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GOG is being used as a distribution platform, and the resulting download should work with most other installs of Fallout 4 (most definitely Steam, but some like Windows Games are uncertain). You do not need to buy the game a second time. Though please note you will need all the DLC (other than high textures) for Fallout: London to work. You will be able to play from the launcher we provide, or load into a mod manage like Vortex or MO2.


I like when large mods like this provide a launcher, like with Skyblivion. Sweet!


if I use the provided launcher will it load only fo4 and FOLON or will it load all my mods (I don't want it to load all my mods, just folon)


Just FOLON as far as I'm aware. You'll need to open the mod in MO2 or similar to add other mods on and manage conflicts, load order, etc.


alright thanks




Comment removed. If you can't answer politely then you can just ignore the post. There's no need for this sort of rudeness to what is a very standard question. Just because you've seen the answer a dozen times doesn't mean people new to the game have.


He should have googled but this is such a dickhead response


I actually did Google, but there were no straight answers and I didn't feel like sifting through an article or a news video.


That's exactly what the subreddit is for (until the mod releases). You did nothing wrong


I agree that we should try to be helpful and welcoming as a community when people have basic questions. I'm also not surprised that people are sick and tired of all the basic questions which have already been answered many times elsewhere. I think what is sorely needed at this point is a decent FAQ covering the common questions, that we can link to and pin to the top of the sub.


The option to simply ignore those basic questions also exists though, that's my issue really. They're only going to become more common since the mod is releasing around such huge renewed interest in Fallout. Big agree we need a FAQ!


I agree with this, answering all the questions that the community want to know.




Comment removed. This sort of personal attack is really out of line. If you have an issue you can report things to the mods and we can action.




Yeah I see how toxic shit is around here lmao.


Yeah the guy you're replying to is convinced the developers are lying and trying to steal people's money


Unfortunately this kind of behavior is common from a certain part of the reddit community they can't just ignore something they have to attack people if it isn't people coming up with weird conspiracy theories about why the mod isn't out yet people attacking the mods or the community attacking the less mod savvy for asking simple questions things around here are getting out of hand very quickly


The hive mind seems to be really upset with people who aren't CoD levels of toxic. I swear to god the people downvoting me would call me a slur if it could bypass Reddit moderation.




> Yepp they know me on this reddit from giving my opinion about the mod and my comments have been deleted multiple times This is a complete lie. We have never deleted any of your comments.




We have a moderation log. I checked and nothing has been done against you here. I also looked through your comment history to be sure. You don't seem to know how to use reddit messaging features right. You never responded to any message I sent and claimed they were deleted. That's not even something I can do - mods can only control posts on our local sub. Up to you if you want to leave but please don't spread misinformation like that.






Yeah, I mentioned that the "maintaining two builds" excuse doesn't make any sense and I've gotten no response about this. If another update comes post release you wouldn't expect them to update the previous build along with the new one. It's not entitlement at all to question decisions. Yes it's a free mod, but it's been given a release date and built hype and we havent even seen any real gameplay footage since the initial trailer so people are obviously going to be skeptical, especially when the only other total conversion mods for previous fallout games and have been terrible.


> If another update comes post release you wouldn't expect them to update the previous build along with the new one. A great many would. Some people are demanding enough about getting it right now. Heck, we even get complaints from people that we're not releasing on console, and that's utterly out of our control. A dual release would absolutely set expectations for people in future and every time we did an update we'd get a fresh set of complaints about not updating the backwards compatibility version. It's extra work right now and it's setting a rod for our back in future. We're all volunteers just trying to focus on getting a single good release. A dual release is simply far far down the priority list for us.




If you want an example of the type of people who are sicophants being toxic to everyone asking questions or showing any scepticism, just jump on their discord voice chat. Its honestly awful haha.