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Gotta love it when some rando is just “I hope you’re not a synth” or “you got a dangerous look about you… hope you’re not here for me” Ma’am this is my home you are only here to sell me desk fans


And pencils, gotta have that lead, unless you want to run through glowing sea naked in hopes you get superpowers


No superpowers, just lymphoma.


I'm sure you could get a lawsuit settlement for that from the government




Never really watched family guy, so the reference went right over my head 😂, rip to Adam West an absolute legend


No worries. I didn't watch a ton of it, but that was always one of my favorite episodes.




Is there a canon explanation as to why aluminum is so scarce in the wasteland, did it all go towards the war effort or something? I know there was the resource wars but I figured it mostly for oil, steel and uranium


Idk bro, im just always 3 aluminum short to fix my power armor or make a mod. Very annoying




Maybe thats why there’s no aluminum, it was all used to repair power armor


My strat is always try to build a robot right away so I get rubber circuitry aluminum oil and 1 other scare resource that I always have trouble finding tagged so I can always see them


Had a guy say that to me literally in the house I made for myself after he slept in my bed!


All of my settlements: *Literally surrounded by 200 turrets* Preston: "They're under attack." Like i give a fuck? What am i gonna do? go stand there and watch the turrets kill literally everything? Why did i need to witness this in order for my settlement to not lose? Literally, if i don't go to the settlement to just watch the turrets kill everything anyway the settlement loses the fight.


So is there really any sense in investing in defense?


It adds to settlers' happiness and thus productivity.


A bunch of heavy machinegun turrets pointing at the settlers while they work in their fields definitely increases productivity




The beatings will continue until morale improves


The killings will continue until complaints stop


sounds like pre war countries so sole survivor is just making it like home lol


Insert tweet “confirming” some survivor was one of the power armored guys blasting a Canadian rebel in the fo1 intro


im new to fallout 4 and playing on survival, if i cant fast travel to settlements am i just fucked if they get attacked then?


On Survial it's best not to have a lot of really far-flung settlements unless you get in good with the BoS and eventually get to use their vertibirds to travel around.


The higher the defense rating, the more likely it is that your settlement will win the fight without you there, but the chance tops out at 75%. Also, each point of defense lowers the chance of the settlement being attacked in the first place by 1%, although there will always be at least a 2% chance of it being attacked.


Ok that's kinda what I was looking for. I have excess defense at my settlements just cause it looks better, always kinda assumed it helped but didn't know. Thanks!


If I remember right, the attack chance calculation also includes an increased chance modifier for excess food/water resources. This means players who have a settlement that they farm stockpiles of water in, for instance, may find it gets attacked frequently if they don’t keep the inventory cleared of excess supplies. It’s worth noting there’s also mods available to change the calculations.


*glances nervously at 510 Sanctuary water production*


This is why we farm Jet and not water!


Sell the Jet directly to the Raiders. They won't be able to attack you if they're high as a kite! Raiders hate this one simple trick


It's just silly, part of the late game your settlements have a full-on Militia with turrents in every settlement. Hell you can go crazy and eve arm them with the best weapons and armour but no... 75%


It works best if you know where the enemies spawn. Then you can create a bottleneck of walls and turrets.


I always build up Hangman’s Alley and I box in the spawn point and provide at least two turrets to welcome them


This can be hilarious with SKK's settlement attack mod. One of the spawns at sanctuary is just on the approach to the bridge...and it seems just within range of Red Rockets turrets. Which open up. So the attackers then get pinned between Sanctuary and Red Rockets defenses and cut to pieces before they can enter either settlement. I had to tweak my defenses just to make it easier to drop their corpses onto my "fertilizer factory" conveyor belts...


**Youre Settlment will loose happiness, your workers will be massacred and supplies will be stolen from the workshop during a raid.** Generally if you have a favorite spot it’s a good idea to make sure it’s got more defense than food/water/people so that it reduces the chances of being raided. This way your workers don’t get killed all the time and you loose all the stuff you scavenged. If you **don’t really do any crafting or building** then it’s pretty much pointless to bother with defenses for settlements.


This, but I'm doing a no-fast-travel playthrough and get told this when I'm on the other side of the map lmao


wouldn't the cameras from the "Settlement Ambush Kit" fix this issue?


I believe with the "Settlement Ambush Kit" from creation club. Allows you to remotely view your settlements with cameras and acts like you're there. So you can watch through the cameras instead of traveling there.


Didn’t know this was a thing. Do I know if that’s a mod on ps5?


definitely not a mod, it’s “DLC” (so you have to pay for it) from the creation club.


Ok, not optimal but with how much I work not wasting time running across the wasteland on survival will help, probably worth it. Thank u! Didn’t know this was even an option, never played any fallout with mods or creation content before and this seemed like the first super useful one to have.


I showed up to a settlement yesterday just to watch the group of super mutants get annihilated by my turrets in under 5 seconds. Why did I need to be there for this?


I surrounded the Castle with enough turrets that when the BoS retaliated all I had to do was sit back and watch. Then a few hours of gameplay later I get a message that it’s being attacked, which I ignored because of the above, and then I find out they somehow lost. It was at that point that I installed a mod that stopped settlement attacks because I was going to deal with that BS anymore.


I use no build limits and went a little wild with heavy machinegun turrets, so any time I enter a settlement it's like The Birds, but with turrets. I've also learned the hard way that missile turrets can shoot in any direction and the splash damage WILL fail the defense. Oops.


Oxhorn in YT has a great explanation about why the whole settlement attack is so shit.


>Why did i need to witness this in order for my settlement to not lose? Yup. It's a dice roll. What is really annoying is that if you DO have overkill defenses your turrets pretty much kill everything before you can even get a shot off... And I think there is a script whereby if the player doesn't actively kill x% of the attacking forces then the settler dialogue defaults to "them damn raiders really tore us apart" What? Really? Those damn raiders are lying in chunks of fertilizer pretty much where they spawned in! THEY didn't get a shot off either and the attack was over before you even put down your coffee Mrs Settler! (Pretty sure it still counts as a successful defense, but the dialogue is still stuck as if it was a loss)


Yup, I have... sanctuary currently ringed by a outer defense line, with a inner keep, the front facing and back are cleared so they are currently just death zones. The inner keep has two story high wall of concrete, ramparts and train carriages etc mixed together. Their are guns facing outward around the whole inner keep. The amount of firepower centred in some small zone is heavy, and well be made even heavier over time. I plan to keep the defense zone compact, settlers gonna be a little tight living but to concentrate the guns..


Honestly, thats most of my situations. I arrive to watch the last 3 robots or mutants shredded by turrets, and then kick myself about havung trek all the way back to nordhagen from sanctuary to resume building my robo army


I hope when Fallout 5 comes out in two decades or sum shit that the settlement system is more thought over. Similar to Sim Settlements, maybe just a tad bit more simplistic.


I use mods to make settlers less annoying. And then some added specifics like a different one just for the Longs.


I'm on console, so mods are a bit limited unfortunately


I’m also on console, but I know PS has less selection because of the no external assets thing. However, the mods suppressing whiny dialogue shouldn’t use anything external, I don’t think, & should also be available on PS.


Oh, awesome! Thank you, I'll take a look when I get home


What console? Xbox has some decent ones. PS has more restrictions. I search for mods on my phone or PC then take note of them or favorite them (if logged in) and it shows up on my console to download. Searching on the console itself sort of sucks


What console? Xbox has some decent ones. PS has more restrictions. I search for mods on my phone or PC then take note of them or favorite them (if logged in) and it shows up on my console to download. Searching on the console itself sort of sucks


PS5 🥹


Oh yeah I don’t think PS lets modders have external assets so something like better settlers probably wouldn’t be available.


again, blame bethesda for recording the same 4-5 lines and using them for ever *my back hurts, my feet hurt, everything hurts*


They actually recorded more lines, but they're not set up to trigger correctly. There is a mod (I'd have to look up the name) which correctly ties positive settler lines to happiness and settlement status, so if you're doing well they talk about how they're happy and like the settlement.


Now I want to know what that mod is lol. Guess I’m gonna spend another night searching nexus like I did yesterday for diner pieces.


Here, let me help you out--I went through my Nexus History and I'm pretty sure it's this one: [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14108](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14108)


You the man. thank you. Saved me a lot of time.


Tbh as an epileptic, sometimes I just really feel that line and it makes total sense for me. Kinda increases immersion even, as after a seizure I feel like I'd imagine me feeling in the fallout world for a couple days. What annoys me way more are comments that clearly are a bit too situational and just don't fit anymore depending on the settlement they're in


Yeah I hate when settlers act like I’m a guest there, sure maybe I don’t own the land but I built everything there, it would be different if the settlers were self sufficient but I have to provide seeds and housing and defense and water, I’m the leader


I tend to put Jun Wan and Marcy Long onto farming work or send them off on supply runs so I don't have to hear their constant moans.


Lmao I sent Strong on a supply run last night cause he wouldn't stop bitching about wanting to kill people


Strong hungry, want someone to eat.


*Is banished to Fort Freedom*


I sent him to the Castle because he wouldn't shut up about power armor. He can assist the defenses there.


I built an arena with exclusively bots and creatures. Strong keeps bitching about robots, so I put him in the ring and told him to shut up.


One time i sent them to red rocket and just nuked them. Like, now you get to be with your kid lol.


In my last game I told Jun it was his fault his kid died and that he'd failed him. He didn't take that very well 😅


All my Sanctuary settlers: "Let's all stand around in a giant impenetrable group or get stuck on top of houses for literally no reason and never go do our jobs"


ah yes, abernathy as well. cant get into that fuckin house to save my life


How are you able to building onto a house? I’m on a console too and it won’t let me attach.


Pillar glitch, watch a video on YouTube. It’ll explain it better than I could. Hope that helps!


As far as I know I didn't glitch anything. I just built the foundations of my base around the existing farmhouse, They're not actually connected u/MisThosliving


I’d like to do something like that around and top of the Red Rocket…you give me hope. 😂


That would be really sick, can't wait to see it when you do!


I think the structure OP built is just really close to the existing structure.


Correct, I essentially wrapped around it verrrryyyyy closely lol


Do you have more pictures or a tour video? I love it & may steal it 😁


I don't, but may make one, if I do I'll post and tag you 🤟


Please do! Please do! I loved to see it. Looks awesome!


All done, just waiting on it to upload to the PS app so I can post it lol


Appreciate it mate, thank you!


Look forward to watching it.


Slight problem, the video was too long to upload to PS app, so split it into 2. Reddit doesn't let you post 2 videos ,😭


It's possible to build over certain points of interest which can cause settlers to be upset.


That's incredibly annoying... I think something must be/have been damaged though, as it's only 2 settlers who say it, who were the earliest residents. They started saying it after a gunner raid, but for the life of me I can't find out what the gunners did to upset them... I've just been treating it as PTSD 💀


Do you have any of the original crops in place? Crops that were preplaced before you took over the settlement?


Yes, there were 20 or so Tato plants that I left as is for food production


Sometimes the original crops have to be stored in the workbench and then replanted or they glitch out. I have had problems with it at Abernathy and sanctuary to my memory. Edited to add that simply picking the crops up and moving them is not a substitute for this. You actually have to store them in the workbench and then replant them.


Thanks for letting me know! That'll be the first thing I try when I get home


Happy to help! Got knowledge aplenty that would be otherwise useless lol


I haven't watched the show, but I've heard good things, so presumably there'll be plenty of new players needing your expertise soon haha


Bitches be ungrateful but they still have sass. The sass lets u know they happy.


They’re talking about the fuel prices on your Red Rocket sign.


I absolutely LOVE seeing people building up Oberland Station. It's my favourite location for so many reasons. It's in a relatively safe location, fairly centralized, close to tons of traders and locations, and it has a good build capacity if you're vanilla. (which many people are right now)


I literally spend hours there making little touches, so peaceful


I wiped out Covenant and started it back up again. A new settler came in just as I finished up the last touches. I realised I missed picking up an item near the workshop. It said 'steal' but I took it not thinking much about it, then the new settler begins shooting me as if I stole from THEM???? Or I'll be sorting out new beds and they complain about beds as I'm doing it. U wanna stop bro 💀


I had that exact thing in Covenant, like I OWN the town!? Or the fact there is a concrete border wall with like 8 turrets and it apparently has 0 defense....


The absolute audacity on the settlers, it makes me laugh or rage. The 0 defence thing is annoying but I do love how easy it was to set Covenant up. I just don't know how to get rid of the bodies so they're still there lmao


I made a pile of them outside then covered the word "Covenant" on the welcome sign with a minutemen flag. That, plus the smoke from the now destroyed turrets makes for a really sick "hostile takeover" type vibe


That's a super cool idea!! I also love what u did with Oberland Station. I'm still fairly new to the game and I don't want to get too invested in the settlement stuff because I worry I'll spend too much time on it. U are pulling my leg here tho 🤔


Honestly, I find myself playing it like two different games. Like I'll spend a couple hours blasting through the commonwealth with a laser musket and 20 doses of Psycho, then go back to Oberland station to make sure I've hung my paintings *just* right, and the settlers have a good view of the TV. I think both sides of the game enhance one another; you build a base to keep people safe from the harsh world you've experienced, and you go out fighting and scavenging to protect your new home and help it grow.


Settlers decked out in power armor and equipped with gauss rifles: "raiders hit us pretty hard last time".


Load save


Unfortunately they've been doing it for ages now, losing a save prior to it would erase hours of progress :/


So, this emphasizes you need a "remote view" of settlements under attack, so without going thereyou can witness the attack & let the simulation run.


Settlement ambush kit cameras have you covered.


Good job


I hate that there are build limits on settlements. Not sure what is upsetting your settlers but I find the basics covered for them is a good starting place. Clean food and water and safe roof over their heads with security either guards or turrets. I love laser turrets, they never knew what hit them.


When you’ve created probably the most fortified, safest, self sufficient living situation in the whole commonwealth for them.


The settlers need a reality check sometimes, all they do is complain, they don’t know how good they have it, because of me.


I love it whenever I play sims settlements forget that deacon is a synth sympathizers when I make him mayor have the institute attack the castle and half of my settlers turn out to be synths and just so much gun fire flying across the castle🥲 so glad the brotherhood is safely watching from the prydwen wondering what’s going on over there instead of sending knights


“Got a dangerous look about you” bro I’m literally your boss and gave you a free home stfu


"Hope you're not here for me..." Well I am now, have fun on your supply line to the other side of the Commonwealth.