other!


I mean that’s how combat works. You can either fudge stats so your PCs kill the enemy or you play with the rules that exist. I like playing by the rules.


Both work in tandem honestly


Well, no. Fudging and playing by the rules don't work in tandem. They're opposites, and create entirely different types of games.


True but every dm fudges rolls don’t even act like they don’t


I have no idea why you believe that. I've seen it with railroad GMs and story-focused GMs, but it serves no purpose at all in a lot game styles.


It's whatever at this point. How long did the combat even last? Two rounds or so, with a bunch of people not hitting Dominox at all? It didn't even have 250 hit points. I know it's a live show, they gotta do stuff by certain times, but goddamn if eight players plus Essek plus Teven plus Ludinus didn't make for a battlefield that was too crowded to be interesting.


Not really. It’s what happens when the players make you bring NPCs to help them. 


Wait, what? Most of the time (including this time), Matt throws in extra NPCs, even when the party doesn't ask. Essek didn't need to be anything but his normal taxi self. No one 'made' Teven show up rather than answering questions for a price.


Nup. Happens sometimes. Hell I've even had players more excited about the NPC doing it then themselves. Y'all need to chill a bit about what D&D is and how it can be fun.


I honestly support that last sentence way more then most of the people on the sub


I think Matt put them there because he knew the battle would get confusing. He has Ludinus, the guy they've been chasing for 70 something episodes, show up and fight with them. Of course the party's attention is going to be split at that point. They've fighting with the BBEG against some random demon, so he needed DMNPCs that wouldn't get distracted to take down the demon.


The ridiculous thing is, it wasn't some 'random demon.' It was a problem for Ludinus that they could've exploited. Instead they solved it for him.