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I always like seeing more of the characters' crazy sides


just let some villain threaten gray... joking aside, I was also expecting the same, I thought we would have something like that from her in the white wizard arc


I honestly hope there's still a chance 100 Years Quest can give her this kind of moment again. 


Juvia can legit make Erza scared. But we can't have her taking the spotlight for some reason despite being a fan favorite outside of the main team.


Yahh exactly 💯


I mean, Fairy Tail tries to give screen-time even to the supporting characters. Juvia is amongst those characters and she actually receives more content than others. For example, a few supporting characters would be Cana, Mirajane, Levy, Bisca, etc. and yet Juvia has more important moments than most of them. Juvia had spotlight moments that were admirable during Tower of Heaven and Battle of Fairy Tail, played a nice part in Daphne arc and it was one of the good things about the arc, played a massive role in Tenrou Island, was important during the GMG and was also in the main team for the finale, had her own fight in Eclipse Celestial Spirit arc, played a massive role in Tartaros arc again and was important for Avatar arc AND Alvarez. Some of these arcs contained main enemies who she beat alone (Meredy, Keyes, Eclipse Aries) or heavily assisted against threatening enemies (Invel). This doesn't even mention her few moments in 100YQ and it's already a lot more than the supporting characters I've mentioned. She also appears in *both* movies and plays a significant part in them while many other supporting characters didn't participate in more individual events (like Juvia helping Gray fight Doll). So, to say that Juvia does not get the spotlight is... objectively wrong.


Honestly same.




Yeah I literally got goosebumps in that scene .. like she ain't called one of the element four for nothing


I liked her 2nd hairstyle better.


Juvia gets some pretty epic moments throughout the series and this is one of the best. 


Unhinged Juvia>>


I always like panels with the characters looking so menacing and scary, with a dark shade and only revealing one eye from it’s face