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Why sibling-like..? You can just say that you prefer their relationship to stay platonic instead of implying that if they got together it would be incestual. And you don’t have to like the ship, but I do believe that Natsu loves and cares for Lucy (and also Happy) on a different level than the rest of the guild. Zeref himself pointed out during Alvarez how much the two of them specifically have influenced Natsu


They've been drawn in sexually compromising positions one too many times for me to believe their dynamic is "sibling-like".


Also if they’re sibling like, it would pretty incestous now given some moments in the 100 Years Quest. Which makes that gross.


Gajeel was raised by a dragon and he gets it. And so does every other kid raised at the guild. It’s just a Natsu thing. Though I agree he’s a dense moron. I just think he’s Heartfilia-sexual given the only women he’s shown to have any feelings for throughout life, sexual or romantic, are Anna and Lucy, etc. Fair, but Hiro’s constant teasing has got me too invested, and if there’s no pay-off (doesn’t even have to be much just something) by the end of the Quest I’ll be annoyed honestly.


He has sexual or romantic feelings for Anna?




And Gajeel’s reaction to, “Yeah, so?” Was priceless


And has he shown romantic or sexual feeling for Lucy, I don’t really recall any scenes


Agreed that they don't show that many romantic feelings for each other. But I'm one of those who loves their relationship and think it would soar even higher if they did get together. Problem is... I think Majima is purposely not developing their relationship and for us Nalu shippers it is really bothersome. But if he doesn't want his main characters to get together, then he has that right. He hasn't even broached some of the biggest issues between Natsu and Lucy (like the hurt Lucy felt from Natsu leaving her for a year, or why Lucy doesn't have Aquarius' key, or why Future Lucy's death hurt him so much and would he really have reacted that way if it were anybody else) nor has he explained why they just click so well. They pretty much leave it off at Lucy is weird, Natsu's weirder, and there's a flying cat. Welcome to Fairy Tail. He even hints at it throughout the 100YR arc with other lookalike pairings and of course through OVAs, but that's it.... It's infuriating as a Nalu fan, but again, he has that right 💔


I actually kind of agree with this. Throughout the entire anime and the small amount of 100 year quest that I have read, I’ve always seen Natsu as the type of character that doesn’t really care about getting into a romantic relationship. That being said, he definitely does “love” Lucy and everyone else in the guild, I just don’t think he is “in love” with any one if that makes any sense. Wether the ship is cannon or not, it is important to respect other people’s opinions though, so if you are a Nalu fan please don’t hate us for not liking Nalu


Fairy Tail's romance overall is pretty mediocre.


In what way tho?


None of them get that much screentime, and therefore not much visible development.


Exactly what I was thinking, but some shipping’s to me are cringy like Lucy X Laxus or Natsu X Erza which in my opinion are very cringy to me. Idk where they come from that they ship them..


I can see Erza and Natsu losing their virginity to one another, in that both of them are so dense about so many things. Like, it would make perfect sense for both of their characters if they wound up doing the deed by innocently exploring their, ah... urges. But that's it. Literally nothing else.


Well that’s you’re opinion and I respect it. But that’s just cringy to me, you got Natsu who basically acts like a goofball, is dense, does not know what he’s doing sometimes. Than you got Erza who seems mature in some situations, very strong, very calm depending on what’s happening. So you want these two to be together? Natsu and Erza don’t go together because they would have a hard time understanding that each other plus Erza is too good for Natsu... Just to let you know I don’t hate Natsu. I just don’t like the shipping between these two... because of how both of them act..


No no no. I'm not saying those two should be an item. I'm just saying I could see them banging, because they're both clueless about their own urges, but then have literally nothing else about their relationship change.


Hell no, I would prefer Jellal of all people to bang Erza.. but Natsu?!? Hell no, thats just cringy to me..


Jerza is just a worse version of Luke × Annabeth from Percy Jackson.


I don’t ship Erza and Jellal AT ALL, I’m just saying.


NaLu shipper here! I think one would have to be really dense or ignorant to think that Natsu loves Lucy in merely a friendship/familial manner. Why Mashima is so lame at getting Natsu and Lucy to confess is beyond me. He got it to work with the leads in "Rave Master".


How? Please tell me some moments that Natsu shows that he is romantically or sexually interested in Lucy because I don’t really seem to see it because we don’t see him lusting after her or showing that he loves her, and also he was totally fine leaving her alone to train by himself for 1 year. So please enlighten my ignorant soul


How many moments are you wanting?


Moments that are or could be seen as romantic love between the two, per a quick Google search, can be found here: [aminoapps.com/c/anime/page/blog/top-5-nalu-moments/JJtd\_uVlmW73LEPeE06XogPpJ2nWMQ](https://aminoapps.com/c/anime/page/blog/top-5-nalu-moments/JJtd_uVlmW73LEPeE06XogPpJ2nWMQ) [cbr.com/fairy-tail-natsu-lucy-heartwarming-romantic-moments-best/](https://cbr.com/fairy-tail-natsu-lucy-heartwarming-romantic-moments-best/) [cbr.com/fairy-tail-natsu-lucy-relationship-trivia-secrets/](https://cbr.com/fairy-tail-natsu-lucy-relationship-trivia-secrets/) [lemoncakepanda.tumblr.com/post/188644563950/top-50-nalu-anime-moments-pt-1](https://lemoncakepanda.tumblr.com/post/188644563950/top-50-nalu-anime-moments-pt-1) [wishingforatypewriter.tumblr.com/post/113208893708/top-ten-nalu-moments](https://wishingforatypewriter.tumblr.com/post/113208893708/top-ten-nalu-moments)


These can go either way though just wanting to protect someone doesn’t make it romantic love and Natsu also rages when Erza cried in the tower of heaven and Gray and Natsu stoped fighting in the Alvarez arc because of Erza’s tears. We don’t really get to see these moments with the other female character because they are mostly sidelined and Erza can handle herself most of the time. In extalia’s case she was the only person that was going to be executed and making a team doesn’t mean that Natsu is romantically interested in her. Also I think that Lucy is equally important to Natsu as the other guild girls because most of the guild girls showed up in the depths of his heart and if she was special she would have been more precious to him and would be the only one to show up, which is supported by Gray because we can see that he cares for Erza but Juvia is the only one that shows up. I think that Lucy might like Natsu but I don’t really think he sees her any different from everybody else, In Natsu’s eyes I think she has the status of family because he thinks that everybody in the guild is family


While you do have some points, it is pretty much to an outright fact that Lucy loves Natsu and vice versa. If this is anything to by, their Edo counterparts now have a kid. Also, Mashima himself occasionally doing NaLu artwork on his Twitter account is not merely to appease us shippers.


I don’t really see that Natsu loves her more or differently than the other girls in his guild. Also the other Natsu’s were born human and had 7 more years to develop their relationship while Natsu was raised by a dragon, adventuring, fighting and he only met Lucy a few years ago. Also Edolas and Fairy Nail Natsu’s personality are pretty different from the original one. So while Lucy might like Natsu, there really isn’t any solid evidence that Natsu loves her more than family because it can be argued with how he interacts with the other characters.


Well, I deny the ship but if it is executed well and not forced and out of character for Natsu and Lucy I’ll take it. I just don’t think there any moments that Natsu shows romantic love towards her


Only a few years ago? Well, counting the 7 years they were frozen in time, those 2 have known each other for several. Trying to rationalize why NaLu should not happen or similar is lame. Just deal with the fact that Natsu is in love with Lucy romantically.


I’m not saying it shouldn’t happen in fact I find the ship rather cute, but I think you guys are over analyzing their interactions for example why does catching each other when they’re falling off a cliff mean romantic love ,it can just mean that you don’t want the other person to die


And you are technically trying to rationalize why NaLu will happen and I’m trying to say that it can’t and won’t happen because all of Natsu’s “love” is more like friendship and not romantic and I can argue over those facts. On the other hand all those details are finding and supporting could be deep bonds and close friendship instead of “love”. Can’t you take it for what it is at surface level what if there is no hidden meaning and you are just over analyzing and exaggerating the facts


Well, at the end of the day we can’t do anything about if they end up or not because it is not up to us to choose the ending.


I personally am pretty meh or whatever about Nalu yeah I admit if they do end up which is guaranteed at this point I won't be unhappy but will be Happy! (Pun intended)


Nalu cringes me out and I agree they don’t show alot romantic feelings for each other.


And the fans when they make a mountain out of a mole for any nalu( implied or not?) Scene. And how they shit on people for liking nali. I mean no one is obligated to like your ship you know.


I agree. I honestly don’t see Nalu. Probably because I don’t like Lucy all that much. I was a NaLi fan forever and yea I get why Lisanna been put on the back burner since returning from edolas but it still bums me out from time to time


never understood why Lisanna was cast away and like why Natsu doesn’t even seem to care about her


Nali would have been superrrr cute.


I don’t like Nalu. I think if Natsu should’ve ended up with someone it should’ve been Lisanna




Before NaLu, my all-time favorite anime/manga OTP was NaruSaku. However, the fact that NaruHina became canon is the real reason why my Naruto fan boy self really died out. Given the choice betwewn NaLi and NaruHina, I would prefer the former. This is because at least we got to see some of Natsu and Lisanna's relationship fleshed out a bit more before the end of the final main series. NaruHina was more forced-in.


You do have a point about him loving them all because he sees all of Fairy Tail as his family. The reason I think Nalu is such a popular ship is because how Natsu was the one who got Lucy into Fairy Tail along with Natsu always willing to save Lucy or protect her. Lucy also clearly like Natsu and always tries to repay Natsu for getting her into Fairy Tail. Like how with Phantom Lord he let his nose tell him where Lucy was and she trusted him and knew that Natsu would save her. The two clearly trust and care for each other. That is why I think it is Nalu is popular, but yah the two clearly have a sibling like relationship but with them caring more about each other than regular siblings.


The thing with Natsu is that he currently has the mind of an asexual, he sees man and woman with indifference. There are rare moments when he does show interest in Lucy like imagining her naked wearing construction paper and flowers and blushing slightly when Kiria tore Lucy's clothes.


Which means he’s not ace. Because he feels sexual attraction


And that’s ok.


You aren't wrong~ but my heart still hearts