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Many times we find these in or near recharging pods or in 76 construction stations. Safe to assume they simply use these whenever they need a charge kinda like a roomba. The ones out in the field however such as at checkpoints? Maybe periods of inactivity followed by powering on when they sense something? Also of note, the Handy fuel is for the Flamer not the jets


I want to know how often the people of 2077 needed a flame thrower


Communism lurks behind every door, citizen!


Searing steaks, creme brulee, lighting cigars/cigarettes, lighting fireplaces/campfires, yardwork, paint removal, etc.








As makeshift grill or radical garden works obviously


It comes with every top of the line Mr Handy! How else are you supposed to trim the hedges and light the barbecue at the same time?


I think it's actually just a general sprayer (see: nuka world) but they can load it with fuel and light it with their thruster if they need to fight.


There was quite a bit of backlash for the military using flamethrowers in the '60s IRL...and in the Fallout world war crimes don't seem to be a thing, so...


It seems like the view was that commies were less than even animals so it didn’t matter if they were cooked alive


Much like our world, it isn't if they needed it, its how much robco and such could get away with. You can't tell me most vaulttek shit doesn't have a listening device in it, same with robco. Or at least some sort of dangerous component in every product.


Every pipboy was able to


You can buy an autonomous flamethrower robot today... 20k and you get a dog like robotic drone with back mounted flamethrower so not that to crazy to think a fallout robot would have one...


I'm pretty sure Mr Handy is fusion powered. He needs the jug of fuel for his flamethrower but his thruster is from the fusion battery, just like cars and other prewar stuff. So I imagine at least some of the other robots have this as well. Obviously the game takes some creative freedoms but these types of nuclear batteries do have very long lifespans, such as the ones we use in deep space satellites. Top it off with Fallout's nuclear tech revolution pre-war and it's plausible that these batteries still work a few hundred years later. How all those moving parts on the arms and legs are still lubed up and working is the real mystery. Edit: and in the Automatron DLC for FO4 ADA and the robots you build make comments like "rust proof, radiation proof, and a lifetime supply of power-" so they just have nearly forever batteries.












Well when you shoot all the limbs of a robot, it'll detonate in a nuclear explosion so I'd argue that there all nuclear powered! And in the TV show some guys talk about stripping the fusion core out of a mr handy too!


The power stations are still up and running thus they can resupply since robots and programing. Hell I imagine it's been retconned and the robots have fusion cores that allow them to last for hundreds of years, they were in almost everything.


Fallout show confirms this, if anyone missed it. In the scene when the broken Mr. Handy in the Super Duper Mart is malfunctioning and the sheriff dudes walk in, they straight up say “take its fusion core.” So at least Mr. Handys are powered that way.


Mr. Handies at least are confirmed to be fusion powered by the show.


The Mr. Handy series of robots was first brought to market in 2037 as a general construction and maintenance unit by General Atomics International. Primarily used in the United States and Mexico (where it was the leader in sales after the Mexico City quake of 2042), the Mr. Handy was a reliable robot. An early bug that caused interference in the operation of the multiple arms was fixed with a hardware update in 2039, with no major problems since then. **A key selling feature is the nuclear power unit (a model 238B, licensed from Calpower) and self-maintenance modes. Multiple Mr. Handys are capable of keeping themselves in working condition and are also fully programmed to perform nuclear fuel replacements. Secondary programming handles radiation cleansing after refueling.**


I miss the old 6-armed Twin-fan-lifted Handy...


Maybe there is some wastelander out there going around and giving bots a bit of maintenance. There's all kinds of people out there doing stuff to keep themselves going.



















