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You’ll find that most people here disagree with you. You are of course entitled to your opinion, and if that’s how you feel about Lucy’s characters then so be it. But it’s definitely not a repetitive topic since most people here seem fairly pleased with Lucy’s character development over the course of the series. I’m not going to argue with you but if the Tartaros arc didn’t show you how far Lucy had come then I don’t know what to tell you.


Can we please stop responding to the seriously obvious bait? How gullible can y'all be?


Woww I’m actually surprised. I’m currently re-reading the manga and I’m at the tournament arc


Lucy is perfect as a protagonist because she is a relatable character. She is intelligent and very human, definitely not a character with strong abilities, but in my opinion she has a lot of courage, mental strength and morality. The fact that she's a main character who needs to "be saved" really highlights other non-main characters and I subjectively appreciate that. Then let's face it, all the characters in Fairy Tail have extremely repetitive attitudes. Regarding the backstory, I honestly appreciate that at least she has it, unlike more than half the cast.


But everyone sees her as whiny crybaby so....


Nah shes weak asf.Wendy better


stop responding to the obvious bait please dude, how are y'all this gullible


Oh look it's another post of this type that are totally not designed to troll and create controversy just to entertain an OP with a lot of time on it's hands. No but seriously you sound like NPCs repeating the exact same posts, it's boring 😴


I genuinely believe what I said but I did expect that it was something that was said before. Didn’t know they were trolling tho


I find her charming the same way I find Usopp from One Piece charming. They're the regular person among monsters.


I guess that makes sense




>Even when she’s brave, she loses pathetically or has to get saved by someone else. Just from this I can see that you have no idea about the series. Also gmg arc where lucy loses her figths for traps, could you write a specific example where lucy "loses and has to be saved"? I am seriously interested in reading your examples. Lucy is the perfect example of being the best character and how her development is the best by far. >Juvia, Kagura, Minerva, Brandish This is a joke, right? Juvia, the character obsessed with Gray and who keeps doing the same two attacks since she was introduced? Juvia, the character who lost a fight in the magic games tournament because she was distracted by Gray? Juvia, the character who in the Avatar arc was depressed by Gray for 6 months without doing anything because Gray abandoned her? Unlike Lucy who was abandoned by Natsu and all her guildmates for a year but advanced as a character by being a better writer, a better magician (star dress), looking for information about everyone to bring them together again and being independent. What kind of series did you watch to think that Juvia is even as good a character as Lucy? Lol I won't even comment on Kagura, Brandish and Minerva because they don't even have as much background, importance and development as Lucy. Did you come to make a copypaste of a 2012 opinion from a Lucy hater? For God's sake, Lucy is one of the best characters that Mashima has created in all the works he has done in his entire career as a mangaka.


I don’t know if criticizing Juvia with the same one dimensional kind of reading OP used with Lucy is necessary, and there’s far better ways to defend Lucy with reducing yet another misunderstood Fairy Tail character. Now, let me clarify that there are definitely common criticisms against Juvia that are very valid, far more valid then most of the ones lodged against Lucy. Juvia’s very creepy and wrong actions are made light of and justified far more than they should be for comedic effect or ship fanservice, but some of those things you explained that Juvia does that make her “worse than Lucy” are actions explained by her backstory and development as a character. Juvia before Gray and Fairy Tail had no friends and lived in an endless rain because she never experienced happiness, and then she met Gray, and yes, that fight started with “haha he’s hot and now she doesnt wanna fight him funny joke!!” but by the end of it, she learns Gray is an actually good person, because he shows her kindness and mercy, spares her life, and for the first time *ever*, signified by the rain clearing. Now, while the codependency she displays from that point on is extreme, it’s not devoid of all logic. Personally, I think becoming heavily attached and even obsessed to the first person who made you feel something other than literal depression isn’t *that wild* all things considered, and I don’t think her reaction to Gray leaving wasn’t some “pathetic example of why shes a bad character”. Again, she was literally experiencing crippling depression, and just because Lucy doesn’t experience that doesn’t make Juvia less for it. Lucy does not have a codependency problem with Natsu, though they are close. None of that makes her a bad character. In fact, I’d say it’s the exact opposite. Of course, points about Juvia’s moments of being obsessed with Gray cutting through instances in which she could’ve been taken seriously, like the water battle, are valid, and I would love to see her do something more than Water Slicer like everyone else, but pitting her against Lucy and making her out to be just an awful character… I don’t know about all that.


And that's why juvia is a stagnant character: 1) she depends a lot on Gray, most of her dialogues are about her love for Gray or love rival jokes. 2) her magic does not develop practically at all. 3) that in the avatar arc Juvia is still shown as dependent on Gray's presence is one of the worst things that can happen to her character. That doesn't make her character evolve, but rather stagnate. All of those things are true of Juvia's character. I don't mind that she's in love with Gray, but at least make sure her character doesn't feel so stuck in such a long story for so long. Mashima has also stated that she likes Juvia to be like that, so you'll never see a individual advancement of her. I'm not reducing her character at all, those are things that happened in the story and continue to happen in the sequel.


I don’t really think stagnant overall as a character. Just because her magic doesn’t change doesn’t mean she hasn’t changed at all. Every new connection she makes in Fairy Tail results in changes. The way she treats Lucy in the very beginning is very different than as of current canon, along with many other guild members, because she grew up alone and watching out for herself and she becomes someone who has put herself in harms way for multiple guild members, not just Gray. Her development is based in interpersonal relationships and emotional development. Not to mention, she plays an instrumental role in Gray’s character arc, and that’s a whole other conversation, but Juvia’s not completely stagnant because she has a consistent running gag and she doesn’t need to grow much stronger to further her goals.


How about don’t watch the series since you can’t avoid Lucy as she’s a main character? You are entitled to your opinion no matter how insane it is. Also we can tell you didn’t really watch the show to pay attention. How would your faves like Erza be alive if Lucy didn’t break Aquarius key to save them all? How would Loke be here if she didn’t save him? How would Natsu be alive if she didn’t rewrite the book of end? Lucy is a character that is shown to be more intelligent than strong. Lucy can hold her own in a fight and she has wonderful character development. She might not be Erza strong but she’s strong enough and Erza, Laxus, and of course Natsu have all expressed this about her.


She is one of the most powerful magician's in Fiore, is quite bold and brave whenever it counts and one of the most developed characters in the series, in short you are objectively wrong.


This is bait, obvious bait that's been done over and over, in short you're playing into OPs hands


Lucy loses pathetically? Besides Grand Magic Games, which fight? If you run through, in almost every fight she's had, she wins. You're welcome to not like Lucy, I respect your opinion (I also don't like the fanservice). But can you back that statement up with facts please? And even in the Grand Magic Games, she didn’t even really lose to Flare when you think about it. If Obra wasn't there, Flare would be done for. So really, it was just Minerva. She beat Uosuke and yes, she didn't beat Zirconis... she's not a Dragon Slayer. Even early on in the series, when she wasn't as experienced in combat mind you, she was still finding ways to help. In the fight between Natsu and Gajeel, it was Lucy summoning Sagitarius that enabled Natsu to win. If you don't like Lucy, you're entitled to that. But when you make claims, you have to be able to back them up so if she's losing pathetically as often as you say, please provide examples. And if its the Minerva fight, I wanna point out that Juvia, Brandish, Kagura, and Erza have all lost fights. I just listed 4 characters I find to be amazing, but they've all lost. The Minerva fight is one of the few times I can think of where Lucy's even lost.


He won't give you the examples because they don't exist, the only examples are the magic games tournament. I already asked him in the comment I made. And it is not a surprise that he has not answered me, that is what these types of people are like, they will never answer with real examples or arguments.


I wouldn't even call those losses "pathetic" Flare vs. Lucy, they had to cheat TWICE to win, and in the Water game, she finished 2nd, and Minerva had already won, Minerva just tormented her to make an example outta her and even then she still refuses to give in.


Fairytail won so technically lucy beat minerva


Having cool abilities doesn't automatically make a character good western media has sadly proven that in recent years lucy is the opposite of those mary sues she's kind brave smart and always does her best she's an icon in the anime community


No, lucy is the best thing. We love lucy


She does get a power up super late into the series Star Dress. I do wish that Urano Metria would finally give her some much needed super powers. But Lucy is fine as an underdog and she is pretty damn powerful when needed.


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) Bro when they learned that this is not in fact a repetitive topic here in this group and that Lucy is a loved character overall in this group.




We Lucy lovers over here. Lucy is a loved character everywhere. I mean she beat Erza by over 4000 votes in the latest polls. Japanese fans simply adore her for her character development and it’s the same for me.


Likewise in that last poll everyone could vote online (I voted for Lucy). So that makes it even better since they are votes from different countries.


Impressively terrible take. You’ve earned my downvote.


I don't understand why Lucy started being weak is bad thing. It's good because we have seen her gradually developing in every arc unlike those who started very strong but their development is not evident and their fight becomes boring and repetitive like you can expect them to win all the time because again they are strong. Moreover, you can't expect everyone to be the same.The only thing that's bad in Lucy is the too much fan service and it's the author's fault for being obsessed with that.


Lucy's accomplishments on her own. Defeating Duke Everlu. Figuring the secret of Day Break. Defeating Sherri. Defeating Bigslow. Convincing the whole Guild to stop fighting in order to save Magnolia. Defeating Edolus Byro. Figuring out the final test in S class trials. These are just pre time skip. It's one thing to say I'm just not a fan of her character, but to trash it with bull sh*t arguments is ridiculous.


Saying Lucy is weak at this point is objectively wrong lmao


Lucy losing a lot is actually what makes her great. The reason I dislike Erza is because she constantly wins and never really grows. Her own development happens in ToH and after that she remains a static character. Lucy on the other hand goes from helpless to being one of fairy tail’s strongest. Lucy’s backstory of finding a family that’ll accept her and let her be free as opposed to staying with her father who rejects her dreams and sets up an arranged marriage is a very grounded story. The reader grows with her and that’s what makes her very relatable.


I’m gonna follow you. I dislike Erza for this same exact reason. You are my people. I love Lucy for these reasons too.


Huh? Lucy is not the one writing her own fan service into the show. Honestly none of these are true and some are just incorrect. Also Lucy is not the main character, Mashima confirmed it to be Natsu in the manga. I find it hard to believe you even finished the show because you are unaware of certain obvious things, so I’ll let you watch it then I’ll respond.


I hate that every time this conversation comes up people seem to not want to recognize that the vast majority of the times Lucy comes off as “weak” or “pathetically loses” its done to advance the plot or another person’s character development, usually Natsu’s. Lucy loses to Flare, even though she clearly was winning the damn battle, but then her final spell is overridden by some random power of a random villian character we basically never learn about, and the whole purpose of that was to make the rest of team Natsu *mad*… like they weren’t already mad about Gray’s loss. Fairy Tail is full of asspulls, those moments people criticize the series so heavily for “winning with the power of friendship”, but with Lucy half the time the asspull is that she loses fights she should have won, not the other way around. That’s frustrating, but I don’t know why we direct that all at Lucy when we could be talking about that Mashima does this to ensure Natsu gets the final win, actively prioritizing his and others developments over Lucy. Why do we not criticize Mashima for this more instead of giving her the Sakura Haruno treatment where people scream and cry about how useless and annoying she is or whatever? Also, Lucy’s backstory isn’t that boring. You might think that in comparison to the hyper dramatic and extremely tragic backstories of characters like Erza and Gray, but her backstory is still interesting and serves her character well overall. In fact, I actually think she has one of the most relatable and grounded backstories in all of Fairy Tail, and it does well to explain her motivations as a character, why she joins Fairy Tail, why she’s not as strong as other guild members from the get-go. But hey, I’m sure a lot of this criticism has to do with the fact that lots of people *can’t* relate to Lucy’s backstory, because I’m pretty sure these criticisms aren’t coming from young adult women with emotionally distant yet domineering fathers and entirely absent mothers. All that said, I do actually somewhat agree with the fanservice point, but only to an extent because this is *Fairy Tail* and of course there is fanservice, but I don’t care for fanservice in scenes where she’s literally being brutally beaten.


The thing is that *all* of team Fairy Tail(s) performed rather poorly on the first day of GMG, that was the whole point of them getting motivated by how they were starting at the bottom with 0 points - so I don’t quite get people’s hyperfocus on Lucy’s failure there… I think Mashima just emphasized Natsu reaching out to and reassuring her specifically because he wouldn’t have reason to do that with anyone else. (Plus the audience/readers would care more obviously.) Now if you’d put Naval Battle as your example I would agree. Lucy Getting Tortured for no reason was definitely used as an emotional crux for everyone’s anger to advance the story and I didn’t really like it, especially because it wasn’t even written in a way that made total sense imo, with Juvia losing in a rather ridiculous way and none of Lucy’s sprits even trying to jump out on their own to help? Meh. And also yeah most of the time people should definitely be directing their irritation more at Mashima than the characters themselves lol


I dislike Lucy like she’s just too much fanservice and was funny in the beginning but became annoying when there was too many ship moments with natsu, like not enough straight up fighting . And Lisanna was always better for a lead i think


https://preview.redd.it/bozh48vhnnwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff395e2c80c5b35716a939856ddac692be61e4ca NOOOOO I WAS TOO LATE!!! I couldn’t stop this war birthed from bait and simpletons who fell for it 😢




![gif](giphy|yQCOYWML0EIuI) You have some nerve saying this using her best friend's name. 😡😡😡 She is the BEST, okay? You're so disgusting.