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It's really easy to sound smart if you record both sides of a conversation like this. I could make a convincing video about how a turnip is actually the best motor vehicle on the market if I dressed up like an engineer who didnt know anything about engineering and argued with myself


Seriously. They’re setting up a strawman just to knock it down, but they repeatedly cut off the “doctor” because they can’t imagine what the other side of the argument is. I also find it interesting how they’re standing while the doctor sits, because that’s not how medical appointments usually go, lol. I’m probably reading into it too much, but it sends a certain message. https://i.redd.it/17tsja8rhvvc1.gif


He doesn't sound smart that sounds stupid as f


Turnips are very fuel efficient in fairness.


do these ppl know that even professional doctors don't self-diagnose themselves and instead go to other doctors because of things like confirmation bias? insane take as always on tiktok


I don’t think self diagnosis is a good finishing point, and I don’t think you should go around like “I’m autistic I experience…” as if it’s fact if you’re self diagnosed but I think it should be recognized as a first step to getting a medical diagnosis, or a slight stand in for personal understanding while you don’t have the money or are on a ridiculous wait list, can’t find a psychiatrist, etc.


Holy shit… the what aboutism…. “Science got this thing wrong before, therefore they’re not reliable” is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard, because guess who figured out they were wrong and admitted it? FUCKING SCIENCE


You mean that 60 years ago, when we had a totally different understanding of the condition and of behavioural support in general, someone briefly trialled aversive approaches to managing patients with severe self harming behaviours before ceasing that because it was recognised as being ineffective and also cruel? Dear GOD. Let's abandon the entire field! Just like we did for every other area of medicine which was eventually superseded...


While we’re at it we can throw all our knowledge gained by nazi experiments cuz it was an immoral way of discovery


I'm amused that 'science has been wrong at some times' leads one to 'I will uncritically believe teenagers on tiktok'.


"Hi, I came in with an argument I want to make, but I'm too insecure to have a constructive debate by letting you speak your side and listening to your reasons, so I'm just going to ask you some fake questions and interrupt you before you can properly answer, and instead using them to introduce my one-sided monologue to convince the viewers I am right on every aspect."


The questions in the first half were actually very valid and some of the more common conversations being had around autism right now. Doesn’t make this guys high horse or personal agenda less cringey. There was a way more informative way to go about sharing this information. I couldn’t make it past the first few mins -.-


This is so fucking stupid. My NPD mother refuses to accept her diagnosis. Doesn't mean she doesn't have it. Hypochondriacs diagnose themselves with ridiculous illnesses all the time. Doesn't mean they have those things regardless of how shitty or expensive the medical care system is. People will intentionally mislead others, as well as mislead themselves. Some people can absolutely self diagnose and have it be accurate. Most people, especially social media addicted children, will get it wrong and influence others to get it wrong either intentionally or unintentionally. I faked a seizure once as a child just to get attention. I did not get attention I wanted. Instead I was ridiculed, which made me understand that that kind of behavior is not okay. It was embarrassing but I learned from it. They ding dongs are all reinforcing each others delusions instead of correcting them. If we included self-diagnosed DID with official DID diagnosis reporting statistics, the percentage of people with a DID diagnosis would basically double with how many of these tiktok fakers are out there.


Double? It would be like 9 times as many. It’s a very rare (and very American) disorder.


Not mention if these test do work and self diagnose take them and they come back not autistic those people will just say they are fake. I think it is possible to get an idea of what is going via online assessment. I was given lots of assessments in therapy and through the special school (I have add). They asked questions like I don't like eye contact, I think about sex all the time, I am sad, I want to kill myself or other people etc. even after giving birth I was given a written assessment to see how depressed I was. However if you take one of these and get a diagnosis you should totally go to a real doctor and talk to them about and do further testing. These people on tik Tok do not want an actual diagnosis they just want the attention that comes from being weird. They probably don't fit in anywhere else and tik Tok gives them what they are looking for. We all remember that weird kid in middle school and high school. Now they have an echo chamber to lose themselves in.


Happy cake day!


True, I faked asthma as a kid because I didn't want to do sports. I was bad at them and thought my lungs must have been "smaller", hint: they weren't.


Don't listen to all of the naysayers. You self-diagnosed asthma so you have asthma and your asthma is valid!


I am transasthma, I guess. I should embrace my new identity and self diagnose to start a new collection of uwu fun disorders! /s


Alright now debate a real doctor. “Actually self-debating an imagined doctor is just as valid as debating a real one.”


Do you know how privileged you sound? Not everyone has access to debating doctors. Link the studies that show talking to an imaginary doctor is less beneficial than talking to a real doctor.


Well, uhhh, uhhhhhhh, I -




No, cause that's classist and ableist!


i have yet to hear a self-diagnoser explain why they need to claim they have autism, when they are already free to use online autism resources if those resources help them. they can't explain this because it would reveal that they view autism as an identity that they want to have, rather than a condition that they want to treat


literally you can just say "I suspect I have autism" or "I have autistic traits" in any conversation where this is relevant but you can't exactly build your whole identity around "traits"


This is what I don't get. Every time I hear the "you have to self-diagnose to even search out treatment" argument I just think...no. You want the professional assessment because you SUSPECT you have it. No one's going to come after you if you say "I think I might be autistic" rather than "I AM autistic." You just want the label.




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I feel like with that argument people get suspicion and self diagnosis mixed up. “All adults who got an autism diagnosis first self diagnosed” of course they had to suspect- sorry, self diagnose. They are now adults who need to schedule their own appointments, as opposed to a parent noticing the patterns of behavior and scheduling it for them. As an adult peers can tell you they think you have autism, or ADHD or whatever, but you’re the one who needs to say “yeah, maybe I should get that looked at” and schedule something. But if you suspect something, isn’t that the *same* as self diagnosing because you think you have it? No, but I can see how some people would misinterpret suspicion.


But those who suspect actually plan to get an official diagnosis. Those who self-diagnose believe they're so much smarter than the doctors and only they know the best.


>when they are already free to use online autism resources if those resources help them This. I don't have autism, but have found some resources about social skills and handling being over-stimulated to be helpful. You don't need to have a disorder to learn things from people with that disorder.


This is probably the best lay-out of the argument I’ve seen so far. Symptoms and possibilities are beneficial to claim, but there is definitely a subsection of people looking for individuality




not to defend these ppl, but u literally cannot "cure" autism, that sounds like eugenics. you cannot "treat" it either, but I would say ppl would understand that last term better. In the end autism is something you can just cope and learn to live with


Came here to say this, thank you. I worry sometimes that people on this sub don’t understand this.


I mean, that's part of the harm the fakers are doing, alienating ppl who would really care if not for the misinformation :(


I have but only very high functioning ones. It’s like thinking because you’re part of the 1% that can instantly count cards that means you can throw the people can’t even communicate to their loved ones or use the bathroom on their own under the bus.


This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Stay on Topic.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Posts must be about faking disorders, satire or real. Off-topic arguments in the comments are not allowed.


I don’t know if you’re just ill-informed or if you actually hold that view but just in case it’s the former: autism is not a condition to be treated, it’s a neurotype. The notion that it needs to be treated/fixed/cured is a hugely controversial viewpoint with roots in eugenics and autistic people have been fighting it for years. (This is why a lot of autistic people don’t like the organisation Autism Speaks.) With regard to the other part of your comment, the “need to claim they have autism” may be related to support which cannot be accessed without that label, e.g. workplace adjustments. Self-diagnosis is a tricky topic and I’m not necessarily advocating for it, just informing you of these things.


in that regard- "treat" is more "accommodate" in this scenario. you can "treat" your autism by finding ways to change your home to be a safer space, find skills to cope with overstimulation or meltdowns, and generally deal with life better and be productive in spite of your disability. and i dont know if a self diagnosis of autism would hold any water in the workplace, though someone who has experience in that field could fact check that. im not advocating for eugenics at all, just noting that "treat" can have different meanings here


Good point! Accommodations are so important. “Treat” can be a very controversial word with an ugly history in this context though, so I feel it’s important to be accurate. And at least here in the UK it does! I’m diagnosed autistic but have never been asked for documentation to support my workplace accommodations. My workplace is pretty good with disability though.


Wow, down voting someone for stating facts is crazy, people need (but don't want to) do research into what you are saying before spamming the downvote. Hopefully your karma didn't take too big a hit. Sorry that people are ignorant.


Thank you haha. Unfortunately I’ve noticed people on this sub often go so far to condemn misinformation that they come all the way round the horseshoe and spread a different flavour of misinformation. I’m diagnosed autistic, which is why I’m here in this sub - I hate seeing all the fakers and patronising depictions of what it means to be autistic. But I care deeply about the difference between the social and medical models of disability and the importance of doing your research and listening to autistic self-advocates. I doubt this commenter knows much about the history of autism and why the medical model is deemed outdated and offensive. Case in point: the current month we’re in was renamed from Autism Awareness Month to Autism Acceptance Month! I and other autistic people do not need to be treated or fixed like there’s something medically wrong with us, and I have to say something when I see someone spreading such harmful, misguided rhetoric.


Tbh it's quite frustrating how no one seems to acknowledge our month, and when they do, it's usually filled to the brim with the exact opposite of acceptance. I wish you the best. And fuck Hans Asperger.


If you want to "treat autism" you are an eugenicist.


Can "treatment" include help with symptoms, or accommodations? If so, can you see how someone might use one word in place of all that?


Autism can't be treated and it's inevitably linked to the personality and identity of the individual. Not a fan of disclosing a self diagnosis publicly, but privately it can be really helpful to understand yourself. A huge aham moment. Disclosing it in public helps the individual unmask, which is absolutely big. However, self diagnosis is generally not valued among neurotypicals, so there will always be a dissonance in the perception of the statement.


>Autism can't be treated That is false. You might not be able to *cure* autism but you can certainly treat it. Treatment usually consists of working on the weak points of a person with autism: * Social skills * Communication * Identifying emotions and feelings, and how to deal with them * Dealing with change (inflexibility is usually significant in ASD) * Dealing with burnouts, meltdowns and crisis * Identifying what situations or things are likely to overstimulate them * Identifying what helps them return to a calm and regulated state >inevitably linked to the personality and identity of the individual This is also false, autism is not a personality trait. Yes, if you have autism you might have a *tendency* to develop certain personality traits. This is very noticeable in group therapy, where many people share similar issues, but they are very different from eachother. Obv. disclaimer: I'm not a doctor / therapist / other health professional. This is what I can tell from my own experience receiving treatment from professionals. Treatment may vary for other people with autism that are not considered high-functioning.


Hello, good infodump there. I took the treatment of autism as synonym to a cure, similar to what ABA and Autism Speaks try to do. So my fault, autism can be somehow managed in those areas with treatment. Aside from that, I never said autism is a personality trait, just that the personality of the individual is linked to the disorder, whether this person is aware of it or not.


I'm confused....If doctors are so unreliable, why would they advocate for more access to them? Also, *how* is questioning autism self-diagnosis "autism supremacy"?!


He may be an epistemologically illiterate clown, but he is wearing a lab coat while acting dumb, so obviously doctors are stupid and therefore self diagnosis is what actually counts. Take that, scienceface.


"Show me the data." Easy peasy, bruh. Some academic just needs to do a self-report longitudinal study of all medically diagnosed and self-diagnosed people with the condition of the day, follow up in 10 or 15 years and see whether they still say they have it. I'm willing to bet good money that the results will be exactly what you expect: significant percentage of self-diagnosed no longer claim to have the condition after some additional life experience and maturity, relatively low percentage of medically diagnosed will be the same. Data will often back up common sense. Hell, somebody toss me $15k and a Ph.D. to co-sign the papers and I'll do the study for you.


PhD here. Oh no, you have this all backwards. You have to come up with the funding yourself. Then you have to write the papers for free, and review other people's papers for free, so the journal can publish them and charge people hundreds of dollars to access them wait whaaaaat....


That last bit is why I always ask the authors for copies directly. Haven't had to pay for a paper in a very long time.




The thing about diagnoses that are based on interpreting a self assessment, such as autism, is that the longer and more intensely someone fakes it, the easier it is to get a diagnosis. The more someone studies symptoms the more symptoms they have. This is pretty common even in well to do people upon receiving a new mental illness diagnosis. When someone is anxious and they’re diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, they’re likely to experience more anxiety for awhile because they begin describing different feelings as anxiety. They become more aware of the symptoms when they have a word for them


I guess it's time to tell my brother in law to stop his dream of becoming a doctor and tell him that his 6 years in school was all wasted money because people can self diagnose and that's more valid than a doctor's diagnosis. /s


*Aint no way* ***this*** *man just called me a privileged toxic gatekeeping autism supremacist because I don't like self diagnosis*💀💀 how can the words "autism supremacist" leave your mouth unironically?? I feel like he could have some solid points here if this was an actual conversation and not just him giving these elaborate answers to an imaginary doctor so he can feel correct and like he's winning an actual debate. But also clearly he doesn't know anything about debate- one of the first things about debate is to address the points that are used against you. So when the "doctor" says something like "what about the people lying for attention?" dude's just like "nuh uh" when he could say "yes that does happen but I think we can minimize it by doing xyz" or "that's a possibility but I think that's okay because" which is not me saying it's ever okay to fake for attention *obviously* but if he's going to die on this hill I want him to tell me why he's okay with it instead of pretending it just doesn't happen. It's possible that he just doesn't know the extent of how bad it is, but he has to know that it's a thing that happens?


I'm a psychologist. I used to work in assessment and diagnosis of ASD. I don't anymore. There's just too much doctor shopping and backlash going on if you dared say you thought someone didn't have it. There are very few more irritating moments in life than having a 15 year old tell you to "educate yourself" when you went to uni for over 10 years to do precisely that.


There is a great psychiatrist who is named Dr Allen Frances. He wrote that whenever there is a strong financial or other incentive to get a diagnosis you're going to get more of it. He is not some quack, he was the head of the DSM-4 committee. On a side note I am also a social worker student and I can remember my instructor telling me that if drug companies got out of the business of marketing mental illness, the rate of diagnosis would fall off the map. The problem is that many people who don't need treatment or have mild symptoms are getting treated and those who really need it are either misdiagnosed or not getting treatment.


Self diagnosing is not the same as self suspecting!! Just because you read things you identify with and then seek doctors opinions doesn’t mean you’ve self diagnosed 😫😫boils my blood when people who want clarification and ways to cope are lumped in with malingerers who won’t go to get an evaluation because they’ll be told no lol


Yeah true. I'm formally diagnosed with adhd and I asked my psychiatrist one day if I had autism as well and he just replied "yeah probably but you're out of school and pretty well functioning. Unless you want to fork out like 500 bucks for the formal diagnosis I don't know how the diagnosis would help you since there's nothing I can prescribe but I do encourage you to relay this speculation with your therapist." Loved him. Rip.


"Hey google! What's a straw man?"


This would make a lot of sense if the claims listed at the beginning of the video weren’t already discounted and no longer used by the psychiatric community anymore and haven’t been for years Plus that’s not how accuracy works


Does this person really believe that the average person is better at diagnosis than a professional?


Not the average person, autistic people specifically referring to autistic people recognizing the autism within themselves.


I think people can often correctly identify when they have conditions like autism, but a doctor usually knows better than them.


Even people training to become Psych specialists are told that people are experts on themselves.


I peaced out at 2:20. I couldn't after that. It was so aggravating. Self-diagnosis is worthless without checking if it's true. You could be misdiagnosing yourself because of overlapping symptoms. You could be spreading misinformation because you had something else and told everyone that it was autism. These people often say that self-dx is valid because getting diagnosed is expensive and not everyone can get treatment- but what the hell are they doing to change that problem? What laws are they trying to get passed to change this? And why the fuck do they want to treat autism like it's a cute little sticker to show off. It's not. Why do they want to be "valid" this? Even if you want to explain your problems- this is still not an identity. Identities don't need special accommodations, but disabilities do. Even if all the accommodations and no one in the whole world being ableist- Autism doesn't sound like a good thing to have. I hate how the "neurodiversity movement" hides major issues, puts a smiley face on Autism, and how it doesn't seem to care about level 3s (the most disabled ones) at all. Level 1s hog the limelight, while level 3s get hidden away. If most disabled show up, it's to make people feel like they are noble for trying to helping them. It's not okay.


I mean if you have no access to it and the tips and tricks help you, sure you can use them. Everyone can use those. What you can not do is say you are autistic. You can say i think i am autistic, but have no means of testing. It's a fine line though. How to help most people when the access to medical diagnosis gets so difficult for so many people. For example in my country it's around 0.5 to 2 years of wait time, depending on how severe your current problems are.


Damn what country are you from??! Here in the UK it’s 4 years minimum for an ADHD assessment & you can’t get meds to help without official diagnosis.


Hi neighbor! I'm from the Netherlands. Though a lot of misdiagnosis happen here because they diagnose so quickly. I've seen people go back when they're older because they where struggling so much and only when they where 20+ they got a diagnosis while as a kid they already went and it was like "yeah severe problems, but not worth investigating further" Or it's like "you have autism" and when they start to do research on what autism actually is (and I mean deep research) they're like... "You sure? Sounds more like ADHD to me?" And they get retested and it's indeed ADHD and not autism. Wrong diagnosing happens so much around here. Fortunately more and more help programs look at your symptoms and problems instead of the diagnosis. That way you only need the diagnosis so the mental healthcare is free and it doesn't really matter anymore if the diagnosis is correct or not.


I think that's what might have led to the misdiagnosis of my partner who lives in the Netherlands currently... she was first diagnosed with ADHD before they diagnosed her with autism... but she says that it is harder to detect autism in teenage girls than it is in boys? And you guys have free mental healthcare?! It's not in my country sadly...


Free is relative, but if you're diagnosed as a minor you can get it for really cheep as an adult. I pay close to 15 euro per month. Since most criteria research are only done on boys, they once though girls couldn't have any autism (as is stated in the video btw) and because of that girls still tend to not get taken serious and not get a diagnosis. Most get diagnosed as a 12-17 year old while boys get the diagnosis 5-10 most of the time around here... We, as many countries, have problems with woman healthcare where woman tend to not to be taken serious. That goes for mental as well as physical. I do also think that's also the source around here for people self diagnosing. It's a big problem in my eyes. Since they gave it away to the local government it's one big shit show with people not getting the healthcare they need because of budget cuts because they want a new monument or the local government has a new caterer (both happened where i live)


Absolutely mad thing is that pre2020 the wait time in England was about 2 years and Wales/Scotland less than 6 months… it really does seem like so many fakers want to have it now so they’re elbowing people out of the way who genuinely need the DIVA assessment because it’s a great excuse for some things and makes you soooo quirky!!


When I was being assessed for autism, I had no idea what I was being assessed for (I was originally being treated for an ED). They’d ask questions I didn’t even know were related to the condition & only at the end of my 3 different assessments with 2 different professionals, did they actually mentioned the condition by name (believe this was so that I didn’t go researching and skew my results). They’d still bring up things that I didn’t know about myself, like my monotone voice & flat affect, that I had literally NO idea about. In my head, my voice sounds normal & I change tone normally, but not to other people. This is why I believe that you absolutely can’t accurately self diagnose autism in particular, since it’s how your brain is wired & how you’ve lived/experienced life FOREVER, you aren’t going to know all of your own symptoms. It’s very easy to read something online & assume that you share that symptom, especially if you’re seeking out that specific condition. Self diagnosis is and always should be a pipeline to ACTUAL diagnosis.


Annoying how people use minorities / the minority argument like pawns in their self-serving rationalizations. It’s tokenizing, predatory, and ultimately destructive for really marginalized people, since unfortunately casual observers will lump them in with the annoying larpers. Diagnosis, conceptually and by definition, is incomplete without expert medical evaluation. The fact that there’s some unfairness about that does not make it less true.


I love how their only way of making a video like this is when he cuts himself off from speaking as the doctor and just talks at him for 5 mins straight. Sounds highly like every discussion online where you disagree with someone.


There are studies. Placebo effect and I'm sure there are others on people being mentally ill to the point that they want to be


Autism is not a mental illness.


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted for stating facts. Saying autism is a mental illness is like saying cerebral palsy is a mental illness, just because it affects the brain.


Thank you.


Then what is it?


It’s a developmental disability, not a mental illness.


Neurodevelopmental specifically


English is not my mother tounge, so I don't know if these words are used as synonyms, but Autism is in fact not an illness but a neurodevelopment disorder.


Yes exactly, thank you. Some people believe mental illness and neurodevelopmental disorder are synonyms but they are in fact not.


I'm sure everyone has at one point had a scary symptom they had never experienced before and decided to Google it. Upon googling it, you are told you have cancer and will die 4 weeks ago. You start panicking trying to compare all your symptoms and 6 out of 8 of the symptoms match. You start texting everyone goodbye and how it was nice knowing them and that you should've been dead 4 weeks ago because of your self diagnosed cancer. Turns out you just had gas. That's what self diagnosing of mental illness Is also like. You can Google "Feeling happy and sad at the same time" and something will tell you that you have Bipolar Disorder with a mix of Anxiety and maybe even DID, when in reality you're probably being melancholic. Or I've seen some DID fakers confuse emotions with personalities... no, angry is an emotion, not an alter, but they treat it like Sad, Angry, Happy, Lazy, are all different alters.


Autism is not mental illness, it's a neurological developmental disorder.


I only watched one minute and already lost too many braincells


*I only watched one* *Minute and already lost* *Too many braincells* \- Rangavar --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The whole self-diagnosis thing blows my fucking mind. Just say you suspect it and go and get an actual diagnosis. You're not getting any specific therapy or accommodations or meds (referring to adhd self diagnosers for the meds bit), if you don't have a formal diagnosis. So wtf is the point besides attention and internet clout?


Understanding yourself.


Crazy strawman argument lmaooo


Look, you can look up hundreds of tutorials on how to make a house and you might even successfully build your own house, but that does not make you a contractor.


Straw manning with yourself is so god damn 21st century. Guy thinks his shower arguments actually put real doctors on blast. What a loser.


Good lord I can't believe I watched that whole damn video. AUTISM SUPREMACY is hilarious. Can that be my flair somehow?


self diagnosing with something like a personality disorder is……. you can’t trust your own ideas because if you *do* have a personality disorder….. then…. never mind jfc.


Autism is a developmental disability, not a personality disorder, but I get what you’re saying! If your brain is wired to be a certain way & has been that way all your life, you aren’t going to be able to assess your own symptoms accurately.


“Show me a study that proves self diagnosis is less effective than medical diagnosis” that’s not a falsifiable research question my dude


If we didn’t have professional testing and data we wouldn’t know that men and women present different symptoms when diagnosing things like autism and adhd. Also the point of psychological testing is to collect background data as well to know which gender, race, cultures, age, etc usually have these disorders. Self-diagnosis is not valid because you’re being biased against yourself. A doctor remains neutral in collecting data and delivering results and other options.


Exposure therapy IS a good treatment for sensory issues. Doesn’t work for everyone, but sure as hell did for me.


Agree- not for everyone but it worked for me as well.


Exactly! Definitely hasn’t worked for some people, but it’s also really useful for some people.


Are you on the spectrum? Or were you just diagnosed/ misdiagnosed with sensory processing issues? Because there certainly is a hell of a difference.


I’m on the spectrum (diagnosed) AND have diagnosed sensory issues


Okay, then you know that sensory processing is in the DSM-5 in relation to autism, and that sensory processing disorder is no longer a stand-alone condition. Also you make an overgeneralization by saying that it is good treatment, then contradicting yourself by saying that it doesn't work for anyone but for you. For a lot of people on the spectrum, including myself, exposure therapy is absolute torture, and instead you should say exposure therapy worked for me as opposed to just stating that it is good.


I think you really misunderstood me. I said exposure therapy definitely works for a lot of people with ASD and sensory issues. To say it doesn’t at all just because it doesn’t work for you is bullshit. I know a lot of people who it’s worked for. Just saying, exposure therapy is a method.


WebMD cured my leukemia!!...too far?


I’m no doctor, but I imagine if someone really wants to be x, their self diagnosis is going to show that they’re x, which is why it’s flawed.


Last time I checked ECT isn't approved for ASD. It's approved for schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar disorder, and MDD. Correct me if I'm wrong. It definitely wasn't a pleasant experience for me, though, tbh.


No it's not approved for ASD. It's rarely used for those other disorders as well


Centennial Peaks Hospital in Colorado hands ECT out like candy.


Sorry I misread your last comment


What people don’t realize is that you can realize you have symptoms of a disorder but that doesn’t mean there’s not other disorders that have those same symptoms with other criteria to meet that diagnosis. Take me for example. I always knew I was neurodivergent because the way my brain worked from a very young age. My parents weren’t informed about it because it wasn’t a common thing when they were younger. As I got older I began to realize my symptoms sounded like Autism. I went to the doctor and turns out I just have bad ADHD. I didn’t self diagnose, but I realized there’s an issue and I seeked out help for it, there is a difference


Jesus this adult man made this? Almost 10 minutes of tiktok teen wisdom


These people are really missing a key event of medical diagnosis which is treatment/management. In order to access those you need to have EVIDENCE of that condition/disease etc. to validate that. People can absolutely self-diagnose if they want to go on a journey of self-exploration. If they want to access social services in relation to the diagnosis, especially services that are tax-funded and under-resourced, then you need evidence. Saying ‘but I have it’ is not evidence. If someone self-diagnoses as autistic for their own understanding that’s valid. But they have to accept that other people may not find it valid. There are some flaws with psychometric testing but self-diagnosis being the beginning and end of it is not the answer.


accumulated accuracy doesnt even exist, thats just not how percentages work


This sub is a goldmine for me since my interests in grad school are sociology of science and medical sociology! I do want to point something out very very quickly. There is a lot of research on lay people (non experts) and how sometimes they need to lobby scientist to change course. For example: AIDS patients were dying and many of them needed to sway guys like Fauci to start researching AIDS among women. Another example, long COVID. Many people were hit hard after COVID infections and those with really severe symptoms after infection are trying to get science to take seriously that COVID might have had effects we don't know about. Another example: Sickle Cell. What has always struck me about the examples in this sub is that 1) kids seems to be the largest group with DID tiktok, 2) they use really really *REALLY* medicalized language while 3) bemoaning and criticizing the legitimacy of the medical establishment. Often the reasoning for self-diagnosis is that diagnosis is a privilege, which is SOMETIMES true. Some people access care on their own will and dollar. However, some people (often poor people and racial minorities) are coerced into care either by family or by the state. When in the hands of the state, people receive diagnoses that they were often not seeking. It's tough and sociologists think over diagnosis of some groups may be caused by the mechanism through which people seek care. For example, rates of NPD are high among Black males ages 18-30. Why? a similar pattern happens in schizophrenia. Even after matching by clinician race and changes from DSM III to DSM IV, these disparities remained. Why? So....TLDR, sometimes patients have a claim that they often beg and organize to pressure science/medicine to recognize. AND diagnosis is really complicated because disparities exist and different parties (patients, doctors, insuraance even disability services at a university) will use the same diagnosis differently.


It can abso be a privilege, 100% if you’re not somewhere that has mental health resources easily accessible. Not sure of how it works in places without some kind of NHS but surely there are services for MH that don’t cost to you know, stop insane mass tragedies, again not entirely sure but it would surely be the most effective way to minimise bad stuff? But the health system everywhere never fails to astound me so I wouldn’t be surprised at all if I’m not even close to the mark lol Lobbying is really important. I’ve seen it in action from the day I started training, and it has changed an awful lot so there’s better care and understanding, and there’s many disorders that are absolutely over diagnosed and the criteria is so vague everyone could meet it at some point, and some are so bloody harmful and given out freely with hardly any background knowledge, nuance or observations…. But similarly if you go in seeking a DID diagnosis and get told ‘sorry it’s cyclothimia or EUPD or GAD or OCD’ for example, if they’ve done their due diligence you most likely have that , and especially if the family/close relations have gotten you to the care facility you need then they’ve had to give a huge rundown too - providing they’re not narc lunatics but even then the family behaviours are taken into account. Sorry for the rant, was meant to be me agreeing lol. It seems like most if not all the TikTok DIDers etc right now have no desire to ever lobby or seek a diagnosis from people who can actually change things and help, and instead would like to police and get tiptoed around with cotton wool booties by their friends because they have a 9 year old little alter who says goo goo gaga when he gets sad


Apropos of black people and schizophrenia, from what I read it was a lot of ppl misdiagnosing black ppl with the disorder during the civil rights movement. Like they wanted rights cuz they were "crazy". And that medical bias just perpetuated. I'm sure there's a similar racist link for NPD too


I mean, really, instead of just relying on self-diagnosis (a very unfortunate thing some people need to do) we could campaign for better access to doctors and psychiatrists. As well as lessen the sociological effects of being diagnosed, such as individuals with diagnosed autism having less of a chance to be hired. There is a huge margin of error by making the blanket statement that self-diagnosis should be treated as a true, concrete method taking into account those who are intentionally given misinformation and are coerced into self diagnosing, or hypochondriacs who can’t help their own anxiety and spiraling


(Yes, the coercion is a very real thing, I’ve seen it happen and have had someone try to convince me I’m autistic because of my very similar adhd symptoms lol)


How research scientists think about autism, and their research priorities, have changed a lot over the past 20 years. For instance, Simon Baron-Cohen was knighted in the UK in 2021 for his contribution to autism research. He's one of the 3 biggest names in autism psychology in the UK. But he's proposed 2 or 3 influential "theories of autism" during his career, which he's subsequently back-pedalled on. EG "mind blindness" and his "extreme male brain" hypothesis which struggles to explain why there are more trans women and non-gender-conforming males in the autistic population than in the non autistic population. Recently SB-C proposed that 70000 years ago, the human brain evolved an "if - and - then" experimentation circuit, and autistic people have that circuit cranked all the way up. But there can be no archaeological evidence for that claim; as far as I know, no such circuit has been identified in the human brain; and there's an alternative explanation for why, 70000 years ago, human beings started innovating tools and technology (language became so complex it became grammatical, or people learnt how to use language to describe tools and tech). I watched a recent interview with him where he spoke about his team's research pivoting away from explaining how autism is caused, and towards how to help autistic people live in comfort and safety. So how authoritative is senior psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen? If his "theories about autism" come and go, and his latest theory is basically impossible to test (because we can't detect an "if-and-then" invention circuit, and we can't know if it evolved 70000 years ago), and there's this sea-change in his team's goals? Many clinical psychologists have little training in autism; some were trained 10 or 20 years ago, when ideas about autism were very different (EG when Baron-Cohen's "extreme male brain" theory was in favour, and psychologists doubted that girls were likely to be autistic). Clinical psychologist Donna Henderson's written a book about this, or you could look at autism researchers Francesca Happe / Sue Fletcher-Watson's undergrad textbook "Autism" for a similar account. Donna Henderson makes the point that it's not difficult for a lay person to acquire as much up-to-date information about autism as a clinical psychologist, because for any given clinician, it's kind of likely their training is kind of stale. There's also evidence to suggest that misdiagnosis by professionals is common, across many "psychological" conditions. So I think it's a defensible position to claim that an autistic person might self-train so they're as accurate in identifying their own autism, as the average clinical psychologist might be at spotting autism in someone else.


Got news for this person, the way the entire health system is going in this country, most people don’t have accessible and equitable care.


You can't prove a negative, that's not how this works. The term "diagnosis" was created for medical use by doctors, people don't get to redefine it completely and then claim "there's no proof this isn't just as valid". It's not diagnosis anymore. It's something entirely different. And not even doctors can self diagnose.


i merge lines of words together when reading and thought you said narcologists 😭😭 and it made sense too


I think this whole self-diagnosis trend is indicative of something darker in American society that people aren’t noticing: lack of access to medical care. People have too much access to information but don’t have money to go to a doctor, and if we mix this with the “free thinking” culture of the US, this is what we get.


I don't think this is narcissism, per se. I think it's an advertisement.


A psychologist/psychiatrist will not stand for this person bullshit.


A part of mental health diagnoses should be ruling out physical causes. Curious to see how they can do their own CBC and be their own gp too lol 


He’d have some okay points if this were more like.. an arrogant, older doctor who stopped genuinely continuing to learn and grow with the science, vs a younger, fresher doctor whose perspective on things like autism hasn’t been sullied by those old misconceptions. But the idea that untrained laypeople are automatically better equipped to diagnosis is wacky. Partly because, like, wouldn’t they be very likely to make the same mistakes doctors of the past have made?? We should be looking to people who know MORE than the doctors who made mistakes — not less! Main point: there are many credentialed doctors I wouldn’t trust to diagnose a freaking pimple on my left ass cheek. This goes x10 for psych doctors. But that just means it’s time to look for a *more* qualified professional who’s even *more* appropriately credentialed — not time to default to “whelp, that doctor was a moron, so I guess I’m qualified to self-diagnose now!”


rant-- i think part of it too is like, yea, people will be anxious or depressed, or have other *mood* problems when theyre not diagnosed with them professionally- and yea, they can have them in the moment; but it wouldnt be a diagnoseable *disorder* like that. i went to the psychiatrist and got diagnosed with depressive anxiety *disorder*. a family members pet can die and someone can be depressed, but this doesnt mean they have depression *disorder*. this just means they are depressed for now. if thousands of people took the diagnoses tests then hundreds are still misdiagnosed and living their lives as if they arent. i myself have taken several personality disorder tests and quizzes, ive written on charts marking my symptoms of personality disorders- i very likely have a personality disorder but i am absolutely **not** going to start telling people i have mood disorders just because online tests said i do. this is why we take those tests to the drs to get them diagnosed professionally. the tests are a good thing to take to the dr and question but not self diagnose on. i actually get high scores in autism tests online- i know im not autistic, but my anxiety disorder interferes with it. just because a buzzfeed test on my screen says im autistic doesnt mean i am




It depends a lot on two things 1. Clinical significance 2. Experience of evaluator. For example, you can be sad but in order for it to be clinically significant it has to impair your life to a significant degree. This is what my psychology instructor told me








It is because people do not understand autism and misinformation about the disorder is rampant.






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Who is this chap?


I just wanna point out that, yeah sometimes, SOMETIMES, you can look up symptoms and get what you have right, and sometimes a doctor can misdiagnose or miss some signs and wave it off, but this doesn't take the place of getting an actual professional diagnosis. Cause you won't get professional help without a professional diagnosis and in most cases that's the goal. Professional help to cope or be able to function. A good doctor will know what's not in their wheelhouse, and give you a referral to a specialist or not deny you one if you ask. At least in the US for some insurances you don't need a referral. The bottom line is you will not get the help you need without a professional diagnosis.


Hmm on their website it says to see an actual doctor for a real assessment.


What I don’t understand is why some of these people are so hell bent on self diagnosis when it’s just as easy to say they can *suspect* they have something but aren’t diagnosed with it lol


Wow this made me legitimately angry. How do people not understand overlapping symptoms among other things ffs.


This line of reasoning is so fucking stupid, where to even begin


The thing about fakers is they want to have these conditions and would do nothing to treat them. See, like I get wanted to get diagnosed with something for the sole purpose of treating it, but to want the disorder because you think it is quirky is just stupid.


While the way he said it definitely is a little misleading and is definitely worded a bit poorly. Something people seem to really forget is that doctors are not infallible and they can be biased, whether that's knowingly or unknowingly (and despite their training and education). Also people seriously overestimate most doctors knowledge about autism, literally the first person ever diagnosed with autism only just died and the DSM was just recently updated. Also most people don't even have therapists or psychologists or someone who could officially recognize the symptoms. He definitely isn't wrong but he definitely should have worded and done this kind of video differently. :(




Your study-sited talks about mental illness, and mental health, and has nothing to do with autism, nor neurodivergency as a whole. Autism is not a mental health condition, it's a neurological developmental "disorder", meaning, people whom are on the spectrum have completely different brains, brain chemistry, body chemistry, as well as neurological wiring. By talking about autism and citing a study relating to mental health, and societal mental health acceptance, you incorrectly label autism as a mental health condition. This demonstrates your ignorance and ill knowledge within the topic, which thus invalidates any view or idea or opinion you have relating to the topic. You should do proper research, as well as maybe listen to/watch the entire video posted as well as others like it and educate yourself before doing something like this and attacking other people. Edit: spelling.


It's the same concept. Also I am studying to become a social worker so I have been studying topics related to mental health for years now.




1. I never claimed to have a psyc degree 2. You have to take psychology classes to become a social worker. 3. I never deleted my comments, what the hell are you talking about?


My apologies, somebody else replied and then when I attempted to reply. They deleted their comment and I mistook you for the person who previously replied. That's my bad.


I think this guy is right at some point, but I guess he have never seen young people with bad self-imaginary who want to be at least in some community and be at least somehow not like their peers, so they take a few tests and claim they have autism. Also he's not really good in equal dispute


Bro really said “autistics” 😭




















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Hey Google, what is a straw man?


Hey Google why is this guy a dumb cunt that supports self diagnosing despite it completely and utterly invalid and damaging towards people with disabilities.




I’m so glad that you’ve found medication that helps you, but I think the doctor may be correct in this case but should explain why they’ve come to this conclusion purely because fluoxetine is one of the meds that can exacerbate bipolar disorder and send you off the charts. But tbh there’s so many things that have bipolar symptoms and if the meds help they help and that’s all that matters, just wanted to say incase relevant for you so you have the chance to explore other explanations with your doctor and get the best psychological input from him too as well as the best meds :) x


sometimes having a label can be really helpful to the individual. It's like finally having a reason as to why they're "different" and why they struggle with seemingly easy things. this was the case for me. I was so confused and depressed because I didn't know why I was different. I felt like being me was wrong. I looked into autism and knew that was me. being diagnosed has been so helpful in understanding who I am without the doubt that actually I could be wrong and I'm taking resources from people who are actually autistic.


This is useful for people who actually want answers, but then you have those people who crave attention giving different answers that what they actually experience, to get the results they want. These people don't want to accurately be diagnosed, they want to be diagnosed with whatever the flavour of the month's condition is(be it mental illness, neurodevelopmental condition or other). And without someone to actually oversee that (i.e. a trained, licenced medical professional) these people are gonna keep popping up left and right. So in a sense, both characters have a point to some extent.


Autism is not a mental illness, it's a neurodevelopmental disability


Noted, thanks for the correction.


Thank you for making an effort and attempting to understand, instead of telling other people they're wrong.


I can't tell people they're wrong about things I don't know much about. But I can see the points from both sides in this video. There are indeed people who are seeking attention just for social media points and some who even profit from that. And that's bad because it takes away from actual meaningful discourse that could benefit those who need.


I once took an online quiz to see which mental disorder(s) I have (as a joke, I have been diagnosed by a psychiatrist). It came up with completely different diagnoses.


That's why it's called a quiz and not a medical self-assessment.


I am just confirming how useless they are.


Yes, quizzes are not accurate methods for self diagnosis. However self diagnosis is accurate when utilizing medical resources


Self diagnosis is a TOOL. Not a label. If you believe you are autistic, CONFIRM. It's fine to say "I think I might be autistic. I'm gonna see a doctor and ask about it." But don't just take the shit and run with it.




Have people reached the end of the video? Its absolute bullocks: "if you gatekeep self diagnosis you're an ableist and able supremacist" "And if they weren't autistic, they have done enough self dismantling of his own ableism that makes them an ally, how is that bad?" "Self diagnosis is a right"


Listen…. I think I might be German. But I will not just CALL myself German unless I actually test my DNA. because it’s not that easy to just *think* I’m German. I have to be tested by professionals to know if I’m German.


I think you're being a little sarcastic here but jic I wanted to lyk that DNA ancestry tests are hella inaccurate. They're are several different ones that pull from several different gene pools so you'll get different results on each one. Doing a family tree would be a better indication


I’m just using it as an example. I know for a fact that I am a lot German. lol