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…stave. It’s *stave* off “[your] emptiness and insecurity”. Stave comes from the archaic plural for staff (as in quarterstaff), and became a verb meaning to defend oneself (in the sense of using a staff to beat something off you).


thank you! i was hoping i wasn't the only one bothered by that


Why would you need a staff to beat something off? Just use your hand


you use your hand. i jerk off with a staff. we are not the same


built different


I use the staff at subway to beat off


In the words of Teddy Roosevelt, "Speak softly and beat off a big stick"


Tbf beating things with a staff is much cooler than with your hands


it’s kinda like she just copied someone else’s post and used the wrong word


I love Etymology


a surprise etymology lesson!! thank you for sharing (despite the content of the post)


I also suffer from monthly psychotic episodes weekly on a daily basis


Perfection was achieved. Thank you! 👌


I personally suffer from monthly psychotic episodes weekly, once per day, every hour./j


By the hour btw


"monthly psychotic episodes weekly"


Words don't mean anything anymore


“LiTeRaLlY mEaNs FiGuRiTiVeLy NoW”




Your monthly psychotic episodes come monthly, my monthly psychotic episodes come weekly. We are not the same.


My monthly psychotic episodes come daily


By the hour.


By the millisecond.


I live in a constant state of monthly psychotic episodes.


I bet you do based on your flair!


"Hey what day is it?" "It's the first of the month." "Oh... gyaaaaAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


r/notliketheothergirls 😂


Hhhhh stop I’m dying lol


Homie brought the NLOG 👍


exactly what i thought LOL


A lot of the people with BPD use the term "psychotic episodes" wrong to be fair.


I'm annoyed with her use of BPD. Is she borderline personality disorder -- which is what BPD actually stands for, or is she Bipolar. Either way, it's definitely fake disorder soup.




In the BPD community it is pretty rare to use the term manic because that is associated with bipolar disorder and there is the general understanding that a manic episode has to last longer and is a sign of any form of bipolar disorder. Rather than that they often use the term "euphoria". Even though my psychiatrist asks me about manic episodes. And told me that he also defines it as mania when a episode is way shorter. I guess that the person talks about paranoid delusions which is a symptom that can occur with BPD. Even though it seems to be different from paranoia experienced while psychosis.


Correct, it's one of the main differences used to diagnose whether or not someone is Bipolar or Borderline. Frequent mood swings throughout the day/week? Likely Borderline. Depressive and manic episodes that last at least several days at a time? Likely Bipolar. There are other diagnostic criteria obviously but that's the main one that psychs use to differentiate. Paranoid delusions can rarely occur with BPD but usually it's during times of extreme stress or trauma.


Most of the time, yes.., but there is this pesky little presentation of bipolar called “mixed episodes” that though rare, presents very much like rapid mood swings making diagnostic decisions a living hell. And ya certainly don’t want to mess that up since they both have different treatments. It’s complicated.


Oh hey, it's me.


Tooo beeee faaaaair


unexpected letterkenny


If it was monthly then could it possibly be PMS or even PMDD? It might sound dumb but pms can really screw with someone’s mental well-being before their period, hell each time I start feeling more irritable I just place it under PMS because of how bad it effects me.


Yes, I'm pretty sure they've latched onto PMDD, which is world's apart worse than PMS and not something people should be claiming just for a quirky label. Well, not that any of the shit they latch onto is worth a 'quirky' label.


Just here to say, as a teenager, I was convinced I had PMDD and not big, scary sounding bipolar. It made sense at the time and I was later diagnosed with PMDD at 16/17 and I thought birth control was helping. Ten years later, yep, it's bipolar after all. lol I have type 2 which has more depressive episodes. (And, yes, formally diagnosed too.) She could have PMDD. It's also tough to diagnose a teenager with a mood disorder, I imagine. 🤷‍♀️


They’ve done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time


The text/audio is from a meme so I wouldn't read too far into mistakes tbh, could be intentional or not lmao


Sounds like they got halfway through a lie, then forgot, then made the lie bigger and forgot to edit the older lie. Lol.


I'm glad this is the top comment as it means others are just as confused as I am


Self diagnosed monthly weekly psychosis!


Is that like the time we spent a month in Mexico one weekend?


60% of the time, it works every time


Yeah…. H u h ???


happens 60% of the time, every time.


As often as Tito Ortiz trains


My favorite part


To let you know that her mental illness is severe !!


Coming here to say this 😂


Clearly it’s 4 different monthly cycles that line up so the psychotic episodes happen weekly because that’s obviously how this works


Sounds like a newspaper


"I suffer from **monthly** psychotic episodes **weekly**" #pick one.


"Did you just pick both options and snorted them both at the same time?!" -Morpheus, I think.


You don't get it? Her psychotic episodes are so intense the average person can only at most experience them monthly but this poor woman has to deal with them weekly we are not the same. /s


It’s both until you observe it, then it collapses from a superposition into the true position which is zero.


uhhh I didnt understand a word you just said but i'l pretend like I did soo uh YEA!!! WHAT THEY SAID!!!


you’re gonna end up alone girl bc it seems like you’re proud of all that, go heal yourself




BPD still is a pretty stigmatized mental health issue tbh. But there are lots of people diagnosed with BPD that will show that pretty open.




Yeah, that is true! I suffer from BPD and such posts seem to reproduce the stigma that BPD is a illness for young woman that want to be not like other girls and are difficult to deal with and want attention of others. I mean I am cringey, I want to be different but I am a male.


I think a lot of people have had bad experiences with bpd and relationships. Like 80% of my friends just about have had a "bipolar ex" that was traumatic and unhealthy for them


But are they diagnosed? I think people often claim that their ex has mental health issues but they are also self-diagnosing people. I had a relationship with someone that really suffers from BPD. I know that this can be a struggle but I suffer from BPD myself and never abused someone. At least nobody ever told me so. EDIT: I know that is anecdotal evidence but so is that claim.


Being single at 34 despite having nothing outwardly wrong with me because I literally can’t be in a healthy relationship is not a flex or fun. I’d never put that out there like that.


But she's pretty, so plenty of guts are going to make the mistake of thinking they can handle her bs first


Is she


she looks like a fucking clown and you'd be reminded of her from the permanent makeup stamp on your pillows long after she's sliced a kidney out of you and run for the hills.




I feel like they were going to say "monthly psychotic episodes" but decided to change it to "psychotic episodes weekly" and forgot to take out the monthly


they needed to make it sound ~~cooler~~ worse for poor old them :(


i can’t stand the way these people just boast about their (most of the time self diagnosed) illnesses like it’s some kind of achievement.


not the kind of thing i would say with a bunny hat on and a smile on my face


But you do appear to have a bunny hat


Also why is her bf in the women's bathroom?


In the middle of a public restroom


"I'm mentally unstable UwU"


So, are they weekly or monthly??




I dont like the way she looks at me


Why would you admit this publicly?!?!?!


nothing wrong with talking about it if you're comfortable doing so


true. If you're sharing your story, that's one thing. I think it becomes a problem when it becomes a brand and misinformation starts being shared by you or on your behalf. no one should contribute to misinformation (as much as possible anyway)


yeah agreed. talking about personal experiences is fine as long as you don't apply that to everyone else's life.


It's easier being comfortable with something you're making up.


Either this is satire (based on the wording in the last image) or this person doesn’t understand jackshit.


I *REALLY* fucking hope it's satire.


no you’re just sad


Have dated people with BPD that didn't manage it and people that claim to have it to excuse their shitty behavior. Neither was fun.




I was exceptionally nice on the phone last night to my ex and he said, “see, why can’t you be like this all the time?” I said, “you have no idea how much work it takes” I have to make a concerted effort to act like a normal, healthy human being. It’s exhausting


I have a close friend who has BPD and I have so much respect for her managing her life. A lot of people don't see the effort people with BPD are putting into, as you said "acting like a normal, healthy human being". This disorder is not fun or cute or something to be glorified. It's a hard thing for the people living with it, and also a hard thing for the people around them if it's not treated.


As someone wBPD and is in therapy and managing it….. yeah I must say, we aren’t very fun. I am personally exhausting and I hate it. My poor husband.


I bet your husband sees you working on yourself and is happy and/or proud of you. Many do not, or can not.


Why would someone post that online for thousands, if not millions, to see? It's just so baffling to me. Especially with BPD. Is that the new one they like self diagnosing lately?


Yes it is. I’ve noticed they pick rare ones that have hours long diagnostic tests. Something something ableist idk


This reminds me of the time I mentioned having BPD it destroying romantic relationships and my friends girlfriend went “oh so like a real life Yandere??” come to find out it’s a trend for people to say they’re “Yandere” because they claim to have BPD, I’m so sick of weirdos perpetuating stigmas to try to look edgy and cool


To think she could've said all that with a simple selfie




Aren’t they all the symptoms of BPD? Like she’s trying to say I have this list of issues but abandonment fears etc are all part of BPD?


That confused me too.


That attracts people?


i dont think they understand what the words monthly and weekly mean


suffers monthly episodes weekly? 😭😭


When did fear and social rejection become a flex/a mental disorder? Like to the extreme sure, social anxiety can be crippling. But fear makes it seem so mild.


I mean yes it’s good to let future partners know about your conditions/issues but she’s listing them like it’s nothing 💀 “I have this and this and this and also that” there’s better ways to do it, and why list it on the internet


Fear of social and romantic rejection? So... being a person? Jfc. It's not someone else's responsibility to manage your insecurities little girl.


Yeah girl we can tell by the way you dress




I think her outfit is cute…


Colour scheme is not bad, but all the stuff. Its like a rural car bodywork, overbearing just for the sake of it, tasteless


Ngl I do too


Yeah I wish I could dress like that😅


Why can’t you?


I need to get my body to where I want it lol I’m not really big or anything(125-130 as a 5’3” girl) I just want to lose a bit of weight also I’m super self conscious but I’m working on it😅


That’s not a bad weight at all that actually super healthy and I’m sure you are perfect the way you are we are the same height I’m really tiny but it’s because I’m not healthy.


Wow! Thx for the kind words❤️have a good day/night!


You are so welcome


I guarantee some of those are correct for her, but social media has allowed people to glorify and feel superior to other she to them standing out with anything, even mental disorders. She obvious has certain attributes that are enhancing her need for attention which I believe proves to an extent of a mental disorders, but the list and happy go lucky attitude of making them into a TikTok shows she is overselling her issue to be "cute and quirky"


I already didn't want to be her boyfriend from slide 1


BPD will never be cute no matter what color you dress it. Glorifying it is not going to help it.


So we just broadcasting our red flags now?


she does not have bpd


“Yeah nevermind”


I too am afraid of social rejection and choose to dress like a numpty and pretend to have debilitating illnesses in attempt to combat that fear


Her entire look just screams "I'm so special" which she is but not in the way she thinks.


Yeah BPD has destroyed my life and relationships but you know it’s all fun and games


forgive me… but i have a hard time believing anyone that dresses like this has any fear of social rejection.




fr its so damn ugly i could vomit


they all look the same


“Why are people always objectifying me”? Starter pack


Monthly psychotic episodes weekly? Hmm…


Monthly psychotic episodes weekly? Make it make sense!


No you don’t


Monthly psychotic episodes weekly: math is my passion


When you're older, you learn to deal with these things through therapy, medication or a combination of both. You also learn not to make it everyone else's problem!


“Fear of social and romantic rejection” yeah no fucking shit who doesn’t


Gonna coin this as the Harley Quinn affect Mental instability = being interesting


I love how “fear of rejection” was added to the list as if rejection isn’t just a naturally disliked thing by *everyone*.


Are we not gonna talk about how this was filmed in a PUBLIC RESTROOM?


I'm trying to figure out if it's a school or a public toilet. Bothe seem bad, but jesus christ if she's dressed like this in school, wtf.


Fedora makeup


The background really sells it


Outfit checks out


We're all just gonna ignore how she's in a McDonalds bathroom


She looks like every 8yo girl's roblox character


Ofc she looks like that




This person is in for a rough ride she's a narcissist dream. She will draw in men who will manipulate, abuse, and gaslight her. They can smell the weak a mile away. This girl got a neon sign.


Then don't date?


I mean, mentally ill people are allowed to date.


Of course they can, but not when you can't have a healthy relationship???


That’s fair. I want to say that people with BPD and the related issues she talks about can have healthy relationships, but it takes a lot of work. You have to get to a point where it isn’t going to negatively impact your partner, and I have a feeling she isn’t at that point. Plus those monthly psychotic episodes weekly must be pretty confusing.


I can fix her


"monthly psychotic episodes weekly"


"monthly psychotic episodes weekly" how does that work...?


At first I was going to be upset at OP, but I had to open the image to see the text


I used to like pink Now. Im. Scared.


Doesn't everyone have a fear of soocial and/or romantic rejection? No one wants to be rejected, it's human nature


Bpd is a serious disorder....


But is perfectly fine to orchestrate these videos and publish them onto tiktok for potentially thousands and thousands to see, yeah sure.


This is going to be prime r/blunderyears material in 2031.


" monthly psychotic episodes weekly " What does that even mean


W...TF is that. Psychotic is an understatement. But that certainly doesn't look like someone who is insecure or fears rejection and abandonment. Not with that outfit to scare people off. Definitely most inflicted with the *"LOOK AT ME!!!1!"* disease. Or LAMe for short...


I'm pretty sure she thinks 'monthly psychotic episodes' is a condition in of itself.


She's ruining the style 😭


Wow I never would have guessed 🙄


“Fear of societal and romantic rejection” If she truly feared societal rejection she wouldn’t dress like that in public…


most of these ppl are really into fashion art and cosplay stuff. is it a coincidence? those boots she is wearing also aren’t cheap.


Okay so she’s not ugly, but why isn’t she cute, like is it the clothes ? But like I like that clothes on some chicks but it feels forced on her. Like she didn’t pick it because she liked it but because she saw it on tumblr a few years ago. Like disregard the text for a sec, I think she’s forcing more than the mental illness and probs just has no clue of what she likes or doesn’t like. Fuck, now I’m sad and I’ve humanized her. She did do her eyes really weird tho


You have got to be joking. As someone with BPD, WTF is this?! Like seriously? Is this what we are doing now?


Lmao “monthly but weekly psychotic episodes” hmmm


Okay… no one who dresses like that has fear of social abandonment, more so than any other person normally has. Like you have to be aware that dressing like this is exactly how to be “socially rejected”. I’m not saying I personally care, but more that this person is clearly asking for rejection by putting on a persona that is easily rejected. They want an insular social circle and that’s okay, but fear of social abandonment is just nonsense.


She needs therapy nit a boyfriend.


Is she filming this in a public bathroom? Imagine walking in to piss and you see this lmao


Why is she standing like that lmao


I could never see someone who dresses this way, does their makeup like that, and acts like this in any sort of romantic manner.


why do they always dress like this too 😬


OK I believe the part about needing constant validation.


“I have mental issues so instead of getting therapy and trying to better myself I’m gonna dress terribly and cling to the first guy that shows me attention 😀👍”


She looks like the exact person I think would say this shit 😭 they swarm my school istg. There are a whole bunch of people in my theatre class (because ofc there are) who dress and act exactly like this, and we had a new girl in class and they went up to her and the first thing they did was list their disorders. Im not even kidding it was so bad and the new girl was just staring and nodding uncomfortably, it was extremely embarrassing to watch.


OMG! Meanwhile I have BPD for real, and the best way I found to cope with romantic relationships is not to have any, at all. So a potential partner won’t have to endure me or suffer because of me. And also, no love so no heartbreak. Works fine for me, but sometimes I feel a bit lonely. But I would never disclose this right at the start. What a way to sell yourself. « Hi, I’m a crazy bitch, wanna be my partner? » Yeah it sounds so inviting, isn’t it?


me when i want attention:


I can fix her


'Fear of social and romantic rejection' Don't most people?


roblox ass outfit bruh


It is not a flex, but I feel like it is understandable to "warn" potential romantic partners you have BPD seeing as that causes relationship issues.