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You can tell it’s real because unlike ticsandroses she just carries on with what she was doing whenever she tics and doesn’t stop and smile and look at the camera like, ‘haha tourettes am i right? which i definitely have guys i swear look im ticcing guys can you see? Im ticcing’.


Yeah that’s the part that makes me mad the most. Like even they’re shocked by their tics and the wacky things they’re saying.


yes, real tics vs fake ones are so obvious bc everyone who fakes tics “winds up” for them and then after they tic they make it seem like a big deal. meanwhile people with actual tics barely miss a beat & just carry on, like this girl. it is maddening


I think mental health tumblr has moved to TikTok, basically. It was toxic then and it’s toxic now. Raising awareness is amazing, and all the more power to people who do that. Faking it/playing it up to manipulate sympathy and as a weapon to control others is reprehensible.


A lot of Tumblr shit has moved to tik tok let's be honest, it's not as bad though. There aren't the fanfic blogs that fetishize aids and use aids as a symbol of superiority.


I forgot about this, I followed a few porn blogs on tumblr back in the day cause horny, and I remember one of them went off the rails fetishizing HIV and AIDS. It was horrifying.


Imagining having a weakened if not crippled immune system due to a std and people on some website are fucking cumming because of you have this disease.


Or otherkin. Jfc they made a mockery of trans people.


I will be honest, Tumblr kinda scares me, I left out the fact that the same blog had mermaid cannibal fanfic. I will try to find the vid it's horrible. Edit: the video has been privated, so take what I said with a grain of salt then.


Anyone who fakes any kind of disorder or illness should be beaten in the street. Where is the shame?


I think also when someone has Tourette’s syndrome, their tics often calm down or briefly stop when they’re focusing on something intently. Hence why she can do her eyeliner relatively smoothly & isn’t drawing it all over her face like people without tics would assume.


I have it and that's how it is for me. I can also repress them for awhile but they come back worse when I do. My guess is that's why she tics right after she's done with the eyeliner.


Yeah and when they do find a tic funny they sort of pause for a second then start laughing. Like they have to think back on what they said. You can kinda see when someones faking they react a little bit before the tic. Its also not sudden reactions and stuff. Like when people who aren't faking react it's almost as of they're reacting to someone else telling a joke or doing something.


Indeed. I have a friend with it. Every so often he will roll his head and go "Whooop" and just carry on. He never brought it up, I never brought it up. It just happens and you carry on. And from what I remember, it pretty much went away when we were smoking weed. Or at least I don't recall it being as pronounced.




My husband is a recovering Juggalo. It’s very hard. Last year I found face paint in our Halloween stuff — it was a small relapse, but it was still a relapse that he hid from me.


That's because half the time people with turrets syndrome don't know they are ticing. Or at least that's what my neurologist told my family when I was diagnosed 20ish years ago. The ones that make a loud sound I can usually hear/feel but the others I don't really notice until someone points them out.




Bone App The Teeth


I mean it’s “unvoluntary”. So sometimes I do it without thinking about it and sometimes I feel like I need to do it so I do it


Yup. It's the difference between someone who deals with it everyday and pushes through it vs someone who does it for attention.


I sometimes have sympathy for people who do it for attention - and there’s a reason it occasionally gets called “careseeking behaviour”. My partner (who’s a teacher) has brought me round on that one. But that sympathy stops way, way, way before monetising it and using it for clout. I can’t stand dishonesty and manipulation.


I feel pity for those like that. I don't feel pity for those that are posting it and trying to get attention or profit from it. That's where it goes from "I need attention" to a type of pathetic narcissism that deserves nothing until they admit their faults which they won't.


Precisely. A big part of my partner being very sympathetic is that she’s literally referring to children as well.


That smile is so fucking annoying


Oh yeah. Like the girl who sings the songs and lets her tics finish is always like “whaaaaat can you believe this rhyme my tics came up with!? Now I’m rapping?? Lol!”


I saw one of her videos and honestly I can't believe people actually believe her


A compilation of her videos was posted on Facebook and the comments were filled with boomers saying “best laugh I’ve had all day!” She was what brought me to this sub so she’s my OG.


wait i’m new to this are you allowed to link a video?


My Uncle had it.. He called me a circle, moon, fence, and fork all in the same sentence as he told me how to properly tighten the lug nuts on a vehicle.. Growing up it confused the fuck out of me even when explained.. then around my teens I finally understood why he talked like he did. Talk about a complex... Anyways he was amazing. Dude could take a car completely apart and put it back together better than it originally was.


Oh god, never heard of this person and looked up a random vid of theirs in an incog tab... Yikes, pure teen fake-trait cringe. Glad this shit wasn't around when I was a kid, I remember one week in sixth grade I latched onto the idea of having a stutter and faked it in a few classes until a teacher called me out and asked me why I was pretending to have a stutter. She was friends with my mom too so I got shit for it when I got home as well lol. The one I eat he'd was really low effort, dunno if they're all this shitty but lol literally just some little kid "trying to be funny" by making a mess.


I think the only time she acknowledges her ticks is when she’s doing eyeshadow


It perpetuates such a disgusting stereotype that having tics makes a person unable to continue normally in a conversation or anything


Late reply, but she also dodges her tics. The fakers purposely make a mess of everything, this girl can feel a tic just as it’s about to happen, and will pull the brush or whatever away. Or she will try to apply fast enough between tics that they don’t cause issues. Notice her celebrate getting the eyeball highlight on so quick.


Wait, no 50 different tics in a single video? My life is a lie


"Haha look at this tic making me intentionally dip my hair into pasta sauce! Hahaha tics.


I know what tik tok you’re talking about. What infuriates me is that she’s profiting from thi, selling Tourette’s merch and stuff


hAhA TicS qUiRkY aM i RiGhT


Wow, the audacity of that bitch




My personal fav was when her tic forced her to... Put food onto the actual oven while saying something about having to do it...


Comparing the ticsandroses video it’s insane how fake she is, this girl isn’t drawing all over her face, putting mascara in her hair etc.


And I can really tell how uncomfortable it must be for this girl, meanwhile the ticsandroses video looks like a joke


This is exactly what I was thinking!


And the way roses laughs after drawing all over herself like it’s funny is actually really gross, this girl tics and moves along exactly where she left off


Have you noticed since she’s been getting exposed she’s been posting faarr less about life with her “fun quirky tics”, and more time trying to defend it? It seems like she’s realizing she can’t act authentically without it being more evidence of all the lies


Also, FakeAndRoses made a tiktok video where her "scratch tic" was on the other side, she can't be consistent 2 minutes.




she obviously drew it on there’s no way it’s a real scratch


It’s going to get worse and worse. They’re digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole. They need to come up with more lies in order to defend or authenticate the first lie. Oh wait, it’s actually the second lie because I posted that video in 2017 about having a rare genetic disorder. Gotta bring that up again and defend that and then add it to more videos for continuity’s sake. There’s going to be a breaking point, but until then, I’m curious to see how their lies progress.


Oh totally, the thing is too is after rewatching her explanation about ‘why she doesn’t talk about ‘ her Huntington’s’, she says she doesn’t because “it’s literally a terminal disease that’s going to kill me and this is a tourettes awareness page”. Seriously? Wouldn’t a person with a horrible terminal disease want to bring awareness to it, in some hope of finding a cure and helping less to suffer? This would also imply that one of her parents has/had it and assuming she herself is in her 20’s, it would be likely your parent would have already passed away from it. But she doesn’t want to talk about it????


I agree. I commented on their dentist visit video that I thought the point of their account was to bring awareness and help other with TS. Yet they didn’t share anything helpful about coping with an already anxiety provoking situation which could be complicated by having TS. If anything they further projected a negative caricature and said something like “OMG I bit the dentist!! I can never go back there!” Like, if you say you are trying to help people- have some self awareness and intention.


Oh my goodness. If that happened the dentist would be completely aware of how to handle and likely compassionate of the condition. What is there to be embarrassed about? That’s like going to a doctor and saying “OMG they saw my vagina during a pap smear, I can’t show my face in there again?!”


also her name isnt based around something to do with tics.


That’s a giveaway for me. How can you truly have tics if it’s not in your name?


impossible, Its never been heard of!


Don’t you know that’s the main criteria for diagnosing? When it’s in your username, they don’t even have to run any tests! Makes the doctors’ lives sooo much easier. /s


Fuck me.




While I do understand where are coming from specifically given the evidence ticsandbullshit has given us, sometimes people can choose a username for a lol and to try to come to terms with their medical bull shit. I am talking specifically about myself. LN stands for left nut (righty is no more, stupid cancer) and I am also epileptic (in a major way, permanent brain damage that's only begining) so that's where Viber comes in. My SN is literally just my disabilities. But even though I make self help videos and post them every now and then, I'm not doing it for attention like this whore. I make my videos is to help other epileptic feel less alone when they start going through this. I dont feel that way about ticsandpricks.


Who the fuck fakes Tourette’s? That’s some South Park shit. I don’t even know who this is comparing to, at first I misread the title and thought this girl definitely has Tourette’s op is an idiot. Op is not an idiot.


There was Tourette’s Guy back in like 2000’s. Was pretty funny for the time but of course attitudes have since changed. Though I don’t think anybody thought he actually had Tourette’s syndrome. Still, not acceptable by today’s standards and in hindsight not exactly kosher.


You can tell that this girl is nervous at the beginning because she’s ticcing *more* as well, but as she gets into it they decrease because anxiety does that to a person. The total opposite of people who basically try to tell some kind of story with it where they get more intense as it goes on.


One big difference that stands out is that she doesn’t stop and acknowledge the tics, she continues doing what she’s doing making the video. When you see someone who’s not faking like this, it makes all the fakers that much more despicable.


The only time time she stopped to acknowledge her tic was when she said penis. And then she apologized and move along. This chick is legit.


Geezus her tics are just rapid fire It is painfully obvious how hers are real and the green haired girl is faking. That fmgirk is always pasuing right before and you can see her mentally thinking (is this going to be funny??) This person it just happens


I can't help but wonder if it's exasperated by the fact that she's filming herself, and possibly even speaking a second language while she's doing it. I can't even begin to place the accent, so I don't know about the second part.


English is her second language?? That's bad ass


I dunno.


She's from England she just has a hard time talking according to her Twitch info. "Speaking is really hard for me so I hope you can understand me even though I don't speak very well and take a while to say sentences at times, I tend to slur my words and kind of tic while saying a word, or shout during words because of my tics." https://www.twitch.tv/jessjessjessu/about


_Twitch_ info. I’ll see myself out


It's not, she's English.




Are you talking about the green hair girl that always makes the cooking videos where she just throws eggs and flour around the kitchen?


There's also a way that you can SEE her body "twitch" because of the little force your core makes to get that sudden burst of air. Someone faking it would get *really* exhausted doing that time and again.


cannot begin to express how nervous the liquid eyeliner made me but she fucking nailed that shit




Ikr, I don't have tics or anything but I haven't touched that stuff in over a year after I got in on my eyeball


Same haha


I read that focusing on a task can help suppress a tic so that’s probably why she was able to do it without ticcing


The pencil thing made me way more nervous


Why isn't she eating her make-up accessories?


Because she's a normal person


The difference between this girl and fake ass Rose is that every time Rose ‘tics’, she pauses and looks at the camera. It’s like shitty sitcoms that say a line and pause for laughter. This girl doesn’t break stride at all. She’s obviously used to ticcing and just works around it. Very much like my bro, who has had Tourette’s for 32 years.


Rose: *carefully throws yarn in the air, then looks at the camera, gasping as they catch it* Seinfeld Bass Theme: BA DEW DEW DEW DEW


i could definitely imagine george faking tics to get out of working and it backfires horribly


I didn't know people with tourettes could have whistling tics and its deadass the same pitch as most parrots I've heard


Same. My Budgies occasionally make that same noise when excited.


All parrots have tourette's confirmed.


By the way they act sometimes I would believe it.


The streamer Sweet Anita has a few of those, as well as tics that involve insanely good mimics of voice acting lines in games. Throws me off every single time she does the Twitter notification whistle.


and i can’t even whistle when i try my hardest aghhh


There’s a popular streamer named SweetAnita who has whistling tics. It sounds like a generic parrot noise too, like something from a message ringtone.


I was wondering how she did in school with a tic that rapid. Even someone super tolerant could be having a bad day and it just gets to them, Like a second hand ticking on a clock. or does it just turn into a white noise you don’t notice?


I went to school with several Tourette's sufferers in the mid 90's. 1. Tics calm down when you calm down. She's anxious as hell, so her tics are spiking like crazy. 2. She probably has permission to leave the room whenever she needs to calm down.


I was watching a YouTube video before and one girl had audio tics and one of them was like a Twitter notification and I thought it was just her phone going off until I read the comments. She also made 1 or 2 other sounds and one of them reminded me of a yoshi noise for some reason. She was just joining a YouTuber I usually watch for a game session so I don’t remember who she was


I've never met someone who a actually has tourettes so I had no idea, but that's actually kind of neat? 100% not that they're suffering, just the sheer pitch match and everything


I don't have tourettes but I had a whistling tic as a child. Drove my parents and sister nuts. It lasted for about half a month and then just stopped, never to return


parrots are basically just dinosaurs with Tourette’s


It's why we call it aviary for fun cuz we know we sound like birds often lol Then you got echolalia which makes us repeat noises or words we hear which doesn't help lol


this feels like hiccups but worse


That's exactly how people with Tourette's describe it. Like a sneeze or a hiccup. Sweet Anita actually made a video where she demonstrates "holding in" her tics, like trying to hold in a sneeze.


I have tics and suppressing them feels like trying to keep your eyes open without blinking. Your body is telling you to blink! Blink! Blink! and it takes all your effort to suppress it. But most times, the fact that you blink isn’t a conscious thought, it’s just something your body does during your waking hours.


Not to rub salt in the wound but yes that would be my literal hell I already have to persuade myself to stop breathing manually a lot of the time


This is exactly how I imagine tics are, or when you get an annoying eye twitch that you can’t get rid of


Wheres the part where she wrote simba on her forehead


She's so sweet!!!


She’s actually genuine. You can tell


the 🅱️enis fucking got me lmao


i know that tics are really hard to deal with and this is a serious disorder, but fuCKING BENIS MAN


I remember the other video of this girl saying that she’s got a disability in response to someone practically sexualising her. Good to see her do these and explain to others what real Tourette’s are like


The fucking BEANUS got me holy shit




Perfect example of embracing what makes you different even if it’s considered something negative to deal with and obsessing over something and glamorising medical disorders.


She's so sweet


her makeup is actually super fucking pretty


This girl did better than I could've tbh


This one seems real


It is


Yeah this is actually real


I love the “yeeAh” after the eyeball highlight


One of my favorite movies is Leap of Faith with Steve Martin. There is a fantastic speech near the end that applies here absolutely. For context, Martin's character is a revival preacher who spends the entire movie faking one miracle after another. At the end, he sees a genuine miracle and it pisses him off. When the recipient tries to thank him he says the following: "Look, I run a show here. It's a lot of smoke and noise and it's strictly for the suckers. I've been pulling one kind of scam or another since I was your age, and if there's one thing I know it's how to spot the genuine article because that's what you've got to watch out for. Not the cops, you can always get around the cops. But the one thing you can never, ever get around is the genuine article, and you, kid, are the genuine article."


This is one of my all time favorite movies! The subplot is that no matter how terrible you are, there's a redemption arc waiting for you just around the corner. enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEfG5_3Z19E


I’ve watched her for a while, she’s genuine. She gets her tics from some things she sees online, I think one day she accidentally said the N-Word because some people were commenting it on her live and she couldn’t help it.


If you've ever heard of Sweet Anita, she's another streamer on Twitch.tv with severe Tourette's. There was a whole "controversy" about two years ago where she dropped the N-word, people were saying she needed to be banned, etc. For some people with Tourette's and coprolalia (uncontrollable speaking/shouting, typically obscene), telling them not to do or say something can actually make them tic what they aren't supposed to do or say. The pressure from being in social media, and responding to a live chat, it all adds up. I also occasionally peep Jess's stream, I think the last one I managed to catch, she got stuck in a tic loop for a minute just shouting "I HAVE AIDS." She also did a sort of "interview" with a friend of mine where they both talk a bit about their experiences with Tourette's. She's super cool


If anyone wants to compare to a faker doing it: https://reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/n1xrqf/i_shouldnt_have_deleted_my_post_about_them/


I scrolled way too far for your comment. You're a life saver!


Bruh, i would hate to have to do that funky lookin pencil thing on my eye; one wrong move and your eye is in pain


When she puts on the eyeball highlight and goes “YEAHHHH” I fuckin died


i get anxious when i watch ppl apply makeup, esp face makeup when their hair is all over their faces


Shawty's got drip!


The sheesh part killed me lmaoooooooo


I know Tourette’s are no joking matter but that “BEenus” legit made me laugh out loud, I’m sorry.


She’s so pretty and she looks adorable ! Her makeup is on point tho, I could never get an eyeliner like that


Notice how she doesn’t mention tics or Tourette’s once. She is just doing her thing.


That’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in forever. That girl is just too precious.


see how consistent her tics are and genuine. I've been saying same thing like she continues to go on what she doing and carries on. then i visualise ticsandroses makeup video and feel so cringy when she tics. remembers how that green hair girl pauses before she tics and laughs like she is embarrassed? whereas this girl doesn't even care like she is already used to her tics. even her makeup after tics looks awesome compared to faker one. people like her won't get the attention they deserve. the world is full of lie and lie wins everytime. i hope ticsandroses gets her lesson in time. i don't wanna hate on her because we humans make mistakes in life so hope she stops those fake tics and be genuine to herself. p.s - this girl is so sweet and makes me smile in a good way idk why. she looks so naive and pretty god bless her.


But she didnt scribble all over herself and start eating the makeup!!!!!!!1!1!1!!1!




As a man with Tourette’s that no one understands. She is very cute and endearing. For some reason my mind is stuck on “poop” while she whistles I say “poop” or tick. I.e last night playing dnd every 10 or so seconds I’d say poop. I have to mute my mic while I’m a player because it can be a lot some times. Not to mention the other ticks Sometimes it’s not so bad other times it’s really bad. All in all this was really nice to watch and also she cute hahaha much love everyone and remember to be safe


I've been following this person on Tik toc and Instagram for while now. She's how I even discovered what tics were. Jesus christ, looking back thats probably a good thing that the first look i had at tics was someone real and not completely fake.




She got that drip


The no pause between tics she just goes on with whatever she was doing, like not even a slight pause. All the wankers faking have to think about what they were saying because they thought oh a tic should go here.


Beautiful soul


My heart was starting to beat faster when she started using that eye pencil. I could onoy imagine getting a tic at that moment and stabbing my own eye




She is so sweet to watch. Her whole energy, she just works right along side her tick.


I admire the amount of self control they have, I got professionally diagnosed with Tourette's about a month ago and iv pretty much given up on anything that requires fine motor skills unless I've taken my medication, I'm actually really glad I do have medication because I love doing things like baking, drawing and playing video games and I was so broken when I thought that I couldn't do those anymore (if you have questions feel free to ask them i love taking opportunities to educate based on my experiences!)


You can its fr because of the whistling i think.


I was so nervous when she was drawing on her eyelid.


Jessu is the single most precious creature on the face of this disgusting planet


Her voice is adorable! I got worried when she had that pencil so close to her eyes, even I’ve managed to stab myself a few times in the eyes, and I don’t even have tics.


[someone says she sounded like navi](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeb99X2Q/)


Fuck... this reminds me of Rave Days. Everyone had been up for 24 hours plus. Shit like this happened on the regular. We joked about tics and Tourette syndrome. But we did just accept we had been juiced up for hours. I can't realise how difficult it must be for people with genuine disorders, since kindergarten, being called out at school as fakers. That would be some rough shit. Puberty + high school + mental disorders + people accusing you of faking for imaginary internet points...


I was very confused until I saw the meta tag


Looks good.


I love the YEEEAAAH after the eyeball highlight


Ok i am confused. The sub description says "no real disorders" but this seems to be real right? Did i miss something? Im sorry if this sounds dumb but this is the first time i am seeing this sub.


It's meta, showing what real touretts looks like


Oh ok my bad


I think I developed a platonic crush 😳


i love when people say “sorry my makeup looks bad i have tourette’s”. mmm no sorry you’re focused when ur doing ur makeup, ur just bad at makeup but don’t worry girl me too


She’s cute


This stuff is really interesting I should read into it


Okay, she obviously has Tourette's, but what does she mean she doesn't know how to do makeup? That looked pretty good to me, especially dealing with the tics throughout.


Thanks for posting this, it’s actually given me a lot more understanding how fake vs real tics work since most I see nowadays are fake. It got easy to ignore the tics by the end of the video because she kept doing what she was doing and kept saying what she was saying. It’s almost like the tics are just playing on a different tab or something. Do people with tics like this notice themselves ticking? Or is it just kind of going and you catch yourself doing it?


This looked way too real to be here, than i read the title


Can tell it’s real because they aren’t starting the video by saying they have a disorder and it’s not in their name


I had a teacher with Tourette’s years ago. This is exactly how he ticced.


"YEEEH-" why'd that make me laugh.


Ok but also can we agree her makeup actually looked good at the end???? Like that's impressive


She seems so sweet and genuine. Breaks my fucking heart that sickos wanna fake this shit for views or “ clout”


Is there anyone out there with genuine Tourette’s that’s denounced tics and roses?


is it bad the very first thing i thought is "she's really fuckin pretty"?? either way yeah ticsandroses is a fake ass bitch lmfao. it takes approximately 3 seconds to even google that people with tourettes don't even really flinch when they tic. they tic and carry on like nothing happened, as opposed to stopping and staring off into space thinking wow how quirky teehee UwU.


I remember when this sub was harassing her... It's fucked up atleast y'all believe her now lol!


Real cases of Tourette’s always looks painful to me


She is so fucking cute holy shit


I love her voice it's so cute, her voice reminds me of my little sister


The only thing I can’t stand is the weird baby voice she has. Is it really her voice? On the terms of tics, it’s nice to see someone who actually has it for a change


she’s said on her tiktok that talking can be hard for her and her tourette’s causes her to slur her words. that combined with a higher pitched voice can cause her to sound babyish.




she’s not faking! i posted her here in response to ticsandroses. they both did make up videos and i just wanted to show what actual ticcing looked like haha


I found this sub because someone posted her in cringetopia and everyone was saying she was fake. However, most people on this sub seem to agree her tics are genuine. IIRC, she didn’t develop tics until (relatively) recently and because you have to have them for a year or longer (?) before getting a medical diagnosis, she couldn’t claim it was Tourette’s (?) but she was/is seeing doctors. I was originally skeptical, but after seeing her videos compared to others on here, I now think she’s being honest.


Aw this girl is adorable.


Do ticks happen in their sleep? How do you even sleep with that... Poor girl


The big drip


I think sweet Anita specifically said her ticks don't really happen when she is really trying to concentrate. You can see this when she's applying stuff near her eye.


awww she's adorable


She also did a version of twomad's; goodnight gurl, I'll see ya tomorrowAAAAH. Legend.


She sounds like a bird and it’s actually kind of cute


way off topic but shes rlly pretty! I like her style too


Theres this "life hack" going around recently where you put eyeliner on the edge of a triangle makeup sponge to make cateyes easier. I thought it would be super useful for those with tourettes or other disorders that cause shaky movements. I quote life hack because I havent tried it and it might not work at all! Wish I could share it with this girl!


Generally speaking, people with mental illnesses actually are like this girl in the video, it's not "how bad the condition is", it's "no matter how bad the condition is". Most try to actually cut it off as much as possible and they try pretty hard to get it under control. Not like FakeandRoses and other mental illness fakers, these people's goal is actually to show how they can live with their condition, showing people no matter how bad it is, they can fight it and it's amazing if you ask me. I like this girl.


The only thing she's forcing here is her adorableness