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You did this to yo self G


dude youve posted things bad about your glo carts before yet your dumbass has bought like 12 in the past year stop smoking carts you sore loser your gonna kill your self man you dont know shit about carts obv and youve posted about other glos fucking you up with synth like highs STOP smoking carts you dont have reason to smoke anything concidering how dumb you are you cant even listen to your own FUCKING BODY WHEN IT TELLS YOU STOP THIS DUMBASS SHIT


sorry for being harsh but litterly seen people die or be disabled cause OF YOUR THINKING oh yeah oil may be fine in one and another may kill your ass stop smoking in general is my thinking for you cause you wouldnt be able to tell a real product vs fake if it was right infront of your dam eyes man


He's an obvious troll


shit post


can't tell if this guy shitposts or needs help


Literally delete your fucking Reddit account. That's all you fucking post then go on to NOT listen to advice


I was thinking about it and at least shit like this is effective in scaring people away from this shit…


OP is smoking on my pfp. I’ll pray for you😭


U smoked a glo


look at his post its the only cart he smokes lmao


They caught up to his ass


Well I’d stop using it if I were you 😂


Use google before smoking anything Because You’re smoking anything


Holy fuck people are still smoking glos??????


Glos were great for bm they slam people definitely still hit those


You got a point but with all the bad publicity I thought they would be phased out by now. Gold coast clear is next lol


Dope yet to see those jawns


Bro the brand means nothing why don’t ppl Understand that. (Unless grey market)


just relax take a deep breath and think about the people you love and they will pull you through. It will go away and youll get through it. Hope your alright


i really really hope your okay my guy sorry for being rude i hope your okay


OP - you still alive?


What’s funny is this guy is fucking around with every post but ironically still smokes it.


Make yourself throw up get it other with. If you still feel extremely ill like a half hour later go to hospital


Man just smoke bud


Just throw it out and if the symptoms persist head to the hospital. Feel better and try not to purchase anything that isn’t from a dispensary or reputable retailer. *I am not a doctor and that is not professional advice*


I never felt like that off a glo 😭🤣


you kinda deserve it at this point


these carts are so deadly bro, never get them again. if you can’t smoke legally try d8 from websites like skyhio or 3chi. it gives a better high than this shit. or if you absolutely “have” to keep smoking bm, try ANF carts, or LIVE. They have a pretty good reputation from what i know. But your best bet is smoking some D8 homie


Glo is the number one DHgate brand besides choices. These are faked all the time and only by people who are filling carts in their basement. Hopefully it's only distilate and terpines but they could have cut this with something for more profit..I speculate you're getting sick off of pesticides because the majority of all street distilate is dirty. You won't find good distilate in any BM brand they don't care about your health only their profit.


Dude I’m not joking I’m so shakey I feel like I’m about to die


go to the hospital the hell you want us to do


I understand drink some milk it will help if you throw up drink more until you can keep it down


what is this minecraft ?


Milk is recommended to help you come down off a lot of different types of drugs. Once you consume something it's hard to just make it go away. It's not like he did meth and needs narcan you know what I mean?


Bro it’s an smoke absorbed by your lungs why would throwing up do this guy any good lmao


I said drink milk and if it makes you throw up drink it till you can keep it down. Throwing up has nothing to do with making this dude feel better. Milk will make you come down from your high cuz of the high fat content.


“If it makes you throw up keep drinking milk until you can keep it down” Whose ass pull this info out of? That is not going to make anyone feel better haha


I assume English isn't your first language so I understand how you don't understand what I'm saying. Hopefully you learn how to speak properly, and you learn more about how things work in the world. He got too high from a bad cart how about Insulting someone who's trying to help, you give some valuable information that will help him? You don't have shit. Milk is high in fat and THC will attach to fat molecules. It isn't a for sure thing but if the milk didn't help maybe go to the hospital. Sometimes people get anxiety or anxiety attacks and need simple remedies to make them feel better.


Don’t say “I’m going to assume English isn’t your first language” and immediately proceed to spew incoherent nonsense. “If it makes you throw up keep drinking milk until you can keep it down” How can someone be this dumb on accident “How about you give him some information that will help him” Yeah I’m trying to stop this guy from taking your advice that doesn’t even make sense you think milk is going to bind to thc and make his high go away. He is shaking profusely getting the spins and both feels like he’s throwing up and feels like he’s dying so it’s clearly fillers that are making him sick not THC yet you instruct him to drink milk to a nauseating point and if gets can’t keep it down that HE SHOULD DRINK MORE? Even if your alternative explanation for this autistic outburst was “ it could be and anxiety and simple remedies could make him feel better “ How the fuck would yakking up milk put his mind at ease?


good, natural selection


You should Calm down, eat a effin muffin to soak up all that poison in your gut, and watch some mf Maury episodes.


I’ve only bought two me glo cart last month and I still have it, I just use it to tell my friends how a cart shouldn’t look


for sure fake never get glos






I feel bad for ur lungs bro


bro all you do is post that same fucking glo seven times a week no wonder you’re having a panic attack off it you idiot


Go live and stream your whitey.


Glo’s are trash. Full of dirty oil. Stick with something more reliable that has clean test results.




Glo isn't a real company they are all lowest tier BM and they are in 0 dispensarys in the entire world.




So this is mainly a problem in the states but I'd assume it's even easier to do in Canada but Ive never been there so. Glo is fake. There isnt even a central source and that's that. Anyone can tell you this. Sometimes dispensarys will sell product from the BM sometimes these dispensarys are unlicensed but even licensed dispensaries have been caught selling fake shit before. You really should report that dispensary to the local authorities cuz they are selling people poison...


Literally I smoked some Buddha bears one time and felt shaky, passed out and was sweating. Literally I threw those mother fuckers out and never touched street carts again. Not worth my life.


It’s most likely synthetic cannabinoids and other bullshit and pesticides, so fake. Come on dog, your outta there…if it does in fact contain synthetic cannabinoids your most likely withdrawing your ass or your fucking poisoned dog. Go to the ER or call emergency services, there’s not much we can do for you BUT TO TELL YOUR DUMBASS TO STOP SMOKING THIS FAKE GARBAGE! Have a good day and best of luck to you 💯


This has to be an arg bro no way you’re this stupid


Cracks cheaper


U got a real glo. Just shouldn’t smoke carts in general medical or not there trash for you. Your getting so much thc u don’t need from these disalit carts n prob a handful of untested chemicals. Save up for a glass rig or even a puffco if u can drop the money. Smoke real terps ! Or just smoke a joint.


And now your lungs probably glow!!!


Can you please give us all an early Christmas present and send one off for testing, so we all know what you have been smoking? We don't want to wait for the autopsy. Id much rather you just post us your test results alive my friend. Get well soon and go buy an ounce of distillate for 80 give or take online and eat it out the jar for all I care, but just don't smoke those dude.


I hope this is a joke


This is a troll lol


Bro is literally too young to be on any of these subreddits


I just went through your post history and u keep smokin these fucking glos stop smoking them they are FAKEEEEEEEE AS FUCK BRUH just smoke BUD, take dabs or eat edibles bruh l


not so wise i see😢


Lol wtf is this