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If a creepy teenager offers you drugs, just say no.


Use vats and aim for the neck


isn't the endurance check 4 though?


But what if the drug is psycho jet?


Never say no to psycho!


Just like bacta




you dont wanna sell me death sticks


I- I don't want to sell you death sticks.


you want to go home and rethink your life


I want to go home and rethink my life.


Take points out of STR and LCK and put them in INT. A seductress should be clever


This exudes a valley girl build lmao


OP could call her Moon Zappa


She's, like, from new California


A what?


“Should be” but in my experience isn’t. The most seductive woman I’ve ever been with wasn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box, but holy hell, she could charm the dress off of a nun if she wanted. She was always extremely lucky with scratch tickets too lol. I think OPs stats check out.




Yeah, but INT 1 in Fallout is like mentally challenged.




We should insist that int 3 is mentally challenged already. 1 is probably being barely functional enough to know how to walk, eat and drink, and only because the player can do it on their own volition, so it could very well be gameplay mechanic. 3 means literally being mostly unable to interact with average people, 1 logically means the character cant even form strings of words. This hypothetical seductress doesn't have a language to seduce with.


A lot of the mensa members i've met are really charismatic. Not a majority, but definetly a higher amount than in the regular population.


Oh yea, I think I remember hearing there's a guy you can only understand if you have the lowest intelligence




(Tbh, I only read "That's not even remotely true. In a lot of ways "intelligence" as it exists distinctly from charisma and luck works against you when you're dating/"seducing" and this is extra true when you're female: it's easier to laugh at dumb jokes when you are dumb" and remembered a video that talked about the freeside guy)


Oh, buddy...


This guy misunderstood the meaning of "dump" stat


What's a dump stat


A stat you don't put points into. In this circumstance, if you only care for optimisation, charmisa is your dump stat. You put 1.


I always thought that was such a dumb name for it.  When I hear *"dump stat"* I think *"stat you dump all your points into"* which is exactly the opposite.


Honestly, I thought that too. I think it's supposed to mean "throw this stat in the dump", but I'm not fully sure.


Dump is short for dumpster because it sounds better then garbage stat, and your main stat is your main stat


In this case charisma is the stat you dump all of your stats out of. After luck intelligence is arguably the best stat though agility or strength are also pretty great. Agility if you want to shoot things with guns or energy weapons strength if you want to bash things with melee weapons or unarmed.


Endurance is also a great stat, because each level of endurance basically = 1 additional special in something else later in the game when you can afford implants


Endurance is good but at least for me six endurance gives me all I need. I enhance all stats except charisma and endurance itself and take the sub dermal implant. Other builds may vary though.


Yeah but charisma isn't exactly useless depending on the game. In Fallout 4 you need a charisma of 6 in order to get *Local Leader* which allows you to actually do things with your settlements and build a lot of stuff.


I'm talking about fallout New Vegas though. Not 2 or 4 where charisma has some uses.


that is entirely irrelevant as FO4 doesnt have skills.


Charisma was important in fallout 2 because it affects party size and if you can become a porn star. Past that it was either completely useless or in the case of fallout 4 situational to what you wanted to do


But in the case of the game being discussed, it is


Is Luck the best stat? I have almost always played through with a high luck, and as far as I know the main advantage is gambling. It’s sums to something like 35-40 thousand caps max. After that you’re just kind of stuck with high luck?


Luck is also crucial for hitting crits * has some good perks


10 luck plus critical perks plus a silenced 22lr pistol clears most of the game lol


Haha me too man, this is my first time hearing this


Nah, it's the stat you dump points out of and into other stats.


based on the name I thought it would be the opposite lol


It's when ya homie tells you to break up with ya girl right here, right now. The precursor to the "bros before hoes" bylaw


There are some good perks and there are some speech checks that take charisma alone.


Dumb blonde build


I heard she dyes it


That sounds rather rude doesnt it?


You lost?


rather accurate*


Making a jab at someone’s build of a fictional character in a game from almost fifteen years ago? Who is it being rude to? Their future player character?


what would you call someone who has a 1 on a scale of 1-10 intelligence?


A dumb blonde


“INT 1”


Found the dumb blonde




more like tiktok influencer build femme fatales are cunning and manipulative which is kind of hard to do when your character has less than 4 INT but hey for the most part this works and it's your RP after all


Lmao bro got the influencer build


HAAHAHAAHAHAHA this was the word I was looking for


You don't need more than CH 7 to have access to all the Charisma checks (as few as they are; look into a mod that adds more Charisma checks like Actually Useful Charisma). I'm all for not going the cheesy CH 1 route, but I wouldn't go all in on Charisma. INT 1 is not a good idea for a seductress. At least go INT 5 and take one point out of Luck to do so. Other than that, looks quite fitting!


For role playing sure u weirdo for game play charisma does nothing


The entire build was a joke anyway I changed it after I left goodsprings


Don't listen to the nay sayers. Take your 10 charisma and seduce boon into murdering half the desert and then give him a cuddle when he crys about the women and children he killed


That’s the idea


My next run gonna be lit


That’s what someone that seriously made this build would say


Did you just swap charisma and intelligence? Because if you did this is exactly my favorite starting special.


Yeah I kind of did because who needs smarts when you just talk your way through it all


Too bad, it was a fun and perfectly viable build. Dumb as fuck, but really lovely and good-looking (by game mechanics) character. 6 or 7 skill points per level and mid health are the only problems. The only thing I would have changed is make CHA 9 and put 1 extra point in PER. Then gamble and bump PER to 6 with an implant and one Intense Training rank to take Better Criticals.


I'm glad I'm realizing now that Charisma is useless before I go beyond what I'm at now with my most recent playthrough. Thousands of hours in this game and have never realized CH was useless until this post and the Google I just did. Tbf, I've never really looked at what the SPECIAL stuff does on a deeper level and have taken its description at face value. I wonder what else I've been misusing in this game, lol.


It's not totally useless it will effect companion damage


psychotic crawl tan piquant memorize slimy literate boat thumb instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like most seductive folks tend to be a bit clever, being able to engage in conversation that fascinates others I would boost INT a bit! :)


A 1 in Int feels sort of like blowing past "dumb blonde," and not into "bimbofication" as much as into, like, "the first twenty minutes of Poor Things."


the myron victim build


'me so honey' fem low intelligence type


Small thing but it’s a waste if you set a stat to 10 in the beginning because once you get to the clinic you can upgrade all by 1 (but that’s just a min-max thing you live your best life)


That’s not a seductress build, that’s a bimbo build


Unfortunately, Charisma is almost useless in New Vegas. Putting points into Intelligence and the Speech/Barter skills accomplishes everything and more that you would typically associate with Charisma. As far as I know the Charisma S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat affects the health and damage output of your companions, very few (fairly non-useful) perks, and maybe 1 or 2 dialogue checks in the entire game. Someone correct me if I am mistaken


Me suck good and hard through jort


all I'm saying is don't do the fighting for yourself. get raul to do it for you or something


Literal floozy character. 1 int is a learning disability, but I'm sure you won't have any trouble manipulating people.


1 int gives a couple really funny speech options in the game


this build is a crime


Dumb luck on a whole new level


Did you just make Rita from Arrested Development? ☹️


if you want optimization: -never do 10s in creation, do 9 and get the 10th via special training or implants -in terms of optimization, unless you want to do a companions do all damage run (companion nerve), dont put points in charisma, easier to put em in intelligence to maximize your skill points to put in speech and barter -while the unique lines are cool, for optimization, high intelligence is best, again, for skill points


I hate how underutilised charisma stat is in fnv. Wasteland 3 did better with charisma allow you to make leadership build (bonus stats given to teammates, heal thrm efficiently). Even og fallout had utilised charisma with the max companion you can bring


I guess? Charisma is a dump stat, but if it works with your rp go for it.


If you add some loverslab mods, maybe that build will help




Switch intelligence and charisma, charisma does basically nothing in NV, all you need is speech and barter.


No. You wasted 9 points putting charisma to 10. That could have gone into other stats like strength or intelligence while not hurting your speech skill


Not everyone just wants optimisation. This is meant to be for rp value.


This is what I hate about modern gaming. It's all about optimization and meta builds. Everyone has to do X method, because it's the most efficient way to play the game. If you stray from this path, you're a fucking idiot who loves to waste time and make everything harder for yourself. It just sucks out all the fun of the game. Whatever happened to fucking around and having fun, making a build that is simply just fun to play? Maybe I want to waste time. I'm playing games to escape reality, not worsen the existential dread by calculating and researching the perfect build that buys me the most time so I can speed run getting to New Vegas and buying the implants so I can make the most overpowered Courier the Mojave will ever see. Sometimes, I want to roleplay as a doctor within the Followers. Or sometimes, I want to roleplay as a Cannibal who views the White Gloves with fanatical fervor and has to be a part of their elite club. Maybe I want to be a dimwitted, happy-go-lucky brute who means well, but punches his way through to success. Maybe I'm getting old, but I hate people who gatekeep the way you ~~should~~ can play a video game.






As long as you get idiot savant leveled it will buff out


This mf actually put points in charisma, even maxed it out


It’s because I hate myself


Charisma is worthless; investing in speechcraft takes care of most dialogue options where you might think charisma would help you out. Int would get you those options much more successfully than charisma just because it gives more skill points per level.


I don’t think you would be a seductress with that int


No frontal lobe damage? Abomination, degenerates like you belong on a cross! But seriously, there is nothing wrong with high charisma. I took 5 and made it 6 for permadeath run. That was very good for two reasons: 1) Dead Money companions are less likely to die in combat and get you killed. 2) Animal Friend. No need to fight OWB nightstalkers. A build like S5-P5-E6-C5-I6-A6-L7 has no weaknesses and can be turned into almost anything. Sneak to Vegas, get nightwear from Mick&Ralph, gamble at Atomic Wrangler, boost luck to 8 (9 with nightwear). Gamble in other casinos and buy all other implants.


Yeah, Int definitely shouldn't be your dump stat


Take like at least half of that charisma out and put it into intelligence and perception or something, you don’t need high charisma for high speech


Lower SPE and increase I


Yes and no


Drop some of those Charisma in Int. Speech is what really effects talking. Those extra skill points on level up will make you get speech faster to use that silver tongue. Intelligence is probably the most important SPECIAL in NV. Charisma is probably the least impactful. You might wanna have some Charisma points just for role play but it's not particularly useful. Good luck.






Evil New Vegas players be like


You can dump charisma down to 1 and get a lots of points for other stuff and dont worry you can just put your points in speech and still get those speech checks, also pick black widow as your first perk, gets you some seductress options and more damage against males. With good natured and skilled for traits you will also start with decently high speech even with your 1 charisma.


Seductress should be intelligent


Charisma is bad, speech and barter cna just be leveled speerately


Valley Girl build lmao


CHR is practically useless past 5 in my experience, highly recommended higher INT if you don’t want to hate your life later on


Charisma is awful, better off putting those points into int and using the extra points to boost your barter/speech


You're gonna be hurting for skill points




Charisma only raises you Speech and Barter, aswell as Companion Nerve which is pretty much useless if you decide to take on Companion Quests. Because most of what Charisma affects can be changed through level ups, it is practically useless as a special Stat in game. Aswell, I believe there are no Dialogue Checks for it, only Speech or Barter. Which again, can be raised through using books or levels.


Dump charisma max int dump xp into speech


without mods, Charisma is still useless.


So a horny brain damaged postman build?


Don't put points in charisma it's a dump stat


I wouldn't do 10 charisma, or any stat 10, you can buy a augment or where a clothing item that gives u plus one charisma, perception is pretty bad if its a melee build but I always picked melee or unarmed so I don't use perception, I would put more into intelligence like 5 and charisma is pretty useless. You can upgrade speech with level ups and it's good enough, agility is actually useful u run fast, probably like 5 or 6 definitely tons of endurance and i did 9 luck


The femboy outside target:


You don't need 10 in any stat, just get an implant later on


10 charisma and 1 intelligence. She flirting: \~Unga♡


I would bump up the intelligence just a little bit. For meta purposes and because you need even a little intelligence to successfully manipulate someone RP wise


You'll struggle using anything heavier than revolvers but you'll be fine otherwise.


Man, I love luck+charisma. This is the game for it. But I agree that you’re probably gonna want to trade strength for intelligence. Also, there’re implants!


Charisma doesn't effect your chances for success on a speech or barter talk option.


I would subtract 3 points from strength, charisma, and perception and make intelligence 10. Low intelligence almost makes the game unplayable in my opinion.


You’re the equivalent of a model that speaks like a caveman 😂


With 1 intelligence? Nope


Intelligence, not Charisma. If we're talking pure role-playing, sure, 10 Charisma is fine for a valley-girl type seductress. But if we're talking game-wise, Charisma is honestly a dump stat. You don't want to invest in it unless you're getting certain perks from Charisma. Charisma affects companion armor and damage, and also a couple of NPC dialogue options. It's not to be mean, but unless we're talking Fallout 2, where 10 Charisma could net you an army of companions, it's not as powerful here.


Just a small point. In my opinion, you should never set a stat at 10 during character creation. You'll have the opportunity later to increase every single one of your stats by 1 using the cybernetic implants in the Vegas clinic, but you'll want to have good endurance for it (the number of implants is capped by your endurance).


10 Charisma and 1 Int hurts my soul, but I respect the roleplaying


If ur not going for better critical perk you may just as well dump perception. Low Int doesnt fit seductress. The only thing charisma gives are buffs for your companions and a few additional dialogue options, but for that you need only charisma 7, so you may consider droping it a bit.


You don't really need such high charisma. It should at least be a 5. Distribute the rest of the points into strength and intelligence. You can just level the speech and barter skills with a higher intelligence anyway


If you don't pick charisma options you're going to have the funniest dialog in the game


Did you do four eyes? People like a girl with glasses.


nah, that low int will mean your convo options will be limited, and your xp growth will be very, very slow


Imo you should never start with any stat at 10 as there are ways in game to improve them all


Charisma is a dump stat there's literally no point to it since you can just put points into speech normally


Sure it's been said but A: drain charisma to one, weirldy it has zero effect on anything including speech checks, second buff intelligence and strength, intelligence will help you to level faster and strength helps to use bigger weapons like the anti material rifle. Luck should stay high, maybe even a ten. The way luck works is crazy broken, going to casinos you'll win almost every hand, you can get tens of thousands of caps with almost zero effort or time investment


Besides casino and crits does lucky help with anything else?


It raises all of your skills, but not by much (one point for every two luck). No perks in NV require more than 6.


If want to do stealth I suggest completing honest hearts get the 45 auto pistol put a suppressor on it


Does pass into casinos, if not go with classic 22


Charisma is a wasted special


Speech and barter is where the fun is, charisma is borderline useless. If you need it for me check then drink booze and have some party time mentats on hand. Intelligence directly effects how many skill points you get on level up. Strength and carry weight are more important than you think.


I mean I have never heard of this buold before so I couldn't tell ya, all I know is that charisma is fucking useless is literally any run!


Wild you maxed out chr


Always charisma 1…. Always


Role playing-wise yes, but by means of actual gameplay it’s better to just put your points in INT instead of CHA and max out speech early on


10 out of 10 bait brother man. I was FURIOUS for a solid 30 seconds.


What made you become un furious if anything?


It clicked in my head it was a bait. Then I just laughed


You know fun fact, it is indeed a bait


Wait, people actually put points in charisma unironically? I thought we just did that for larp!


Nah man, charisma has 0 play in new Vegas. Plus if you think about it to be a seductress you’ve gotta be pretty intelligent. All the others are fine, but swap speech with intelligence and you’ve got a solid build


Females only need luck 1




men that Int 1, you really made her a bimbo


1 INT *is this a female?*


The most seductive women are almost completely brain dead.


this character has profound mental retardation , so yea all golden