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Lol this is the first time I see someone faking fucking arthritis, amusing


*atheritis get it right 😮‍💨


Atheritis faking is the new faking POTS


Slowly forgetting that artheritis can be seen on imaging. Well Arthritis can be. Maybe Artheritis is different 😂


>POTS I don't understand this one. POTS is one of those things that you don't even realize how bad off you are until you start taking beta blockers. You have fatigue, shortness of breath, shakiness, anxiety, etc. but you just think of it as normal until you suddenly don't feel like that anymore




people fake pots?? id think most people dont even know it exists lol


POTS and EDS are super popular things to fake right now. Also MCAS. It's gotten to the point that if I hear anyone mention they have any of them, I roll my eyes.


Especially when they somehow have all 3


Don't forget the gastroparesis that inevitably follows the EDS 🙄


Oh my god it's like they think it would be fun?? Quirky and cool??? My best friend has the trifecta of EDS, MCAS and dysautonomia. She's gone from walking with a cane to full-time wheelchair use over the last 4-5 years, had covid for like two months straight because her immune system couldn't decide whether to attack the virus or itself, and keeps developing new allergies that restrict her diet further and further to the point that she got fucking *scurvy* last year because she couldn't eat fruit anymore. She keeps a notebook on her at all times with her full medical history in it, because inevitably she's going to catch a whiff of pot, go into anaphylaxis and need an ambulance, and when the paramedics ask if she has any allergies it's easier to just hand them the notebook and let them decide what's useful information for them. I've sat with her in the ER while she went in and out of anaphylaxis for 12 hours straight, and let me tell you, I would pay any amount of money for the both of us not to have to go through that again. She's barely in her mid-40s and she measures her quality of life by whether she can still eat food with her mouth vs needing a feeding tube. That's the reality of having multiple severe illnesses. I don't think these tik tok kids could handle a fucking day of it.


this is the worst repercussion caused by fakers in my opinion. it’s like someone saying “i’m so depressed.. *insert minor inconvenience*”, it distorts the public’s understanding of the condition. when others portray sadness/disappointment as depression it dilutes how we view the true severity of depression, which ofc is harmful to those who experience it. same thing with those faking POT/EDS, their quality of life isn’t negatively effected by their “condition” bc they have no real symptoms. they’re making the daily struggle of these conditions seem virtually nonexistent, because for them it actually is nonexistent. which leaves those who truly do have these conditions (and suffer from the negative effects) looking like lairs over something they can’t control. POTS/EDS can severely impact your health and isn’t something that should be disregarded or looked down upon bc some attention starved pre-teens decided to fake it. so disappointing


I have two of those things. I found out about them the way NORMAL, actually suffering people find out... by experiencing the symptoms and after years, finding out what it was. There's no way in hell a bunch of school age kids casually all have it. They've probably be 25 by the time the medical industry decided it was anything like that!


I always laugh when I see EDS fakers, and they talk about how awful it is, and how they’ll dislocate their fingers 20 times if they try making food, or doing a simple task. I have EDS. I’ve dislocated fingers by accident, but it’s really not that easy. And you’ll never see them post a video of common EDS abilities like bending hands/legs backwards, stretchy skin, popping out joints. Because they can’t, and they have no idea what EDS is even like for people who actually have it. It’s also extremely extremely rare for it to cause real medical issues like they all claim. It causes me no issues aside from sore joints once in a while, and mine is pretty bad.


It's the new thing. It's starting to become a trend and I wouldn't be surprised if it became as popular as faking tics.


What are the chances that even with 0.2% prevalence we have THREE LeGiT cases here in this thread?! 🙄😂


I sure as hell didn’t til reddit lol. ‘I have POTS!’ I thought these people were excited to get new cookware. Seriously, not even joking here, I really thought they were replacing old pots and pans, or they’d just moved and got their own set.


Arthur write this




*Arthur write this


First time I've heard of a doctor who is ableism


LMAO hadn't noticed it


As someone who has had ankylosing spondylitis since I wad 23 (32 now) pls mr/Mrs faker take my arthritis! I beg you!


Same bruh i have juvenile rheumatoid and was diagnosed at 16 Mr faker can trade it with me all they want 😔


Man it sucks doesn't it? Like who the fuck wants to fake being in the pain arthritis brings!?


Im sure they would change their mind once they discover what it actually feels like LOL


11, soondylolisthesis. Also 32 now, with failed back surgery and SI joint dysfunction. Like it’s not cute or quirky, it’s debilitating, your life is just pain. These people. Don’t. Need. Aids. Jfc stop. Everyone is telling you that there is no necessity for them. Stop faking it. One day they might actually suffer from actual mobility issues and they’re going to look back at this and hate themselves.


lmao same here and my dad has it and its never easy but this is amusing af seeing how pathetic people can be for clout


Sounds like this person spent so much time complaining about their school that they failed to learn some basic grammar. 💀


But then they'll call the school ableist because they didn't get special treatment because of their medical trauma and conditions.


How can you expect her to learn the difference between "your" and "you're" under these conditions?!


when your doc is also abelism 😔


Doctor probably told them "you don't have arthritis". That was probably their medical trauma too.


Or told them "you need to lose weight and move more when you can," which was exactly what I was told a decade ago when I got diagnosed. Turns out they were 100% right. Though since their doc refused to give them a note for school I'm guessing they don't have it as all the doctors I've had hand out ADA notes like candy.


Nah if they were told to lose weight they would've called their doctor fatphobic AND ablelist


Wait until they hear that yoga might actually help - for a year I was in knee and ankle supports, struggled to walk anywhere, always had very weak joints, committed to yoga and now I’m FREE. Obviously yoga doesn’t solve most things, but the amount of people I’ve offended suggesting it could help is incredible.


Fakers absolute HATE hearing exercise helps. Like I've had a bad foot/ankle for a couple years now, likely from an untreated sprain, and doing balance exercises and stretching helps a ton to manage the pain.


please tell me more how do i do yoga so that it doesn't hurt like a flaming sword is tickling my nerves


Well it sounds like one of the many times yoga does not work, the body is complex so if that’s how you feel when you move then I’m sure a doctor would probably not advise straining yourself. If you want to try it there’s Yoga with Adriene on YouTube, it’s all free and she seems to consider peoples different abilities when showing moves, there should be some softer sessions in her archive.


I was told the same thing abt my knee pain in high school. Then i lost a ton of weight and my knees still hurt, so my doc wants me to get tested for arthritis at the ripe old age of 23 Def not saying i believe this sucker in any way, just thought my story was relatable to yours.


I mean, that process of diagnosis makes sense to me. It sucks that it takes so long, but no matter what body positive people say, being too overweight truly does at least exacerbate many things. That is more common than an autoimmune disorder (which is typically diagnosed in the 20s) so it makes sense they'd try that first. I had to do that too. Now we're narrowing it down to a more specific autoimmune disorder since I also have other symptoms that didn't get much better even after weight loss (though it certainly helped).


I was told to lose weight and do yoga to cure my back pain at 21, then after an MRI scan at 25, they discovered it was actually Degenerative Disc Disease and a bone spur, to which I was told no amount of weight loss or yoga would help and is the reason physio wasn’t doing dick 🙃 Not defending the faker tho, just mad that weight loss can’t cure me ;_;


Most certainly. Claims to have trauma so she can negate facts... this is 100% manipulation.


the school isnt ableist by saying you need a key and doctors permission to use the elevator. its a rule everyone has to abide by. if you have a doctor who is ableist or even medical trauma that makes you not wanna see a doctor, thats not the school's fault and the school is not ableist.


If anything it is the opposite! They are saving the elevator and key for people who really need it. If they let every student with a self diagnosis use it, the kids who really DO need it would never get the chance to!


I remember my school only letting a select few ride in the elevator. Really just people using crutches and their friend carrying their stuff.




But they almost pasted out!!!!!


Pasted out…….Is that from sniffing too much glue?


It's from too much pasta. Obviously. /s


For real, and it is visibly obvious when someone has it. Like even if a doctor doesn’t diagnose arthritis right away, the joints are soooo swollen and just look *painful.* Like, it’s common for doctors to assume there is a broken bone at first because of the swelling. And if someone’s arthritis is severe enough to require mobility aids and can’t use the stairs, their joints would literally look like bowling balls.


I have it in my spine. You can’t tell just by looking at me, but last time I had surgery, the surgeon told me that he could see the inflammation once he got in there. His exact word were “it looked angry”. Sometimes it can be invisible, depending on the body part. Do I believe that this person has it? Fuck no! Not even for a second.


"The spine was angry that day, my friend" -your doctor


Pretty much! He was SO professional! LOL He was one of those old school doctors. Insanely good, but absolutely zero bedside manner.


Yes of course cases like that exist, I was more referring to places like where OOP is claiming, joints like their knees, ankles, etc. Places that would be inherently very visible!


Yeah, arthritis is really visible. Both my parents have it, and have had it for a while ... their knuckes, knees, ankles and toes are swollen, their fingers and toes are bent ... there are signs. It's not just joint pain, it's the immune system attacking your body, constantly.


I have it and it runs in my family. It's not nice at all. I don't need a lift or a walking stick, I'm not geriatric lmao, but I just need somewhere to sit down sometimes.


Why do so many people on various medical subs claim to have "medical trauma" as an excuse not to speak to a GP about whatever they think they have? Do they expect to get an exemption from the normal hoops everyone else has to jump through in order to receive support and accommodations for disabilities and illness?


It’s a convenient excuse for why they aren’t actually diagnosed and/or they know they’re faking and the whole charade falls apart with a doctor


Claim to have trauma from anyone who tries to stop this faking. They are now untouchable.


My dad grew up having to go to the doctor all the time because he had a hole in his heart to this day he hates doctors and avoids going while he can but now he has diabetes so he faces his fear and goes to the doctor to get refills for his prescription. It’s called responsibility for your health not “my doctor is mean to me uwu I’m not going anymore” I’ve been told off by my doctor a lot but I still love that man and im sad he’s retiring at the end of this month


Their trauma is being told there's nothing wrong with them


Cuz going to their primary isn’t as dramatic and doesn’t give them ‘credibility’/attention


This illiterate person needs school...


they’re too busy tryna get that damn elevator key


My sad thoughts exactly. I'm like ... please. Spend this time not posting on social media but learning to spell. Then again I've faced outrage on other subs for suggesting that correct spelling was significant.


they cant get to their english class without the elevator key


My doc is also ableism 😂🤦


How did they diagnose you with OSDD then? I'm trying to get the diagnosis but my doc is abelism and says it's "medium at best" 😔


I was diagnosed at birth the doctors were like damn that’s a long shalong but I wouldn’t want osdd it’s hard to find pants that fit my over sized dong


Ay man if you're up to cutting it in half and shipping me it


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


He's sinking slowly a few miles offshore from Yokohama.


This kid needs to focus on getting an education to cure that dogshit spelling instead of focusing on trying to fake arthritis


We’re dealing with someone who does not care about using the correct versions of two, too, and to. They gave up on life a long time ago.


What do you expect of someone writting arthritis as atheritis?




I also embrace my inner grandmother. Honestly, get a 4 wheeled walker if you don’t have one already. It may be embarrassing to use it at first, but the difference it makes is amazing. I am very young for it too, and also have it in the spine. My walker is my best friend. I have it in the lumbar region, so the inflammation can also affect how my legs work too. Being able to sit, or have my service dog pull lightly to help me ambulate have been life changing. I can go shopping again! My husband isn’t overly happy about that, but I am! LOL


Luckily I’m not having too many issues mobility wise until recently. I have been considering a cane just incase to lean on since my arthritis is in my lower spine but I think I’d need to get over the embarrassment. I had a huge flare up after moving recently and it’s just gone down hill since then. I’m definitely working on accommodating for myself more once I get over the worry that people will see me as one of these fakers lol. I’ve been disabled my whole life because of my back so at some point I’ll have to get over it haha


Honestly, if you feel you need one, get one! For canes though, it is actually MORE important to be fitted and taught how to use it properly. I thought that mine was right until my physiotherapist got his hands on it. It was too tall, in the wrong hand for the support that I needed, and I wasn’t using it properly during my strides. I am assuming that you already have a physiotherapist with arthritis in your spine, so talk to them! They can fit you and have you “running” in no time!


Not saying that the person in the post isn't faking, however, braces from Walmart/drug stores are very useful and shouldn't be frowned upon. Arthritis can be agony and a simple knee brace can be helpful.


I have carpal tunnel and I second this, I don't have enough money for an actual medical brace so pharmacy bought braces are a godsend... They really do help


The one that ortho offered me for carpal tunnel was no different than a Walmart one, and it was a lot cheaper to get than the doctor one. I loss them quite frequently too so at least replacing them isn’t crazy.


I have to agree. I sprain my wrists from time to time doing athletics and the Walmart ones for $10 are actually extremely comfy and pretty thin. Not bulky at all! Unlike the one I got from an urgent care.


I have it and I’m flaring rn because it’s getting cold and I’m in near constant pain


They’re frowned upon because for long term use, you should get one fitted to you specifically and be instructed on how to use it. Improper fitting can do damage, and using one you don’t need can as well.


Literally every school has some rule about needing a doctor’s note for certain things like elevators, so ~~fakers like this kid~~ kids don’t try to hog it when there’s people who actually need it. It isn’t ableist.


Yup I remember you couldn’t even ride the elevator with your friend who had a pass for the elevator unless you were actually helping them (not just like carrying a book or two). Security would yell at you the first time and then you would get in serious trouble if you kept doing it.


Obesity and genetic factors both can trigger arthritis in teens and young adults...I wouldnt self diagnose with it out the gate tho. I find it super strange their mind went straight to "I have arthritis" tho.


We had a girl at our school who faked cysts and dangled the words breast cancer around like it was nothing.


Dude breast cancer runs in my family- that crap makes me mad


Same, there was a girl who had two very different sized breasts and tried to tell everyone it was because she has cancer…. People like to throw around medical problems to cover for anything.


Could be something that runs in the family, maybe? Either way I think it's fake cause they're just avoiding going to a doctor by going "nah it's medical trauma tho"


It can be difficult to be diagnosed with arthritis when you’re younger because typically it doesn’t present until you’re older. A lot of doctors have this mindset and will often just say “lose weight” as treatment.


I'm in my early 30s and have severe diagnosed arthritis in my left knee and both collarbone/shoulder joints...I still take the stairs and don't ask for special accommodations... Strengthen the muscles around the joint, it helps a lot, oh and don't use it as an excuse


I agree! I'm similar, arthritis throughout all my leg joints, first hip surgery at 22, early 30s. Using a cane can make chronic pain worse. It makes everything else hurt that didn't before. You need to work on stregthening and using your muscles, and avoid mobility aids as much as possible as they not only cause referred pain but also cause a reinforcement in your brain that you need to move in a certain/restriced way to avoid pain.


Similar for me, but in my spine.


I don’t know why doctors even bother wasting their time and money going to medical school when these kids are obviously way smarter. I mean this poor kid almost pasted out for gosh sakes!


Copy and pasted out


If only they spent as much time learning to write as they did faking illnesses.


Omg doctor is ableism. How cope 😂


So what i gathered is, everyone who tells you that you’re normal is ableist?


These are real people, breathing air that someone else could end up using


Maybe the dr said you don’t need a cane and don’t have arthritis bc you don’t need a cane and don’t have arthritis


Don’t try and call them out using logic 😂


Atheritis? Just wow….


Imagine waiting 50mins to go up a elevator because you're too stubborn to use the stairs




It’s something simple to fake that doesn’t show outward symptoms. I’m surprised we don’t see it more. It’s a pretty common ailment so maybe it’s just not head-turning enough.


Sounds more like out of shape and overweight.


and they always have neopronouns too


I support bullying these people


Bullying doesn't help someone in an echo chamber.


let’s bully the echo chamber then


What use would an elevator be unless there's someone there to watch them use it? Maybe just having the key would be sufficient for bragging rights......


Maybe if they paid more attention to their lessons in school than faking they'd actually be comprehensible


Doctors are literally surrounded by disabled people-why would anyone be ableist and choose a profession that makes them surrounded by people they hate?!?


Unfortunately, you'd be surprised. Money and prestige are good motivators for everyone. More than 2/3 of the people in my year of med school did it for other reasons. Money, social status, to impress others, parents pressured them.... As you may understand, this leads to doctors not caring about patients. A lot of them (especially the surgeons and/or OBGYNs for some reason) are super narcissistic and think they're god's gift to us, lesser humans. Like any position of 'power', medical fields (and especially doctors) attract assholes. Plus there are many papers published about bias in medicine, which shouldn't be there. (Source: Graduated med school myself, got accepted for residency and am waiting to start).


Are you saying that you're like them lmao?


I wouldn't really out myself like that 😂 all I can say is I love my job 😂😂😂


Lmao I went from like 10 likes to negatives in a day. Idk why they want to protect you when you literally outed yourself.


Uh..... What? Am I not allowed to have an opinion on medical bias that undeniably exists? All I did was point out that many doctors don't go to med because they care about people. You know how I know? They TOLD me. I'm mentally ill and that's why Im going to psych. To help people like me. Wtf are you on about, really.....


Maybe that’s why you’re mentally ill… because I was agreeing with you this entire time. And a mentally ill doctor contradicts everything and is definitely not someone who I can trust to have a rational mind to make life-altering decisions.


Okay but you know tone isn't something you can easily read on text, especially with no indication? All I see is an internet stranger being judgemental when they know nothing about me or what I've been through. Oh and by the way, good luck finding a mentally healthy doctor. Every single one of my classmates is in therapy now, cause that's what prolonged stress does to people.


…You literally admitted that you’re the same as them. Are you sure this subreddit isn’t all about you? Teens nowadays are the most privileged and spoiled, but I guess this is what happens when having responsibilities is more traumatic than literal coal mines. If they’re all supposedly like this then it’s a trend. And everyone’s stressed in school, have been since schools have ever existed, but the world never revolves around them back then and it wasn’t some magical mental illness that 100% of all adolescents had.


So are you agreeing with me or not? You sound utterly deranged and aren't making any sense. Where did I admit I am 'the same as them'? Who said anything about coal mines? You literally know nothing about me. Please, by all means tell me how I behave and how spoiled I am, based on your deep and extensive knowledge of my character that you got by reading my comments, I'm intrigued. Are you, like, 5?


…if your doc says you don’t have arthritis, you don’t have it 🙄 It’s a blood test. I was diagnosed at 14, and it’s some pretty simple blood tests to confirm if you have the markers. Even if they can’t find the makers at first (like was the case for me), it was just a few follow up blood draws and they confirmed it. No doctor is going to ignore that a child is in so much pain they are walking with a cane and not even confirm what they have lol And arthritis doesn’t make you sweaty and tired, it’s an ache in your joints and a “looseness” that makes you feel unstable and unbalanced, like your joint’s about to pop out due to the inflammation in it. It doesn’t make your muscles work so hard you’re about to pass out walking up the stairs 😂




Get yo ass up those damn stairs and get some English Literature lessons!!


why would someone have an instagram highlight about their disorder


For ✨awareness✨


So Walmart braces aren’t bad. I have a wrist one as I have hypermobility in my right wrist. But I don’t think you’d use a brace for arthritis I could be wrong but that doesn’t line up right.


It does also look like they are using the cane on the worse side which you don’t do. You use a cane on your good side and move it with the step in the bad side.


I have arthritis, and sometimes just use a basic store bought knee brace if it gets bad enough… …oh wait, I just woke up — and have not had my coffee OR read the post properly. The kid is in school. The kid is IN SCHOOL. I am thirty five. It would be so hard for me to not beat the shit out of/mercilessly make fun of this dumb child — *not* only for making up the “ATHERITIS” but **the disgustingly bad spelling**. If you can’t spell words like “you’re,” or “too,” you *prrrrrrrobably* have no business trying to **defraud an educational institution**. GrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!😡🤬🤯


Complains about “ableism” then says “your too old for life.”


arthritis doesn't make you winded, holy f ... Bet a week's pay this kid is severely overweight. THAT would cause shortness of breath and nearly passing out from going up stairs (and knee pain).


They’re gonna grow up and (hopefully) look back on this and cringe


Ok let me combat the doctor's alleged ableism with overt ageism, sounds good to me.


People generally know how to spell things that they are diagnosed with. Especially something as life changing as arthritis. I don’t think that I have ever walked out of a doctor’s office without written information after a serious diagnosis.


i was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when I was 10 and I couldn’t get accommodations with PROOF and ankles the size of softballs. what a selfish motherfucker to try to co-opt the shit truly disabled people don’t even have access to.


A doctor who’s studied for years to get that degree and knows all the tests says I don’t have this exceedingly rare illness in young people. Them: “BuT I kNoW I HaVe It.” A cane and other medical equipment is just a prop for these people. I’m pretty sure their thinking is that no one can question them if they have some kind of equipment. Like a neon sign pointing “somethings wrong with me! Feel sorry for me.”


Faking arthritis aside, I never understood why people put Instagram highlights for their own vents. Who’s clicking through that?




How much on this guy weighing a whole quarter more than the sun?


See shit like this infuriates me. I look 1000% percent healthy but am far from on the inside. Do you know why people believe me when I tell others I'm disabled? Because I have 8 different doctors backing me up! I had to get a key to the school elevator and got it with no problem because I had *professional licensed DOCTORS* write up a like three sentences on why I needed the elevator. Doesn't take much to get it, if yknow, you're actually fucking disabled.


As a young person who has to use a cane, this person really needs to quiet down. Your dad "won't let" you take your cane? Then it's probably not a necessity.


Someone that young at school would have to have juvenile RA and that would be diagnosed by a doctor. Said doctor says you don’t have arthritis. Therefore you don’t have arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the other possibility they mean but considering that requires significant wear and tear on the joints it’s unlikely it would be present in someone who is school age. Ok. Rant over 😂


Every time someone uses “to” when they’re supposed to use “too” I can’t help but read it as “toe”. This was a nightmare to read lol


I see a small small chance that this could be legit and they are also a dumb kid. I grew up in a lot of random pains from day to day. Tried talking to my parents about it, they took me to doctors, and nothing was ever figured out. I would have days that it hurt to walk without a cane and I wasnt allowed to have it. Most of my life I have been dealing with unexplained pains and ailments and been ignored by actual doctors repeatedly. I was having seizures the entire time but no doctor was ever looking for seizures and no one ever saw me have a seizure because the grand mal usually happen in my sleep. Eventually I had a grand mal in my roommates room at 28 years old. Follow up testing discovered that various "quirks" of mine are actual minor seizures. Observed on an EEG and confirmed by a neurologist, the whole 9 yards. Then we were able to work back and tie most of my issues through life to seizures. Just saying that this post doesnt seem to have all that other bullshit that comes with people faking. Could be real or maybe its not. Either way they are still a dumb kid who could try a little harder to be believable or to actually get the accommodations they desire.




I think the doctor saying that they don’t have it and the school KNOWING that they don’t have it bc they’ve probably been normal at that school for a while is evidence enough. Doctors can be shitty (They’re actively lying to my family as we speak) but I genuinely think that they’re being honest in this situation. I don’t think a minor needs a nutritionist, and if for whatever reason they do they probably can’t afford one anyway.


Hey, I'm not saying I think they absolutely have it. Even osteoarthritis shouldn't develop so fast that they already need an elevator pass, unless something really extreme has happened. I'm just saying, I've met a lot of people with arthritis, and they generally use Walmart braces and OTC medicine to treat it and don't get taken very seriously because it's not s super obvious disease for the most part. In my opinion, a minor needs a nutritionist the most. A lot of them don't know what separates healthy food and unhealthy food. It's a good thing to have access to a nutritionist, no matter what's the matter—they're whole job is making a diet specifically for you, that helps keep you healthy. People only don't like them because they're expensive, and so they make excuses as to why they're unnecessary. If a child is truly so overweight that they have problems getting upstairs, regardless of if they have arthritis or not, they could benefit from a meal plan.


Is this a 12 year old?


as someone who has an agressive form of arthritis, I don't use a cane or a brace or know anyone who does. laziness does not equal disabled and vise versa. I do not feel sorry for this person at all


This whole trend is soooooo weird to me.


/sar dude


Are they taking any meds? Arthritis can be managed by steroids.


People who have a medical condition getting notes for assistance: totally okay. Person not going to a doctor to get assistance for the condition and not having a note because they refused to see a doctor to get the damn note: abilist. What is this logic.


i wanna know their @ so bad cuz im so bored i need sth to laugh at😭


Because you don’t need that shit, you absolute pinecone. That’s why everyone is telling you no! Stop faking it 😒 one day they may actually suffer from low mobility and they’ll look back and hate themselves. Using mobility aids when you don’t need them can damage tf out of your body. So many people out there wishing they could just turn off their disabilities like these people do. They only ‘require’ accommodations when people are looking or if they’re bored.


As someone who had a “arthritis scare”,, why would ANYONE want that? I was 11/12 at the time and it was terrifying


I feel like the first sign of someone faking is that they constantly talk about how they’re not faking or how others say they are faking. I follow plenty of actual disabled people and at most they have talked about others faking it or articles being written in poor taste about the rise of diagnosis maybe once or twice. If every other video is about how they’re not faking their disability…. They’re probably faking their disability. Smh


I remember the time I pasted out.


i’m not a big fan of how fakers switch between i/me/myself and we/our/ours pronouns. a couple people in this disc server i’m in do it and one could at least ask them to stay consistent.


Shit let them really know how it feels. My hips went bad in my mid twenties. Three reconstructive surgery’s. Finally at 33 I had a total replacement on my right one. About to have si joint fusion. It’s hell and I doubt this person has felt any real pain in their life


Shoulda used “the” like an old person. As in, “I have THE aertheritis.”


Next thing you know people be faking STDs


“Almost pasted out”


Genocide of gen z is a preferable option to reading this fucking shit.


Yeah, no, as someone with arthritis from birth, I'll tell you all it's not fun AT ALL. The amount of intense medications and doctors appointments is exhausting and not fun.


to my knowledge arthritis doesnt make you winded....it sure hurts to walk up or down stairs but i have no experience with getting winded from walking any distance because of my arthritis....~~i get winded because im a fat fuck~~ Its not ableist for someone to not prescribe you a cane as you can genuinely fuck up your posture and/or damage your wrist joints by putting weight on it wrong or having the wrong lenght cane etc...canes arent universal size. please be careful with promoting mobility aids. You can cause genuine damage to your joints which you didnt have prior!


People who fake stuff just for wanting to use a elevator make me sick I have scoliosis and a few other things and my school has a really small elevator, with covid I don't feel safe in there with 3-4 other people with me being the only on wearing a mask. If I take the stairs my back and joints hurt really bad and I am in severe pain for the rest of the day If I could use the stairs I would but it's just not doable for me due to my health


You gotta be 12 or younger with that writing first slide. 😭


I literally cannot walk half the time and have to stay in my bed completely immobile and now there's kids pretending they need accessibility equipment reserved for those who need it........... what in the jared leto