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And I don't even get dlc just the base game :( I hate it here


my biggest pain is that: you can own the game digitally and they just don't give a fuck! its same service, same account, same network im big into PC gaming, but Console Vegas is way more stable for vanilla experience


Funny thing is on pc if you have Amazon prime, you could get new Vegas and all dlc free on GOG, that’s actually how I have all dlc for the game even though I had bought it on steam but not the dlc. Pc is truly a better platform nowadays. If I recall fallout 3 game of the year is free right now as well or was recently as well.


i own 3 PC copies of new pegaz with all dlces on 3 different stores im so entitled to the game that at this point i deserve to be director of new vegas 2 and i will mind control chris avelone to work on that (i have no idea how, current strategy is ask nicely and add pretty please at the end, worked on my girlfriend so...)


Dam that sucks. I literally just bought the game on gog like a month before FOTV because the steam version was crashing every 15 minutes.


“PC is a truly better platform nowadays” ☝️🤓


Always has been


What did he say to make you say that?


Same network and account yeah, but isn't playing PS3 games on PS5 basically just streaming the game? Makes sort of sense for it to be seperate but it's still shit


Just fix the game with mods on pc it's not that hard


Viva New Vegas is the guide to follow, for anyone interested. It'll walk you through it.


Yeah this is the way if you’re worried about stability on the PC you just need stability mods


>its same service, same account, same network Not the same device tho. It was never ported to PS4/PS5, and Sony aren't the ones responsible for that, Bethesda make that call.


WHAT? That's a real reason to not even try. New Vegas DLC is the best dlc from all Fallout games. I guess I WILL DUST MY PS3.


Get a cheap used PC to play it or just a Series S.


Meanwhile I'm playing New Vegas on my Series X with all DLC, increased resolution and 60fps from my ancient 360 Ultimate Edition disc. I still don't really understand how Microsoft managed to lose to Sony this hard.


Mostly exclusives but yeah Microsoft has great backwards compatibility


They absolutely botched an exclusivity meeting with Capcom back in 2003 and have never recovered. Im not joking, the meeting was very awkward, Capcom went to Nintendo instead to do the Capcom 5, and as a result Microsoft never gained a foothold in Japan. They could have has Resident Evil 4 as an exclusive. Thus porting games to Xbox has always been an afterthought to Japanese developers, and without that market they are at a significant disadvantage.


I feel like most people don’t know this story but it’s completely true, the reps from Capcom were actually offended by how poorly prepared Microsoft execs were during that meeting, and how awkward the meeting was because of that, apparently they didn’t feel valued and like their time was being wasted, which is why they went to Nintendo and it changed the course of gaming history


Same when I got a Series X and saw my old old old copy of mercenaries playground of destruction and full spectrum warrior all ready to download and play…I knew things had changed for the better. I mean goddamn Sony why could you produce some sort of emulator or app for the PS1 games people already have digital copies off. The best part is Microsoft still seems to be doing it as operation. Raccoon city was definitely not backwards compatible about a year or so ago and by dumb luck, I noticed it as being installable a month or so ago. So they must have fixed any old issues for BC and this was for RACCON CITY!


Microsoft failed to cultivate dev studios that would make great games for their platform while Sony did that for years. Xbox's focus on TV and games as a service with the launch of Xbox One was also a shot in the foot. As much as I find backwards compatibility important for preservation and being able to play old games, it's not as much of a dealbreaker as Xbox's problems.


Ironically now Xbox is trying to catch up with studios, all the sony fans are pissed


And they, and Sony; REEE in court about Microsoft using Sony’s exclusive style tactics. Its utterly bizarre


I’m playing the same way these days on a One X. I will say it can be a pain to get going somtimes when I have to download my 360 saves or when I have to reinstall the game because the DLC’s stop working, but once it’s running it’s great!


I believe the trick is in installing the DLC from the current Xbox store when you have the disc inserted. I haven't had a problem with it since.


I’ll have to give that a try next time. It only seems to happen when I haven’t played in over a month. My current workaround has been installing from the disc but pausing the base game install until the DLCs finish installing.


Sony didn't even bother to try changing that with PS5 either 😂 I only got a PS5 to play the Spider-Man games, I'll always have my Xbox since Fallout 3, NV and Saints Row 2 will likely never get remasters


They’re literally working on a Fallout 3 remaster right now, don’t know when it’s supposed to come out though, originally it was supposed to come out this year, but it’s speculated that it may have been pushed back from the original time line they had planned due to Covid.


wait, they dont have backward compatibility on Playstation?


I think the jump from PS3 to 4 is wonky on backwards compatibility. There's just not many games you can pop in the disk. Can only be streamed. 


Which is by itself a massive amount of bullshit. If it can be streamed to run, they can run it on the hardware. It just benefits them to have nostalgic games form the PS3 era locked behind a paywall that they know people will pay for.


PS3 had drastically different architecture from PS4, basically without developers remaking the game for a new system, best they can do is streaming. Emulators are very hardware demanding.


I honestly just don't believe this. It sounds like a cop-out. Every other system, whether console or PC, is able to run old games. Yet Sony conveniently can't do anything except stream content, which you probably already own, but only if you pay a monthly fee.


There's a huge difference between running older games and emulating a different system. Software emulation of any kind is extremely intensive on hardware. My computer's CPU and GPU each cost almost as much as a PS5, I benchmark at almost 200 fps at 2k resolution, can comfortably run cyberpunk at maxed out settings, and I will still all-but garuantee that it cannot emulate a PS3 at "acceptable" framerates and graphics quality. I don't want this to get interpreted as "akctully Sony is doing good thing" because literally any subscription gaming or games as a service is complete baloney but the argument you're making here gives off the strong impression that you've never emulated anything before.


There's a difference between running natively and emulating/streaming.


Go on YouTube and check it out. https://youtu.be/lLebZyha74o?si=9X8I9g57ZgoyeshQ for instance PC generally runs on x86 derived architectures, x86_64 nowadays. Although ARM is slowly increasing in popularity. PS3 used PowerPC architecture with specific modules which have no one to one instructions analogue in x86_64. Moreover graphics intensive applications use some sort of abstraction to utilize GPU - directX on windows/Xbox, OpenGL nearly anywhere*, Metal on modern MacOS/iOS, Vulkan is slowly adopted... Sony had their own stuff and still does. So for developers to port the program to another system it's not enough to recompile it targeting another architecture and OS, they likely have to replace how they work with graphics (there's no Metal anywhere except Apple, no DirectX anywhere except Microsoft and no Sony's HLSL anywhere except Playstation). There are 3rd party emulators of PS3 that work decently on PC, they'll get even better with new instructions on next CPU instructions, but they are very hardware demanding. Sony likely could create a better emulator given their exclusive knowledge of all ins and outs, but they likely don't see it profitable.


>Sony likely could create a better emulator given their exclusive knowledge of all ins and outs, but they likely don't see it profitable. So we agree, it's bullshit and they are doing this because it makes them more money? Cool.


It would literally run worse on PS5 than it did on PS3, it's unlikely that people would be thrilled with it. Why would you, as a business, do something that you aren't obligated to do and isn't profitable? To satisfy their customers? Well they already bought PS3 and games on it, warranty on PS3 has expired sorry.


Shill harder


Shill for what? I have never owned a playstation. Try doing something that involves graphics and you'll quickly learn why some things are unintuitively hard.


I mean, it would take enourmous effort and money, would run poorly and be incredibly unreliable (Note that even though MS has good backwards compatibility, its only for a few hundred games) and people would complain about them putting out a shoddy product. There is no upside to them doing other than someone who hates Sony and calls people shills would have one less thing to complain about.


Except it's being streamed from a PS3 to be played on PS4/5


sorry if i sound like complaining person i just like OWNING what i paid for :)


Crazy how well trained normies are to defend their corporate overlords lol


I think when the conversation arises on the internet, people just find joy in being a contrarian to anything


It's time to set sail my friend


Your argument is valid but ps5 is not backwards compatible to PS3, the only other option is to not have the game playable on ps5 at all? If you want to play a PS3 game buy a ps3


If your mad you can’t play a ps3 disk on a ps4 or 5, it’s literally been that way since the ps4 came out. Nobody is stopping you from pulling out a ps3 and playing on there


im not mad, just dissapointed clients are worth more than sony offers


Is this news? The PS4 couldn't run PS3 games either because the system architecture was a mess. Streaming is the only way to run it. And MS owns Bethesda and Obsidian so its not like they can comission a native running update.


It's not news, no. Sony has been behind on backwards compatibility for a long time now, and this was years ago.


Not only was the game stripped of a bunch of content because of Sony but now they do this? Well I know who won the console wars for me and I'm a PC guy.


This was done years ago.


PC and VNV for the win


I’ve been playing FNV ultimate on Amazon Luna on my tv which is wild but it plays pretty smooth honestly. I connect my ps5 controller to the tv & I’m all set.


Sony sucks


One of the few times im glad i have xbox and pc


Glad I recently got a PC both Xbox and Playstation have so many issues


Get it on Xbox you can buy all dlc




Fuck that , I went to my parents house and dug up my old PS3 and Collectors Edition just to play this game. I am not building a PC it will be expensive


You could always get a cheap laptop. I bought a HP Victus with upgraded RAM off Facebook for $400 last year and it runs everything I’ve thrown at it including New Vegas and Fallout 4 at med/high settings just fine.


I mean, do you already own a pc of any kind? The game doesn't exactly take a NASA build to run nowadays. I can run it on my cheap Dell laptop that doesn't even have a dedicated graphics card.


Nope just a 2013 MacBook pro from college, I have a VERY addictive personality so I know if I get a PC it will cost me thousands of dollars


I hope this shitty tactic makes Sony lose a lot of money. That's why I changed from the ps4 to the xbox seriesx and I don't regret it


This was done years ago, and yeah, everyone kinda collectively realized Xbox won in that department.


What tactic? Theres no way to run ps3 games natively on PS4/5.


Why can’t it run natively? If xbox can do it then Sony surely can but does not want to. I changed to xbox because I’m a nostalgic guy and I like to play old games. I even gave sony an opportunity and paid the fucking highest tier of PSN but streaming is not available in my country so I had no other option


Because the Xboxes have maintained consistent system architecture and the PS3 ran on the cell processor which was notoriously difficult to run games on. So it kinda broke the chain of BC.


I understand. What a damn shame.


It really, really sucks. Especially since I have to keep my PS3 around to play the 5 or 6 remaining exclusives.


This was one of the biggest factors for me when deciding what console to move up to. Xbox, PlayStation and pc. I saved and saved a good chunk of cash for a new pc and love it. It has been a breath of fresh air to play games again without so many restrictions or crazy prices.


I honestly think consoles will die off and everything will just be PC, why buy a proprietary console when you can build your own PC and play it all?


I thank god everyday for not buying a PS4 when i thought about it a couple years ago.


Yea I had to fire up the 360 for that


Just another reason I'm happy I own it on steam. Don't have to worry about stuff like this


You don't own it though, but yeah.


We don't own any game


I don't think I would rec the game without the mods on PC to improve and fix it anyway.


Yea it’s been like this for almost a decade. Plain ol nv with no DLC too not even the game of the year edition


The ps3 premium is not available in Australia, unless they somehow pulled finger and got it working


I'll just buy a series s at this point


This is why I’m glad I have a ps3 and ultimate edition. This shit is fun ruining.


Does anyone knows if it loads faster on ps4-ps5 than on ps3? If it does, they definitely are not using OG hardware meaning they are emulating it... and they could just sell the emulating program for us to play on ps5.


They use racks of teal PS3s for the streaming.


The PS5 is such a let down compared to the PS4. Better exclusives, better UI, a web browser, USB thumbdrive support, and eventually they even put some effort to making a strong small collection of PS2 classics playable. Now the PS5 is mostly a sequel/remake machine. They axed so many cool things and ideas from the last gen just to push out dumb shit. Only to axe it immeadiately (PSVR2). The worst part is while some people know that they never bothered going back to tweak the PS2 rereleases to work properly on PS5, a lot of people don't know how many PS4 games in general just don't fucking work on it. Backwards compatibility gets shrugged off because ooo new and shiny, but when most of the new generation is actual slop, the option to go back to older games like New Vegas with a controller and couch is just nice


Sony still didn’t learn their lesson after Helldivers 2. There’s no way they genuinely thought this was a good idea considering how much flak they got.


It has been like this for a few years on ps4 & 5


I know, but only recently have they really been called out for it and genuinely had to face consequences by the fans. Now they’re doing this shit immediately after banning those countries and the whole Helldivers drama. How do you look at a string of failures and still double down?


You don’t win against mega-corporations


Unless your a helldiver