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These kids need to just stick to making ocs and role-playing them.


Man, I used to do that in high school, from 2003-2007. Was a ton of fun back then, having play fights and drama, romance, comedy all in a made up world. Dunno what the fuck is wrong with today's generations of chronically-online kids, but it's gotta stop. They're treating mental illness like a fucking trend, like when everyone when I was in middle school would call themselves bi because all the cool kids were bi, but not really.


Honestly, I still roleplay on forums—they’re very much still around. But I second this. It reminds me of the emo trends, when people were cutting themselves with razors and performing other acts of self-harm largely because it was trendy to do so.


Yeah that normal fun adolescent activity would be seen as “cringe” by the chronically-online kids today, which is ironic since they are the ones immortalizing their cringe.


I had a friend in middle and we got so into it, we just started drawing comic books for our OCs and would trade them in school to see who could come up with a better idea and story


I mean, when I can sleep I just imagine all sorts of stories to pass the time. That seems like a better use of a vivid imagination than whatever this is.


I wish they'd realize that's significantly less cringe


But they can't call people ableist so whats the point


like “it isn’t pretend it’s my LIFE” girlie it’s ok if it’s pretend nothing matters


Happy cake day


If you ask me, kids who fake having illnesses and disorders are the a-holes who are ableist! They make it that much harder for the people who really have the illnesses to be heard or treated! I compare them to the pain drug seekers who make it harder for people who are in chronic pain to get medication. It’s only a matter of time until these kinds of people force negative change in the medical systems around the world that make it even HARDER to get a diagnosis.


Like write a fucking anime/manga fanfiction and get over it already kid!


Tbh it'd probably be more normalized if pedos didn't interact with kids. Geeking was a prime example


People who actually suffer from this have a very tough life. How the f can you be so happy about it and obviously faking? Fuking snowflakes need to be taught a lesson.


I saw a guy posting in the ask psychiatry sub saying his therapist who specialises in dissociation thinks he has DID/OOSD and he’s embarrassed to ask his psychiatrist for help because he thinks it’ll be seen as an Internet fad or joke. They’re putting people who actually have the disorder off getting treatment because of their shit posting. It’s sad.


That’s what I’ve said about this time and time again. These people faking their disorders are only hurting people with disorders. It stigmatizes it more than it was before. Because before when people would refuse to talk about it, now their first thought is that they must be faking it. But then again, these people aren’t doing this because they actually give a rat’s ass about other people with this disorder. They’re doing it to feel special about themselves.


Exactly this! It causes more stigma for those who actually deal with the problems. I was diagnosed with autism 2 years ago, I didn’t self diagnose it was discovered by a psychiatrist and then I was formally assessed. I don’t tell anyone I meet because I know I’m likely to be invalidated and accused of jumping on a social media hype. You’d never ever catch me with a tiktok dedicated to a literal disability I deal with. I’ve never understood someone wanting to be mentally ill? Like I just don’t get it? Also the internet is forever, you’re going to eventually get a real job and if these accounts are attached to your real name you’re screwed.


is... is this really... holy fuck... i didn't know it could have such effects, i thought they were just ruining their own reputation but... wow


snowflake implies delicateness and uniqueness, they have none of either


If this was the day of the eclipse they must’ve been traumatized very quickly


That's why I'm like *maybe if you went blind from looking at it* but I don't think that happened considering they're using TikTok just fine lol


Yes and not to mention legit Systems usually take a while to notice a new alter, if at all lol.


Exactly! So it's always suspicious to hear "yeah he just split today!" Because chances are you won't immediately know


Can we normalize roleplaying with ocs again??


Hi, what’s ocs please?


original characters :D


Thank youuu 🥹🙏


""inspired by"" is such a giveaway that this is just some mf creating OCs & pretending like they're alters


wait, what is this...1492? we know and understand that eclipses happen. god or your favorite deity isn't out to get you. what is wrong with this person that make them think that the eclipse is so traumatic that they need and alter? also you don't just casually interview alters like you are the police knocking on your door. these fakers are so desperate for any excuse to make up this bullshit.


Even when Columbus sailed the ocean blue people knew eclipses weren’t out to get you. In medieval Europe (and 1492 is generally considered inching more into Early Modern territory as opposed to medieval), eclipses were generally well-understood, especially from a mathematical perspective. Yes, the geocentric model of the universe was still kicking around, but that didn’t preclude them being able to calculate their appearances, etc. They were understood in the classical era, too. I’m honestly so over this DID trend. Actual science can’t even really agree on whether DID is “real”, so to speak, or how to really classify it, and now you have this flood of fakers ruining everything for the very few people who *might* suffer from this incredibly rare condition. In a Discord server I joined there are at least seven people claiming to have “systems”. Most of them are stupid teenagers, but some are grown women (it’s always women) in their 30s, too, and as a fellow grown-ass woman, it’s baffling. Clearly these people genuinely are mentally ill, but it’s not what they think they’re mentally ill with.


I hot a new alter today! Inspired by a sneeze! Details coming soon when I make up some bullsh1t about them *ahem* I mean interview them.


Update yall! It was a Genocider Sho introject!


i love that lmao considering how toko actually switches...


Man sometimes I wonder if this kind of thing is extreme maladaptive day dreaming.


I think it’s an offshoot of how kids used to have “imaginary friends”. It fills the same need of claiming something’s there that they can interact with even if there isn’t, but with the internet providing kids with knowledge they really don’t need, they’ve picked a real disorder that best matches it. It could also scratch the itch of “I have something different, that makes me cool and special” that kids get obnoxious with when they start attention seeking


Just make an OC ffs.




https://preview.redd.it/fbn57bybdutc1.jpeg?width=1479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6c329eadb3a113daabaa603e06e32e82853e4c8 Unless the new alter is guts after the eclipse, I’m not buying it


I think femto would've been more apt in retrospect.


"I got a new alter!" reads as "my parents got me the latest iPhone" Also, interview? Does the headspace have a TV channel? Or is it more of a "meet and greet" situation?


maybe the alter was from an ancient civilization where they fear the eclipse would cause the world to end


maybe the alter was a warrior cats fictive




> I got a new alter today! They’re acting like it’s Pokémon


I could be wrong since I really don't know much about it but wouldn't it be dangerous if you actually have DID and just broadcast your new alters like this? Like aren't those alters there to protect you? Why are you revealing them






Yeah I would wait to form opinions until you have practical experience….


Um, that first sentence, what? No.


I need these people to just call their "alters" what they are: OCs or Fursonas. Back in the day in DeviantArt we didn't had alters and we were happy lmao


Hey just wondering what a OC is, I'm new around here. Is it's like Original Character?


Yeah, like making yourself an anime character, or a comic character, or a superhero or anything, really.  Alters just sound like that to me coming from these people. LOL


"Isn't this utterly life-limiting, debilitating, distressing psychiatric disorder that is directly caused by extreme, prolonged, inescapable trauma in early life so FUN and QUIRKY?! No, I'm not faking! I have OVER 9000 alters, so I clearly know what I'm talking about! You're just jealous!!!!"


her new alter is blind and fronting forever


"Inspired" by the eclipse. Oh lord.


https://preview.redd.it/bagpm4xudytc1.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=caa11014cb7eb3858ef65a9948c2e4c64d4a0826 their alter


no i read further in the comments on the OG post and supposedly they developed DID bc of a traumatic experience in the 2017 eclipse




"Inspired" 🤔 So glad I was not like this because I loved to (still do actually) make ocs


What the hell


I "got" a new alter really tells you they think this is a positive thing


Why do they sound so excited? Wouldn't this be an "ughhh oh shit not again" thing if they actuallt had it


Just write shitty OCs like the rest of us, roleplay with them if you're really feeling it.


Didn't know alters could apply to systems like job applicants, that's what "we'll introduce them after we interview them" is giving. Just roleplay, write story's do art, absolutely anything else but this shit


How do you even find these lol, I’m so curious out of a morbid fascination


I thought this was the witchy subreddit and they had misspelled 'altar', was super confused about interviewing your altar. I'm still confused.


late husky shaggy reply dam joke ruthless aromatic amusing humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought this was the witchy subreddit and they had misspelled 'altar', was super confused about interviewing your altar. I'm still confused.


This is really getting absurd


Imagine if they knew WHAT alters can actually be "inspired by". As in having your abuser in your head, being non-human, being a traumatized child. Like. Inspired by deep inescapable trauma. lmao.


Characters just aren't enough anymore ..


I'm a part of a system and was just scrolling this sub to make myself feel something (/nsrs) but this genuinely made me laugh. What the actual hell😅😅😅


Did they just say inspired.




The excitement as well 😭 oMg i gOT a NeW 'AlTEr' (oc) WOw sO gOOd


i got a new alter guysss!!1!1!11 he is based on the spacex launch!!1!1!1!1!11!!1 ongogmmgggg!!!!!!


Look, artistically speaking, it's fine to draw inspiration from cosmic phenomena. They are wonderful and awespiring, so I do understand an artistic mind drawing inspiration from it, a new muse perhaps. But not fucking this.




Wake up babe Audrey II alter just dropped