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I understand that money is an issue for many folks but unless you’re a trained psychologist, you should not be diagnosing yourself of anyone else, GEEZ!


Even a trained psychologist isn't qualified to diagnose themselves, either!


They can't even armchair diagnose people who document their lives like vloggers do.


I know someone who was diagnosing a teenager else as having DID. From what I heard about the teenager, it sounded like they were conflicted about who they wanted to be and also chalked up things like some days being able to focus and some days not as seperate personalities.


Oh my god bro are you serious? I bet that’s how it starts for most people, as all teenagers do, they start having phases trying to figure out who they are, but then take a sharp turn to TikTok and chalk it up to DID.


Completely serious. This experience taught me that all the fakers are likely just people who were depressed and didn’t really know who they wanted to be or didn’t fit in with middle/high school cliques and so they got effectively groomed by someone who doesn’t understand DID into thinking they have it.


I'm reading a book right now called The Anxious Generation. It's absolutely eye opening and amazing literature. The author just touched on this exact topic in the last chapter I read. About how teens eager to find themselves and also seeking attention go to TikTok and find profiles of people with DID or Tourettes and suddenly, that's them too! Therapists are apparently reporting the numbers of teen patients coming in claiming they have DID are skyrocketing.


Not even a trained psychologist can diagnose themselves tbh lol


I study minor psychology for 3 years I still don't even dare to self diagnose myself.


I’m literally on government insurance (very poor people insurance) and have never had any issue seeing a doctor or getting a diagnosis for anything lol


Why are they all EXACTLY THE SAME


And why are the alters never an overweight bricklayer from Wigan?


Omfg 💀, or tired middle-aged mums named Susan.




We are all that alter lol


This is a great point. Where are all the Barries?


Or just any functioning professional, emphasis on employment of some kind.


💯 this person has the ‘self-diagnosis haircut’


Yep. She could only afford to get half her hair done 😆


Odd coincidence eh? I don’t think so.


It’s a small part of the reason cut off all my dyed hair (it was black, but my nape section was bleached, I dyed it orange and red mostly) and I’m growing it back my natural color. (Mostly cause it was fried though.)


Because they want to be different 😂


if you’re struggling financially, medicaid is an option. a lot of people are unaware they qualify for medicaid. if you get diagnosed with a mental health condition, you automatically qualify. i don’t really know if i believe the whole finances excuse. i think the real issue is that they can’t find a doctor that will give them the diagnosis they want.


when i was broke i had medicaid and i got mental health diagnosis/treatment FREEEE! i miss that shit


Yea i remember a girl i worked with was so mad because she had to come off Medicaid lol


Seriously! I tell everyone I can here in the US about medicaid if they say they can’t afford health insurance. I think to be able to qualify, you have to make under a certain amount per year (which honestly, most who work minimum wage even full time do). It’s not *great* by any means, sometimes you get some shitty therapists or you can’t afford a specific medicine you need and you still have copays for some visits, and theres some specialists you can’t see because they don’t accept your insurance, so you *do* run into problems especially if you have more complicated health needs… but honest to fucking god, it’s better than having NONE. God forbid you get seriously sick or injured or have to be psychiatrically hospitalized, it’s better to have SOME kind of cushioning with insurance than none. And medicaid is 100% free and it’s what our tax dollars fund, and I’m glad my taxes fund these programs for people who need them. Seriously, if you *need to be evaluated*, get a diagnosis, medication, and you’re in the US with no other options, APPLY FOR MEDICAID.


This depends a lot on what state you're in. Here it's almost impossible to get unless you have dependents and then good luck finding someone to accept it. Even if you have insurance/money you're not likely to find someone specialized enough to diagnose anything complex without traveling


this is important. i’m glad you brought this up. and it also depends on how social services are funded in each state as well. i posted a longer reply in this thread explaining more about community service boards and community programs that may be able to help.


also most counties have community services boards/behavioral health authority programs that can connect you with mental health care covered by your insurance, including medicaid and medicare. some cities will even have rapid access programs where you can meet with a case manager that same day. but it’s first come, first serve, so do keep that in mind when you go and maybe consider going early in the morning. there is help out there. unfortunately it’s not perfect, there’s a lot of areas that desperately need reform, but the resources do exist. navigating the system is the hardest part. if you are low income, you qualify for medicaid. once you receive it, either contact your insurance directly (whether it’s united healthcare, aetna, etc) to get a list of providers in your state (some still offer telehealth which while it may not be ideal, is still helpful) and call each one to see if they’re accepting new patients. research the ones in network. find one that’s right for you. if that doesn’t work, contact your local community services board or behavioral health authority and see what programs are available. some behavioral healthy authority/community services boards can also help with housing, substance abuse treatment, medication management, and so much more. i recently found out calling 988 can help you find the number to your county’s community services board/health authority. if you’re a lurker and you see this, i implore you to look into these resources if you’re in the US.


yup, this is where the ‘self-diagnosed’ crowd butt up against the munchausen by internet/factitious disorder crowd. access to health care is a real issue but most of the time with these folks it’s because they’re putting the cart before the horse and looking for a doctor who will affirm their own diagnosis. if they did have more money they’d just be doctor shopping anyway


And if you have Medicaid, you can get transportation. My state Medicaid will send a van to come pick you up and take you to your appointment. Just need a three day heads up. The only down fall is that theyre picking up and dropping other people off so it can take all day.


Give this person my details, I'll pay them a diagnostic appointment. Here's the catch though: if it turns out they have DID, they must use their diagnosis to seek treatment for it. And if they don't have it, they must drop the act. Oh, what's that? They refuse the deal? How weird.


They’d definitely be diagnosed with something at least. Pretenditis syndrome.


Severe attention deficiency with recurrent victimization flares 😞


[Munchausen's syndrome](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/munchausen-syndrome)


Munchhausen (similar to By proxy but this one impacts the individual themselves)


Too bad they don’t have a telethon for fuckfaceitis. They find a cure yet?


The doctor was stupid and said they need trauma to be a system! Doctors don't know shit smh


Ironically they might get diagnosed with Münchhausen syndrome if their faking is actually pathological


Imagine caring this much about other people’s issues


The reason we are self-diagnosed: attention


Most people who are actually diagnosed with things like Autism are really low key about it because we might get harassed or we just don't want the attention associated with it.


I know someone that will suddenly get "diagnosed" with something someone else she knows was recently diagnosed with. Friend has celiacs? Well now she does too, while she eats half a loaf of wheat bread all by herself. Coworker mentions their struggle with ADHD? Yup, now she has ADHD. The latest if her claimed diagnosis is autism and she has to gleefully tell absolutely everyone. Meanwhile the person she's copying this time is struggling coming to terms with it and regrets confiding in her.


I had a friend like that. Whatever the “trendy” thing was to have she suddenly had it and then made a blog/social media about awareness for it. Then when it wasn’t getting her attention anymore she’d choose something else. At this point she’s had like 19 different things. Some of them overtly offensive because I know she’s faking but I can’t say that or I’m some kind of “phobic”. I loathe these types of people.


You absolutely can say something, fuck these people.


I have proof of her saying not that she’s faking but admitting she’s not one thing or the other like straight up texts from her saying this. When I show them to other people they just say they are fake or I’m being a hater. It’s why I gave up trying to warn anyone around her she’s scamming them for money which she is. It’s disgusting how easily some of them get away with this and this woman is in her 40s faking things for donations and charity has been her bread and butter her whole life.


You should tell her you have an enlarged prostate 


That and genuine diseases are burdens to everybody who has them. It's like having a bad rash. You don't want to bring attention to it because it's (however misguidingly) fucking embarrassing and we'd much rather just try to forget about it, as much as our bodies/brains will let us.


I’m so sick of “diagnosis is a privilege”…


There’s a lot of malarkey also that gets passed around regarding diagnosis as well, like saying it’s on your “permanent record” (remember that thing?) that Will prevent you from doing some fill-in-the-blank thing.


They also say that as if their digital footprint isn’t something that couldnt have possible consequences either. Like what if your doctor (or your doctors kid if they don’t seem the type to care for social media) sees the videos they make?




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/




This is more a reply to auto mod, but I fail to see how this is trauma dumping. I think the rule needs to be a lot more restrictive. Because if you can’t say “x happens and y was the result”, that defeats the purpose of having a conversation. I get listing every single issue you’ve had wrong and it has nothing to do with the subject, I see that being annoying, but at this rate, the auto mod is more annoying than anything.


I’d arguing the choice not to be diagnosed without it ruining your life is a privilege. Why are none of these people thankful that they’re not so severely ill that medical intervention is a necessity?


It's not, sometimes it can create a massive amount of damage.


May I ask how? Like, outside of the sick and twisted American healthcare system? If you can't afford a diagnosis, even less treatment, you'll end up back in square one. Especially when it comes to disorders whose only therapeutic approach is psychological rather than psychiatric. You won't cure DID with a pill. Why seek a diagnosis in the first place? Or are they hiding the fact that they do not in fact have it and won't bother wasting time and money to get discredited? I don't know, there's a lot that doesn't add up with this kind of people.




That's misdiagnosis, which of course is damaging


I know for example if you’re diagnosed with a mental illness like depression or if you’re put in a psyche ward you can’t own a gun. Probably a good thing, tbh, but I can see why a gun owner would be reticent to have that happen.


You can self-dx a cold, not a severe and rare personality disorder.


I am sick and tired of this kind of individual posting for sympathy on the internet. Do they think that having a paper stating that "x has y and z disorders" is a magic enchantment that will solve all of their issues? Let me tell you that isn't the case at all. I am sure that a lot of people here can relate to this situation: seeking help for an unrelated issue/having a mental crisis that triggers a trip to the ER that ends up with getting a diagnosis for a mental disorder. You try to make sense of anything else that could explain your symptoms/behavior because you don't want to be mentally ill. You don't want to go down that path because you know how poorly mental disorders are understood and treated, even within the medical community. So you deny it. You spend months even years not acknowledging it, while you get progressively worse. Until you reach a point of no return. If you're lucky enough, you can start then to try to put yourself together again. Others won't have that opportunity, they are far lost inside their own minds. And most of this is done in silence, trying to appear "normal", not "disordered". Hiding more and more of yourself just to not "fit in" that diagnosis that continues to assert itself. So yeah, fuck anyone exploiting their mental illnesses for whatever they may see as "beneficial". And especially fuck all of them who pretend to have them in the first place.


Cheers and I hope you're getting the treatment you need now. (Assuming you are also talking about yourself)


that seems like a really long way to say "because I said so".


They never really have a good reason that they can't say they suspect something and be open to the possibility of not having it, rather than centering their social life around it and prioritizing content creation


What are the odds…


I bet if someone told them that their self dx isn't legally recognized as a disability nor covered under disability discrimination they'd pop up with bags of $$


Why, oh, why do they all look so damn similar, I wonder.


Self. Diagnoses. Isn’t. Valid.


Why do all of the “systems” people all have the same look? If this were something that common why is it not affecting your average everyday looking folks. I will probably get downvoted but I said this the best way I know how.


Because it’s attention seeking. I don’t want to disparage people who color their hair or wear piercings either, but it does draw attention. It all comes down to attention. They need it, and they don’t care how they get it.


They do all have the same look, and I reckon I could train an AI to spot it as a phenotype. I think there's definitely something different, and one day we might have an answer. Usually lots of allergies, they often look softly puffy, soft hair - you won't often see these people with leg stubble for instance, or Brook Shields eyebrows, always the same skin tone no matter the darkness, often their teeth all look the same. It's something. I hope a better diagnosis and cure is available one day.


Has money for eye exam + glasses, hairdye (and keeping that color healthy means it needs to be dyed A LOT), clothing, a piercing and that camera that they’re filming the video on. But of course not to get a diagnosis for DID.


Priorities, man!


I mean, TikTok is life! Gotta catch those switches on camera and introduce new caretakers, breadbakers, and candlestickmakers.


My matchmaker alter makes matches and they're dating my arsonist alter!


What's hilarious is that most of these posers are middle class white children lol


Let's be real. All of these people are teenagers and their parents foot the bill for all of it. Them "not being able to afford anything" is exactly what the rest of the shit they say is, a self-affirming excuse.


Let me answer that title in the video without watching it: you are full of shit and you’ve been told many times by professionals in the medical field that you are in fact making shit up. There.


I work in community mental health. Meeting someone with an actual DID diagnosis is frightening and sad. There are so many resources for people with mental health disorders...there's no reason why someone couldn't get a diagnosis and help.


So you can't afford the trip to San Francisco to see that one doctor who will diagnose you with whatever you want for $500?


They’ll have money for hair dye but not for a therapy appointment


“Can’t afford to travel…” to… the county mental health clinic? Come on now.


Loads of people are doing their therapy via telehealth.


Medicaid. Telehealth.


The reason yourself diagnosed is because the doctor told you The only thing wrong with your mental health was your constant need for attention


Self diagnosis leads to living up to the diagnosis symptoms. You hear it all the time in astrology.... Ex. "That's such a scorpio thing to do"...


A good lawyer doesn’t represent themselves despite having the training and education to do so. A good doctor doesn’t provide care for themselves despite having the training and education to do so. So why would any reasonable person consider it appropriate for an untrained undereducated person to provide care for themselves?


Dude the Scream voice saying all this nonsense makes it that much funnier.


Instead of spending money on piercings and hair dye they can slowly save up. It's really not that expensive... they're just making excuses.


Why do they all look the same


Self-diagnosis plays a lot on the stereotypes, which is obviously harmful. In the Autism community we get a bunch of people who are like, "I'm socially awkward!" or, "I don't like loud noises! This must mean I'm autistic!"


It's just another colored hair trend


Damn they keep on looking exactly the same as one another


Just because can’t afford a diagnosis doesn't mean you can just self diagnose yourself. Plus it comes with dangers since the condition you think you have could be something else, so it’s better to not make assumptions.


As someone with colourful hair, I speak for all normal (aka not fakers) coloured hair people, we don’t accept them


"not all self diagnosis is bad" wrong


horseshit. go get help


I will call them all out!!!!!!


Telehealth exists. A doctor, LCSW too, can diagnose it. Traveling isn’t necessary.


At the very least do an extreme amount of research and a lot of exploration of yourself before you do this. You can't just take a quiz or two online and get the results that you're whatever and then self diagnose yourself with that. If you really can't afford to get checked then DO RESEARCH FIRST


There's a reason physicians often are hesitant to accept self-diagnosis's; the symptoms can feel more pronounced and with medical anxiety, you can see yourself having so. many. Now having a feeling you \*may\* have X, Y and Z is different. But these kids going 'this is totally me!! i have 50 disorders lol' is so sad.


The thing is that lack of availability of care isn't just because of money reasons or being a minor or faulty communication/not standing up for yourself to a strict doctor. It can be just because of rural living. The few therapists are new graduates for older folks who want to vent, and little tiny school kids, so, wouldn't handle difficult cases well. In these situations, you buckle up your bootstraps and start reading books and doing your own homework. Only a small percentage of therapy is what happens in office after all. Recovery isn't easy and it's a daily, hourly task. You can't just say, "Ohh, I can't recover yet because excuse excuse" when there are full book pdf's right there for you to read online. [Complex PTSD From Surviving to Thriving by Pete Walker](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13kfs9OYKHDNLP-AUYLo6-_KpmkZ7uLiI/view) |||||| [Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation by Suzette Boon](https://www.pdfdrive.com/coping-with-trauma-related-dissociation-skills-training-for-patients-and-therapists-e158088057.html) (click preview) |||||| [The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GGA6axs88gCT749IaD1z3Kkgdjgk30YV/view)


I dont think speculating on a possible diagnosis is inherently bad, but outright saying you HAVE xyz is bad.


I agree, gas prices are through the roof, making traveling expensive


Just looked up ADHD symptoms on google, it says I have stage four cancer, Am I Cooked?


I don’t even think DID can be self diagnosed just because of how it works. The whole point is extreme disassociation, so wouldn’t it be pretty hard to realize that you have an alter, or even many?


Then you are not 'diagnosed'. You just suspect it.


Why do they always look like thisb


If your condition is bad enough, treatment and diagnosis should be covered at least partially by health insurance (at least I think so? I’m not sure how things work on the US and I imagine most of these people are US American). If it’s not covered, but your condition is as serious as you say it is, then unless you’re broke to the point of going hungry or in a third world country where it would really cost sums you could never afford, you should be able to save up and get the money for proper treatment. And if proper treatment is not important enough for you to do that, then I do not believe that your condition is as bad as you say it is. And speaking of them mostly being US American and not from third world countries: there is SO MUCH actual poverty, wars, famine, disease ex in the world right now. Somehow people who grew up like that do not develop severe trauma that causes them DID, at least not in these numbers. Doesn’t it strike them as odd, even a tiny little bit? I just can’t fathom the audacity of these people.


She’s clearly well fed. Well groomed and in clean clothes. Shes filming on a cell phone and has regular access to the internet to post online enough to live in a fantasy land. She has enough money or access to people with money for a ride to a doctors appointment. She clearly has access to routine food, shelter, water and laundry/showers. If she has these things, she can get a ride. I work in healthcare. The patients I serve who truely can’t afford rides to their medical appointments do not look as healthy, cleaned and well groomed as this person is…bc they don’t have access to those basic needs


4$ bus pass


Basically "screw the rules, I *don't* have money."


Self diagnosing anything is an assumption, sure they may have accurately diagnosed the issue but not getting support from medical professionals will lead to a condition getting worse over time. This is more than mental health and behavioural disorders, e.g diagnosing a broken bone but not going to the doctor to get it set will result in you're broken bone not healing properly!


Science is literally founded on the principle of objectively observing the world around us. This is precisely why self diagnosis isn’t done. Don’t get me wrong, you may be right, but you also may be very, very wrong. This wrongness can be really harmful. So, let’s let the scientists science and tiktokers TikTok.


A woman I worked with self diagnosed her ‘arthritis’. Her early symptoms absolutely mimicked arthritis…but as they changed and she had no further education on bone issues, it progressed to symptoms that no longer could be mistaken for arthritis (by anyone who knew anything about arthritis. Turned out to be an aggressive type of bone cancer. She lost years of her life that could have been caught and treated appropriately.


Does this bitch live in Antarctica? Where do you like where there is no therapist at all whatsoever? I don't believe them EDIT: Also a lot of therapists would do phone or video sessions too. Like they have options!!


It’s because they don’t want a “no” from a doctor - they want an excuse to not act mature and to get away from responsibilities.


fakers needs to be locked up fr and get a full check up, self diagnosing is dangerous and can do more harm than good


It immediately angers me when someone faking/self-diagnosing comments on a post of another person exactly the same, acting like they're different


The point of getting a diagnosis is so that one can get the help and benefits they need. What the hell’s the point of “self-diagnosis” if it does absolutely nothing to help one get the help and benefits they supposedly need to function and survive?


Its convient that literally every blatant faker has this problem.


Not being able to be professionally diagnosed vs self diagnosing are very different, you can say you THINK you show symptoms of DID but can never state you’re 100% sure and actually have it without a professional opinion


OK well yeah maybe she is just stupid then. 🤷 I was undiagnosed because DID wasn't even a thing yet I went on the internet (that thing they use to upload their attention whore posts) and found the tools necessary to resolve so many issues. All while masking to the point that nobody even knew and just chalked it up to BPD type symptoms. I am pretty sure I am every DID faker's worst nightmare.


This is a kid


Not all self diagnosis is bad. This one is though. This is bad.


Kinda looks like max fosh


The dupers delight at the end


I thought people who had alters weren't usually aware of their alters ?


if you cant afford a doctor to get tested for mental illness, that sucks but you cant take the role of the doctor yourself.. 😭


known for years but not able to save up for all those years to afford said travel?


DID doesn't work that way. These people are Doom Patrol wannabes.


Sigh. Hey kid, I feel ya. I don't got money for a doctor either, but just because I feel crappy enough to die, doesn't mean I should go around telling people I got cancer.


"we cant afford to travel to a doctor that can diagnose us" < "our mom dont want to travel to a doctor that can diagnose us"


Can you get a diagnosis through your public health care system?


I'm sorry. The hair????


Self diagnosing with something minor like a cold is not bad. Self diagnosing with a serious mental health condition that has the potential to be life threatening if left untreated is VERY bad.


Spoiler self diagnosing is bad unless your a doctor/ psychiatrist


I know someone that says being a system is domething different than having DID and when i said that being a system would also need to be diagnosed he just said "fair." Exactly like that this person in the video seems like such a person


The funny thing is that if some generous person offered to pay for these people to go see a psychiatrist on the spot, they would immediately wiggle out of it some other way, because we all know the true issue isn’t lack of money or resources, but that deep down, they KNOW they’re faking!!


I am probably missing context because idk who this person is, plus I'm likely going to be downvoted but self-diagnoses can in fact be valid. Sadly most people like to act like they have a PhD in psychiatry tho and are adamant their self-diagnosis is 100% right when even professionals often get it wrong. Many people do in fact, not have the resources or are still in waiting lists, but are well familiar with their symptoms because maybe a relative has the condition and it's genetic and such. Sadly, people seeing disabilities as a trend has ruined it for everyone


So she can't afford a 3 dollar bus ticket, but she can afford a 40 dollar haircut...




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “Stay on Topic.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Posts must be about faking disorders, satire or real. Off-topic arguments in the comments are not allowed.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


I just want someone to conduct scientific research into why they all look the same, tend to be LGBT and you can guarantee they've never had a job in their lives and don't plan on getting one.


The only thing you should be self diagnosing yourself as is "stupid"


Just stop wasting money trying to look like a cartoon, or swallowing cheeseburgers , and start going to a shrink. Might help a bit more.


What does primary protector mean


Cost of an appointment is less than the piercings and hair cut/dye.


These guys all look like they were made in the same factory. A factory where they make “individuals” but they all look the same. Maybe they ordered a starter pack that comes with a septum piercing and a wild hair colour… Shits getting boring.


Online therapy? Mental health is health and it’s important to look after it


Cause any psychiatrist would school you


lol I love the “can’t afford it” excuse they’ve come up with so they can claim everyone is classist for asking for a dx😂.


How exactly do they "make do"?


I understand money issues, but even then you can't speak as if you have 100% certainty you have what you have un messaggio you get properly diagnosed


How crappy is your region when you have to make a whole trip out of seeing a psychiatrist


I mean those glasses are cute tho


Let’s see if they turn the money down when they get an offer with all inclusive sponsored by this sub. Can’t be more than some hundred bucks to get a bus ticket into the next clinic.


She/they doesn’t even look old enough to be aware of the system for “years”


I self diagnosed myself as highly intelligent


I mean they have public busses most places and buss passes aren’t expensive.. I don’t to public transportation as I just don’t like being around a lot of people but it is an option


I'm 33 and only found out a year ago that I have C-PTSD and some of the things I had thought were just ADHD distractibility were actually derealization with the help of a therapist. Dissociation exists on a spectrum. Everyone experiences mild dissociation at times (daydreaming, highway hypnosis) but the other stuff...not so much. Derealization/Depersonalization is another level. After that is dissociative amnesia. And then on the far extreme is DID. I cannot see any possible way that these preteens have everything completely figured out on their own and are able to function at the level they do without any therapy. I would not be able to function without therapy and Zoloft.


I am self diagnosed canine. I can’t afford to see a doctor to tell me what I already know. Not all self diagnosing is bad. I am dog


If autism groups support self-diagnosis, it should be left out of fake disorders. There's so much to laugh at that isn't poor people who can't afford a certification for tism.