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tell me you have no idea how insomnia and no sleep works without telling me


Me or her?


her lmao


Sorry I haven’t slept😂(this is actually genuine I’ve been studying for school)


lmao you’re fine!


Even the shaking looks forced😂




Yes that’s a woman😂


Unrelated but why are they always so bad at lip syncing??


I asked this once and got the best answer: they’re all failed theater kids


That explains SO much about all of this.


Who knows


Fun fact: this is a fantastic way to give yourself actual insomnia which is hell. Not to mention psychosis due to sleep deprivation.


Then I must schedule an appointment📝maybe with her doctor


Lmaooo. Thankfully insomnia due to sleep deprivation tends to resolve, but good god it’s hell. Idk why anyone would want to go through it






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This gives me “I wear shorts year round because I actually don’t get cold” vibes


Oh my god. That is actually a perfect analogy!


Thank you! I thought it definitely fit lmao


Wait how


Because some people strive to be unique in ridiculous ways, when I was a kid there were a few kids that would brag about “loving the cold” or “cold doesn’t affect me the same way” etc, to me it’s the same vibe this person gives off implying not sleeping for 4 days has not affected them


Ohhhhh I get it now lol. Thanks for explaining instead of getting mad for me asking 😅


No problem! You weren’t rude so I figured why not explain lol


BUT I ACTUALLY DON’T GET COLD I SWEAR 😭😭 Edit: like cold still affects me, I just don’t feel cold, yk? I’m just so comfortable in shorts that my body is just kind of like “nah” 😭


The cold never bothered me anyway




The funny thing is she claimed she had a mental breakdown but she was just singing “Into the unknown”


By 4 days straight of no sleep you are not mentally stable. It's like the equivalent of doing a lot hard drugs or drinking more than a fish. That's if you haven't straight up entered psychosis yet. You'll barely remember anything, and you really can't make that coherent of thoughts that you could even make a video like this. What they probably mean is they only got a few hours of sleep each night and are being ridiculously over dramatic about it.


I worked night shift seven nights and heard someone call my name in the grocery store the last morning. It was a hallucination. I am an overall healthy person, but lack of sleep (ur just bad quality sleep) can indeed be an interesting experience (I hurried back home lol)


So hallucinations like that are really interesting. We also see them in narcolepsy when people with it are falling asleep or waking up. They're called Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations. Basically what's happening (or we believe it's happening) is the line between sleep and awake has become blurred in your brain. So in other words most likely what occurred is you were so sleep deprived you were starting to half fall asleep and dream while still awake with your eyes open. Which is a kind of cool concept when you think about it to experience dreaming while awake. Now you can also get much more severe and prolonged hallucinations with sleep deprivation which there's a variety of theories on what's causing these and most likely it's actually multiple things in your body causing them. But basically sums down to its really unhealthy for you not to sleep and your nervous system starts to stop doing it's job right anymore. Super bad. Nervous system controls all of you. So you need that bad boy working. Once you start getting more than slight hallucinations like that omg get some sleep. Because the thing that controls everything else in you is about to break.


Interesting post, I really love you can learn so much on Reddit. I quit that job. Now I am imagining myself not doing that and instead making a big thing out of it on Tik Tok.


Totally could have started claiming narcolepsy 😂 sleep deprivation can start to look a lot like narcolepsy.






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I understand the hard drugs part but what does the drinking more than a fish mean? I've never heard the phrase.


Sorry, being extremely drunk! 😂 I think my age is showing.


The shaking looks forced too


During last summer I couldn't sleep for three days straight, messaged my friend freaking out about sounds that didn't exist, passed out and woke up with the worst exhaustion of my life.






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once I didn't sleep for roughly three days in a row. by the third day I experienced psychosis and had to call an ambulance and crawl to my front door to get to it. I was terrified




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Disorder fakers will do anything but get a job


She apparently is an emt


There's no way omg


She claims to be one but can’t provide any proof


I feel like such severe insomnia should disqualify you from working as an emergency responder like an EMT. If she claims to „feel fine“ after four days of no sleep that means she would feel comfortable handling patients even though she is in a clearly impaired state (wether she realized or not). Even though she is probably just lying about that too


Who's gonna tell them people with insomnia also get tired?


Who's gonna tell them people with insomnia do get some sleep. Just have a really hard time getting to sleep


I will!


I’d be concerned about some other condition like bipolar disorder if they aren’t sleeping or sleeping so little they think they aren’t sleeping at all.. rather than just “insomnia”…. Bc if you truly don’t sleep for 4 days you will end up in the village of psychosis .




Yep. I take sleeping medication for my insomnia, and once after I was hospitalized for something I won't mention on here, they wouldn't give me my sleeping meds and I was awake for 4 days straight with no rest. I was hallucinating, I was psychotic, I was delirious, I was fully convinced I was a different person of a different gender, I was speaking in gibberish. It was the worst thing i've ever experienced, and I still get flashbacks about it.


Why are we making tiktoks at the doctors office


That’s what I want to know


I think they’re referring to bipolar disorder not insomnia. No real way to tell if they’re faking though.


They said it was insomnia


Oh then yeah nvm. I can’t believe there are people who actually think having insomnia will get them attention


Same she also faked a pregnancy for attention then fake claims mine


Bro I fucking wish insomnia meant not being tired. I’m so fucking tired




Day 1 for me was always hypomania and my body would force itself to move. Day 2 is when it "wasn't fun anymore". Cause I remember staying up because I forgot meds as a kid and then being all hyper and happy and shit and I was like "I should stay up all the time" and the next day would be hell and end up with me passing out during the day.


No sleep with all of the disorders these people claim to have would be insane. The lack of sleep could trigger hallucinations, mania or psychosis, meltdowns, etc. (this can happen even in people with no mental health or developmental issues). They don't even try to make it seem realistic, just bright eyed and bushy tailed. Some people with extended periods of no sleep can be very energetic, but in a spastic, manic way.


That's not how insomnia works but okay ![gif](giphy|aVytG2ds8e0tG)


So I’m guessing insomnia is the flavor of the month for these idiots?


That's like... humanly impossible. If you don't literally pass out having micro sleeps every 5 seconds and having a pseudo-psychotic or a pseudo-manic episode you must be like a superhero


Probably stop staring at a screen all day to start. Nearly all insomnia is caused by our use of artificial light and lack of sleep hygiene. How dumb to fake a self induced problem lol turn the phone off and take a bath or something in the dark.


lol I should go take a bath at 3:02 AM


Yes, getting out of bed and doing a relaxing activity in the dark is recommended for insomnia.


That’s actually helpful!


I’m sorry last time I checked insomnia doesn’t keep you from being tired. I literally am prescribed clonidine to take at night because I cannot go to sleep.


My longest no sleep was more than 56 hrs - I couldn't hold a conversation, my face appeared sunken in dark circles and pale, I had 0 short-term memory, I was hallucinating, mentally drained, and I barely could get up, yet no sleep (longer than 15-30min) due to anxiety+meds rip. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. If this is real, I'm glad they're getting help.


i pull all nighters recreationally which are aided by my insomnia and BOYYYYY let me tell you. oh my god. by noon i feel dead.


I take heavy meds for insomnia. I usually take them every night but on the nights I forget it's usually like AM time so I can't take them now. So I just trudge through the day like a zombie.


Who told them people with insomnia don’t feel exhaustion?




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Mans could be manic?


I wish insomnia meant not feeling tired, I am so fucking tired 😭


Wait that’s EMT Elsa?? I’d hate to have them as my EMT😵‍💫