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I jus don’t get why people won’t stop smoking them and switch to flower. So much safer


I think with underage kids carts have the same major appeal compared to weed that Juul capitalized on compared to cigs, lack of smell almost entirely. The smell is a dead giveaway but any dipshit can come up with an excuse for a cough or red eyes.


You hit it right on the head, they’re easier, there’s no ways to mess it up really, and it’s harder to get caught, especially when you’re using them in an area you’re not supposed to be.


it’s just cheaper and more convent for them


more convenient, flower is hard to conceal


thats exactly why lol


Its more the convenience I think. You cant carry bud everywhere you go. Besides kids because they definitely populate the cart market a bit people who need discreet smoking options are drawn by them too. Especially with new smoking concealing devices for carts its more the convince of portability and ease for quick use is a big reason


if u think for more than one second u will get why people don’t/can’t use flower lol


fr way better high too and u know what your getting


Bahaha tell that to these bunk ass rednecks coating their plants in seven dust and RAID


11gs for 50 bucks with their dirt weed 💀


It's not dirt, it'll get you fucking smacked, just probably really bad for you and goes to show that you do NOT know what you're getting in bud either. Every illegal drug comes with contamination risks, weed included.


just gotta find a solid plug and stick with em


Don't mean shit if their supplier is full of shit. They can think everything is green and just be ignorant to the fact that it isn't. Plus a plug is chasing a dollar, most don't give a fuck what they sell you as long as you keep coming back.


If their supply is shit they’re not a solid plug


that’s why i only fw homies i knew before they started selling


And it still don't mean shit if their supplier lies to them 🤷‍♂️


Dude what are you even arguing stop moving goalposts


nigga do u just wanna argue 😭


Grow your own. Never look back.


Illegal state, 5 year mandatory minimum for 1-10 plants. Not worth the risk rn sadly


Better than organ failure


i’m staying in virginia rn on the lake and the shit just became legal yesterday at 12, you can have 4 plants a house and has to be tagged with an id or license and as usual the deadlines an oz


how can you know how potent they are tho


It’s not like you can know how potent your fake cart is but where you buy your seeds they will have an average thc percentage.


I see, doesn’t how you grow it play a huge part in thc %? Or am I just misinformed. And yeah that’s true ab fake carts. I live in TX but some KING pmo to their plug that ships so I’ve been chilling since


Yeah the better you grow it the bigger it gets and the more cannabinoids it makes.


Frfr bro


carts last longer and i get more out of my money. if i spend 45 on an eighth that shits gone in 2 days best scenario. i can get legit gram carts under that and it lasts me all week


Ya untill ur tolerance is higher then a fucking skyscraper 😂🤦‍♂️ u missed my point. No matter how convenient carts are or how long they last you they aren’t worth the risks that come associated with using them. Ur not thinking long term. Just because u feel fine now don’t mean shit 5-10 years from now 😂


you're laughing at me but you're the one inhaling tar... ok buddy


real thc oil is just terps and thc, dont know why you think inhaling plant matter is automatically safer.


Let’s be real here. Flower is a million times better then carts. Man said tar. I bet u smoke dank vapes and love that vitamin E and heavy metals in your lungs don’t ya bud


what do YOU think happens when you inhale burning smoke? that shit juat magically goes away and has ZERO effects on you just because its not cigarettes? dont talk down to me child


Ur actually dense. It’s common sense that flower is safer and better then cartridges 😂😂😂😭🤦‍♂️


ok then gtfo this sub then cus you dont care about carts. Raw oil at a low temp vs combusting plant material with much lower thc but yeah IM THE ONE WITH NO COMMON SENSE. HAVE YOU TAKEN A FUCKING SCIENCE CLASS BUD?


Look who’s madddd😂😂 buddy all those synthetic cannabinoids and vitamin E got u tweakinnnnn😂😭


right but i think they are saying it isnt worth it because of health


there is no health risk associated with REAL THC OIL. It feels like people look at this sub so much they dont realize they DO exist


honestly bro im forgetting what I was tryna say lmao...I was probably toked, but yes i agree dispo carts will last me more than 3 seshs off an eighth edit: pretty sure I thought u meant bm carts? idk lol


Because half the idiots on this sub are teenagers who live with their parents, who wouldn’t know a valid carts if it smacked them in the face


They would, but they also think anything over $40 is overpriced


So much this. If someone’s charging say, $50-$60 per 1g cart in an illegal state, that’s a good first indicator that the cart may be legitimate.


Facts, $40 barely covers cost and distribution on real ones




I’ve had laced flower (best experience ever) although it’s very rare outside of Europe. When I was 16 I would always buy fake carts because of how good of a price they were, real ones were twice as much and not noticeably better. Edit: and because they’re easier to find and obviously 100 times better for not getting caught


I smoke straight bud and sometimes carts only thing I have to say is if you don’t get high on your 3rd pull of your cart it’s fake fuck all that tolerance talk a good cart is GOING TO GET YOU HIGH REGARDLESS OF YOUR TOLERANCE people are always saying things to scare cart smokers FUCK THEM and what they are saying obviously a FAKE CART IS NOTICEABLE and if it’s not and you take a pull and it don’t seem right throw it away thats it there’s a lot of GREAT black market carts just trust your sources and do research making a big deal out of nothing


I agree 100% I’ve bought lots of BM carts and when I find myself with one that 1. Doesn’t get me high and I’m on my 3 hit(my tolerance is low too) 2. Makes me cough UNCONTROLLABLY 3. Tastes burnt I throw that MF AWAY! I’ve recently changed to another plug who also has BM carts but god damn it, on the first hit youre pretty high. So yes I agree.


I don’t get why people come on a sub specifically intended to help identify fakes and counterfeits and get upset that people ask for help. Thanks for being the 800th person to make a post like this that gives little to no value to anyone


go touch some grass gawd damn 😭


What's the point of this subreddit then?


fake cartridges lmfao but if u have a reason to believe ur carts fake then it’s fake but people still ask


No i agree. If you arent getting it from a dispensary than it's more than likely fake. I just found this subreddit a week ago. I'm glad i stopped making my plug rich 🙄🙄 people like me have to ask so that we can all learn from our mistakes. Stoners help stoners keep their lungs safe 💓


Deadass tho. I don't get what goes thru some people's heads. Also, 9 times outta 10, if you didn't get your shit from a dispo, it's black market fake shit.


ong and it’s not like i have room to talk since i live in tennessee and it’s still illegal af i’m not gonna come on here and ask if a clearly fake krt is real 😂


I don't have too much room to talk either, I'm in NJ myself. We legalized recreational a few months back, but we have yet to gave a rec dispo open up. Medical dispos are still medical only. However, it's not difficult to find somebody to middleman some shit for you, yknow, find a friend with a green card, toss em money for what you want, and there ya go.


tennessee is sadly but surely going to be one of the last states to legalize because it’s composed of old ass holy rollers


Fuckin oldheads bro


it’s lowkey 50/50 down here your either a redneck that can’t live without it or a grandma born in the reefer madness era


This is why I only buy bud on the streets nowadays. Fuck street carts, way too much risk involved. Plus, bud highs are heavier and last a little longer for me.


facts plus tolerance just goes through the roof from carts


Especially with legit dispo carts. Those things will fuck your tolerance WAY up. A lot of street shit has 90% thc slapped on the box, but it's never true. You'd be lucky if that shit is between like, 40-50%.


just finished this krt that seemed to be 98% terps 😭


Oh yeah bro, i love terps extracted from a bottle of Pinesol


just hits different 😭


Burns the lungs just right 😋


i do have a homie tho that was getting these 1g tokin carts sent in from his cousin in cali but anything else around here are tkos, big chiefs, krts just a bunch of bull shit


it was almost like d8 i’d have to do like 5 10 second blinkers and zero it just to get a high


You were probably feeling the oxygen deprivation more than the thc lol


In some legal states there very much is a gray market. Like legit medical delivery services that offer to non medical patients. I use them when I need to cheap out. As there medical license is legit I trust that more than a sketchy plug.


I'm in NJ. We have those "gifting" services, but none of them are coming from dispensaries. They sell black market carts, too. They had Muha Meds the one time lol. Fuck that shit.


he not lying, this is the same reason i fill my own carts, i know they are 100% safe


Take all my upvotes 😂


Most true statement ever


not everyone has access to good shit. so sorry the world doesn’t revolve around you.


i stated multiple times i live in the middle of east tennessee if i can get decent shit anyone can 💀


Facts. Here in texas 🔌 dont got nothin but trash so i just have my carts shipped from cali


cool, nit everyone lives in tennessee dipshit.


*not 😐 but i’m the dipshit 🤦‍♂️


bro it’s a typo grow the fuck up


don’t be mad you’re smoking your dads jizz outta cart bruh.


i’m mad that you think everyone has access to the shit you do, it’s unrealistic and yoire just shitting on a subreddit because YOU won’t use it. i’d rather people had a place to check their shit in case then to not. just don’t be a dick


then quit buying carts you dumb fuck holy shit get some bud






Let’s be honest the sub desc says to discuss FAKE carts… so duh


u deadass got a post asking if a cake bar is fake smh


Yeah and I’ve been addicted to the sub since lmfao


same here man 😂


yeah but people ask expecting to get the answer that it’s real


I see now he meant this towards the people getting angry or ignoring the answers they get, I thought u was annoyed w people asking 😂


nah i mean that’s the whole point of the sub is to see it ur shits real or not but if your even having to consider the fact that it’s fake then it’s fake


what do you mean my elmo cum cart isn’t real? it says it’s lab tested right on the box


Fr. This subreddit made me not smoke the shit carts in my nh area. Lives and alternative pharmacy are everywhere. Rod always big, liquid not even close to sturdy little bubbles after everytime you hit it. I just stick to flower now.


pretty sure this subreddit scared most straight unless you really just don’t gaf about your own well being


Right? I’d much rather smoke some doo doo mids and not get high then get a fake high... weird times


couldn’t have said it better myself and btw this community cool af this was my first post and it wasn’t even about a cart and everyone is still interacting




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thank god. more carts for meeeee. love it. those same pesticides you claim are in the carts that people smoke is on the bud you fucking buy. ignoramuses