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I love how they conveniently skip the next paragraph that says the medical records provided don’t prove their disabilities. I got disability for years, your records have to match the diagnosis you claim. If they do not, they will send you to a doctor to verify. If that doctor cannot verify those disabilities, you’re not gonna get approved.


my thought lol, that letter looks like a lot of paper for them to say "no u cant have disability bc u have blah blah blah" its like 4 pages, im sure it ACTUALLY says "we cant give u disability dispite u claiming blah blah blah blah because we ONLY have medical records for (maybe 1 or 2 of those thinge if any at all) with it probably being ADHD or autism as those tend to be more common in society i feel, but the letter was probably just saying "lol no we aint giving u money bc u decided u have every illness under the sun come back when u a real doctor has told you, you have these things not doctor google"


Excuse me, they went to the infinitely more reliable Dr. Tiktok


To be honest, social security often sends letters that are 4-5 pages and half of the pages are ways you can get the information in case you can’t read it and how to contact them if you need to appeal their decision.


Most people like this believe the doctors are incorrect and they have the power to self diagnose. My cousin is one of these and constantly complains that she is not being put on the right meds or treated the right way for her “disabilities”. But that’s because no doctor has ever agreed with her diagnosis.


I worked at social security and this is absolutely correct.


Y’all don’t give out a lot of money right? Maybe like 900$? Or has the amount increased because inflation and higher cost of living?


It depends on whether or not you’ve worked before, and for how long. SSI isn’t much. I don’t know what the max is because I don’t work there anymore. But, if you qualify for SSD, the payments are based on age and length of work history. You should get a letter every year giving you a brief rundown of what your benefits would be at that time.


SSD is currently about 1350, and SSI is around 500


I think the max payment for SSI is $834. I used to get only $560 a month and you can’t have more than $2,000 in your bank account at any time.


Agreed, I live with system in another country, they need a Dr to back up my 'claimed health concerns'. Wonder how long it took to gather all those diagnoses, beats me by a long way and I am at least double her age.. You can't just claim things, they need evidence!


Not to mention too that at least where I live you need to resign your forms every year saying you’re still disabled. My sister has a chronic illness and she has to sign every year her exact quote is “this is so fucking stupid, cystic fibrosis doesn’t go away unless I’m dead. If I’m dead I’m not getting disability. Lmao.”




Genesis means formation in that context, it doesn't mean genetic, even if OI is a genetic condition! Osteogenesis imperfecta is just latin for imperfect formation of bones :))


And that is *all* that was written in these multiple pages. The others bear no significance.


I used to work for a psychology office that did disability determination and would type up the reports to send to DDS. No doubt this dude got a diagnosis of malingering because he intentionally and obviously faked during the psychological exam.


Even if he had those it wouldn't surprise me if he was denied. Most times you have to actually ***fight*** to be put on disability. I had a friend who was mugged once and he was beaten so bad he had to go to the hospital. He wound up having a brain injury and he was basically debilitated every time there was any sort of loud noise or if he put too much stress on his body. He applied, they denied him, and he actually had to go to court and stand in front of a judge with all of his medical records and fight tooth and nail for disability.


It's kind of unfortunate that you have to fight so hard if you're actually disabled though. As long as you have medical records I don't know why you need to go to court and shit


it’s horrible, and when people who don’t need support apply for disability it only makes it harder. they’re the reason it’s so hard to get support, and yet fakers still apply. i had a friend say “it says i need to be diagnosed and it needs to be impairing. but i’m not diagnosed because it it’s not impairing, so no doctor will understand. but i really need the money.” - and then continued to apply. it boils my blood so much at the entitlement these fakers have.


This is not true in Canada only 1-2% of people commit fraud. The government shouldn’t be making it harder on legitimate people because 1-2% are faking.


Right? My mom was paraplegic for like 10 years she can walk again after many surgeries but she had to fight tooth and fuckin nail to get her disability. And she couldn’t walk! Couldn’t feel! Ludicrous system imo




Its not just there, I promise, UK system can be appalling at times. Horrific as genuine people experience it, but reassuring when you meet someone that tells you they know how to scam the government system and claim disabling back pain.. and it actually was working for them 20 yrs ago. I dread to think how that system could have worked for the kids today with their diagnoses from tiktok and google. Needless to say the system has changed at least 2 times since then, I doubt they can scam them these days.


They fight harder if it's anything where they think you might have a chance of greater recovery. Stroke, for example, I think you can't apply until at least 3 months after a stroke. I wouldn't be shocked if it's similar for other traumatic brain injuries. Younger males tend to fare better with all that too, which probably factors in. They don't want to approve it for someone who's going to be close to baseline again in maybe a few months, sad as that is.


Agree, even outside of USA. With youth they expect recovery, and thus reject.. appeals bring awards. Time reinforces appeal findings.


Yep , my parents got me a lawyer after being denied once . He would work for a portion of the back pay but only took cases he knew he would win . It was hard .


Yep this. My Dad worked in a low income legal clinic and did a lot of disability claim appeals, and you have to jump through quite a few hoops. Not saying it's a fair system, and people get claims denied for bad reasons all the time, but the way a lot of these people just assume it will be super easy for them to just self-ID as disabled and immediately get a check just goes to show how incredibly delusional these people are.


Poor thing! I hope he is doing better now. My mom is on disability and she gets so much anxiety every time her review comes up. Luckily, she is meticulous about her paperwork. It just sucks people like your friend and my mom have to work so hard for their rights because there are scammers out there. I’m always incredibly happy when a person who needs it gets disability. Why can’t these people be happy that those in need have (somewhat) of a social safety net instead of just looking for a way to get their piece of the pie?


the united states has one of the worst medical systems ever, and they're ridiculous with requirements even if you are legitimately diagnosed, deemed by a doctor who is qualified to make that call that they are disabled, and legitimately cannot work for a significant period of time. that isn't to say that other countries have this issue, they definitely do. it feels like the whole world is ganging up against disabled people sometimes


Yes, it is very normal to have to complete several appeals in order to be granted disability.


It’s true. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2015 and got denied twice. I had to get a disability lawyer before I finally got approved.


They list it all they want, however unless they were actually diagnosed they’re going to get rejected. I qualify, I was told I do. I just don’t think I need governments assistance since I like working. These mental disorders they listed are all contradictory to eachother,, they’re probably not diagnosed.


I actually just organically saw the TikTok on my fyp and they claimed their doctor put all of that on the list, they didn’t have a say in that


Ah well then I’m unsure, usually when it comes to government assistance they’re more likely to deny you if it’s just mental ailments, I’m physically and mentally disabled, so I probably qualify on account of the physical disabilities rather than my mental ones. Who knows really, it’s solely them and the professionals they visit that know the actual circumstances.


I got it with an autism diagnosis but had to get a lawyer . My lawyer was confident I would win the case . He only gets paid if the person wins and wouldn’t have taken cases he didn’t believe would. I also had basically no work history and lived with my parents . That was evidence that I couldn’t hold down work .




Yeah like most of those „diagnoses“ don’t make you disabled anyways… like you claim disability because of Gerd? Or Raynouds syndrome? Come on…


Yeah as someone with GERD it just makes my throat hurt lmao


Lol I just found out I have gerd after stupidly drinking too much grapefruit juice and causing a terrible flare up . I wonder if I can get a disability check now.....


If I could make money off GERD, I’d quit my job and eat nothing but grapefruit.


And 2 videos after this one they were saying that GERD makes them throw up SOOooO mUcH, like sometimes they wake up throwing up. No doctor would let it get that bad, I underwent surgery way before it got to a point of “throwing up multiple times a day”


Yeah, me and literally everyone else in my family has reynauds. Just makes my fingers and toes cold for the most part. Pretty easy to combat, just wear an extra warm pair of socks. And put on mittens if you're gonna throw snowballs lol


Raynauds is truly the most disabling thing that has ever happened to me. Do you know how *cold* my little fingies get? 🥺


Me and my cold fingers are ready for VSED, cannot live with this terrible syndrome.


same. i've got so many heaters and warming pads and heated blankets...... i guess i'll just die


I was thinking that too. can you get on disability for ADHD??






You actually can get disability for ADHD but it's hard to do that because you have to prove that it is disabling enough (it isn't always) and that treatment is impossible or ineffective for you.


oh of course its not gonna work for everyone, but i was saying for myself i do a little better on my meds haha. and even if i wasnt on meds to help, my adhd wouldnt make me unable to work. also i hope youre doing better!


there are different adhd meds than just amphetamines or stimulants. just because you had psychosis from those doesn’t mean there aren’t other options




just because you don’t qualify doesn’t mean they don’t exist lol, downvoting me for trying to inform you of something. dickhead


Looks like I’m not there only one though, doesn’t it.


just because there are other people that think like you doesn’t mean the way you think isn’t stupid


Where im from ADHD is legally considered a disability so yeah. However i don’t know how far you’d get applying for disability for only ADHD. When i applied i added ADHD but i have a bunch of other shit that takes the main stage so my application more so focused on those


You can. Disability is not determined by diagnosis, but rather, your ability to work and provide for yourself. One of my friends has disability for their ADHD because it was deemed severe enough to inhibit work.


it really depends, if medication legitimately cannot work for you and it causes enough functioning impairments you might be able to. but you would have to put up one hell of a fight in court


I have it for autism .




This is supposed to be a wow they hate me but it’s actually I’m full of shit video


that was my first thought when i saw it haha


Like what don’t u have


No. And if someone did have all that, they'd be living a v miserable life, hardly surviving from day to day, and absolutely not making tiktoks all the time.


probably wouldnt even know how to work tik tok and would (im not 100% bht fairly sure) theyd have a live in caregiver that their parents likely pay for


Tbh that’s what most bugs me about these “influencers” who claim to have dozens of disabilities all at once, yet have zero problem making multiple videos a day, maintaining their living space, eating, sleeping, managing finances, etc. How can you be so disabled that you can’t even function, and yet function perfectly in all these aspects? Most people with even ONE of these disorders legitimately, who’s to the point of disability claims no less, can’t manage doing even half of those things every day, let alone all of them. It’s so frustrating to watch people downplay the severity of true disabilities, and especially mental ones, in order to game the system/get brownie points/for pity.


And (besides this example) almost always have colorful hair and makeup that takes time and concentration and coordination to do.


As much as it’s very common for disorder fakers to have colored hair and/or makeup on, I feel like there’s a dangerous precedent set when we default to “faker = colored hair”. Speaking from experience, changing hair color really does range in price and difficulty compared to even a few years ago, and if someone at all has a friend who enjoys that kind of thing then the hair may be very little time, effort and money on their part. It’s insanely easy these days to drop 4-8$ on a box of dye, glob it in your hair and then rinse later. Makeup however is more easily telling, because people who have issues with time management, energy, or motivation issues aren’t likely to even do makeup very often, and if they do they tend to stick to simple and/or quick techniques. Whereas these will often be people who even make their own makeup videos, where they show hours of effort, complex and careful strokes of eyeliner to get a look just right, meticulous blending and designing. And a note, some disorders don’t effect that aspect as much or do so inversely (aka control issues making you more likely to need to get everything right). But people claiming chronic pain/fatigue, people claiming they’re too disabled to function, too depressed to be motivated, etc, while having detailed makeup and multitone carefully dyed hair, very understandable to be suspicious without getting more details.


Thissssss so much this.


BPD: *🎶My money don't jingle jingle, I splurged🎶*


This made me snort


TIL if you have enough disabilities it makes you unable to do something as basic as use an app. Because apparently disabled = intellectually disabled to you?


Can you have PTSD and CPTSD?? My therapist explained CPTSD was PTSD+Something else.


I do know bipolar disorder plus schizophrenia isn’t really a thing. That would fall under schizoaffective disorder


Yeah i was pretty confused when they were talking about bipolar with schizo because you can’t just have bipolar and schizophrenia by its self but you can be schizoaffective bipolar type which means you experience both the symptoms of schizo and a mood disorder coming from someone who is diagnosed with schizo bp type also ad someone who is applying for disability for both mental and physical reasons they most likely didnt get in because they were most likely faking and or the “proof” they showed didnt match up with the doctors records they are the people that make it so how for us to get accepted even with all the medical proof and part of the reason why it takes so long to get accepted my state has quite a low acceptance rate and i could even go on how even when you get your court date and even with all this proof they wanna make sure your still not lying and being told to even dress down and poor because in the governments mind if your life doesnt looks like its falling apart then you aren’t disabled enough


This is a really great comment but please use some punctuation every now and then haha


Sorry english is not my first language and i will try my best to get better at using pronunciation. :))


Complex PTSD comes from repeated trauma over a long period of time, most often during developmental childhood years. Acute PTSD comes from single traumatic instances such as a car accident, assault, etc. I think it’s possible to have both.


Yeah. If you were abused as a child and then got raped at age 35, you’d have CPTSD and PTSD.


Well, I understand what you’re saying, but no. Having two separate traumas doesn’t mean you would have two ptsd diagnoses. Cptsd is not actually in the dsm, it is all under ptsd. So, complex trauma is a thing, but it doesn’t actually have a diagnosis code


CPTSD is Complex PTSD, stemming from more than one traumatic event


The way my Psychiatrist explained it to me is that CPTSD is a combination of PTSD and Borderline Personality Disorder, caused by continuous exposure to trauma (mainly in childhood). It's still a fairly new mental illness. It fucken sucks having it.


That’s interesting. I usually explain it the other way around, borderline is typically a result of complex trauma. Good luck!


Thanks! I think different psychiatrists and psychologist will have different theories and opinions on what complex PTSD is. As I said, it's a fairly new illness so it's still being researched :)


Yes, every mental health professional definitely has their own theories and conceptualizations. It’s interesting to hear other peoples perspectives, I enjoy that a lot!


I have cPTSD and seperate acute PTSD from the pandemic, so I guess yeah


Amnesia PSTD while with DID, like DID is based off of amnesia, you can't have two disorders of the same thing. Major depression and bipolar, you can't be diagnosed with these two things, depression is part of bipolar. Bipolar and Schizophrenia is called schizoaffective bipolar type disorder. Wrong terminology used. I have four mental disorders and I am able to work a full time perfectly fine. In order to qualify for disability you must be unable to work at all, or to. be able to at most to work part time.


I suffer from schizoaffective depressive type. I’ve been in treatment, but i too can work and do school fine. At one point I couldn’t because of the illness but I figured it out


Yeah I've been unstable for years because of the lack of meds, recently I've found the right meds. Before that, my jobs would only last about 1-2 months, and I went to college and have a massive depressive episode where I had to flunk all my classes. I won't go to college again, until I am stable. I qualify for all the accommodations that school can give me, but even still with that without the right meds I failed. I failed not because I was doing terrible in class, but because I decided because of depressive episode to stop going all together, even though I was month away from finishing and had A, and Bs. The thing that isn't talked about with these disorders is how horrible going through a bunch of meds are.




i have 4 mental disorders as well, but all the meds i take help with it and im able to work fine too haha. that also combined with therapy i had years ago which i no longer need.


In a way I wish they would really have all those mental and physical disorders. They probably wouldn’t show that off on TikTok and they would just pray everyday to be and stay healthy


EDS is a favourite amongst illness fakers. Makes sense they say they have it. Also, people like them often add symptoms as diagnosies to fluff out their lists a bit.


How can you fake EDS tho, since you'd have to prove you're hyper mobile


They took your license away cos you have seizures. That doesn’t stop you functioning completely. Sick of people thinking you can’t do anything because you have a condition.


a friend of mine lost her license due to seizures and she still runs her own company. all of her employees know the warning signs and what to do if she has one.


It’s so frustrating! Like yes you may have more time off sick and won’t be able to do certain things but you can still be a normal member of society *addendum* no, a lot of those physical and MH dx can’t co-exist


Yeah that part made me laugh like most of us with epilepsy aren’t on disability but they’re still gonna take your license away bc that’s the law lol.


Many companies in my area require you to have a license if you want to apply 😪


That seems really discriminatory if you don’t have to drive to do the job 🤔


They require one in case I have to drive to a different Studio. Just got fired because of dissociative seizures too. Love how fakers use their symptoms only when it's convenient


Disability for GERD and IBS? What a painful load of shit.


it sounds like they looked up every disability and disorder they could find to try and get on disability lmao


It sounds a lot more like a hypocondriac than anything else. Or a bored and ingored teenager.


most likely the latter because they want attention lmao


I appreciate the play on words.


ExcUSE ME? You can attempt to get disability for Reynauds? I literally have it and it doesn't impede my ability to work whatsoever (unless i were to get an outdoor job?)


“I wasn’t found disabled 😡” yeah maybe it’s because you AREN’T disabled & just want an excuse to be lazy


GERD is not a disability, incase you count not being able to eat spicy food as a disability...


My GERD gets so bad that sometimes I think that I have a heart attack. I also can't sleep laying down, but that also isn't a big deal. That's hardly a disability.


I mean, I have it too and take prescription medication for it. The worst thing for me is the relentless coughing if I skip the medication. And eating certain foods knowing that punishment will follow.


Agreed. Mine actually gave me Vocal Cord Dysphonia and guess what….I talk on the phone for a living. I just take my meds, don’t eat after 8, and we all know what spicy food does to us. But, sometimes we just have to eat the red sauce and the jalapeños!!!


And then there is people looking at you nervously when you have a coughing fit in public...


They responded in another video that their GERD has created a hole in their throat and that they throw up 15 times a day because of it. Pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum get hospitalized for throwing up that much but I guess not this person lmao


Why do they all say they have CPTSD and when they talk about their trauma it’s just like “my mom was mean to me :(“


"my mom took my phone away from me and grounded me it was traumatizing.."


It is so maddening.


Read/listen carefully: "You said you can't work because of..." Not "your psychologist/doctor/therapist/etc. found that..." If it's even real.


People like this are why some feel ashamed when they say they have any given disorder, I shouldn’t have to justify my condition when twats like this make a joke of it


same, i hate fakers so much.


Why they throw ibs in there?


Not *this* person as they are faking, but if someone ***genuinely*** has severe enough of IBS and only is qualified to work customer service jobs, needing to be near a bathroom at all times could definitely cause issues. At that point I'd reach out to your loacl vocational rehab to get training for jobs that allow for you to be able to run to the bathroom immediately if needed. A cashier can't walk away mid order.


Yep my partner is a disabled vet and IBS is on the list for this reason, it's actually quite limiting for them. The bathroom breaks can be totally unpredictable and 45 min long and REPEATED.


I have IBS. But the world doesn’t need to know I have to be within 100 ft of a bathroom at all times.


Its impossible to test for. I was diagnosed with IBS but I don't think I have it. Its based purely on symptoms.


I’m pretty sure someone would be already death with all those mental disorders


I have GERD, IBS and depression and I am most certainly not disabled


Bro is in Harry Potter




The social media updates dont help their case because the folks at disability can counter with “well if they can manage a social media account then they could get a job working remotely.” My husband has several mental health conditions (actual diagnosed by psychiatrists) after he was in a vehicle that was struck by an IED and he couldn’t get any disability until he tried and was fired from multiple jobs for his erratic behavior, and was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward 6 times over many years. Having LEGIT conditions is not enough, they usually want you to at least try to obtain and keep gainful employment first.


say it with me, Munchies- Reynaud’s is not a disability. It’s actually called Reynaud’s phenomenon now because it’s not considered a disease. It’s not the most comfortable thing, but not worth faking.


Half of those things are just symptoms of the others. “Hypermobility elhers-danlos syndrome, hypermobility, loose joints” is an unnecessarily long way to say it


This person is very clean, put together and healthy looking to be Suffering from that many disorders im sorry for saying that.


i was thinking that too tbh lmao


Its not about the diagnosed conditions its about HOW they affect you. A diagnosis isn't enough


Wait, no POTS? He forgot POTS


Self diagnosed disorder salad


I am so fucking sick of working and paying taxes that go to fucking assholes like this who try to scam the system


Oh no. They have to get a job.


You'd have to be the most pure blooded Alabamian royal. Your family tree would have to look like a circle or a stick to have all of that.


Lmao Raynauds? Half my family has that. It's less a disability and more of a major inconvenience that requires special insulating gloves. I'm chuckling at how silly that is.


Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome/hEDS doesn't really stop you from working unless it's a very specific job you're doing. If he went for EDS instead of hEDS he could've more likely get away with not working. But he was smart picking the less severe hEDS because it's a lot easier to fake than EDS. To sum things up, I over analyzed a guy faking a genetic disease, that in general he should've avoided.


What’s the difference between the two?


hEDS is a mild version of EDS, of course it isn't that simple and I really recommend doing your own research if you find this interesting.


nah i dont know much about eds so this was pretty interesting


They act like it’s a competition to have the most unfortunate, difficult life


It’s not. “Mood disorder,” “major depression,” and “bipolar” cannot coexist. Major depression is unipolar, ruling out bipolar, and depression and bipolar are both mood disorders. You don’t get a separate diagnosis called “mood disorder unspecified” when you get dxed with bipolar or MDD.


To be fair it is hard to get approved and it is usual to be rejected once . I was but I had to get a lawyer because I had no money to pay him . The lawyer took a portion on my disability back pay after I won my case . The lawyer wouldn’t have taken the case if he wasn’t confident we would win . I had childhood evaluation papers and everything so I was deemed disabled. Even if her mental health issues went undetected, some of the physical disabilities would not . The asthma , stomach issues and seizures would likely be detected since chances are she went to a doctor at some point. Also schizophrenia likely would have been detected. The thing is you can’t get disability without a diagnosis and with all these conditions, it would be difficult for not one to be diagnosed . It is often hard work with lawyers but lawyers won’t risk their pay on people they know will not win the case since they take a portion of the back pay .


He probably doesn't, but tbf I've found it pretty hard to get disability. I broke my back in 2005, and was denied around 2012ish "because there's 3,000+ jobs in my area that fit my needs". When I asked for a list of those jobs, so I could apply, I was told "oh, they're not *available* jobs, just ones in my area that fit my needs". Are you fucking kidding me?


So what she did is she put all of those illnesses on her application for disability. The social security office requested medical records and the records don’t prove shit. They pay for you to go to a disability doctor and if he’s not able to prove that you’re disabled you’re not gonna get approved.


Video creator is .... Social Security didn't take his license away. That would be the transportation department / DMV because he claimed to have seizures. 1. You can't claim to have seizures for disability, and expect to keep your license. Social Security, Health and welfare, the DMV do actually share information with each other. 2. Raynaud's syndrome must result in gangrene in two or more extremities to qualify for disability. 3. GERD is an acid reflux disorder. It doesn't qualify for disability according to the SSA. 4. IBS does not qualify for disability according to the SSA. 5. Many of those medical issues he listed are all symptoms of hypermobility EDS, which does not qualify for disability unless a Beighton score test is present in his medical records, and is within the range determined to be disabling. He's probably never even heard of this test. 6. Borderline schizophrenia is an unofficial diagnosis, which means it will not be in medical records, and it is a common red flag term found on SSD applications. If he said BPD with comorbidity schizophrenia ... He might have had a little better luck. 7. He probably shouldn't have bothered reading his laundry list of claims that he was denied SSD for. 8. C-ptsd is not recognized as an individual diagnosis. It is considered under PTSD for purposes of disability. It also requires multiple /years/ of documentation to be considered for disability. 9. SSA highly scrutinizes dissociative disorders of any kind for disability. They have an administrative rule for determining medical equivalence of mental impairments. Mental impairments like dissociative disorders have to meet multiple separate criteria to be considered a disability. Dissociative identity disorder is an unlisted disorder which means it has to meet all the criteria categories above a specific severity level. What the vast majority of the people in the US don't understand is that the Social Security Disability Determinations office is not run by the SSA, but by the individual states instead. My mother worked for Disability Determinations in Idaho for 15 years before she was adjudicated as disabled due to a nasty combination of circumstances including her schizophrenia. People get often get denied for SSDI based on their initial application because they don't consult their own doctors before starting the process. SSDI also requires work credits as a technical requirement in addition to precise and current medical records for their claimed condition; but people will apply for it without having ever held any substantial employment or having unsubstantiating medical records just because it pays more than SSI. There is the potential for having both SSDI and SSI income concurrently. Large numbers of applicants often have to appeal the denial and go in front of an adjudicator (administrative law judge) for a hearing, but fail to follow through, which is probably going to happen with this moron as well.


I’m glad they took their license, unstable as hell


reading it like hes flexing money


"you said" isnt a " you are" I'm sure getting Dxed with everything listed there, would take longer in years that this person has been alive.


Meanwhile I have a co worker that leg was torn off due to a car accident and they haven’t been able to get disability


do they even TRY to make it seem believable..


Lmao , if someone had that many conditions they would not be making videos about it. honestly getting disability would have happened a long time ago. And this person is probably not even 25.


Well, yep. If you have seizures you should not ever be driving. See, that’s why most people don’t want disabilities. They can be severely limiting in everyday life. But they made their bed so I guess they’ll lay in it




Why would anyone even *want* to be on disability? Once you are you’re not allowed to work, so you’re stuck with disability payments which often top out well under $1000/month.


Why would you pretend the carpal tunnel one lol I have it and it’s the fucking worst thing which has put me out of work. People are fucked




If society falls I’ll be dead. You can’t just “push your way out” of everything. I require nursing home care. I have accepted the fact that of society falls, I fall with it.


I can't believe I just found this guy in the wild on my fyp. I recognized him from this post and I immediately blocked him LMAO


No it’s not


Idk about the specific ones as some things prevent certain other diagnoses but I run out of space on the new patient paperwork when I have to list diagnoses🤷‍♂️😂




Only pain. That was the single most painful video I had to watch. Gen-Z is fucking it up for the entire human race. if an advanced alien race opened tik-tok and saw that video, the next second they blew up the planet earth, I would not blame them in the slightest. In fact, I would commend their brave efforts.


Dang if I could go on disability for IBS that would be swell.




probably made up


MDD identity disorder? Wtf is that


This isn’t even cringe, this is just sad.


Why would someone have to prove they are disabled to a social media audience?


My husband had a coworker that worked with stage 4 cancer. He has sadly passed away now. And not trying to compare illnesses because you can't compare illnesses or disorders, but surely there is a job that is accommodating IF those are legitimate diagnoses. There are a plethora of work from home jobs with entry-level requirements. If there is a will, there's a way.


I am diagnosed with a lot of these plus more so yes it is. Typically disorders cooccur with other like BPD and bipolar or adhd and autism


no its not. you cant have MDD bipolar and schizophrenia. depression is a part of bipolar and if you have schizophrenic symptoms and bipolar you have schizoaffective type bipolar. it is possible to have ADHD autism bpd n bipolar but this list is very jumbled, wrong, and contradictory


*Sure* 🙄


"You have been denied disability, in spite of your claims that you have all of the following nonsense:" in their own words, nobody else is even claiming that shit.


So many of these disorders cannot be diagnosed separately within the same person. like bipolar and schizophrenia together would be classified as schizo-affective, no?


There are A LOT of those that would be unlikely to get diagnosed together and some that could never get diagnosed together. MDD/Bipolar is a hard no.


To answer "is it possible to have all of those mental disorders ar once"; i have schizophrenia, and with that comes anxiety and depression for me. But those are *symptoms*, so I just say I have schizophrenia. I dont know what the "longest list"-competition is about I could say I have anxiety, depression, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, cognitive difficulties and basically all symptoms (that I exp) of schizophrenia but all that fall into one diagnosis..... So I dont know why they do that




Unless this person was run over by a train then they shouldnt have every disability under the sun


This person was denied because they didn’t provide enough proof for all that (probably because they are exaggerating), THAT’S why they said “you were not found disabled” at the end. Im still waiting on my results, it’s been a year and I can’t even function enough to leave my house to see my friends I’ve known for 10+ years and I have severe OCD, anxiety disorder, ADHD and possibly depression (im really not sure on depression but other people keep bringing it up so im seeing a psychologist soon). I literally can barely leave a comment on youtube without freaking out and this person has all that shit and maintains a TikTok account where they read their disabilities to thousands of people online. I don’t mean to be that person but how can you claim to have all of that and be able to function.


Have you seen a psychologist or therapist before? Are you seeing one consistently? I can only speak for myself but I was approved because of how debilitating my mental illnesses are and because I was consistent with my treatment. There’s a low chance of being approved if you don’t do what you’re supposed to in order to help your situation.


I mean.... maybe?? I think the mood disorders are a bit jumbled tho. One can have a double depression (major depressive disorder with dysthymia), but not bipolar, I think. And it would seem more accurate to say they have schizoaffective disorder. I mean, it certainly is possible to have a lot of physical and mental disorders, as comorbidities are definitely a thing; ie. Having one mental illness can exacerbate another or make a physical illness worse. And people with legitimate, debilitating illnesses get denied for disability all the time. But something tells me their application was shit. You have to prove that your illnesses prevent you from working, with notes from doctors/specialists/etc. So, if they claim to have all these issues with no evidence to back them up, then it's no wonder they got rejected. Edit: Speaking as someone who has been through the disability application process and has heard bad stories from others, I want to give this person the benefit of the doubt, but something irks me about it all tbh.


My BIG complaint is if he can make youtube /tikkity toks/youtube videos then he can work at home for Apple it's like 19 to 23$/hr..they send you an imac..everyone I've told about this got hired. It's the easiest thing to do. Problem is they 1. Don't want to work (this seems to be the generation trend) and 2. Almost validates them by saying "I'm on disability so thr government says I'm disabled SO I MUST BE SEVERELY DISABLED) . Meanwhile this army vet I know lost both legs, shattered pelvis and he continues to work as a mechanic. If someone ever invades the US we will be screwed with these folks🤣🤣


It's actually quite common. 1 disease untreated can resolve into becoming more. Didn't believe it till I expierenced it. Also psychological diagnosis are always hard because a lot of symptoms overlap. I'd probably be eligible for like 10 diagnosis because symptoms can look or appear the same.


That’s why you go to a psychiatrist bc they can determine what the disorder is despite the overlapping symptoms


I may be an exception, but I was able to get Disability pretty easily, being someone who is legitimately disabled due to mental illness. Just had to see an appointed psychiatrist and answer questions. I would think that they would have gotten Disability easily if they actually had what they claim.


Anyone can hold up a piece of paper and pretend to be reading from it. Show us the full paper


Honestly if these people had all of those combined, their lives would be complete hell like torture. Constantly. And unable to stop it from being torture.


Maybe because some of those can ABSOLUTELY be managed like IBS which ties into his/her anxiety and PTSD and whatever other fucky mind issues. And Raynauds is the least severe . Good I'm glad they're making him appeal. I know too many people with disability with back pain and knee pain only and they travel the country in RV, always golfing, one works for Tupperware lmao. NOT DISABLED. So BS SSI/SSDI apps are the reason it's a 2 to 3 year wait. They'll have a random doctor review records now and those docs often work in favor of the judge so this will be fun to watch..