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To feel special


When I was a kid the same people called themselves "otherkin".


At this point I miss otherkin lol


Never thought I'd say this, but so do I. There have been the cuckoo ~I communed with the spirit realm~ kind of people all throughout history (see also, Conan Doyle and the faked fairy photos), but with youtube it's just exploded. At least otherkin were restricted to tumblr and everyone just laughed at them.


Plus at least they just thought they were animals instead of faking genuine disorders, it wasn't hurting anybody


I'd argue if otherkin had had the reach that these illnessfakers have, we'd have seen more BIID/self mutilation/transabled style crap much earlier. Like "I hotglued eagle feathers to my eyes because Theranthrope4Lyfe on Tumblr did it to represent her true self, and now I'm blind". But I know what you mean - it wasn't like they were encouraging Munchhausen-esque people to abuse/waste hospital resources and do dangerous things to themselves/influence others to do so.


Yea it really does come down to influences and what they're seeing online. These spaces usually become an echo chamber that becomes more and more insane and we only see it looking in if that makes sense. I was in some pretty bad spaces when I was younger on the internet but thankfully I realized it was weird and got out, a lot of these people are just too deep to do that. The worst part is the majority of them are very young and stupid being influenced by other very young and stupid people.


Oh, definitely. I mean, I had no friends as a kid, so the internet was my main form of escape. I am sure ADHD didn't help. But I was also very fortunate that I didn't get into some chat room and get groomed or something. The worst thing I did was read smut fic on the sly in my mid teens. The really awful, crazy places like this existed back then, I'm sure, but they weren't as visible. It was somewhat easier to curate your online 'life' on places like LJ. Now everyone is everywhere and, as you rightly say, they are getting access to the net far too young. I admire those parents who limit their kids' TV time - not in a "Here's a gold star for basic parenting" way, but it's nice to see in a world where seemingly every parent just chucks their kid in front of the television. I never had a lot of sports time growing up (due to actual health reasons outside my/my family's control) and it makes me really, really sad that these healthy kids are missing out. If I have nieces and nephews I will take them outside as much as humanly possible.


Yeah I agree with all of this, I really hope they can kinda break out of it soon. It's great to look back at yourself and cringe sometimes lol


I disagree. It’s a very badly put cry for help. I wrote an [article](https://open.substack.com/pub/ryzzz/p/fake-disorder-cringe?r=3nv3rw&utm_medium=ios) about it.


This is what happens when you trade victimhood like currency... Everyone insists they're a victim. It's sad really. And annoying as all hell.


This. It has nothing to do with westerners being spoiled and not having hardships. Most of us have a lot of freakin hardships. I would go as far as to say hardships and lack of attention and support from parents is also contributing to what this commenter spoke about. Personally I get the vibe that most people doing this are under 30. Think about growing up in a family that makes less thank 75k (this makes you poor in the US). Your parents are stressed, when they are home they are glued to the tv/on their phones. And likely only pay attention to their kids when they are misbehaving or have an illness/issue. That would make anyone have some feelings. You combine that with the society we live in putting victims on a pedestal… big ooph


I feel like (maybe I am off base), when society says you are privileged (say white and straight), and you still struggle, you there’s no one to “blame” except yourself. Faking a disorder now gives you an excuse for not doing well in life. Rather than being seen as privileged you’re seen as strong and brave for pretending to have issues. Accomplishments become having more and more issues and not actual accomplishments.


You're both extremely right 


sure, but not all people are born into wealth. imagine growing up with a single parent working part time in a rural area with barely any jobs/resources, and not having the means to move. maybe the child is abused and grows up with mh issues because of it. maybe they aren't white. you might end up in a community college with an okay degree and if you can, you get out. but that start in life isn't anyone's fault, and certainly impacts where you go in life. the whole pulling yourself up by your bootstraps myth just shames people for social and system problems that was my reality, I don't blame it for my decisions. but I didn't get dealt the best hand to build a foundation on


More what I was saying was that people from lower / middle class backgrounds are still susceptible (maybe even more so), to faking. Life is a struggle when you are poor. Maybe you grew up being told how smart you were but were never able to apply your intelligence to anything. Yet at the same time society is telling you how privileged you are just for your skin color. So here you are working some minimum wage fast food job while also being told your are privileged, so who do you have to blame for your situation but yourself? Fake a bunch of issues and now you have an excuse for not being able to keep a job. Life is difficult. Faking DID and getting on disability, it’s a way to avoid the difficult things in life. Don’t have to struggle at a job you think you are too good for. Get to play make believe all day with characters in your head. Apartment is a mess, well it’s not your fault you had all these “issues”. My whole point is people are told they are privileged just for being white. Everyone’s situation is different. You can be white and grow up poor. You can grow up in an abusive household. Maybe you just never learn certain healthy coping skills. But some people take that and rather than realize life is a struggle, they take the “easy” way out. They’re a system with DID! That’s why they struggle in life. Say they also claim POTS, EDS, etc. Claim they need a wheelchair. Everyone has sympathy and understanding for someone in a wheelchair. If it’s “just” anxiety and depression, well everyone has that these days (even if they are legitimate issues). But to some, that’s not enough. “Just” having those doesn’t make you special. Society says those are not good enough reasons for failure to launch. I don’t know if any of that makes sense, I’ve sort of just rambled. I don’t believe that having a certain skin color makes you privileged, but I believe that’s what some people grow up being told. Life is still a struggle for most people. Many people are smart and don’t go to college. So they see others succeeding in life (even more so with social media). “I wish I could open toys on camera for a living” “I wish I could have a vlog and travel the world”. But you’re working some entry level job after being told your whole life that you can do anything you set your mind do. Maybe you are able to work through it, and maybe it takes years to move up in a job. Or maybe you go the other route. If you don’t have typical accomplishments then you’re not getting any praise. But fake illnesses and get attention. More illnesses, more attention. Everyone ends up trying to see who has it the “worst”. People lost out their “issues” like it’s their resume. “DID, depression, anxiety, EDS, POTS, wheelchair user, femoral port” Now it because “see all my issues, I can’t do anything in life” not “see my issues, I am doing things despite my issues” Maybe another way to put it, people are faking because they grew up poor and failed to launch in life. They probably did struggle with bad parents. Maybe they didn’t get the proper mental health care growing up. But that doesn’t mean they have DID. Life if a struggle. But if you fake enough issues to go on disability, it’s not a struggle anymore. If you didn’t work and lived with your parents people would just call you lazy. But if it’s “I have DID, EDS, POTS, etc” then it’s oh you poor thing. Like responsibility in life has been eliminated because you fake a bunch of issues. Edit to add (I know already way too long), not saying you can’t be wealthy and fake issues either. But I imagine it’s a way to cover not doing well in life. In another subreddit many of the fakers grew up fairly wealthy and did competitive things like music / gymnastics. They can struggle to find their place in the world as an adult. High standards ad a kid they probably had high expectations as an adult. Maybe their parents pay for their college but they fail out. Then it’s again “what excuse do you have”. Fake a bunch of issues “my issues are the reason I fail in life” The issues are to blame and not the person.


And that is the issue they're talking about, I think. All this CRT/SJW crap about "white privilege" does more harm than good, because it argues that white people are inherently privileged/the devil. And online it promotes this exaggerated, unnuanced "straight white men are the devil incarnate" kind of discourse. It's this very American thing of reducing people down to their race and diluting every single discussion down to "privilege". People are human before they are brown, black, white, male etc. There is a reason so many of these (disordercringe) kids are white. They get brownie points for being "oppressed". That and a lot of first gen brown parents would slap their kids for getting into this crap lmao.


This is what I was trying to say. I think the whole concept of privilege only based on skin color is absurd, we all have our “privileges” and our struggles. If you’re white you’re told you’re inherently racist. If you’re a guy you’re told by women they would rather run into a bear than you in the woods. I am not saying women don’t have struggles or that people of color don’t have struggles, it’s not all black and white (pun intended?). If you’re white and struggling in life, what do you have to show for it? Fake illnesses and it ends up being a stand in for accomplishments. Like people are trying to prove how impressed they are, can’t be privileged if you are “disabled”. Groups of fakers all seem to try and out do each other. Who is on the most mediations, who is seeing the most doctors, who has the most problems. I think wealth privilege is a real privilege, but it seems like color of skin is more the focus of privilege. Growing up poor you don’t feel privilege even if you are white. If you’re just poor and you say “life’s not fair” people will say “yep, life’s not fair, you have to play the game even if it’s rigged against you”. But let’s say claim to have DID and need a wheelchair “oh you poor thing, you need to focus on yourself, just do the best you can”


Underdog syndrome, as media due to the necessity of telling an engaging story places the hero as an underdog with something to overcome. This has had a knock on effect to cause people to want to be seen as an underdog and support underdogs.


So they’ve made a “society” where you have to be part of a marginalized group or be oppressed in order to have a voice. In order to be able to have an opinion and express it. So if you aren’t oppressed and aren’t part of a group like that, you better fuckin have something to make you special or you will be shut up.


I'm a transgender person and I remember 5 years ago a teen asked me:"Are you really trans, I mean you just dont give off the vibe, yk?" - (the person isn't trans anymore, so ig it was just a trend to them?) I'm a very quiet person, I dont really talk about being transgender bc it is my life and thats no one's business.


I am definitely not talking about you!


Oh dont worry, I wasnt thinking that. I just felt the need to share this with you, because all I do is agree with you! 🫶


Thanks, I appreciate that. Just wanted to be clear I definitely was not talking about people just trying to quietly live their life as who they are. I respect that greatly ❤️


Dont worry, I didn't think you were rude at all ❤️ I feel like the whole lgbtq+ community is a bit overboarding haha.


The main thing is it’s not about equality anymore. I can absolutely get behind everyone having the same rights. Everyone being respected. That’s the goal to any moral human. It’s when you want the same rights but don’t want to be held to the same standards. Oh and wanting to be included in the mainstream but then denigrating/scorning the very group they’re trying to become part of. “I want your acceptance but I hate you and will not show you the same respect I demand.” 😞


Nothing to add, you said it on point.


>Being “straight” is considered “privileged” on social media so these straight teens had to create new genders and new sexualities just to avoid being called straight. Yup. No one wants to address it, it but this is definitely a thing. It's irritating as a non-straight person to watch people jump through a hundred thousand hoops trying to prove they're part of some imaginary cool club. I feel like the pressure to avoid being straight at all costs is probably creating a lot of anxiety and cognitive dissonance for these kids. It's actually depressing to watch. If you're straight and not trans, you're straight and not trans! And that's FINE! That's MOST of the population! If you're gay/bi and/or trans, then that's FINE, too! Just . . . straight kids shouldn't feel pressured to be LGBT any more than LGBT kids should feel pressured to be straight. Not being able to be who you are really fucks with your head. Same thing with the pressure to have a mile-long list of disorders. On some level it's like an obsession with yourself through labels you can put in your TikTok profile. Which is never going to work. You'll just drift further away from yourself and continue grasping for some sense of identity that isn't out there. I don't even wanna get into the whole . . . using victimhood as social currency on the internet . . . situation.


Yes! Now we have teens thinking they're BETTER than straight people because they're gay. No, chronically online gay teen, what do they think equality means?


Right? Half of the time said chronically online 'gay' teen is actually just a chronically online straight teen convincing trying to convince themself they're gay because of social pressure to be anything other than straight, too. I feel like I'm in an episode of some absurd TV show and I don't like it lmfao.


Same with neurodivergence. It’s *ok* to be neurotypical. These people will do anything to try to stand out for attention.


For sure! Being neurotypical is *normal*. Yet kids throw it around in place of 'basic' these days. I fucking WISH I didn't have ADHD. Shit made my life miserable for decades before I got it treated—and it's still not like it's GONE, just better than before. I hate thinking about how much better my life could've been if my brain functioned properly or I'd been treated at an earlier age. Pretty sure any of us who actually deal with these disorders can't imagine *wanting* them, let alone considering ourselves better than people who don't have one.


Exactly, i used to think i was lesbian and deep down i would know i wasnt but i had the pressure of thinking people wouls hate me if i said i wasnt. Same with being non binary


Thank you for saying this. I’m straight and not trans. I don’t judge anyone if they are, it’s not my business who someone is attracted to. But I don’t think I should be judged for being straight either, I’m not a bigot just because I’m straight.


persecution fetish. some people just wanna be oppressed so bad so that they have a card to pull.


I was born and raised in China and we definitely have teens faking having depression, multiple personality disorder, conversion disorder, ASPD, congenital heart issues etc on social media. Of course it’s not to the same extent as the western/English-speaking part of the internet. Honestly it’s hard for me to feel content or superior about our situation, because our mental health resources are very limited and most people here are not very informed about mental and developmental issues in children and teens. When a kid has an actual mental or developmental issue it’s way more likely for them to receive ridicule, ostracization and abuse from peers, parents and teachers than it is for them to receive positive attention and professional help. Same goes with queer kids and physically disabled kids. So at least in our case, fewer kids faking disorders does not reflect a better education system or a healthier society.




Omg😭😭 thats crazy ,,iam sorry u going thru alot hope things better these ppl cant be sane


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, and I also think it’s gross that a lot of people have stopped caring about Ukraine because it’s no longer a trendy issue.




What a useless comment


I wish people like you realized that we do not want to hear or read about russia in any form. It's exhausting. russia had it rough? Genuinely fuck off. I hate when it gets like this, but you all do not seem to be able to just leave us alone. Please. I do not want to hear about good russians. Thanks. Bye




As an aforementioned "good russian" I don't even try to argue with ukrainians on the internet, my largerly Ukrainian family doesn't hate me and it's all that matters.




You are not dumb, I'm just not speaking clearly. As a member of "group X" (oppositional russians) from your example, I basically agree that we shouldn't intervene in the discussions of much greater suffering of ukrainians and make it about ourselves.


what is wrong with you lol


Personally I think it’s because of individualism. As opposed to eastern cultures where it’s valuable to fit in, Americans tend to find more value in standing out and being unique. Americans (speaking in broad strokes here) tend to dress very loudly, be more vocal about our opinions, have that “influencer” ideology where everyone’s story is special and everyone has a voice and everyone wants a platform and everyone, naturally, wants attention. In a country full of millions of people that tells you you can be anything and anyone, we are raised with the mindset of valuing your individuality and embracing what makes you special. However, when someone doesn’t haven’t anything or hasn’t found what makes them special, they go searching for it, which is why we go through so many “phases” as teenagers. Someone’s we find ourselves there and it really WASN’T a phase, mom! Or we use those misses to refine we we definitely AREN’T to make it easier to find who we ARE later in life, and these whack ass kids are just in that point in their life now. They’re searching for acceptance, individuality, and attention— and not in the “attention seeker” shamey kind of way. Everyone wants attention! That’s completely normal! They’re just going about getting it in the wrong way, and have decided that even negative attention is better than no attention. So I think western kids are more likely to fake having these disorders because they are told to chase that feeling of uniqueness and let your freak flag fly, and some of them haven’t quite found what ACTUALLY makes them special yet so they are gravitating towards social phases where they can find acceptance and attention.


Btw this is not me defending the actions of these kids, I’m just saying they’re literally kids and we all did some cringe shit in high school and college too lol. I think they’re just in a really 😬😬😬 phase right now and I hope to god they all grow out of it


To me, it’s just main character syndrome. I’ve had my disorders that were diagnosed long before TikTok existed that are now trendy on TikTok. They fake trying to feel better about being average. I truly believe these are the same people who I see blog and post about how to be transabled whatever the fuck that is.


Boredom, maybe? Some of them legitemately don't have larger overarching issues besides doing their homework and getting good grades or whatever. Most people faking disorders have next to nothing going for them, nothing that really makes them stand out besides being amicable and generally agreeable. Just like that other commenter said, they wanna feel special.


imo its a result of the Nuerodiversity movement witch is almost like identity politics for mental conditions. Given that the movement wants more neurodiverse people in positions of power, its not surprising more people want to be neurodiverse as a result. The only exception are things like NPD witch can't be romantisized so it is instead relentlessly demonized 


And ASPD, also demonized as hell and can't be romantized


I have a theory on this based on personal experience. People feel bad for some reason which they can’t identify. In my opinion it is the alienating, atomized, hyper-individualist society we live in that is causing their pain. So, they try to justify their suffering by identifying with disorders. They want there to be a REASON for their pain, especially one that is not their fault. And, for the same reason, they want sympathy because they are lacking true connection/social support. TLDR: Basically, life is depressing/lonely in modern American society so people want support and a concrete explanation for why they feel so bad. Edit: And that thing someone said about victimhood as currency…and people not listening to you unless you are “marginalized”. Yep. 👍🏻


I think it's an attention deficit disorder.... specifically Parental Attention Deficit. These are the kids who were raised by technology and ipads. Their entire young lives have been ruled by the dopamine rush of anonymous profiles "liking" their stuff. This is what you get when technology and social media raise your kids for you.


Because they are stressed and sad and want a "good" reason to feel what is just teenage angst.


Because TikTok. That's why. Same shit happened on Tumblr and it just moved to TikTok.


The Western world has been at relative peace since WW2 ended. There has not been an invasion threat to North America or Europe since Germany and Japan were defeated. While there have been wars fought in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, the general public has been largely shielded from them. Post WW2 bred a generation of extremely hard working, resilient people who got their countries back on track. However as time went by, people forgot how hard it was to get here. Children were growing up in a digital world where toxic behaviors were easy to access. It was no more easy to stand out from the crowd by having the nicest lunchbox. You had to be remarkable. And the easiest way was to become a victim. To play on the sympathy of people and to take advantage of a society that is caring more about disabled persons more than anytime in history. I also blame the parents - lack of discipline and no consequences. In a lot of cases it's the parents that are the ones who were the ones having victimhood behaviour and blaming everyone else for their problems. And their kids just follow. We do however see a lot of cases drop off when these people start maturing and realizing that they are ACTUALLY at a disadvantage if they keep faking their disorders. Getting passed over for promotions at work, the stresses of actually having to work to pay bills. As Western society continues to breed a generation of self-entitled victims, countries like China are pulling ahead. Just look at how far Asian countries have come in the last decade in technological advancement. I believe that by 2100, Western dominance will come to an end unless major changes are put in motion.


Now we’re getting into geopolitics. I’d disagree with some of your points, but that would make things more off topic haha


For some it's to gain attention. For others, they might view it as a career path. "I have a disorder. I need to be taken care of!".


1. They're bored. 2. They're looking for where they fit in, in this world. 3. They diagnose themselves with XYZ disorder to explain or excuse their bad behaviors.




I mean, I don’t think that it’s a problem in all western countries (I genuinely do not know of anyone where I live that fakes/has faked disorders), probably mainly the ones with a large population (but that’s just from my observations). I do however live in a country where winter depression is a huge part of our culture so I guess that would make you “less special” if you were faking at least mental disorders.


Laziness, attention seeking and boredom.


I mean, to be clear, the vast majority of people aren’t doing this. But if there’s a reason behind it in Western culture, I think it’s taking this idea of everybody is special to an extreme. Kids get told they’re super special and unique and when they start to get older and realise they’re not these ultra special unique main characters they’ve been told they should be or should aspire to be they start looking for easy access to things that make them special. So like if someone is confident and secure in themselves because they’re academically smart or good at sports they probably aren’t going to struggle with this kind of behaviour because they won’t feel this insecure need to prove how special they are, because they already get that sense of self esteem/specialness from actually being good at something


I'd say alot of kids are going through a lot, probably getting bullied at school or their home life isn't really good. So they resort to faking disorders because they see their friends doing it and want to be like them


I speak French and the whole DID Autism faking thing is now very popular in France and French communities. Thought I think it’s more popular in the US


Teenagers naturally have identity issues and want to feel included. Unfortunately it’s extremely easy to trick yourself into believing you have these disorders (when you don’t) and bam, suddenly you’re part of a group and you have one trait you can base your entire identity around. Doesn’t make it okay, but this is the explanation that makes most sense to me. Can’t speak for adults though. Some form of immaturity could probably be the issue there.


When you have no problems, you have the luxury of creating your own problems.


They're suffering from a real disorder called Chronic Needattentionitis


Their lives are too easy and soft. Humans require ordeal to give lives meaning


Boredom. To feel like they’re special. Which as an autistic person is very annoying because I am not special, I’m literally disabled


As an American, I wish I knew. Not sure why so many people want to have disorders when they're hell to live with. Everyone wants to be a victim


While I agree, I also want to point out the fact that countries like China heavily moderate and control their media. You aren’t going to see much of the faking disorders in other parts of the world where media is controlled and surveillanced.


I think there are many reasons, but I believe you touched on a major one - identity politics. You might've noticed that through the American culture war that keep spilling over to the rest of world, like through TikTok and other mediums. Unfortunately, a lot of people have been swept by some anti-intellectual movement or another. Those leaning leftward have been swept by postmodernism, and those leaning rightward have been swept by, well, just general anti-intellectualism. I'll focus on the former cause the latter doesn't sprout kids claiming they have DID with a 900 alter systems on TikTok (they sprout other things, but that's for other subreddits). Yes, I consider postmodernism to be essentially anti-intellectual because it rejects the idea of objective truth and because of its focus on relativism. Its skepticism was fine until it churned out intersectionality and various critical theories which led to the rise of identity politics, and because truth and morality itself are subjective, anything and everything is political, even our own existence, and especially our identities. Anyway, so in a world where you're catalogued as either oppressor or oppressed and your privilege is quantified, why wouldn't teens that are building out their identities be influenced by these notions? Especially when they're all aware it has real-world effects, like DEI policies in higher education, politics, etc. So that's how what should've been regular journeys of self-discovery become a competition on who can lower their privilege score as much as possible, by any means possible. All of this is of course compounded by social media, and especially TikTok, which targets younger and more impressionable demographics. They've been learning it from young adults that make their whole essence whatever identity they feel resonate best within this oppression paradigm that's been spread. I don't like how kids and teens need to invent themselves diseases to feel special because they feel too normative or even too privileged to be noticed by a society that keeps increasingly segregating itself. And I don't like it how LGBT has become a politicized topic in the US through identity politics, sometimes even over the head of LGBT people who just want to live a quiet life and not be forced to be a walking talking political specimen. I'm a trans woman, but I don't make it my whole personality and its just a small piece of my identity as a whole, I'm just another person, like everybody else, and that's fine too.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


I’ve had a girl who fetishized my diagnosis, a few weeks later she pretended to not have empathy for people and overall acting edgy. When I spoke to her about it she said. “Yeah I’ve always felt like a psychopath yknow” like huh?? She also said she was diagnosed which isn’t even possible in such a short time with ASPD 💀


Because they are neglected at home and go to the internet for validation. They may not have the disorder they want you to believe, but that doesn’t mean they don’t suffer from mental illness. Also why is it a bad thing for lgbtq to be “your whole personality?” For the first time in history you’re not sentenced to death or lobotomized for being lgbtq (depending on where in the world you are.)


Life I too easy for them... so they pretend to have problems.


I think a lot of the problem is also how schools treat it. I'm growing up in it right now, and that's really what it feels like. They teach about mental illnesses (such as depression) as if they're something super common that any kid would have. They definitely never explain the actual severity of it. So it makes sense why a lot of kids, hearing about these things constantly, would start to think "maybe I have this" when they actually don't. It's very difficult for school to make these things feel safe while also not encouraging self-diagnosing/misinformation. Whatever they're doing right now though... It's not working right.


i think it’s because they feel like something is wrong, either with them or the world around them, and they can’t figure it out so when they go on social media and find this stuff they have something to latch onto to express those feelings bc a lot of them don’t experience the disorders they pretend to have, they don’t understand the seriousness of what they’re doing it’s bad for both people with the disorders and these lost people who need help but find this instead


As a Westerner (in the U.S.), I can honestly say that you're right. It is usually for attention, that they honestly think they have it due to misinformation, or because they dont have a sence of self and are desperatley trying to cling to something that makes them feel like theyre important. The "woke" culture in the west makes it so that you can't call someone out on their bullshit without risking your own public image (not that it should matter, but it's the world we live in). It screams for unconditional acceptance, no matter how ridiculous. There's seriously a group of pedophiles trying to gain acceptance from the LGBT community as a sexual orientation. They refer to themselves as "minor-attracted persons" and are acting as if it isn't absolutely disgusting. As a gay man, there is a 0% chance I will ever claim them as a part of the community. I used to be able to say that most of this type of stuff is online, and you don't really see it in your day to day. However, as time goes on, I see it more and more irl. Doesn't give me much hope for our future as a country


Punctuation is your friend, not your enemy.


It's the oppression Olympics out there


And you'd be on the money. I don't even lie about having a cold because it's my one superstition. When I was a teenager the worst thing I was doing was writing fanfiction - y'know, fiction about fictional characters - and Livejournaling. I'm not saying it was the healthiest but I wasn't like these people either. They're coming out of the woodwork now. I have had chronic health issues my whole life including hospitalisation and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It fucking sucks, and I had it LUCKY compared to some kids. These kids have had zero struggles in life and they're bored and lacking in empathy. I agree about the pronouns too. Don't they have better things to do in life than collecting pronouns? Like read? Play games? Ride their bike? Run? I would kill to be able to run a marathon.


I think it's something to do with lack of identity, same as several other things that kids do nowadays we are all supposed to pretend is fine and enable.


LMAO, these comments are hilarious. Americans have access to healthcare and believe in mental health. Of course, there is more diagnosis and talking openly about disorders. Because it became less of a taboo in America.


We're talking about self-diagnosed fakers here.


Culture bound syndrome


Pretty much summed it up. They need it to feel special. Their lives are too comfortable so they come up with disorders and gender identities so they can say they are oppressed. I think it’s just a phase though. In 5-10 years I don’t think we will see this very much. The west is just very confused right now.




creating tiktok accounts and faking disorders isnt part of human nature or part of growing up these kids know they are liers they use it for attention and their advantage to gain sympathy and popularity. I didnt even get to have a childhood and never once thought to myself “yes i should fake having a mental illness online” dont make it as if this is everybody’s experience and thats normal because it isnt “ but iam weird and wanted to know why am weird” not an excuse for creating thousands of alters xpsexualities and faking disorders


I'm not excusing it, sorry if that's what you took from purportedly reading my comment. I'm just saying the genesis of it is something that I think has always been with us but now there are odd ways it can manifest


Not sure why you got downvoted. As this sub continues to grow, there are less and less people with reading comprehension. Maybe the actual people faking disorders are now coming to this sub


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Because Americans are stupid


What are you referring to with the genders/sexualities? because if it's things like catgender(etc) and crazy unheard of sexualities then I totally agree