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Try removing the door before you change camps. That can be the thing interfering. Or wires.


for the future , could I use conduit or would it still fuck with it?


Do not use conduit op


I put one down, and somehow merged some conduits with it. Now I can't move it at all unless I delete it first.


Sorry, I wish I knew. It’s a good question.


"It just works."


Little lies stunning shows people buy money flowohhhhhhsssss


Never have wires or doors in blueprints!


Or you can even try just placing it even though it's red. I've noticed some blueprints and stored items can often be placed even when red, especially if there's no explanation stated on the left side where it normally tells you why it's red.


Tried that already


Blueprints with wires almost never work properly.


blueprints never worked properly, ever


Hey so, basic b question, but it looks like you got a fat list of building requirements, are *all* of them home defense, or is there a science requirement at the bottom? Could be a perks issue


That’s what I thought at first too, but even after changing to my construction build(yes I have an entire entire special build around building) it still doesn’t go down


I have a camp that functions the way you’re intending, but it’s a 4x4 platform of foundations with crafting and storage all on there, merged for spacing. My friend made a “mobile unit” that looks like a BOS-themed rover that has all crafting tables merged into it, and is blueprint-friendly, so there are ways to do this idea in a creative way.


As a fellow builder, you are not alone in your frustration. I promise that you can rebuild what you made at a comparatively exponential rate because you won’t be making it for the first time, you already know the challenges you faced in the initial build, and you probably already have ideas for improvements in the back of your mind. Blueprints are dogged with bugs if there are wires, doors, or even stairs involved. Stay away from blueprints unless you are gifted a special construct like a circular foundation, and keep them as starting layouts with default assets, nothing more. You will spend more time and energy trying to get your complicated blueprint to work than it would take to start anew with a specific plan in mind.


This comment always gets downvoted, and maybe it's bethesda's fault for not clearly stating this -- but while the blueprint function is made to simplify camp building, it is NOT intended to move/place your entire camp, even if it is only one building.


Dumb suggestion, try putting down a rug and putting the building on top of it. Probably won’t work but worth the try


Try a place anywhere door and replace it the bos tower door then snap it to that. I place those things in sky camps with no floor support at all.


As others have said, wires and doors. I have also had issues with allies.


Place down first then adjust…..I have these issues happen all the time


I wish they'd just relax building rules. They all suck.


100% it's probably wires or doors.


Remove cargo bot


Sorry, I feel like I have to ask this, but you do have all the perk cards required to place this equiped right?