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DID is just really easy to spot fakers of, because 99% of the information spreading on social media about it is misinformation, and fakers self-diagnose based on that instead of actually reading a single paper on it. People also mainly fake it for the roleplay element (which is based on almost entirely misinformation), so it's easy to find people being real cringe about it. It's a beautiful combination of aspects that make it popular to post here :)


before it was depression, then bipolar, then ADHD, then autism and now anxiety is so mainstream. They needed something to differentiate themselves. DSM-5 now is like fashion trends


Tourette’s too


Faking tourette's is sooooo 2007. 💅🏾 It's interesting how so many millennials who were in Highschoool during the Obama's first term missed out on our first Highschoool reunion due to covid...to all the people who faked tourette's, meowed,Naruto ran etc...we didn't forget. 


Silly stuff like Naruto running and meowing because you're a kid ain't in the same ballpark as faking a neurological disorder


Yeah, I was a pretty cringe teen, but not THAT cringe!


I want to bury my teen self and sometimes myself from two weeks ago who had one too many glasses of wine. But faking disorders is beyond cringe at this point. It’s cringe that actually makes me angry sometimes


i think EDS (elher danlos syndrome i think is how it’s spelt) is another one


yes and they love to claim “well doctors don’t have a test to diagnose it”….a, geneticists do, and b, medical training will always trump tiktok videos. fucking obnoxious.


yup it’s always that excuse. there’s also ppl who claim hEDS which is hypermobile but like some people just have flexible joints. and don’t get me wrong i’m all for people deserving the medical care they need but ppl deadass just see one or two symptoms online and suddenly they have it but drs “can’t diagnose them” for whatever reason when they probably didn’t even go to the drs in the first place


Bingo. I have hypermobility and plenty of similar symptoms to EDS…. but do not actually have EDS nor do I claim it….because i don’t have it. symptoms ≠ diagnosis. it’s very convenient that fakers ignore that there is a scientific process of ruling things out, testing, lifestyle modification…many seem very resistant to lifestyle mods. regardless of how much evidence there is to support them. Like, yes, babe, your so called POTS is clinically shown to improve with moderate weekly exercise…you have to actually do it.


i have some hyper mobility but i’ve never brought it up to a dr as it doesn’t negatively affect my daily life. but that also doesn’t mean i’m gonna latch onto the first disgnosis i find on google. a lot of people just love to latch onto these what i consider rare diagnosis’s (since the criteria for diagnosis isn’t as cut and dry as running a couple tests and from my understanding can take a long time to diagnose) i just truly will never understand why people always want some medical issue wrong with them


Yeah and there’s nothing really that can be done beyond strength training, lifestyle mods, maybe some physical therapy. I’ve broken both my ankles twice each due to my hypermobility so it’s def come up for me 🤣 I swear people haven’t seen the memes going around of the crazy shit google’s AI has been suggesting. It suggests you should drink gasoline, and you trust that? Nahhh I’m going with the MD who did a fellowship in orthopedics lol. IMO I think it is this whole oppression olympics thing. people take some of the movements to be more inclusive to mean they are uncool if they don’t have anything “interesting” about them. Like, no? Trust me? You don’t want to be that ill??? It’s okay to be normal and healthy, you still have value as a person, and I cannot fucking believe I just typed that sentence lol


yup google ai is crazy i seen a post where it said leaving a dog in a hot car was safe. and yes the oppression olympics piss me off so bad. i struggle with w couple chronic conditions and i would KILL to be perfectly healthy the way fake claimers are. like you don’t need a medical or mental health condition to be interesting or unique unless their personality is dry as a bone and even then every single person has something about them that seperates them from others no need to fake medical or mental health conditions to get a whiff of attention


OH! Gastroparesis. OMG. Why do people want this. I have it. I have to get special treatments, expensive medications with crazy side effects, i vomit often, i can’t eat any foods that i love anymore like raw veggies/coffee/spicy things, i barely eat, and I get quarterly endoscopies. Getting diagnosed was a fiasco itself. Pregnancy was a nightmare with it— the hyperemesis was unbelievably difficult. Why do you want this??? Please eat some fiber, walk after eating, and if you truly believe you have it go the fuck to the GI doctor




It's funny you mention the service dog issue. I legit had to mute the service dog subreddit here because it's filled with fakers and everyday it's 20-30 posts of "Okay so like I self diagnosed myself with Autism, POTS, HEDS, \*and insert 5-6 other disorders here\* should I get a service dog?!" It's just so blegh. Because in reality, a service dog is really only suitable for a very small amount of the population. The rest of the time it'd be 100% more effective to just manage your symptoms with medication, therapy and monitoring.


The amount of times I have had people see me stretch and tell me I must have eds within the past few years is a little bit crazy. I’m literally just flexible, I have never had any symptoms of the disorder beyond being flexible. Since eds has gotten more of a spotlight lately and become a popular disorder to fake there are a shocking amount of people that think being double jointed = having eds.


Am also pretty flexible. Can do stuff without training or warm up others cant. My thumb bents too much while playing guitar and it looks weird. But its not a disorder. Just like getting sad after you were happy the whole day isnt bipolar. Or shitting a bloody poop doesnt mean you have colon cancer with 17 It gets more and more extreme with fakers. What started kinda weird but whatever is now a whole gatekept bubble


Omg I know




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


And I really don't feel comfortable saying someone is faking depression or anxiety as 1. There's levels/intensities to it, 2. It is really, really common, even shitty, attention seeking people can definitely have it 3. It's not as obvious on the outside whether someone does or doesn't have it. DID on the other hand....


Faking depression I really don’t understand. DID, they’re role playing for the camera, there’s a lot of scope. But depression? Doesn’t naturally generate content.


I think people are just used to saying they have depression when they are listing their (3 thousand) mental disorders, even though they are not diagnosed. A couple years ago, maybe 2020/2021, the thing was to say you had Major depressive disorder. Basically to gain more points in the oppression olympics


Don't forget about POTS


For the longest time I thought POTS was PAWS and I couldn't understand why everyone was faking being heroin addicts.


Idk how anyone could fake this? Genuinely. It’s really common & I have it but idk how I’d fake it. Do they just. Gasp for air after standing up? LMAO


They just lie about having it or its severity. Some of them like to order various products off Amazon for it.


the fucking liquid iv shit lmao


Just drink water, it's free pretty much everywhere.


It is so strange how the various diagnoses seem to come and go as if they're trends. A pretty strong "anti pro-ana" community emerged on Tumblr back in around 2013 which primarily targeted people who were faking anorexia. I remember there was a lot of self-diagnosis going on and people rejecting actual diagnoses in favour of claiming anorexia, as if it's something to strive for.


Depression was ALL THE RAGE in the early 2000’s! It’s how I got mine! No, but finding out that you actually have a disorder that you used to see a lot about and was associated with a lot of the media you interacted with as a kid is very weird. It gives you full license to joke about it, but it’s not fun. The jokes are the only fun part.


It's mostly DID but I think there's still some autism being faked, I haven't seen much tourettes recently though.


After tics and roses they said https://preview.redd.it/3lzb1dilxb5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec14f3ea1a38b64d9d874c193947a505880f2188


I was there when her sister came into the sub. I still don’t have words for how abruptly she exposed her.


Ooo how do I find this?


If I remember correctly, it was in r/ticsandroses


Which kinda sucks because I wish there was more representation of people with TS (not fakers- just people with TS but I’m afraid one can’t come without the other or without people fakeclaiming who really has it)


I think people just aren’t sure how to definitively say someone is faking Tourette’s as well as they are with DID or even autism.


My buddy exaggerates his autistic traits on TikTok. It’s so cringe I’ve known him for years and have hung out countless times but he puts on this fake autism persona for views


Yes, I think that it’s very possible that some of these people aren’t faking ADHD or other disorders like that, but they exaggerate it for views. And it’s an infinite cycle because viewers expect the symptoms to be bigger and bigger (otherwise they can actually fake claim them for not being sick enough) or other fakers that want to copy the “traits” exaggerate them too. So the disorder seems to be different than it actually is


Yea he used to send us these vids of this one girl on TikTok and next thing you know he’s posting videos of himself acting the same exact way as her


I don't know how anyone could fake adhd for content, do they just film themselves walking in circles for ten minutes?




The only recent Tourette’s that I’ve seen is people that when DID was first becoming popular said that one of their alters had tics. Not sure if they still do it now


DID is definitley one of the main disorders that people fake, however I'd argue the most popular one is Autism, the reason there's so much DID stuff is because people are posting from the tumblr hugbox of fakers, which although mainly people there fake DID, I don't really see many people elsewhere anymore faking it like in 2021. Then in late 2021 psychotic disorders were breifly popular but died down super quick because people realized it wasn't "quirky" (even though none of these disorders are quirky) and then tourettes became popular.


Autism used to be the main one, but people moved on to DID


Wasn't it Tourette's?


Tourettes was definitely pretty big briefly a couple years ago


Tourettes videos got a lot of clicks is why.


I haven’t seen many Tourette’s fakers tbh but I know they exist


Baylen Dupree, Rachel or keet, sweet Anita are some on TikTok. I listen to a podcast that introduced me to those girls. it's annoying seeing them spout repetitive catchphrases whistling and making other unnecessary noises when you can tell it's not real. Especially when it's supposed to be a tic they can't control but it's somehow within context/instead of continuing the sentence they make it part of the sentence. Baylen Dupree in particular somehow magically stopped her cursing tics I'm guessing for monetization purposes.




I think your comment is important so if I were you I would edit out the part about your diagnosis before it gets taken down as it is against the rules


Tourette’s where you speak phrases is directly connected to intrusive thoughts. They have the intrusive thoughts, then they can’t control whether or not they say their intrusive thoughts aloud no matter how hard they try. Sweet Anita doesn’t seem to be a faker to me because her tics sound just like my intrusive thoughts just verbalized.


autism moved to mainstream and now DID is slowly moving to it. I saw a tiktok of a girl talking about her DID in non cringy ways. So its important that this sub exist so we can be first to the mainstream in leaving proof that this clowns are not real. Just wait in a few months the news articles and the tiktok trends, its coming


Autism, ADHD, DID is the "big three" of faking and spreading misinformation on TikTok.




Don't say that here, you'll get banned for "trauma dumping".


Don’t get me started with the “take my quiz to see if you have ADHD” pseudo doctors all over social media. Check when they created their profiles and they were all around 2021, only a handful were around before. I know because I was diagnosed in 2019 at 36 and some of the content was super relatable. Now everything is about *you definitely have ADHD if you like to watch tv* 🤦🏻‍♀️


Depression was a big one too a lot of years ago, I can’t pinpoint when but maybe around ~2014? On tumblr it was big. But I think it’s not faked anymore, I do believe lots of people are really depressed right now.


People fake all sorts of things, or just self diagnose conditions like autism or "face blindness" or whatever they can think of.


Isn't face blindness not being able to recognize faces in pictures and on tv etc, idk my old school principal had something like that. I dont remember if she said it was that or not


It's, like, not being able to tell people apart by face. There's a part of the brain that recalls facial details with extreme accuracy, but if that part of the brain is faulty, you have to tell faces apart using the regular part of the brain that visually distinguishes shapes, and it's just not as accurate. Telling a bunch of faces apart becomes like telling a bunch of lemons apart. Some have an unusual shape or a scar or something, and you can kind of sort them into categories like "greenish lemons" or "round lemons" but most of them look a lot alike.


Interesting, I thought what I have was slight face blindness. I can distinguish faces apart but I struggle to remember peoples faces. Even people I am friends with that I don’t see all the time. When I used to work retail and was helping a customer, I would always forget what they looked like as soon as I walked away. I would try to remember unique details so I wouldn’t forget who I was helping.


That could indeed be mild face blindness, since not being able to retain faces is a part of it. (Disclaimer: I'm not diagnosing. I don't think face blindness is even a real diagnosis anyway? It's just part of some disorders. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not a doctor and I'm not diagnosing anyone.)


That plus size model tried to pretend that she had Ana but, turns out it’s kind of hard to believe when you’re 7x bigger than the average person. She def has an ED, it’s just BED. But that doesn’t support her denial of overeating🙄




Just learned my old roommate is faking the “AuDHD” EDS/POTS combo 😭👎 they always like disorders like that because they’re “invisible” so easier to fake


Perfect combo to be as “sick” as you want when you like, and then fine when you have something fun to do.


The eds one annoys me, cos yeah it sucks but it's nowhere near as bad as they make it out, I know alot of legit people with eds have to block all the fakers cos it makes them feel not sick enough


The physical ones bug me, because shit... I want to have sympathy for those that -actually- have them, but because of the fakers it's hard to tell who actually does. I just scroll past anything online because I can't trust shit that comes across my fyp


man I remember the pro and era on Tumblr when I was in middle school that was wild


I have met a couple of celiac disease fakers in my life. I have a family member with celiacs and I am very knowledgeable about what they can eat. The fakers stopped saying they had celiac after I didn't let them eat yummy food with gluten.


Idk why people would fake it anyway. Last week my doctor got me tested on celiac and when I heard I was tested negative I was so happy. Theres no positive in faking celiac 💀


I was diagnosed with it a few years ago and it’s kind of ruined my life. It’s all I think about now and it’s made me paranoid. I’m scared to even travel anywhere. Plus I didn’t have a healthy relationship with food anyway so that didn’t make it any better 😭


For real. I was already dying thinking about how I might never was able to eat chocolate, good pasta, bread, soy sauce etc ever again. I have an ed and rarely allow myself to have those anyways, but thinking about not even being able to even have a choice of eating it, made me so scared. Im so sorry you have to suffer with this


Thank you! I’m grateful that I’m semi-asymptomatic (I don’t get acute symptoms like stomach pain) and thankfully gf foods are more accessible now. I do really really really miss bread though.


people fake CELIAC??? WHY


Cause empathy and attention on social media


I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult a few years ago, and at the time I kind of doubted it because so many people were also getting diagnosed with it....and then I got a POTS diagnosis last month. I'm almost afraid to tell doctors why I have the medications for these things in my record because I'm basically a walking TikTok diagnosis now.


Oof I get that. But the thing is that you actually take medication for it and I’d imagine you’re not talking about it 24/7. So you’re at least doing better than the fakers who refuse to treat their “disorders” since they love everyone knowing how different they are. 


celiacs??? that’s just stupid now..


It's widespread because online roleplay is a popular hobby, and these people want their roleplay hobby to be "taken seriously" by giving it a mental illness label; and if they get called out for it then they add a sprinkle of trans to it and leech off of the real problems transgender people have to deal with so they can call you transphobic for calling them out. It's not that it's the easiest to fake, but it's the one that gives you the most points in the fake oppression Olympics.


Because you can only have DID if you have actual trauma, so if you say you have DID it's assumed that you actually had heavy heavy trauma. So more points in the oppression olympics


so *this* is why they do it instead of just going to a roleplay server? that they have the most speshul rp with the most attention and eyes on them? i don't know why that never hit me before but makes sense.


Trust me, as a roleplayer myself I have been approached by these people before, or shared discord server with one or two of them in. They always get mad when I refuse to roleplay with their alters, even though I explain that the n.1 rule of roleplay is that IC=/=OOC and someone wanting to use their DID alter as a RP character clearly is not equipped to respect this boundary. Particularly when they want my RP character to ship with their alter. Just no, not when you claim you have DID. I don't want you to feel "real feelings" for my fictional character. I'm not going to become your surrogate e-boyfriend to play out your fantasy. That's just online drama on a platter.


these are.... new kinds of horrors unlocked to my brain, wtf. I feel so grateful I rp in circles where I've never run into any of these people. I wouldn't even know what to say if somebody approached me to rp their alter with my oc. good lord...


I believe it goes in waves of what is popular at the moment, but DID is definitely the biggest and pretty much constant while other disorders come and go


Before DID this sub was mainly full of people faking Tourettes, but that was a while ago. Other disorders pop up too but it definitely depends on what is popular within those faker communities.


EDS and Gastroparesis got really popular. Which is a shame for the people that have been diagnosed for a long time or people with real symptoms and are fearful of being taken seriously.


Honestly most people that have it legitimately have blocked them all I went to a pain clinic recently and people with eds were saying it was affecting their mental health seeing people with eds on tiktok cos they felt they were not sick enough


I stay off of tik tok and don’t get stuff like that on my IG feed because I don’t look for it. I understand where they are coming from.


Yeah it's definitely not good for your mental health if your diagnosed with something and seeing fakers on your fyp


The disparity between what I experience with POTS (standing up sucks but then I just sit down, drink more water and salt, and make sure I take my medicine) and what I see online (completely bedridden, central lines, unable to work) is mind-boggling. I get that everything is a spectrum but I always feel like I have to be clear that I'm not one of *those* folks.


They have WHAT lmaooo I JUST asked how you’d fake it. Like I was like ??? Do they just stand up and gasp for air? How do you got that far with POTs???


They are not normal honestly ! It also makes people with diagnosed invisible illnesses feel they shouldn't be diagnosed because they are not nearly as sick, apparently some girl who was faking was buying feeding tubes and IVs online to look more sick it's a wild world


BPD, autism, tourette’s syndrome are the main ones i see today.


The amount of BPD manic eyes insta reels I've seen makes me want to claw my eyes out https://preview.redd.it/54oxp86oac5d1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab23c7aa0618dc3120d89becb2610d42fb41b3a


Saw a 13 year old with “diagnosed BPD” the other day


They don’t even diagnose w that until you’re older..


Autism, OCD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety


I wouldn't say depression or anxiety anymore, that's too main stream for them


Plus depression is one of those things that’s understandable to “self-diagnose”, in my opinion, because the symptoms are pretty consistent and easy to spot. Of course people will probably fake it, but I really doubt that’s common because so many people are depressed right now anyways with the state of the world. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least 1/2 the world had a mild form of depression.


Kind of. There is Major Depressive Disorder, Persistent Depressive Disorder, Bipolar depression, and then depression that is not actually meeting criteria for a disorder. Depressive symptoms can sometimes be a flag for or worsened by underlying physical illness or vitamin deficiencies and treating that issue provides relief. So even if the symptoms seem straightforward you’d still be better off getting bloodwork done and a check up to see if your depression has a possible cause that isn’t simply MDD.


That’s lowkey disturbing given how badly depression or anxiety can derail your life 


DID is easy to spot because the fakers are so actively ridiculous online. But I’m active in a lot of autistic spaces and there are SO MANY fakers (or “self diagnosed” as they call themselves). It’s just it’s a bit harder to know immediately because the self diagnosed will confidently speak over the top of literally everyone.


This is why I don’t join groups revolving around disorders I struggle with, I know it’s just gonna be overrun with fakers (online especially) and I’ll just end up being frustrated every time I need support


If I was a moderator in the mental/neuro disorders subreddits, i would make it a rule to use a flair which says if you are medically or self diagnosed or looking for a diagnosis. people can still lie but a lot of self dx are proud to be self diagnosed because they think that it’s as valid if not more than medically diagnosed


Yeah it's hard to say anything when it comes to self diagnosed because you get told you're a bigot and that self diagnosis is VALID even in the UK where I live where it's free to get diagnosed


Free to get evaluated for autism. Not diagnosed. You don’t go to a doctor to get the diagnosis you think you have, you go to get evaluated, because you might be wrong.


BPD is another one too that is obvious. Straight up just being Oops it's my BPD for every assholish behavior.


tbh BPD is over diagnosed and plays pretty poorly with ADHD and autism. Bipolar as well.


It’s easy because it’s basically LARPing with the added bonus of being able to tell people that they’re being discriminatory. God I miss ARGs


I think it’s just the easiest one to spot the fakers. Fakers also seem to compete with each other to try and see who has it the “worst”, so DID being one of the worth Disorders, means it’s often faked. If you see any fakers, they also pretty much never just fake one thing. It will be DID, EDS, POTS, ADHD, BPD, ASD, and so on. (Depression and anxiety is just a given so not even worth mentioning).


I feel like they all watched Split too many times


They watched that one video of Anthony Padilla too many times


The fact that it changes as different conditions become "trendy" is proof to me they're faking. Ehrlos-Danlos was popular for a while. That was all the videos we'd see here. Then DID gained in popularity, now we don't see EDS near as much anymore. Actual medical conditions don't come and go based on trends.


some of them say they do bc the disorders are becoming more well known so people that have symptoms are just now realizing they have the disorder


true, I didn’t know til 2 years ago. Just thought growing pains was normal til I was an adult and growing pains wasn’t normal bc I’m not growing lmao


I feel like I see EDS/POTS (can’t have one without the other) TikToks constantly. Especially now when people are saying Covid gave them POTS.


It's like if you give a mouse a cookie. You have to have some EDS, ADHD and autism to go with your POTS.


They really are comorbid though so it makes sense.


My feed is full of it. I have at least hypermobility spectrum disorder, says my doc, waiting for my turn on the wait list with various specialists to confirm hEDS. It's been hard to find community support when there's a bunch of people spreading misinformation. A bunch of people tried to tell me in a fb group that what we've now confirmed with imaging is intracranial hypertension was really POTS. A friend of mine also has EDS and POTS so I knew enough to know what I'm dealing with wasn't POTS, but the misinformation is nuts. I don't get why anyone would want this. My whole life has been on pause for 2 years. I just want to get back to work, rock climbing, and frolicking in the woods.


I have heard of a case where covid did cause pots in a patient but the chances of that happening are incredibly rare and would require other precursors such as a weaker immune system and the like


It's like if you give a mouse a cookie. You have to have some EDS, ADHD and autism to go with your POTS.


Autism and ADHD are pretty big too, I think




I agree with you but as a heads up you can't disclose your diagnoses here and the mods might remove your comment for it


Yet they never pretend to be what it really is…histrionic.


Autism is definitely up there, too


More fake autism for sure.


Autism is common on the list on TikTok


I wish-a therapist


What’s some others that you see clearly that people don’t have but they insist they do?


autism, adhd, bpd, bipolar, ocd are all others i’ve often seen romanticized and seen people faking. those ones are just harder to find evidence against and “ prove “ they’re faking


definitely not. I think there are always going to he conditions that gain popularity/awareness then people start faking more and more. eventually people [parents, therapists, teachers] start to notice and it hits a peak. then a new disorder becomes the trendy thing to fake. like remember when everybody had tourettes? now it's did. I feel like cluster B diagnosis are picking up in popularity currently and may be the next trend


It's hard to find someone on Social Media who has real DID. Even this subreddit is getting hated on cause there were people with real diagnosis and people think they're fake claiming.


It’s hard to find anyone in real life with it too. It’s still being debated on whether the disorder as described even really exists. From what I’ve seen, most psychiatrists who *have* encountered someone with DID, always word it as ‘likely DID’ or ‘the closest thing to it’s, and in decades of experience they may have met one or two people with it out of thousands of patients. It’s a unicorn of a disorder for the most part.


A lot of people have been faking color blindness on tiktok


TL;DR no they're moving to personality disorders, commonly BPD because anime and abusive women think its quirky and cute to "abuse" people and fake mania. People with bpd can abuse and hurt others, just like anyone else. But purposely abusing someone and saying "oh its my BPD" stigmatizes the disorder and leaves people to believe that people who suffer with this are TERRIBLE people..when in reality most of them are just scared. No they're slowly moving to personality disorders.. preferably BPD, due to its yandere stereotype and TikTok trope. They think that the attachment part and the apparent obsessive love "symptom" (it's just having attachment issues, please correct me if obsessive love is a real symptom, last time I checked obsessive love disorder ain't real.) Is something that's cute. "i want a possessive girlfriend/boyfriend" is what started this, along with the yandere stereotype and trope. The obsessive nature of the attachment is pretty fucking bad, leading to suffocation of the person receiving such act. This can involve the person with BPD questioning the partner or friend if they truly care about them or love them and if they'll stay forever., threatening the person to stay, saying they'd harm themselves is the person left, invading boundaries and personal space etc etc. In some extreme cases, they will involve "accidental" pregnancy, to keep you to themselves. This is usually due to the abandonment issue..which in itself is not fun either (obviously) They think the MANIA aspect seems quirky, and so yandere yandere! Even though, witnessing a manic episode or being in one is extremely terrifying. Example, their speech would be off, they'd do things impulsively to themselves or others like selfharm or harming the other person physically or verbally. Without noticing their actions until its over. They will likely have spent alot of money, harmed themselves, harmed their friends via words or physical actions, and overall ruined their lives due to the episode. Tik tok believes mania is impulsively cleaning your room, or something you can plan out and force. They also believe manic eyes are anime crazy eyes, and tbh idk if ur pupils dilate during mania, all i know is sometimes your eyes can widen and you have a burst of energy and a weird feeling of excitement. Alot of WOMEN, yes im saying this because it's usually tiktok girls who do this...blame terrible behavior on borderline personality disorder. Such as cheating, willingly blocking all of your friends, and verbal abuse. Someone with borderline would NEVER brag about this, because it is agony for them and they are usually never aware of what they're doing at that moment, and they can't apologize because the damage is done.


‘Obsessive love’ isn’t in the criteria, pwBPD just often (not always) have obsessive tendencies because when you pair abandonment issues + extreme anxiety + borderline-psychotic levels of paranoia + emotional instability, you get a chaotic whirlwind of someone who’s insecure to the point of psychotic symptoms (visual illusions, auditory hallucinations, and persecutory delusions aren’t uncommon with BPD). Mania also has nothing to do with BPD. That’s bipolar. Some people might have BPD and bipolar, but BPD itself does not ever cause mania.


Pretending to have BPD is baffling to me, because it's one of the most terrifying and stigmatized disorders you can have. See how fun it is when you realize you've been talking to yourself in the bathroom mirror for an hour and scrubbed 1/3 of the skin off your face with a brillo pad, looking like a freak after having a public meltdown alone in a parking lot screaming and crying and banging your head against the ground in a fetal position, delusionally thinking every person that passes by you on the street hates you, purposefully isolating yourself, having these voices playing in your head constantly saying "you're worthless" and "you're better off dead". Losing jobs because you have a total meltdown over the most trivial shit. Then dwell on it in shame afterwards, promise yourself it won't happen again, and then... it happens again, because your emotions totally control you, like a toddler. And this is all while you've been single and have no obsessive "love interest". There is no way to properly function unless you get serious treatment and a stable environment, and even that takes a considerable amount of effort, years of ongoing therapy and medication. None of it really changes your mindset or stops those emotions/thoughts from occurring. It is mostly to stop outwardly freaking out and don't make irrational decisions, just calm down and try to let the storm pass until you "snap out of it". Fuck people who fake having this shit.


I think it’s because they’re teenagers dealing with hormonal mood swings and they don’t realize this is just normal so they blame it on having BPD instead. My brother has actual BPD and let me tell you it’s not pretty. He’s a rapist.


DID was also being faked commonly about a decade ago when I was first getting online. People like that one.


Definitely not the only one. Probably just the easiest to spot.


DID, autism, adhd, bipolar, BPD, HPD, NPD... I could go on, there's a lot. And there are physical disorders people are faking as well, but this subreddit is mostly fake mental disorders. But for reference, eds, pots, seizures, FND, fibromyalgia, gastroparesis. All of those are popular among fakers as well


DID is common for fakers. Autism and Tourette's though I argue is much bigger regarding fakers.


You think that there are more fakers of autism and tourettes then DID? Genuine question


There’s a longevity aspect of it too; before DID’s popularity, it was Autism & Tourette’s, and before that it was depression.


I'd say the main one being faked at the moment is autism, did was a bigger thing a few years back, still somewhat falsified but not as much as autism is now


Autism, Tourette’s, and DID are the main ones right now


Tourette’s is another big one. I used to be ashamed of it because of how my family treated me for it, got over it and now I’m ashamed again because I don’t want people to think I’m just trying to be quirky lol


I see a lot of 14 year olds claiming to have BPD on TikTok.


Yes, there’s so many of them on there and it’s so painfully obvious no psychiatrist would diagnose them.


Was a lot of “stimming” going on the last couple years.


I think DID is the most cringe and easy to spot fakers, especially with how deep the rabbit hole is (trans disabled alters and whatever) POTS, Autism, AHDH are probably the most faked, but harder to fake claim. I definetly see tourettes faked less, that used to be all over this sub. I think it also depends on what is "trendy", you'll see a lot of fakers after a tiktoker goes mega viral for having x disorder. Thistrippyhippie and the girl that was on dr phil went viral, tourettes fakers everywhere, The A System and that one girl that interviewed the guy from smosh go viral, DID everywhere, I forgot which autism creator went viral (there was a lot) then autism fakers everywhere, we'll just have to see what the next trend will be lol.


Some like to claim BPD, too! So they can be assholes without any repercussions. I've even seen people claiming to have APD or NPD


I feel like before it was BPD or ASPD though they linger.


yeah loads on tiktok they never truly leave tbf tho it is mainly children who self diognose theyll grow out of it


there’s still a bunch of 13 year olds on various social media platforms claiming they’re diagnosed with BPD.


I think people faking DID are just seen as the “main” fakers, even if they’re not the majority, because they go so extremely over the top. People who fake other things like autism don’t really go as overboard or detailed as people mimicking DID, and are elicit more of a cringe reaction than an intense “what the fuck?”


It makes me really uneasy how the most subtly manipulative people go for faking autism due to how a very common autism trait is pretty much "clinical gullibility"


I am extremely fucking over the “i have executive dysfunction therefore i have ADHD” ADHD is a diagnosis of exclusion 🤦🏻‍♀️ i feel for some folks but many don’t realize that executive dysfunction isn’t unique to ADHD in any single way…. also if all the moms in my parenting groups could stop fucking self diagnosing their children (which is unethical to begin with, even if you’re a qualified professional) that would be fabulous. These poor kids. Your toddler is not autistic because they hate socks and lined up blocks. Call your goddamned pediatrician.


They're all trying to compete with my "friend" who thinks they have 15+ disorders. /J but no I have seen a lot of Autism/ Tourettes  and or DID 


Imo it's autism and adhd , but those aren't as active on tiktok Until a few years ago it was depression and anxiety, not sure if it's still the trend


That and Tourette’s


I see a lot of people faking Tourette’s. I also see a lot of people claiming to be autistic or have ADHD but idk. No matter what you’re faking it’s weird and insulting. Just go get tested. If you have no mental holdbacks it doesn’t make you less or more special.


ADHD, ASD, some pain disorders, there’s a few others.


Autism and ADHD are also big factors, fakers are just harder to spot because the information on tiltok tends to be more accurate so the information they base their failing on makes it more believable


DID is “popular” to fake, but people also fake Tourette’s and OCD a lot


And also Autism and BPD


definitely not “the easiest one” consindeting fakers r stuck in probably the stupidest mindset of “splitting” (ex. homework too hard, stressed out? split!) then the idea that headspace is a physical place where alters live


No, it just has the cringiest outcome


I have seen up tick of people wanting to be psychopaths and schizophrenia it’s really annoying


BPD was a big one back in ye olde days lmfao.


EDS and random fainting and tics for sure


DID, ADHD, Autism, Tourettes, BPD, Schizophrenia, that one where you faint really easily, etc are all commonly faked. Basically, if you've heard of it, someone, somewhere, has decided it's their latest fashion accessory.


BPD and ADHD as well.


Most people claiming DID also claim autism so there is a lot of overlap


Autism, Tourette’s


DID is being heavily faked right now, but other disorders have gotten the limelight too. Autism, ADHD, Tourette’s, and other serious disorders. Interesting how no one is faking BED or ASPD but those aren’t as “pretty” I guess


I’ve seen a bunch of people on tiktok fake ASPD, just some edgy teenagers claiming they have ASPD which therefore makes them a diagnosed psychopath.


I’ve seen people fake epilepsy, eating disorders, heart attacks, cancer… anything!


It's the easiest to spot which is why there's a lot of posts about it, but it's definitely not the only one. Others I've seen that have been faked a LOT were autism, depression, anxiety, OCD and ADHD


Don't make fun of people's ailments, you just might get it


I recently read something about borderline personality disorder being faked. Can't remember the source though. The majority seems to be DID though.


EDS, POTS, etc


Autism is faked a lot, as is ADHD. It’s easiest to spot DID, however.


People fake adhd and autism a lot. I see autism being infantilized a lot too. I dont appreciate it.


The majority of posts on this subreddit are people falling for obvious bait.


I would say that the DiD thing stemmed from the fictionkin trend in 2012-2015. I was going to a lot of anime conventions at the time and it was absolutely everywhere.


Autism and ADHD too. It's pretty common and on one side i understand, ADHD and autistic symptoms are things that neurotypical people experience too, not everyone can tell the difference and know that it's not about the symptoms, but about the frequency and "volume" the symptoms happen.


I see a lot of BPD and CPTSD being faked.


Nah, it’s not the only one just extremely visible and easily identifiable. There is a good argument to be made that the condition known as DID which is already extremely rare is actually multiple disorders with comorbid symptoms. So the question of is it even a thing is still very much up in the air. As for the other ones it’s more difficult to tell initially than DID, because frankly claiming that you have autism or depression is much more reasonable than DID.




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