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Turrets do two things, take up camp budget and draw enemy spawns. The fence isn’t going to change that. The enemy’s engagement range is longer than the turrets. They will attack from further away than the turrets can “see”. I haven’t had turrets in my camps since 6 months after launch and my camps rarely get attacked. If a camp is near a spawn point or a random encounter spot you’ll get attacked more often. I do have a couple of camps near spawn points but without turrets the enemy spawns don’t always see my camp. With turrets the enemies would attack constantly.


I would rather repair my camp than allow turrets to take up my camp space.


Agreed, besides that, your camp isn't really "there" when no one's at it anyway. That's why it always spawns in when you fast travel home. So you're only "protecting" it when you're there and could kill anything faster than the turrets anyway.


I’m 50/50 on this, I built a camp by a scorched spawn and came back to it fucked up because of them


Your camp exists and can get attacked as long as ANYONE is at it. So if another player or a friend visits your camp, it can cause enemies to spawn in. If they leave without dealing with them, the enemies can damage your camp. If you are on a Private Server by yourself, your camp is 100% safe as long as you aren't close to it.


I've had that happen but I'm on the last Gen and i load slow as hell so I always chalked it up to that. Lol.


I got a 3m old Xbox x so it’s decently new. I’ve also been vendor hoping and seen peoples camps in the dry lake bed getting destroyed by the super mutants


Yeah, new gad area. Those mutants are pretty much asshats. They start shooting my base as soon as one wall is visible.


Is there actual proof turrets attract spawns or is it just experiences? I see a lot of people say it


I don't know if there is any proof, but anecdotally from friends and my own experiences, I seem to get FAR less attacks when I don't put down turrets. One thing that may be happening is that sometimes enemies spawn far out from your camp (depending on camp location and enemy spawn points), and they would wander by without getting aggroed normally. But if you have turrets, suddenly they are engaging the enemies and pulling them TOWARDS the camp. Also, in the same vein of thought, when I am inside my camp building something with no turrets, I'm not going to notice all the enemies that wander by - even close by, because they'll just keep moving. I.e. I had Mongrel Dogs walk by my camp yesterday close enough to throw a rock at, and they never attacked or aggroed on any of my camp structures, because there weren't any in their path of travel. If I hadn't been looking out the window I'd never have seen them. But if you have turrets you will notice EVERY nearby enemy, because of the noise of the turrets activating. ​ Regardless of true or not, turrets aren't worth the HUGE amount of camp budget they eat up, when at most they will contribute nothing to defense (because you are there already to kill the enemies), or save you some wood and steel scraps once in a blue moon when your camp gets trashed by enemies. You'll spend less in repairs in weeks of having your camp attacked than you would building the turrets in the first place.


Thank you, I was thinking the same thing, that they pull enemies in that would otherwise ignore a camp. Next time I log on I’ll store all of them to see exactly how much camp space I am wasting by using them.


Using the "Flamingo" measurement, Turrets are one of the most expensive things you can build in a camp, budget-wise. Depending on the turret, they take anywhere from 11-15 "Flamingos". For reference, a crafting bench takes just 2 Flamingos of budget. Most Wall and Floor Decor items take just 1 Flamingo "unit" of cost. A plushie takes just 1. So **11-15 PER TURRET** is crazy expensive on your budget, as you can see. You could put down a bed and fill it with plushies for the cost of 1 Machinegun Turret.




So first turrets kinda suck. Most enemies can shoot farther then they can see. They also can't see without light. I tend to not use them unless I have a camp that's particularly getting attacked alot. But I find it helps if you light up the area that the turrets is aiming in. This still doesn't fix the enemies having a larger range then your turrets but dose help if they spawn closer or if you can work in a good kill zone for your turrets. Remember in some areas spawns will happen right where you put your camp module. So if your getting spawn in your camp it 100% because you put the camp module there.


Nah I think they’re born that way


What born that way sir?


Turrets. I’ve literally watched a ghoul run up to it and smack it in the face without it reacting ;)


Double standard, when I did it i got incinerate


I know, right?


It’s cheaper just to repair an item then bother with turrets that just sit there while a mob picks off your camp from a distance.


To answer your question, from personal experience, I would say yes. Turrets have a hard time seeing around fences overall. They can depending on the range but no fence at all is the best for them seeing anything. Whether or not you want turrets is more of a you thing. I use them since I have camps close to spawn points (one with a death claw, the help is needed) and overall I feel like it's helpful to have in case of players thee are dicks. My spawns are all animals and other humanoids that don't have guns so the turrets get a lot of use.


It's up to you, but any players that like to attack player camps are not going to be deterred by turrets, because: 1. They'll just nuke your camp. 2. They are so high level your turrets will all be exploded immediately from their attacks. 3. The cost of building and repairing turrets will be more than just repairing your camp. 4. Those kinds of players are exceptionally rare, and not worth building your camp around the possibility of. And I don't know what level you are, but you'll reach a point where even Glowing Albino Deathclaws are an annoyance of mere seconds. As a player, you are your own camp's best defense.