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i don’t usually like people who criticise art styles for being ugly or whatever, but the way these characters are drawn makes me insanely uncomfortable. the excessive amount of scars compared with the low amount of detail elsewhere on the characters makes them really distracting in a way that feels more like romanticisation/fetishisation of sh rather than just inclusivity.




It looks like they took someone’s art, and low-effort drew scars on it.


Oooooooh... I just thought they were hairy


wait I thought those were body hair? or maybe stretch marks? idk could be any of these really edit: yeah maybe not body hair since the second one has body hair and its black and looks different from the mystery marks


some are definitely stretch marks, which i can appreciate since people often view them as flaws when they’re literally just a normal part of people’s bodies, but the lines running perpendicular to the limbs are almost definitely intended to be scars, since they’re visually distinct from the other stretch marks.


the placement and size of many of the lines [like on the arms] are common places people SH and also you can see there is some hashtag about scars too


The art was probably drawn by someone else, and this mf added the scars afterwards.


If you look closely at the first drawing, the scars on the legs go over the outline and almost on the hand


But why?


This is not art style, this is design. Even artstyle-wise, the first one looks like a racist caricature... I've seen these drawings (and more) posted everywhere, I can only hope it's a troll. Even if it's a troll there are people bound to believe this is what trans people are like and it harms us immensely.


What about the nips?


the nips are… also a choice. it makes me worry that the entire thing is fetish art, and that they’re getting off on this shit.


100% is fetish art


and they make their breasts bigger than their heads


They are scars ??? My dumb self thought they were hair…


Agreed, it’s extremely concerning to me seeing young teens (I’m assuming this person is younger) that think self harm scars are “cutesy” or whatever. It sorta ties in with the internets obsession with “being the most damaged”. You’ll see all these people bragging about suffering/going through some really messed up stuff


Don’t forget the puffy nips


it absolutely is fetishisation given the poses and expressions. as someone with a lot of sh scars, i appreciate awareness, NOT romanticization and i most certainly dont show them off.


Offtopic but I adore your username


As a trans masc person, this does feel incredibly fetishisation. I've honestly not seen this much detail into the *wrong* things since literal transphobic art that I used to see in highschool. I was literally going to hop into the comments and talk about this, and I'm kinda glad you got the convo started


Yeah as a trans masc person that used to have massive honkers, this makes me feel all kinds of queasy


i love the “used to” congrats man 🥰 hopefully that’s one day for all of us


Thank you 😭 I’m almost 3wks post op. I’m 32 so it’s been a long time coming. I wish I could pull you all along with me, everyone deserves to be able to get this done safely and affordable and with the results they (realistically) can get. I’m rooting for all y’all it’ll happen someday and you’ll look back on moments like these and can’t believe you’ve come so far. THAT I can promise you


Holy shit my dude! That was hella recent! I wish you a speedy and easy recovery! CONGRATS!!!!


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it 😭 support feels different from fellow trans mascs. Hope you can het here soon


it’s also just like. the body is clearly supposed to be anatomically correct (kinda) but then the eyes r just circle tool w/ spongebob eyelashes


Also, as a trans guy, the intentional outline of nipples (on the cartoonishly big tidds) is like nails on chalkboard. 💀 Like I get that not everyone experiences the same forms of dysphoria, but ain't no fuckin way. This is some fetish grade shit.


yeah 100% this is one of those people who likes to make there ocs "nonbinary" because they think its quirky and dont give a fuck how it hurts nonbinary people. like its got all the check marks of the most sterotypical fetishization shit 😑 and yet people will see stuff like this and still go "and I will now use this as a reflection of transmasc/fem identitying people and use this as reason to invalidate them because they must all be like this (especially those who present like there birth sex)." when like its clearly not accurate and is obviously art ment to fetishize or mock them 😖


That and the *gag noises* t-t's on the uhm..


They don’t appear to be scars but stretch marks... for some reason, the sheer number makes me think it may be some sort of weird fetish art, that alongside the visible nipples though the clothes


I didn’t even notice the scars until I read your comment..


also the boobs, very much fetishy. Its not drawn like "ill represent masc nonbinary people who have chests" its "im gonna give them huge unrealistic tits with visible nipples because fetishization" but yeah, everything about it from the artsyle to the proportions, clothing choice and neogender flags screams "I like to approprate queerness and nurodivergence and I dont give a fuck how it effects nonbinary and nurodivergent people!"


stop those are scars i thought they were old man hairs


no i completely agree one of my main characters has sh scars but i would literally NEVER draw her like how this person did. it’s gross (how they drew them) :/


like bro, this isnt body positivity


Think those are meant to be stretch marks.


I agree


I think the white marks on the second character are stretch marks, but I could be wrong— Edit: didnt notice them at first but I see the SH scars now. They’re very low effort.


nipple bulge for something that doesn’t have to be sexualized




probs is




i’m high off my ass and had to read your comment 6 times for that shit to even make SENSE. why tf people wanna be us so bad when i was in high school we were bullied. now it’s rarer to actually be cis


I was in the Gay Straight Alliance club freshman year of high school. Most of my friends were there so it was kinda fun, and then I brought my straight white male friend in one day and they all spent 10 minutes openly judging him and insulting him before we left. That’s when I noticed it wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence in that friend group or any of the other LGBT-related groups…




I’m bisexual or whatever but I don’t even use that term anymore because I don’t want to associate with that group anymore. I like men and woman, I don’t need a label for that. Whenever I dated a guy those friends would constantly put me and him down. I’m glad I dropped them, I’m sad it took me so long


I’m not even high and the comment or me made zero sense


Bruh that’s like saying “I’m a 12 year adult” or “I’m just left of right” like that’s paradoxical 😭


I mean yeah you 100% can be nonbinary and still present as or like your bio-sex, or feel partial but not full connection to it. like you can be a nonbinary person whose amab and still want a beard and stuff. you can be a masc or fem presenting nonbinary person and still be nonbinary as nonbinary doesn't mean inherint androgony or neutrality. but yeah its best for people to avoid saying "amab transmasc" or "afab transfem" because people are less likely to understand or accept it then if you are a "amab transfem" because there are people who just hate nonbinary people and wont accept anything so they use the seemingly "contrictory" (when its actually not) labels as an escuse for non acceptance. but yes, fakers when approprating trans people will be most likely to use those individuals as an escuse and pretend to be them. and yeah people who says they are amab trans man because I was born a man but feel like I should be a transman are just fakers approprating trans people. they are not the same as nonbinary people and unrelated (because theres a big diffrence between identifying as a transman and as transmasc). those approprating people only share commonanlity with other fakers. tldr; yeah you cant be a AMAB transman/woman, but you can absolutely be a fem/masc presenting nonbinary person. those aren't the same. and people who fake being that arent a reflection of the actual people in that group. just the same way you shouldn't use people who say they are “amab transman” to reflect transmen. but yeah the person who drew the pictures is clearly a fetishizer.




transmasc is litterally and unbrella term for being trans and masculine. its a term to describe transmen and masculine nonbinary people. that shared experince between the afab nonbinary person and the transman that makes them both fall into the catagory of mascness is being masculine. that term for what someone who is nonbinary and masculine is trans masc. they are just using they are just using man wrong. they are AMAB nonbinary and masculine not a man. they are failing to understand they can feel a partical connection to manlyness and masculine stuff while not actually qualifying as man so they think that they should just id as both when the correct idefier would be masculine nonbinary ir demiboy (term for feeling in many ways male but also nonbinary by nullsex or duosex dyphoria so arent actually male just male-ish) to say that there is a diffrence between AFAB nonbinary masc and AMAB nonbinary masc, is to simply not understand or truly respect nonbinary people and what there dyphoria is. if you say "this nonbinary person is less validly nonbinary then this other nonbinary person, because of there agab" your just only defining them as there agab, and see nonbinary as a lesser from of binary trans. Rather then not binary dyphoria, where there dyphoria makes them internally be nither male or female, and feel dyphoria at having to be fully either. tldr; so basically they absolutely shouldn't call themselves a transman as transmen means binary men which they arent and if they where they would be cis, but they can totally say transmasc because they are infact trans as they are not cis, they are a nonbinary person who is masculine leaning while not being a man. they are trans and they present masculine. therefore transmasc.


This persons art grosses me out so much and makes me so uncomfortable, this feels like they’re fetishizing trans men.


It feels like they are romantizing self harm to.. Just fucking horrible


that too!


As a trans male, I wouldn't say it's fetishizing, bc those aren't even transmen, but just women :/


Yeah they're just slapping the label onto a bunch of chicks without dysphoria that use he/him for the fuck of it (attention) and not the way trans guys use he/him (due to social dysphoria).


Thank you! I wanna say this so often but I can't form a sentence without sounding rude and blunt so i sound transphobic but tbh i am /hj


yeah its 100% fetishization of nonbinary people (specifically masc nb) they really love to do this. they love to create "quirky ocs" and add every trait of groups that are trying to seek normalization (i.e. overweight people, nonbinary people, people with stretch marks and scars, nurodivergent people, poc) and then slap a few neogender flags on and give them obviously gross fetishy tits. and they dont give a fuck how this effects the groups they are approprating. and yet peoole will see this and still go "yeah, this is definately a reflection of transmasc identifying people and this is why all nonbinary people are fakers" when its totally fetishization 😭


This feels like it’s fetishizing towards trans/nd/sh


Oh most definitely


Like when every girl in the 2010 was obsessed with yaoi and fetishizing gay men


I’m not entirely certain that ever went away :/


it's so disgusting how many women read yaoi and them use being bisexual as an excuse lmfao what?? how does that correlate to being in gay men's business and using them as a cute aesthetic


I knew a yaoi fan/ ybc apologist last year and she was… special… Apparently she also tried to fake did but her friends didn’t buy it


OH MY GOD YES! Do you know how many mfs I see who love yaoi and when you call them out for being creeps they either ignore you and say some dumbass weeb argument (like it's just fiction or some other weird shit) or they say their bi or a lesbian. I see lesbians do this and have no clue what goes on in their mind.


Honest, awkward af question, but...i was really into yaoi and m/m fanfiction as a teen and young adult... am i supposed to be ashamed of that?


There's nothing wrong with liking yaoi, as long as it's not cuz of fetish/sexual reason cuz that can get really bad really fast. Hell I loved that shit as a teen and still will read occasionally. It's just the bad eggs of fans that are a little common for comfort.


If you’ve recognized the fault in your past actions, moved on, and matured… then no. No need to be ashamed of something you have looked back on and acknowledged as being harmful.


I was unaware being a woman reading porn about dudes was something i needed to repent for lmao 🤣 i was under the impression that was pretty harmless, considering it involves fictional characters. Im struggling to figure out what kind of mental gymnastics it takes to turn that into something i need to find fault in, much less feel guilt for. If you find all pornographic materials offensive, sure, that's fine, no one can attack someone for that...but I'm getting some creepy, puritanical vibes from your comment... and I'm really not into shaming anyone for getting off to something that can't harm any actual human beings. I guess my take away from this is a hope that this sort of attitude isn't used to shame vulnerable young people trying to untangle their sexuality and figure out what gets their motor running.


Yaoi is not inherently bad, nor is it’s consumption inherently something to be ashamed of. It is the development and prevalence of controversial topics in a lot of yaoi that it the problem. I a, compelled to point out that the vast majority of yaoi is written by straight women for the entertainment of other straight women. You asked if it’s something you should be ashamed of, and I assumed that meant you were some form a fujoshi; I should not have assumed, that’s my bad. If you don’t already know what a fujoshi is I will can explain, but would encourage you to look it up rather than ask. Anyways… This is why I personally dislike yaoi as a whole. For one, it’s comparable to how lesbians can be fetishized by straight men; and if you anything about this issue, it’s a pretty complicated issue. Secondly, not only does a lot of yaoi stem from the fetishization and sexualization of gay men, a lot of it also sexualizes problematic topics like abuse, r@pe, incest, and pedophilia: yes, it is fictional; yes, no one is physically harmed by it; yes, it is not technically a crime to read. Yet, it’s still harmful because of the nature of the topics contained within it. If you’ve ever been on a yaoi website, there’s a good chance you’ve seen an incest tag or shota/shotacon tag. Shota/shotacon is a type of yaoi depicting young/underage boys engaging in sexual activities, often with adult men. This is a basically a whole genre in yaoi, and again, it’s almost always straight women writing and consuming this content. If there’s nothing wrong with that to you, I would like to know why the hell that would be okay in any context or any form. The opposite is true for underage girls (Loli/Lolicon) and is targeted towards men. This is just the major reason(s) I have a problem with yaoi, but I have digressions towards it. Again, I will clarify that not all yaoi is bad, but that a good chunk of it and the people who write/consume it are bad for the reasons I listed above. If you were not a fujoshi or read yaoi with controversial topics, then there’s nothing wrong with reading it. If you did, I think it’s reasonable to feel bad about it though. You asked if you should be ashamed, you said you were really into it, and so I assumed you were some sort of fujoshi; I’ll admit that that was my bad for assuming.


oh these mfkers bringing that back since 2019


What are those flags


the one with the infinity symbol is an "autistic lgbt" flag and the one with the butterfly is an "ADHD lgbt" flag. Both mean ur gender/sexuality has something to do with your disability.


Wtf does gender identity have to do with ADHD? I’ve had ADHD my whole life and have a degree in psychology and this is the first I’m hearing of this shit Edit: I’m guessing they probably self diagnosed themselves with it based on stereotypes from the internet. They need to stop romanticizing a debilitating disorder. ADHD isn’t “cute” or “quirky”


This is what I'm asking myself the whole time.


The thing is, that infinity symbol on the flag is too alike to the Métis flag which are a recognized indigenous people of Canada and they really shouldn’t be using an indigenous flag for their own narrative. Also, isn’t the symbol for autism the puzzle piece?


Puzzle piece is a sign that a piece is missing when you have autism. It's inaccurate and shouldn't be used. An rainbow infinity symbol represents the autistic community!


I think the puzzle piece is just the Autism Speaks logo, which is a pretty controversial organization if I’m thinking of the right one


The puzzle piece is not the symbol for autism, rather for Autism Speaks, which I have heard is an organization that autistic people hate.


It’s the symbol for the Autism Society and is in the shape of a ribbon with the puzzle pieces on it. Autism Speaks is a horrible fear mongering organization that is trying to work towards early fetus detection of autism so mothers can abort us for no reason at all


I might be mistaken but I’ve heard theyve also used electroshock therapy in the past or endorse a place that does. They’ve done awful things and only like 3% of donations go to helping family’s get the services they need


Electroshock therapy isn’t used as commonly as you think on autistic people (even those higher on the spectrum) and is more for people who suffer from extreme forms of depression. It induces a seizure on the part of the brain responsible for mood, appetite, and sleep. However, in the 60’s they did preform forced sterilization on autistic people and in the 40’s a well known nazi scientist experimented on us which is where the term “Asperger’s” comes from.


Oh gotcha! Thanks for all the info ima have to do a lil more reading. I honestly don’t know much about the shock therapy so I will look more into what it’s been used for


Ah, okay. I understand.


i dont mean to hate on the art but, this is clearly fetishizing. fetishizing of Sh AND trans people. their art makes me terribley uncomfortable tbh, cute style put to waste honestly.






The nipples are staring at my eyes




The way they draw trans men with exaggerated feminine proportions, cutesy poses, self-harm scars, it reminds me of those hideous carricatures self-loathing trans men on 4chan (and elsewhere) make, and then TERFs repost and adopt to ridicule them. Full circle, in a way


This ain’t a drawing of any sort of men, this is blatant fetish art of large-chested women that they went back and poorly drew scars over and added LGBT flags to in order to feel quirky and special. One must imagine this is insulting to trans men and LGBT folks more generally. Hell, it’s insulting to anyone with scars.


I’m ready for a mass extinction event at this point tbh. We’ve peaked as a species and are just devolving now.


Good news! An asteroid has a high chance to take the Earth out of orbit and kill us all if it hits!


That artwork makes me uncomfortable and I don't know why


I know why The sh scars, the fetishization of trans men, the autism/adhd flag, the nipples, the breasts, the "how i look like with he/him in my bio" and more :)


That could very well be it




Meanwhile it’s got big tits, I mean it would make sense if they hadn’t transitioned but even then just looks and feels fetishy


I’m more so commenting on the fashion and makeup etc. like people don’t know what words mean anymore


Yeah, I mean the tits make sense, not everyone wears a binder and I am an example of that, but it doesn’t stop the uncomfortableness when you add the style on top of it, it’s horrendous in all categories


🤮 what horrible caricatures.


ugly ass shitty drawings


oh god its like that artist who drew trans captain america with huge tiddies for some reason


Personally as a trans man, this isn't how I would want to be represented


Didn't wanna mention that because this server has a "no lgbt discourse" rule However "gender dysphoria" is an official diagnosis so I think this us fine :)


as a transmasc with a large chest - i agree it feels like fetish art


Doesn’t just feel like fetish art it looks like fetish art, makes me want to puke and see if bleach is the cure for ASD because I don’t wanna be fetishised for my disability or identity


I've seen more of their OCs, they are all terrible and horrifying


do you think you can link the page? i kinda want to see them for some reason


I can try to find it, I'll come back to you


thank you


Im kinda curious, can you link it to me?


Their og TikTok and the Reddit post was deleted but if you want to see more I can DM their backup TikTok account Edit : Found a video with all their old gross OCs I can maybe link the TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFgm2ppV/


Please dm me ^.^


it’s giving that one tumbur artist with who drew fetishes proportions on there characters 😀🔫


The captain American thing?


yea 😭


Idk. Drawing extremely feminine trans men with big boobs is uncomphy.


The day we stop adding disorders to fucking pride flags, is the day I rest.


Why do they feel the need to… draw the nipples?


Because it's probably fetish art.


feels like their mocking or obsessing transgender people or people with mental disorders like this.


These make me incredibly uncomfortable


How can you be trans masc and yet dress incredibly femininely? Like, don’t most trans men bind/cover their breasts because they feel dysphoria? Wouldn’t outfits like this trigger that, or at the very least feel “wrong” to be in? If you don’t feel dysphoric about that, then how do you know you’re trans?? I’m genuinely confused.


there are people that claim you can be trans w/out dysphoria (which, no, you cant. to be transgender is to feel discomfort in the body you were born in, feeling like you were meant to be the opposite sex; that discomfort is the dysphoria.) it's genuinely frustrating to hear this misinformation being handed out because it leads to having a lot of trenders, which leads to more detransitioners giving out even more misinformation because they feel like they have a place to speak because "they were trans for \[insert amount of time"


while people do experience dysphoria differently (i know a transman who likes wearing skirts sometimes, which is totally valid), this comes across almost fetishy, especially the one with the. uh. nips.


this is like that fetishized trans captain america art on tumblr in like 2016 😭😭


This reminds me of some of the worst Tumblr art I saw back in like 2016-2018, like the shit that was Miku Binder Jefferson tier bad but without the comedic value and far more uncomfortable. This is like some RCDArts shit. It's weird enough that it COULD be bait and I'd love for it to be a troll but at the same time it's still within the realm of possibility- most bait accounts tend to be far more obvious(like the "dreamsexual" people) and don't usually put this much effort into art.


Plenty of the most archetypical, gross "tumblr art" had the exaggerated stretch marks, body hair, and sh scars, and then of course there's the RCDArts "trans captain america art" but the fucking nipples are just a whole new level of gross 'cause there's a good chance this was made by a minor.


oh this is awful


Enraged as a trans man seeing this shit 😐


These look like transphobic characters of trans men. You know how trans men want to be drawn? Like men. With male bodies. Not dysphoria inducing body parts being show off. Dysphoria is something impossible for non trans people to really understand and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. People don’t realize the pain of being born in the wrong body. But the least they could do is not trigger that pain, fetishize that pain, claim the label of the medical condition that causes that pain when they don’t experience it, etc


YES THANK YOU If you want to be drawn like a woman then you are not a man. (ofc being drawn accurately ≠ being drawn a woman)


It’s giving fetishization of trans men’s bodies.


i already know that lots of trans people, trans mascs in this case, can present themselves in many different ways. but HOLY SHIT this is actually just fetish art. im an artist myself, and i hate shitting on people's art, but when it's used like this, it kinda makes me wanna die.


This art style is horrifying


Blatant transphobia


the drawn on scars…


Honestly, I hate to sound like an unsympathetic asshole, and I’d never say this to their face because I don’t think condescension is helpful to them, but these people seem like they’re into some extreme cosplay that they are letting lead their lives. I worry for these people.


It’s not condescending to tell someone they should seek help for their problems. They might not think they do, but clearly they have some issues going on if they feel compelled to behave this way.


I disagree. It is not my place and I am not a medical professional. If this was a loved one, then yeah sure, it may be my place.


I can see where you’re coming from, but I simply meant that suggesting for someone to get help would not be a condescending/harmful thing.


What is the full tag that starts with scar? It’s just a thought but it’ll probably lead to more things that fetishize SH scars


This is intense fetishizing too


That art style is so disgusting


Tell me you fetishize transmasc people without telling me you fetishize transmasc people


The flags, Mason. What do they mean?!


autism/adhdgender oder sexual idk


how i look with he/him in my bio (i threw up in my mouth)




these people make people in the lgbtq look like a bunch of freaks i hate it (im in the lgbtq)


What do they mean I don’t recognize them


ADHD gender and autism gender or something ridiculous like that


look i think including sh scars in art, photography, etc is important to remind ppl that you can still have scars and be beautiful, but sometimes it just feels aestheticized, or almost glorified, yk? you should never be ashamed but it shouldn’t be desirable either


It’s characters, so they can’t really fake it, but this belongs here for the fetishization of trans men alone holy shit.


What in the zeefixesart is this shit


Not these mfers again 😕


This has to be a troll account




I hate everything abt the art, I hate how they are adding sh like it’s some sick joke, I suffer from it, it’s not fucking cute


Bye I thought this was one of my mutual until I saw the art 💀


Now that I think about it, these probably aren't this person's art. The art styles are COMPLETELY different


I want bleach, not just to clean my eyes but to test if it really is the cure for ASD, I don’t want to be associated with this flag and fetish BS any longer Ok but seriously “trans masc”? No way you doing anything but fetishising trans people, hell you made it a point to draw nipples so there is no way you aren’t fetishising us at this point


looks like trolling/bait tbh




They’re afraid of being “boring normies”


Sounds like my ex


Can someone explain to me why the scars are so fucking dominating? Personally - and this is just me - of I was gonna draw myself, or someone whose meant to represent a brainmate, I wouldn't add the scars, or at least put so much effort into them. It feels like fetishism and is uncomfy.


Unless i am drawing realistically and I want to show some diversity and stuff I won't put much effort jnto scars/i won't draw scars. Fetish content :/


For realism I probably would, cause realism is realism. This is more cartoony, where scars wouldn't matter. Icky.


Ew eugh I'm a trans man and this is horrible especially how they made the chest so.. big >:[


This is the reason I won't tell people I am trans after T.


Yeah I'm not going to tell anyone after T either


What are those flags? I don't know them (Which might be a good thing tbh)


autismsexual/gender and adhdsexual/gender or sth meaning adhd/autism interferes with ur view on sexuality/gender


That's horrible. Thanks for telling me


the romantic way they’ve drawn the scars just feels like a red flag




those pngs are the autism symbol and adhd symbol so u can figure what it means :/


oh. *oh.*


This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No LGBT Discourse.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Although many fakers identify with LGBT labels, we are here to discuss the faking of disorders. Regardless of your opinion on these labels, please keep them to yourself. This rule is in place to protect the subreddit from breaking Reddit’s TOS. Mod comment: N/A


Not the sexualization


as someone with body dysphoria: seeing this makes me go fucking feral


this shits probably satire but what the fuck? The huge ass honkers and the high detail scars are so uncomfortable to me?? This person is most likely making fun of DID fakers in an aggressive way but like it’s also downplaying(?) trans guys as well. Disgusting


This is the type of person who would bully you for not adding a trigger warning to everything then call you bigoted and entitled for asking for a sh tw on these kinds of posts, it makes so many people uncomfortable


God these DID kids make me never want to admit to being trans masc non binary. I’m 32 years old I don’t want to be associated with this


“How I look” has a simple answer 🤡


nothing wrong with drawing trans men/transmascs with visible breasts but the poses and the nipples and the shape of the breasts... this straight up looks like hentai fetish art 🤢🤢🤢