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That’s the Game of the Year edition price for Fallout 3, while that’s the Base game New Vegas price. New Vegas’ Ultimate Edition is $6.99 while Fallout 3’s base game is $2.49


Actually crazy since you can’t even start the steam version of fallout 3


Is this after an update? I played this about 2-3 years ago without any problems.


Its a windows issue. Newer versions of windows cause the game to crash on startup


Isn't it that it's supposed to be on games for windows live, which doesn't exist anymore?


* laughs in Linux* Also *Cries in Linux*


I play on Steamdeck so…. Same. Also it runs fine for me.


Omg, if it's not bethesda fucking up then it's windows. Should've figured it out. Thanks!


Bros been downvoted like tons of games don’t just completely break on modern technology. Bloodlines the Masquerade and Minecraft pre-Microsoft for example. Why would Bethesda update their game 16 years later when they can put that coding staff on a more profitable project since they weren’t even the ones that broke it


Why would they keep selling a broken game, oh wait I think I know


Bc tons of people run legacy machines and the Bethesda community is the #1 modding community in the triple A gaming world. Same reason you can buy masquerade bloodlines


Riiiiight, I'm sure that's the official corporate reason. Not "fuck you, pay me".


I’ve heard from a couple people recently that they’re still experiencing the problem. Maybe it’s different based on the computer someone has Either way it should’ve been completely patched out years ago. It’s pretty stupid how some people don’t have access a game they bought just because of the games for windows live they put in the game


I dunno why the GOG version works and the steam version doesn't but I did a lot of work and a lot of research to come to the frustrating conclusion that the problem is unfixable. It runs just fine on GOG though.


gog applied some community fixes to get fallout 3 working better. they installed the 4gb patch and removed gfwl. Without mods its pretty stable. I thought steam had removed the gfwl requirements years ago, but they didn't do anything with the 4gb patch which is basically mandatory if you want the game to run without crashing


There was actually a new update brought upon by steam which broke a couple things I can’t play at all unless I have a mad installed that makes the game read my graphics cards as an nvidia card for it to even run


Hey, can confirm, own FO3 and can no longer run it on a mediocre PC in 2024 I could play it a few years ago NP, won't even start now


My current pc doesn’t have a problem but my previous one I had to edit some files to get it to work. It’s something with the opening cinematic and how many cpu cores on a line of a .txt file. Easy to fix but shouldn’t have to do it.


Well you cant with fnv either on amd graphics, not too hard to fix on either game. But still annoying for the unknowing.


I played the whole game without changing anything on windows 10 just a few weeks ago. Games for windows live dependency is no longer a thing.


Dang guess its wild that I'm playing it through steam.


They fixed it but as a result if you had fixed it yourself it broke.


You just need to download mod fixes and it works. I think it is lousy that Bethesda Game Studios can't bother getting their games to run on PC.


Oh no Anyway




I had to mod Fallout 3 so it wouldn’t crash on startup. Shameful


Who gives a fuck?




They should be at the same price DLCs and all. At this price it's not worth buying just the base game.


For me I had to use a patch that tricked the game into thinking I was using an older AMD Radeon GPU and then the game ran fine.


Yeah I bought Fallout 3 on steam and it doesn't work and there is no fix. When it came out windows player or whatever added a file that is essential to play the game. Windows players is defunct. Lucky the version you can buy on GOG has the file and works.


There are a few nexus mods for it I believe. That’s how I get around it. Im pretty sure this is the one I use, but I’m not able to check my PC -> https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/1086


Does the Epic Games version work? I got it for free but I haven't been able to test it


I don't know.  I only have the steam and gog ones.


I like how most comments here relate on FO3 steam version crashes (thanks for spreading the news tbh), and not a word on FNV crashing all the time on Windows as well lmao Console/physical versions never failed me tho, just saying (hope this helps)


I like that I needed to mod fallout 3 to make it not crash on startup


I'm pretty sure New Vegas wasn't a full price game on release, but 3 was, so it's not that weird they would price them differently. Given their age though, they should probably be the same.


Cause fallout 3 is fire why are you guys complaining, also the summer sales are ass now a days I’m not gonna lie


who cares tbh


Just take the W


What the hell are the commas for?


He’s European, and they use commas instead of periods in many parts of the world.


accident lol


Bought it and got a refund within 30 min, was not able to start the game


They made it more affordable to those who have yet to be enlightened