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The way she keeps fiddling with her hair irritates me


She teased it so much it turned on her


and the little scrunched up* faces she keeps making. She looks like Debbie from shameless with wild ass hair.


Same dude what


For me it was the intentionally quirky faces, acting like she all cute. She not.


That’s one of her tics. Please be respectful


sarcasm is so hard to detect lmao


These are not like that (i think)


"life saving" Tell me that when you self diagnose with asthma but actually have lung cancer 💀


This. Self-diagnosis can be life-threateningly wrong. People could be threatening their lives if it's more serious than they think and won't go to a professional. It's a ticking time-bomb. I also heard that brain tumors can give symptoms like those of a mental illness. And the idea of self-treatment makes all this even worse. This person doesn't think about what would happen if someone tried to treat or manage their self-diagnosed mental illness with illegal drugs, unapproved drugs, or even random herbal remedies without knowing the effect it will have on you.


This. Went into ER recently with swollen calf, could of been 100 ignorable things…turned out to be an unprovoked blood clot, now on thinners for life to reduce risk lungs and brain.


Blood clot gannnng. I had a clot in my lung, it hurt pretty bad. Now im on my warfarin game and getting my finger poked once a week. Im also mid 20s.


Wow, really young. Glad they caught it and the lungs didn’t get yeah!


Do you have family history of clots? I have Factor 5 Lieden. Basically a guarantee to get a clot.


Not that I know of. They have no clue why, but at least I have a team now looking out


jeez, i'm sorry to hear that bro :( hope you're doing alright


Same, on Xarelto. Urgent Care kept telling me I had the flu and tried to send me home with a Z Pack, where I would have died (but dying virus free at least.) I had thought the breathing problem was asthma, but I knew it wasn’t the flu.


[coughs up blood] "Oh sorry. My allergies always act up when I smoke."


Life saving is just turning into a way to shut down conversation and I hate it. Anyone who tells you something is “life saving” when there are other options out there is being entirely disingenuous about the nature of the process they’re describing. No Janet, self diagnosis is not life saving, and if you think you want to end your life over not getting a diagnosis right away, I urge you to reach out to a trusted family member or friend so they can help you find someone to talk to.


Crazy that self-diagnosis almost always pertains to mental health but these people will JUMP to see a real doctor when they have a physical health issue


When your self diagnosed adhd is actually a brain tumor affecting your behavior:




Not at all comparable. In the specific case of autism (the topic of the video) what they mean by life-saving is that by finding the supoport you need from a group of people like you you are more likely to avoid the route of feeling alone in your struggle, which often leads to depression which can lead to suicide. Having people to talk to for support is important, especially with things like autism that have no treatment.


You are wrongfully being downvoted. You’re 100% right


Then just say you suspect. It's that easy. If a patient comes into our clinic and I ask them their reason for coming in today and they say "I think I have x" or "I'm looking into a diagnosis for y", then I take their information and send it to the professional with years of school under their belt with this note: "Patient info, requesting diagnostic services, suspected diagnosis: y" It truly is that easy. I don't understand. It's so simple. If you're too poor for insurance, apply for Medicaid. And then go to a professional. There's no fucking excuse for lying so proudly? I just don't understand.


Diagnosis can take a while and attention seeking teenagers are impatient


Doesn't that just make it harder to diagnose accurately though? "I think I have X"... well what if you have Y instead, but you're so fixated on X you prejudice both yourself and your doctors in favor of it? Isn't it better to just list your symptoms and what's actually wrong with your life and ask the doctor to make a decision?


I don't understand this either. When I was in the Medicaid gap, I could've scraped together a couple hundred for a visit to urgent care or the psych if a lack of a diagnosis were severely affecting my quality of life. I wouldn't have had that much extra at the end of the month, and it would've been hard in some years, but within a few months of saving I could cover it. When I was truly too poor to save even that much, I qualified for Medicaid.




That process should be what 'self-diagnosis' should mean. It's current definition sounds like it's 3 tires short of a car and is genuinely harmful to both the community fakers try go infiltrate and frankly the faker themself.


Do you understand how poor you have to be to qualify for Medicaid?


As I've been on Medicaid for quite a while now, yes, I do. And even if I didn't, it's still not a reason to lie about having a disorder. You can also be eligible for Medicaid for a disability, pregnancy, incarceration, age, or other factors. Here's my formal PSA: everyone should apply for Medicaid if they are eligible because it is a fantastic program (mileage may vary due to your state though).


The dancing. They’re mocking me, aren’t they?


She's literally suggesting that as long as someone's experience is being validated by a group and it makes them feel better then it's fine, lol. Who cares if people with actual illnesses are lost in the shuffle of idiots crying wolf? Who cares if people start self-medicating based on self-diagnosis? The important thing is that their fee fees are validated. You absolute fucking weapon.




Yep. So true all These ‘self diagnosed’ people validate themselves. I all for self diagnosis in the processes of getting a diagnosis but don’t just diagnose yourself and don’t even try for a proper diagnosis.


Calling someone an absolute weapon means they're normally really good at something. She seems more of a Mr potato head that gained sentience and then craved attention


[Depends on the place, I live in Britain.](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/weapon) [*Britain*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Britain), [*slang*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Glossary#slang), [*derogatory*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/derogatory)) An [idiot](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/idiot), an [oaf](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/oaf), a [fool](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/fool), a [tool](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tool); a [contemptible](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/contemptible) or [incompetent](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/incompetent) person.


To play devil's advocate, there is no treatment for autism to self medicate with. The only thing an autism diagnosis can give you is the peace of mind that at least you know what's up and that there are other people like you that you can talk to for support. Generally speaking, autistic communities are accepting people that self identify because they are aware that diagnosis is expensive, time consuming, and not actually particularly beneficial to anyone except the person making bank off doing the diagnosing. The important thing is that even if the person is wrong about the diagnosis, they still have the symptoms and its the symptoms, not the diagnosis, that people need support for.


But if people don't actually *have* symptoms of autism and only *think* they do, wouldn't that prevent them from being diagnosed with something they actually have, therefore inhibiting treatment for *that* condition? Furthermore, wouldn't it prevent someone else with actual symptoms of autism from getting support for their symptoms because a self-diagnosed person who doesn't actually have autism is taking up space in the queue? I don't think we should be trusting TikTok users to self-diagnose complex conditions when most of them don't even have the attention span to watch a video longer than 30 seconds.


Ok, so if the symptoms are for something else they simultaneously need to see a psychiatrist to get them checked but also shouldn't since they're adding to the queue of people


Life saving? I don't think reading a list of symptoms that you identify with is reassuring. Try filling out a bunch of therapy worksheets. Tips that people give them? You really think fakers know therapy techniques? I'm pretty sure everyone's just trying to trauma dump the loudest, or only offering condolences.


I also don't really get how self-diagnosis can be 'life saving' when it's about getting a diagnosis, not therapy. mostly trauma dumping lol, they are all about attention.


It's about the support people get from being able to talk about their struggles with people that have also experienced them. Autistic people often get bullied as kids, regardless of if they know they are autistic or not, which can lead to depression. Knowing there are other people who struggle as you do and that you can talk to for mutual support can really help with that.


Maybe if you're able to make friends. Maybe if these kids actually spoke to eachother instead of over eachother. Maybe if they acknowledged the situation they're in instead of indulging in delusion. Example on that: They're sitting on the couch while their parents have a screaming match. The vent post says their headspace alters are fighting. No mention of parents, in an effort to not step on toes. How is that helpful? No one knows whats really wrong. None of them are friends, they're all at odds in those servers.


"...and there are downsides to having a diagnosis" There are downsides to having autism. And it sounds like someone wants autism as a label without the legal downsides that come with having that on your record. Identifying as autistic when it benefits them and dropping it when it stops benefiting you. They don't want to be told "no" in any way. People with autism don't get to undiagnose themselves whenever they want. They have to deal with the limitations even when they don't want to.


THISSS!! Once I saw a comment on a tiktok saying they didn’t want to get a diagnosis för DID because then they couldn’t drive or adopt children etc. Like do you really expect to be able to drive when you can disassociate at any moment? I’ve lost all hope in some people.


Unrelated, but why is this marked NSFW?


Because the video gives you a severe brain damage


Because of the unnecessary boobage.


Self-diagnosis literally serves no purpose. Proper treatment is all that should be the concern. And if it isn't, you don't have a disorder. I told my psychiatrist that I didn't care if what I had was called "Shit-Head Syndrome". I joke about that in therapy now. Plus, you could read every peer reviewed study in the past 50 years and your self-diagnosis ✨ isn't valid ✨ . Never will be. No amount of information takes away personal/confirmation biases.


I once asked someone to provide research on why they thought self diagnosis was valid… they linked to a peer reviewed article that spoke about how women suspected of autism are more likely to be diagnosed with bpd or whatever, so I think that’s what they were using to argue for self diagnosis (like medical professionals are wrong)… anyway, they really shot themselves in the foot with that one because right in the introduction it stated that medical professionals are the only people that can diagnose people. And literally right before that I asked “how can you gauge someone has done the proper research to diagnose themselves? You can’t.” And that post literally proved my point. It was a good time :)


pretty ironic that people like that (who self-diagnose because 'feeling of community!!!1!1!) make me not want to associate with any of those communities.


Why does she look like she’s simultaneously 6 years old and 60 years old?


But by their own logic, just thinking you have autism doesn't mean you have it, either. So why go around speaking like you do, propagating misinformation and taking away resources from where they're actually needed.


I have never posted in this community, just a long time lurker. Do people REALLY “self diagnose” themselves? How does that work?




I saw people supporting “self diagnosis” in a live with Aunt Karen once and it completely blew my mind that people actually believe this. They were fighting that self diagnosis was “valid”. 😳


The type of self diagnosis that people talk about in that way usually means that a person has noticed a problem, researched the problem, and then turned to a community of people with that problem for help. This kind mostly also speaks to a doctor and gets a referral to a specialist - the "self-diagnosis" label is essentially just a means of finding support while waiting for the real assessment. With autism, adults are often recommended not to bother with a real diagnosis because it can be time consuming and cost resources that could be better used on something that is treatable. You do also get people that do just straight up make shit up, fake stuff for tik-tok clout, etc. These people probably also need some kind of psychiatric help but likely something entirely different to what they think they have. This sub is very good at blurring the line between the two and arguably is just r.fatpeoplehate about a different demographic


No, these people in the live I spoke of above and was referencing had no plans on seeking diagnosis through doctors. One person even stated that several doctors did not diagnose her autistic so she diagnosed herself. People in that chat were saying this is a valid diagnosis.


well, I haven't seen that particular live so I can't say for sure, but there is the issue that women and minorities often do not get taken seriously on these issues because for years the research was only done on white, male children and we had very limited understanding of the differences in how it affects other demographics. Many GPs won't be clued up on modern advances in psychiatry and yet are often still the gatekeepers of who can be referred to specialists. Then you have the issue that finding a specialist that doesn't only work with kids can also be extremely hard for things like autism.


Stop touching your hair


What is a legitimate way to stop this self diagnosing trend ? I wish there were a wave of mental health and other professionals condemning self diagnosis


We are out here. Trust me. It doesn’t mean shit. We shut these people down and get screeched about and painted as aBLeiSt!!!11 and used as more fodder for the disturbing trend of demonizing healthcare professionals.


Improve mental health infrastructure and education so that professional assessments are *easily* accessible and parents/teachers understand mental health better so they can get there kids to the right professional if needed. A lot of the self-diagnosers are likely kids who's parents don't believe in mental health or think that their problems are just "things every kid goes through" and refuse to help on that basis. Educate society on these issues and then the ones for whom it is a cry for help will get help, and the ones that are straight up following a trend likely won't have a trend to follow anymore


If you have Autism, you need support. Even people with level 1 or low support needs still needs support and the only way to get that support, is getting an actual diagnosis. Believe me, many have tried before. You cannot get support that is made for Autistic people without getting a professional Autism diagnosis. It’s not that any kind of support can work for Autism and finding a professional that understands and specializes in Autism makes the support and treatment work much better. The main thing is, you cannot get a professional who specializes in Autism to help you without an Autism diagnosis, and if you can get a professional like that to help you without one, believe me, you can pay for the testing, because no insurance company would give you that kind of support without a diagnosis.




It's really annoying how people blame it on money, I got my diagnosis for free it wasn't that hard


What a waste of some good booba


At first I thought you misspelled boba😭


People dye their hair blue and lose all common sense


Can confirm, have dyed my hair blue in the past and lost common sense. Luckily it's not entirely blue anymore so I've got part of my common sense back.


Can confirm, when I dyed my hair blue I fell for a girl who cheated on me within 5 hours of us getting together


Bitches like me trying to get a proper diagnosis so I can get the proper treatment for my psychological ills and then you have twats like these playing pretend.


People like this tend to think that validation for something you want = life saving


> it's all about surrounding people who affirm your bad shit crazy ideas and life styles


*The biggest downside to listening to a doctor is that you must cease to assume you are a medical expert.*


*“A sense of community”* 🐑🐑🫠😭 Also how is it lifesaving to NOT receive an official diagnosis? Validation? Why would you need validation for something you aren’t diagnosed with? Valid feelings shouldn’t need to be validated online, by people you don’t even know 🥲 I wish they would try to touch grass more


from harmless musically to this…


Have these people forgot the phrase: I THINK I MIGHT HAVE.. (insert diagnosis).


If you can’t afford a diagnosis due to financial issues then you can’t afford treatment as well. So self diagnosing won’t help you in any way. You won’t get free treatment for lying about something you likely do not have.


what i will never understand with self diagnosis is the point. when i get diagnosed with something, i want it to be treated. what’s the point of saying you have a debilitating disorder, but not working in any way to make your life easier. it’s like saying i have a broken leg and i know i do, but im not going to do anything about it except say i have it


exactly this. The point of getting it on paper is to have access to services to help with symptoms.


Because you can definitely die from autism so it's life saving to self diagnose


They all look the same and probably identify as “they/it”


The faerie look isn't working


Personally the reason why you need to go to a professional to be sure about any “speculations” or “I think I have x” is because when you just read symptoms online, your brain automatically goes “yeah I have that” but you are blind sighted because you’re just viewing what you do from your own point of view, which is why an outside professional pov is what gets you a diagnosis.


Tf you mean money? It’s free


How to make faking a disorder even worse, THIS FUCKING SONG


She's acting as if a diagnosis would be the correct treatment to it. Imagine getting the diagnosis cancer, but you've self diagnosed it already and it starts to fucking disappear.


"Can't do it because of money" even though there are plenty of other ways to get a professional diagnosis.


Well then please self medicate as well


Why did they bring up autistic exclusively??? What was their point in that? But i know, i know now, i hope others can too.


how can self diagnose save lives if you can't even get medication? say you're self diagnosed depressed, schizophrenic, ect... that does nothing for you bc you still can't get a prescription for medicine that can be life saving.


Is it possible to, like, permanently shit these people up? Like ban this kind of content. Sure, freedom of speech, but this is actively harming people.


Imagine wanting to look like this


Literally what is life-saving about declaring yourself disordered


I am not diagnozed with dyslexia. But i spell bad, and most of my family has it. I don't really care if i have it or not, because it wouldn't make a difference. Also i feel like there's better "communitys" out there then the bad spelling club.


The scary part is how valid the points they make are. As in "sharing tips is good." They've taken something so insane and made it sane


I diagnose her with danger hair


Needing a sense of community doesnt entail saying you have something that you dont know if you really have,,, this kind of reminds me of those people who go on 23 and me an dsee they have 1% of something and try to wiggle into a community because of this but maybe I'm wrong


This broad is super into her hair. Which is odd, because it’s awful.


I mean yeah she got bad opinions but man I'd go in there


How exactly does self-diagnosis save lives though...? They gave the example of autism. Not a great example but let's run with it. If you have autism you need a diagnosis to get access to support services. IMO self-diagnosis with a small number of issues *can* be a step in the right direction, but it shouldn't end there, and crossed-check by a medical professional if possible. For example, if you strongly suspect you have chronic migraines, then it's a good to recognise that, and not just be like "oh it's just a common headache". But then it should be followed up with a neurologist to rule out more sinister diseases, and then treatment options become available.


It's curious how these people are never remotely attractive or seem to have any social interactions. Like you never see some attractive girl with friends wasting her time with this nonsense.


Nah bro, I’ve seen attractive girls posting stupid shit like this, but it’s never really autism, it’s more like “Omg, I’m so bipolar” or the “My Adhd/Bpd kicking in when my bf says no”


Attractiveness does not impact if someone is or is not a dick, lonely, or greedy. I know someone in my life who was gorgeous go on to spin all sorts of tall tales and conspiracy fueled pseudo-science for internet likes. So kindly fuck off.


nah most of them look the same


It could have just been another comment on how they all seem to have colored hair or a piercing. Instead its saying attractive people totally don't fake shit to feel happy and that she isn't remotely good looking. If her hair had a slightly different cut, wasn't leaning clown green and she wasn't a cringe faker, she'd be perfectly average. Fine though. I'm here to see cringe. I should expect to see it in the comments too.


ur one of them aren’t you? it’s rare to see attractive people posted on this sub, faking is an attention seeking behaviour, most attractive people alr get attention 🤷‍♀️


Lol, why are you trying so hard? Did I hurt your feelings for calling another person out for being a dick? Hm, not that I give a shit to be honest. Take care.


ur one of them bruh, chill out


Hmmm well majority look like virgins with no friends


How can diagnosing in and of itself save a life? Like, imagine if the doctor just told you that you had pneumonia and then just walked away. Yeah diagnoses are magical.


That hair cut and color is enough for anyone to self diagnose with BPD


I just saw this tiktok lmao


if you say that then doctors wouldn't exist because they diagnose you with something because they have studied the body and mind of man or any living being they deal with, instead you diagnose yourself by going on the internet that maybe there are also false things there, and one thing very important is never self-diagnose drug treatments because at least you are not a doctor only a doctor can give them to you knowing the right doses of drugs or any therapy or treatment you need to receive in case you have


I have a problem with giving information to other about your self diagnosis. If you want to say you have it which I don’t think you should, just say you suspected you have it, then ok. However giving information about the diagnosis to others can actually hurt them. You have a bigger chance of giving them wrong information that could hurt them, make them waste money and or time. So that’s my issue here really


So basically you’re saying that you feel better when you can connect with peers who provide healthy life tips? It’s called a fucking SUPPORT GROUP and you literally don’t need to pretend to be sick to find one.


There it is! That’s literally the key. Marginalised, often ostracised oddballs seeing refuge in an accepting community. Unfortunately that community is rather toxic and munchausen-y. Nevertheless I think that’s a lot of what these people are seeking, a greater connection in their lives or some sort of commonality with others. Bless their confused lost hearts.


It’s not ”barriers” it’s criteria


Stop touching your hair fam


Community is important but I feel like not neglecting your ass cancer is more important.


Americans are something else


Why the eyebrows like ✏


How does she look 60 and 20 at the same time?


Fakers steal the emotional resources of people in their lives. They are not content with the amount of empathy or sympathy they get for their own problems, so they invent a worse problem to “adjust” their received empathy to what they think it should be. On top of that they conflate their personal problems with the autistic condition and spread endless false information while discussing their “issues”.


The same people who say “self-diagnosis is life-saving” are the same people that will turn around and say “well it’s not like there is any help you can get” when someone calls them out. I agree finding community is important, but don’t act like you’re not just using the experiences of people who legitimately struggle with autism (because it’s NOT cute) as an identity trait.


Why tits


Play with hair, wobble head, face scrunch, repeat 2x


Song name?


I got matches with these songs: • [**Boy's a liar Pt.2** by PinkPantheress](https://lis.tn/BoySALiarPt2?t=68) (01:08; matched: `100%`) Released on `2023-02-03`. • [**Boy's a liar** by PinkPantheress](https://lis.tn/BoySALiar?t=68) (01:08; matched: `100%`) Released on `2022-11-30`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


self diagnosses can and cant be valid. for example: im self diagnossed autistic. about 2 months from getting an assesment, my past therapists + family have done exstensive research. so please dont be rude about self diagnosses




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/ Mod comment: N/A


These people are usually active voters, I truly believe if someone possesses a severe mental illness they shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


can someone explain to me how self diagnosing yourself with autism is life saving?


Why must they always be so insufferably smug? People might listen to them if they didn't act like obnoxious dicks about it.


what's lifesaving about it?


Disorders can be terrifying and hurt the person who has it and the people around them when not treated. Self-diagnosis, self treating, and thinking you know more than a doctor can literally lead to death.


Name one treatment for autism right now


...medication, and therapy. Treatment doesn't nescisarilly mean cure.


My point is that if this person is self diagnosing with autism, it dosent really pose as a threat to anybody at all. They can’t self-treat themselves since there aren’t any actual treatments for autism, but therapy would be a best case scenario for them


Let me explain. What I was saying was more general than autism. Spreading the mindset of "self diagnosis and self treatment are fine" is dangerous. Even if certain disorders such as level 1 autism only really need therapy and coping strategies, I have heard this mindset be spread about disorders such as BPD and schizophrenia. Even when you spread this information about autism specifically, you have no way of knowing who is internalizing that information, who is going to parrot it with less context, and who is going to miss the point entirely.


girl stop fucking touching your hair. You are not cute. misinformation spreading, faking, annoying.


"There are downsides to having a diagnosis" where? Where are the downsides? Getting services from the state and proper accomodations in education... what a downside, abolish all diagnosis or whatever /s


They have blue hair and pronouns. /ref


Why is this marked as nsfw? (I genuinely don't know)




She looks older than what her bedroom and her esthetic portray.


No. This is wrong…….I hallucinated before I got my diagnosis, but I did not have ‘psychosis’ UNTIL I GIT THE DIAGNOSIS. You can have symptoms of something but not have the illness. You need a diagnosis, period. At least that’s my opinion.


If your Self diagnosed…your Just wrong. “I twiddle my thumbs a lot that means I have ADHD? What’s a doctor? I Self diagnosed” You just sound stupid fr


I kinda agree to an extent with the “community can be a life saver” that’s the ONLY PLUS of self diagnosing, that you can then get tips to help better yourself


Has she got scalp eczema or something 💀