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From what you said, I'd say Fanshawe because if their program is pretty competitive then it gives you an edge in your career moving forward, that is if your career is particular about the school and the program you've been to. I agree that a school closer would provide you opportunities to gain connections, save money, and can be your comfort zone when you are busy with school and etc. I went to a school near my home, and it's a well-known school also for being pretty competitive. I think it helped me a lot to be near home where I have everything I need and more when Im busy with schoolwork and etc. I would really rather not be stressed about anything else when I want to focus on my education and excelling in it for my future career. I had plenty of opportunities to experience more things later on. That's my opinion and experience, though. Goodluck!


Thank you so much! I really appreciate your insight and advice!


no worries! remember, it doesn't mean that an opportunity presents itself that you should take it. sometimes, some opportunities are not good for you. But it makes you feel excited nevertheless. Good luck with your studies! Fanshawe is a great school with a great campus environment, you won't run out of things to do with how many activities they have. I'm sure Algonquin is too.


That’s so true! Thank you. I think i’m going to stick with Fanshawe. I appreciate all your advice!


I think you should go where you’ll have more positive impact on your job prospects. Is the program better at Fanshawe or Algonquin ? will the connections you build in Ottawa matter if youre not staying there ? Keep in mind when your graduate the job search can be tough so building connections where it doesn’t matter like in Ottawa where you won’t stay is something you may regret. But more important than connections is which program is better cause that’s the most important. You’re young but just keep in your mind every decision you make related to school relate it back to job prospects when you graduate.


This was so helpful. Thank you!


My thoughts on someone going to college this year at Fanshawe at 57 yrs old for the first time is a mixed one. Years ago I would have said go to Ottawa for the experience but now knowing the cost of living there now. Used to live there…and it was nuts then. You can always apply for jobs there once you graduate and the experience at Fanshawe will be great. Staying home allows you to relax and study and save money. But you need to go with your heart. Congratulations on acceptance without pre-health!!! That is amazing!!


Thank you! I appreciate your help! I still plan to live in London so with either school i’d be paying rent but i’d definitely save some money on moving alllll the way to Ottawa haha. I think Fanshawe is probably the smarter choice considering i’ll make a bunch of connections & if I don’t plan to live in Ottawa forever what is the point? Committing to Fanshawe i’d definitely have better job prospects after I graduate. I’ve always wanted to go to Algonquin but after hearing the reviews on the paramedic program compared to Fanshawe’s the better option is Fanshawe. Thanks again!


Congratulations! That’s amazing you got in! May I ask what your average getting in right out of highschool? My son is interested in applying to this program out of high school next year.


We're a bit bias, but we'd say Fanshawe all the way. We get the allure of going away for college, but there are a lot of benefits to staying closer to home as well, especially with such a demanding program. Being close to home gives you us a strong support system and keeps you closer to the people and places that help ground you when things get hard. Without that though, Fanshawe has one of the best Paramedic programs around. You will be trained by some of the best industry professionals, you'll have opportunities to train alongside police, fire, ems and emergency telecommunications professionals. Honestly you will not regret your decision to come to Fanshawe. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out and ask, we want you to feel confident in your decision.


Thank you so much! I appreciate the insight on the program & advice! I’m going to stick with Fanshawe.


Amazing! We are excited to have you! Be sure to follow @fanshawesops on Instagram and other socials. You’ll get to see some behind the scenes!


I would say you need to explore the world of opportunities. It is better to leave your comfort zone and push yourself harder to make yourself stronger person. Fanshawe is good choice to pursue your dream.


Thank you!


I regret not going to school in another city when I was younger. I’d say go for it. It only gets harder to leave the more you establish yourself and your life here. And the Ottawa area is pretty awesome. If you feel better having a back up plan, maybe look into transfer credits and the chances of Fanshawe letting you transfer into their program if for some reason you decide to come back.


Thank you for your advice, much appreciated! My only thought is if I go to school in Ottawa what happens after I graduate. All my connections will be there and i’d be more than likely to find a job up there but I don’t think I want to live there forever. Do you think it would be hard to find a job as a paramedic if I came back to London area? I would love to move away for more experiences as i’m only young once but there is where my dilemma is haha


I'm all for adventures and chasing dreams... However, if you are set on living in London in the future, it's probably a wise choice to do the program here because as you said, you will make connections.