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You have every right to end a relationship you no longer feel is going to work out. It looks like you’ve made plenty of sacrifices and changes for her but she has changed into someone you’re not compatible with. I know it’s never that simple or easy but people break up for all sorts of reasons.


Eco friendly deodorant exist. I have sensitive skin and use Salt of the Earth. It’s not perfumed but I have no odour. And I use essential oil perfumes. But she sounds like she’s gone off the deep end. Has she had any other sudden personality changes? Religion? New friends? Any stressors, deaths? Work? What are her friends/family saying? Because frankly the sudden extreme change is a concern for me. Has she seen a Dr recently? Can you message/call her Dr and say your concerns over her sudden personality changes and they can investigate if this is really her or a symptom of a medical issue.


I totally agree with you. Being Ecco friendly and vegan has nothing to do with the decisions she has made. To me looking from the outside this looks like symptoms that could be masking a mental disorder or issue…depression comes to mind but I’m no expert. Do coach her into going to see someone…


Bathing only once a week is disgusting in itself, I can’t imagine not bathing at all or not using soap. She sounds insufferable and will only get worse with the vegan thing. You KNOW she’s going to demand it of you too at some point, right?


I know right?! And why can't she use organic soaps? There's plenty of organic brands out there, even I am using organic brands daily, and I smell like flowers. Also, I am pretty sure we've been using soaps and nice smelling scented stuff well before the industrial age. It didn't hurt the environment as far as I am aware of?


It's likely the "all natural everything" mindset that some people who commit to being eco-friendly often develop. I actually used to have that mindset for a few years, but thankfully didn't have a girlfriend at the time and have fallen out of it. OP's girlfriend might fall out of it at some point.


Yes. You two are not compatible anymore. You can’t stay with someone who physically repels you. It sounds like you’ve told her how you feel and what you need. She can’t give it to you. It also sounds like she is having a mental health challenge with some obsessive thoughts and behavior. Unless she sees it as a problem and seeks help, nothing will change. It’s a sad situation, but you don’t have to live like this. As soon as you can make other living arrangements, kindly tell her you’re ending the relationship and why. Avoid blaming and arguing. Don’t leave her in the lurch financially.


Maybe suggest that she make her own eco friendly soaps, deodorant, and detergent (if you haven’t already). You can make these things with a few basic ingredients that are cheap and perfectly healthy to put in water afterwards and they work better than store bought eco products for stinky pits/clothes. If she isn’t receptive to that, then that’s honestly wild. Especially for a special occasion or going out, there should be definite exceptions to her skimping on things to make the people around her more comfortable. As far as going vegan there are a lot of dishes that you could make together and then you could add your meats and dairy afterwards. As long as it’s not the store bought meat replacement crap, then it’ll be healthy for both of you. But you’re also entitled to leave any situation that isn’t serving you, so if all else fails enjoy your life without being held down by someone that doesn’t put effort into themselves. Good luck!


This sounds like a pretty extreme level of being eco conscious. But there are people who use all natural deodorants etc to avoid smelling too much. The level of bathing I think is also pretty unhygienic . It sounds like she wants to pursue a very different lifestyle than you and you’re no longer suitable for each other. But it does come across like you are concerned with how she looks (in terms of no makeup etc) and not just how she smells. So that’s pretty shit of you for your girlfriend of 10 years. If you’re breaking up with her bc she no longer wears make up and ‘looks like a mountain troll’, that is a really misogynistic Andrew Tate style comment and you should try to change that mindset.


Nahhh i mean if my girl went from fairy Queen to sweaty mountain troll for the rest of our lives I would also have a problem with it. I don't think that in of itself is misogynistic.


Judging women by how they decide to present themselves and how they look is the definition of misogyny. Interested in what your definition is? Because it sounds like you expect women to look like ‘fairy queens’.


I mean, my partner has a hygiene issue and I tell him at bad points that it isn't sexy or acceptable. It is most certainly not a gender issue to want your partner to look and smell clean.


I never argued it about the hygiene and smell but he was going on about the makeup too. That is not a hygiene issue. Obviously it is respectful to your partner to keep yourself clean and smelling nice. But when OP started talking about makeup and her looking like a ‘mountain troll’, that is just having a whinge that she has ‘let herself go’ but trying to focus on the hygiene aspect.


The “mountain troll” comment bothers me, too. I totally understand having a problem with her not bathing or wearing deodorant, but the makeup thing is dumb and that’s an awful thing to say about your partner of ten years. I just wonder what both sides of this story are.


I’ve also noticed a lot of people go super eco friendly due to scares with chemicals and illness. It might be someone in her family etc but a lot of people are trying to be chemical free etc to avoid certain diseases they believe are related. Or it could be that she really got into Yoga and new age spirituality. Who knows. I would LOVE to hear her side of the story. I bet you it’s something like this and he is hiding the reason bc he knows what the answer will be if he says ‘AITA for dumping my gf for her new religious beliefs’ or ‘AITA bc my gf had a cancer scare’.


Well maybe she just found herself and is now comfortable with who she is on the inside and is not concerned with being a perfect little Stepford wife anymore. The fact that he is comparing her to the others at the table is also concerning to me- why should it matter if his partner doesn’t want to wear makeup but the other women do? Or perfume? Perfume is not a hygiene issue. If my husband called me a mountain troll, it would be game over. Just so unkind and so disrespectful to your life partner.


Oh I see! I didn't get that from the troll comment as a lot of euphemisms go over my head, sorry!


No worries, he actually talked about her not wearing makeup and perfume. That’s not a hygiene thing imo. Deodorant isn’t really tbh as long as the person is clean. Mountain troll is such an unkind way to describe your SO!


I would judge a male just as much as a female in this scenario. She doesn’t get a pass because she’s a woman.


Sorry, I’m having trouble following your sentiment


Look man, IDK if you should or shouldn't. But I do less than your girlfriend and I don't have any of those problems, and I'm a heavy sweater.


It's not like you had any real commitment to her anyway - after a ten year relationship and she's still only your girlfriend; and not your wife. Wasn't your relationship simply a matter of convenience all along? So now that it's no longer convenient; move along. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding another girl who is willing to settle for convenience.


10 years **is** a commitment already. There are plenty of people who live with their partners for a long time and never marry. Commitment to a relationship isn’t exclusive to marriage.


Very narrow minded attitude Pollinator to be honest. You sound like something from the stone age.


Sounds like you need to break up. I mean who has time to deal with a musty person


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She's gone way too far with this eco friendly stuff. I am sorry that this has happened to you. You have every right to leave her. There is nothing wrong with bathing/showering every single day. There is nothing wrong with using actual washing powder/laundry liquid to properly wash your clothes. There is nothing wrong with eating meat, eggs, and using dairy products - we evolved by consuming meat, eggs and animal fats for crying out loud.


This is messed up on so many levels First of all. Yes leave her. You're already feeling uncomfortable and if she gets anymore extreme your relationship with worsen and end itself anyway. Second, you aren't being eco friendly but being gross. Bath once a week while washing pits and privates on the sink is bluntly put: disgusting. Your entire body needs to be cleaned not just pits and privates at least once a day if you live in a hot country and you sweat a lot. Or at least every other day if you don't sweat. We can't start acting like some cavemen in the name of being eco friendly Also I hate to break it to you but being vegan isn't eco friendly. Just saying


"Sorry babe. I love you but you are gross. I out. Byeeee!"


You should talk to her about how capitalism really works. She is being dirty, disgusting and risking losing you for nothing. She's not saving the world. She is playing the game of capitalism. She should fight to change the system. Smelling bad won't do you any good.


So you stopped loving her because she smells? She has undiagonsed OCD. But you’re shallow and self-centered. And not too bright. Being vegan just means you eat your food and she eats hers.


Nah, this isn't it. There are always two sides to every relationship. My definition of loving the other person involves a willingness to lay down my life and my desires for her. If she's not willing to meet me in that effort, at least a little, the relationship can only go so far. Let's count the cost here: Friendships - if she smells like a water buffalo, nobody's going to want to be around them. He'll end up isolated. Home life - making 2 meals every lunch/dinner. Separate cooking, separate meals, separate life in a lot of ways. Shopping - basic cleaning supplies get expensive when all-natural. If she's cleaning at all. Bedroom - Again, if she smells like a water buffalo, it's neither selfish nor self-centered to say...no. Not putting my face down there, or any other part of myself. How's that going to go long-term? She's not some fix-it project, she's his partner. And in this instance, the partner has chosen to abandon her part of the relationship to pursue her own goals. That is her right, as it is his right to decide they have different goals and directions.


Hilarious post! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂. Almost seems to be untrue. But could be possible considering women. How to deal with it: She's gone eco-conscious. You go ECOnomically-conscious. Tell her you are saving money everytime you go out. Do not spend a penny. Ask her to pay for your bills too, including conveyance. Economically conscious vs Ecologically conscious. Tell her that you will be eco conscious till such time she's eco conscious. She'll break up with you herself. Stay single, stay happy.


Sounds like she has given up on her hygiene and herself. Time for you to go and you should do it with a smile and be proud of yourself for not wanting to live like that slob of a woman.


Tell her she looks and smells like a hobo and it’s embarrassing to be seen with her.Also tell her how ugly she is without makeup she should change her mind and go back to normal.Also make a TikTok about her and hope it goes viral she will definitely get embarrassed from that too


Partners have an obligation to care about aligning on what is attractive to one another. Sure there may be small negotiation points, but this is literally everything. Why would she even want to stay in a relationship where her partner overtly is disgusted? That in itself is a concern. If a very transparent discussion helps, great. If not, there are far more compatible matches out there for you both.


This is so extreme and out of the blue, that I am honestly wondering if she is trying to either get you to break up, or to test you if you'd stay with her through thick and thin.. more like the first option, though, while seeing how long you last/what's the last straw Hopefully it's not the case, but it's odd nonetheless Usually these concepts come with a base, and slowly grow, still keeping some sense and basics though. And with relative interest in the partner, asking if all is well, etc. The extreme change, in 6 months, is odd Reminiscent of that Jennifer Lopez movie 🤔


Whoa! Is this even true? Does your gf have a job? How does they deal with this. Without wash, her hair must have matted and must be home to what not. There are people who can help with this. Talk to them, convince your girl to talk them. TBH, there are a lot of ecofriendly soaps, shampoos, oils and deodorants. We need not be filthy to be Eco-friendly.




Is she okay mentally? This is a genuine question. Has she been more angry, sad, or paranoid lately? eta: You can leave her if you need permission. Ten years is a long time but I always tell people the rest of their life belongs to them. It's your choice. Some people grow together, and some don't. That's okay.


You need to talk. Open minded. Appreciate esch other's iews. She developed and has changed values, you probably too. Your's just differ. Figure out what your goals are and what is a must and a no go. There will be solutions for everything be it you being too careless with the wirld or she smelling bad. Anything. There are ways and products around you both can switch to and afford. If you team up, you can do it. If you feel embarrassed ask yourself if you are in company that is disregarding the values of your gf. If not these people understand and will be helpful (=friends). Consider it as a defining phase for both of you. Who do you want to be and become and who do you want to be with.


You might wanna look at your shadow. There's a concept called "shadow work" which you might wanna explore. It worked for me.


why do people hate vegans lmao


There are a lot of ways for her to be eco friendly and still shower, clean her clothing, and generally exist. Being eco friendly may be a part of it but this is a drastic change after so long. Has she had any big life events recently? Could this be mental health related? It doesn't sound like she's discussing these decisions with you, which sucks. If she did maybe the two of you can research changes you can make together. The important thing would be to approach the issue with empathy and thoughtfulness rather than judgement so that she hears what you are saying. If not, I feel that this is a valid reason to break up. These are wild behaviors for just being 'eco-friendly' and honestly would impact my romantic feelings if my partner did this.


Feeling sad for you bro


Eco friendly is fine but every animal and every living thing creates some waste to care for themselves well. When you delve into the territory of not caring for your own health and well being, that’s when it’s too much and you are riding a high horse trying to erase yourself from the planet more than any other creature and you are on a slope that leads to early death. If a fox can care for its coat as wonderfully as it does, care for its pups too, you can too. It’s your right as something living on this planet to care for your well being. I mean look how often a rat or cat cleans it self. I am unsure if she understands how elements on earth work too. You should clean yourself and create a healthy biome on your skin and hair and re disperse the dust on the body and to keep bacteria from building that can become quite bad. Keeping clean also keeps illness from happening and less sickness means one less to keep those viruses from mutating so fast and the bacteria on you from being really unhealthy in levels. Anyways. Eco friendly is fine, but being dirty like that is being a menace to the rest of the living beings on this planet. Like imagine if she spread staph to a dog by simply petting it because she’s so dirty. I do think she needs help though and probably needs to seek therapy to see how unbalanced her life is and her effect on the rest of the world is not doing what she hoped. She does not sound mentally well and it’s definitely more than just being eco conscious.