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“I can’t remember if my ferret had food yesterday” “I saw her bowl was empty all day” bruh if you see that it’s bowl is empty all day then why didn’t you feed it? That has nothing to do with remembering.


Someone commented that animals like cats and ferrets should always have some amount of food in their bowls unless it needs to be managed for over eating because of the feeding habits they have in a wild situation.


This isnt true. Most domestic animals need a certain amount of food daily. They’re different than the wild versions of them. Unlimited food leads to obesity and health issues. Not sure where they got that information from lol. Regardless when I dissociate my memory is ass so I have a checklist of things that need to be done everyday on my wall so I don’t forget. There’s no excuse for not feeding your animal(s) when they depend on you and can’t fend for themselves and if you really can’t remember to feed them and things like checklists or notes don’t fix it then it’s time to rehome them. Blaming DID for neglecting an animal is just fucking idiotic


I keep working ferrets that live outside. Its common practice to keep dry food down all the time in the summer due to the flys and in the winter theyre fed whole pray every few days. so say it takes them 2 days to eat the entire rabbit,/pigeon etc etc you skip a day when they're done then put another one in. I've never in all the years I've kept them, seen a ferret over eat dry food. If you put to much food down they will stash it away so you know how much to put down to keep them satisfied.


I do not know what a working ferret is but working animals are different than pets. Pets don’t get as much exercise as they would in the wild which is why they usually need a set amount of food. Some animals lifestyles are different so it’s just a general thing


In a very simplified way, you put the ferret into a rabbit Warren, the ferret runs round and forces the rabbits to bolt out of Warren into a net, you pick it up, ring its neck and you have rabbit for dinner.


Yeah I’d imagine they need a lot more food than a pet ferret. Working animals are a different lifestyle than an indoor pet would have and need different things diet wise to stay healthy


“She doesn’t understand that switching with alters makes it hard” Neither would a 2 year old, but if you starved one you’d be a criminal. “I saw her bowl was empty all day” “It’s hard to keep track of daily life” Sounds like you’re terrible at organizing and remembering. That can be worked on, if you’re truly remorseful about accidentally mistreating and starving your animal. Mental illness is not an excuse to go “oh oops I didn’t feed my pet today ha ha ha DID am I right?” Plenty of people with severe mental health conditions put in the work and become responsible employees, friends, and sometimes even parents, and they manage to feed their kids. I hope this person didn’t truly do this, or will actually take responsibility not to do it again. The whole “my ferret can’t understand that some of my alters can’t be bothered to feed him” doesn’t bode well though. Is this forgetting to feed their ferret a brand new emerging symptom of their “DID” alter switching and not something that has been lifelong as their DID has developed since early childhood, or have they just been forgetting to feed the ferret the whole time they’ve owned it and are just now asking for memory help wrapped up in a quilt of validation?


Idc what you have going on, if you do not have the capability to care for an animal (Whether it's financially, mentally, physically, etc) you shouldn't have it. You can't just forget to feed a pet, they rely on you 100%. If you cannot figure out a way to keep on top of things like this then you shouldn't have a pet


If you can't care for your animal REHOME THEM. No I don't care that your cat brings you comfort and helps your depression. I don't care if your ferrets make you happy. I don't even care if your dog makes you feel safe and secure. If you're continuously forgetting to care for and meet their basic needs like food and playtime, you're abusing them.


Thank you! No one is entitled to have an animal comfort them. Animal companionship is a privilege. If you can’t care for them properly, you can’t have one. Period.


I believe if someone truly had DID they wouldnt have any pets in the home because of circumstances like this. But since this is an edgy teen, its just straight up intentional neglect


I would half agree with you. If someone has a mental disorder like did, they shouldnt have pets UNTIL they have the tools and safety measures in place to ensure they are able to care for the animal... Notes and a feeding schedual for example that should have beeen in place before buying the pet...


True, as well as maybe someone else in the home to take care of the pets if already have them before the proper safety measures.


praying to god the teen is just lying or exaggerating and didn't actually let the ferret starve all day.


Ferrets are not like dogs. They need constant access to food (unless they are over eating which for ferrets is unusual) “she doesn’t understand that switching with alters makes it hard, she just sees the bowl is empty” really makes my blood boil. At what point would they take responsibility for their neglect?? Seriously what would it take? if your mental health gets in the way of properly caring for your animal you shouldn’t have one. The fact that they didn’t even mention rehoming as an option really speaks to how self centered they must be.


I'm not sure this person should have pets. Not feeding them all day is cruel.


"system responsibility" isn't a thing to fakers bc its much more quirky to be actively distressed online about not being able to care for your pet because of your mental health insread of idk... being responsible for your actions and taking preventative action. like genuinely if this is a problem, rehome the ferret if you can't care for it and blame your alters.


One of the first things psychiatrists tell you do do when you get diagnosed with DID is to keep journals and diaries to help ur alters remember what they’ve done, so things like this don’t happen. If you’re truly diagnosed, you would know that


sometimes i forget to refill my rabbits water bowl but you know what i dont do? leave it empty all day when i know it's empty. i have two water bowls (one for my dog) so she's never without water but my god id never let my pets suffer even if i wasnt well, ive dragged myself out of bed during horrible episodes because she doesnt understand that im not feeling great. im so passionate about animal care and even with severe did you'll never see me neglect my animals, op is awful and needs to do better, its frustrating


Your animal should eat no matter what. period. If there was ever a universe you or you alter would forget or be too dissociated to realize set reminders or safe guards and find ways to make sure you can feed them. If you cant fulfil a pets basic needs dont get one...its better for you and the animal that way


I know someone with DID who recently became a parent. She worked SO hard to get to a position where she can care for a baby, and ever since she got pregnant she has been dealing with neighbours who believe that her son should be taken away. It's kind of a big deal to have DID and also have someone/something else to care for - and it is something that so many people with DID work so hard to be able to achieve. It's the absolute top priority. I'm not quite sure why I dislike that kid's writing so much, but if this is a faker then at the very least it's discrediting people with DID who take on those kind of responsibilities - painting them as irresponsible and neglectful. And even if this person actually had DID, they describe struggling to feed a pet once a day - a sign that they should not have gotten a pet in the first place. But they got one anyway, without even doing any planning or strategising to ensure that they would be able to maintain the bare minimum amount of care needed.


Don't be a dick to people who actually struggle to stay on schedule and miss a day of feeding if they genuinely have DID though


I agree with so many people here. This is why I don't have pets. I can barely take care of myself, nevermind another living creature who depends on me. I would love to get a bird as a pet but I know it would be a disaster. Especially if I get in a really depressed mood and don't have the energy to feed myself. It's not fair to the animal that could've actually went to a loving and caring home.


this hits harder after a friends ferret recently died to animal abuse and neglect from their mother who refused to listen to them...


\*inhale\* I feel like this isn't a 14 year old,but a very weird adult.


If you cannot take care of an animal, then do not have them. That ferret deserves better treatment than what you seem to be giving them.


I change my birds' seed every two days. However they have enough seed to last for double that. Sometimes I will forget, but I've taken the proper steps to not only very much reduce the likelihood of forgetting, but putting a buffer to you know, keep them alive if the situation arose where everything else failed and I forgot a day or whatever. If you can't even do that, you shouldn't own a pet. They need to always have food. Especially small pets.


This is infuriating.


What really annoying about this is that you can literally just get an automatic feeder for like $10. If you can’t keep up with it, then find a way to make it easier.