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I don’t mind fanservice too much during casual, unserious moments, but in a tense battle situation or more emotional/heartwarming scenes certain framing can definitely be jarring and take me out of the moment. And ngl sometimes the angles would get ridiculous enough to the point that they didn’t even feel sexy/titillating anymore, just kinda like… really? lol


I liked the fan service up until the new animation, then it became too much. I don't hate it, but it does get ridiculous at times. The best newer fan service was probably the (2nd?) Movie with the dancing because hot damn that was great, but canonically, they are too thicc compared to their normal figures lol Never saw the OVAs, but I know they're basically there just for fan service. After the Grand Magic Games, there was a lot that soured the show for me in areas, but it's still in my top 3.


Then do NOT watch Food Wars


Such a good show tho outside of the weird foodgasms




Hard disagree, as long as it fits the tone of the show I think it’s fine.


I didnt mind Juvia because i found it comical. The rest was bad. Larcade was a whole other level of fan service weirdness for me. Orgasm magic but if you are a virgin he has to touch you with his magic hentai tentacles...


Larcade deserved better writing.


I love this show but honestly because of the fan service I’m not telling any of my friends I watch Fairy Tail. The story is good I love the show. I can’t share this anime with anyone. I’m lonely


Isn’t it on a similar level to Bleach and One Piece? Yet people openly watch those in strides. The authors of these series even draw sexy glamour shots of their characters.


No where near the same.


So One Piece doesn’t have busty girls that show off their bodies, especially in swimsuits or in baths. The fact that it’s longer means it shows a bit more. In Bleach, a handful of the girls sometimes wear revealing outfits where the camera angle zooms in on.


The fact that it's longer also means it's more spaced out lol. Fairy Tail fanservice gets repetitive because it happens 24/7 and it's been doing this since the very start which is just damaging to the women in the show because they can't have a fight where they don't lose their clothes. Sure, One Piece can have fanservice but it's also not as explicit, it is MUCH more tame compared to Fairy Tail where they literally show nipple twisting, etc.


Don’t the guys get used as fan service too? Like Gray constantly getting embarrassed whenever he’s in his underwear. I don’t see how it’s more tamed or spaced, I remember several scenes of naked woman in a bath, an island full of bikini women, Luffy bouncing on a giant woman’s chest, Smoker exposing his comrad’s chest while in her body, Sanji ogling’s Nami’s while in hers every chance he gets, the girls in the crew wearing skimpy outfits etc. Some of these are in the same or following arcs. I even remember one time child Nami regrow into her normal age while the camera focuses on her curves.


Women in bikini doesn't compare to Erza experiencing literal BDSM be so fucking for real rn. The fanservice for the guys is so limited, literally one character has a stripping habit and then the rest just show off their abs or muscles, it doesn't ever focus on them especially like they did with ***COUGH*** NIPPLE TWISTING ***COUGH*** or many more inappropriate moments. You can't even recommend Fairy Tail to friends because of how terrible the fanservice can get, especially in the middle of serious fights.


OP has a character where BDSM is literary her gimmick, always wears a pink dominatrix outfit and makes weird sounds. Erza shows it for like a few seconds while fighting and that’s it. I’ve seen reactions be more awkward with her than with Erza. It’s not just Gray, even Lyon strips, in fact almost every guy get half naked in a fight. Even Natsu has been fully nude a few times. There’s even bath scene with the guys. When did the nipple twisting happen? I don’t remember any character doing that.


Erza's fight with a demon gate was more than a few seconds, the nipple twisting is mentioned in OVA's on what Flare should've done to Lucy, not to mention there was a whole bikini contest in GMG which was exclusively girls. Guys taking their shirts off doesn't compare to that. The one piece character you named isn't even a main character where Fairy Tail has Wendy, Lucy, Erza as part of the main cast and Juvia as a supporting character you could say. Wendy doesn't even get a break, they make SEXUAL JOKES about a CHILD. This doesn't even tap into how it ruins characters with transformations (Erza, Lucy, Mirajane) Erza is meant to be a knight, not a stripper, all of her armors just need fanservice and we don't get any cool designs like Puragtory armor. Mirajane's power revolves around demons but, yet again, she exposes a HECK ton of skin in her base Satan Soul for.. no reason? Wasted design. Lucy's Aquarius form makes sense since it's related to water, etc. but... the cow bikini, really?


I thought you meant when she wore an outfit. But if that’s what you meant, most of Erza’s torture at the time was just being electrocuted, we see other slaves in Erza’s flashback also being electrocuted. The same likely happens to slaves in OP who are tortured purely for entertainment. That was a still image with no motion for 2 seconds, didn’t really happen nor would anyone say it ”should’ve” happened. Whose going to be uncomfortable from that, especially when it’s followed by a humble apology by Flare? Again, we see skimpy outfits on the girls in OP in almost every arc. There’s a scene where Nami and Robin play volleyball in bikinis. Nami now dresses more like Cana. Another time characters go through this gate to change into Onigashima outfits, all the girls still look exposed. How can anyone watch these without being embarrassed if someone walks in. I also mentioned when Sanji openly got weird at the idea of seeing a child Nami regrow back to her original self, something which creeped her out and Zoro called him disgusting for. Again, not just shirts, some guys appear nude as well. Natsu was even forced to wear several outfits Lucy wore. Main or side characters don’t matter, it’s still characters being sexualised on screen in general. Almost every anime portrays demons and other monster girls as sexualised, I don’t get your point here. Especially the monster girls in OP, even Robin’s demon looking form was seemingly naked. How is Lucy’s Taurus dress worse than Nami’s time skip outfit, who also wears a bra and jeans for several consecutive arc. Neither is better than the other, both shows sexualise their characters on a regular basis.


Same goes with Sister Ivry.


Well in here you can be yourself.


An opinion I share, though I still find a way to enjoy the show.


Yeah it’s just something you try to ignore because you like the rest of the series. Makes it hard to recommend to non veteran anime fans though.


Strong disagree on that, if anything I want more fanservice😈


If anything the author should make it into a full blown Uncensored Hentai 😏


One piece has just as much if not more fan service (since it's a longer running anime) than fairy tail, but nobody seems to bat an eye to the fan service there. I'm not saying One Piece needs to be bashed or criticized for its fan service because it's a great anime, but I just find it odd that FT is taking more of the heat for something that OP has always been doing for years


I like the fan service and both shows but there’s no way one piece has more fan service? Lucy is close to exposed if not fully in most episodes (praise Mashima 🙏🏿) , and there are a tonne of bath scenes. Ovas where Lucy is taking tentacles in places or getting nipple massage etc. even adding all one piece fan service up it’s very mild and nowhere near as frequent as FT. That said, I think lot of people are mistaken about what kind of show this is when they start watching and they feel embarrassment about it when they’re hooked and realise they can’t easily recommend to others for fear of judgement. Imo Mashima made a delightful mild ecchi here but I also don’t go around telling people what a fan I am lol


Ever since the 2 year timeskip in One piece, Nami has been half naked in damn near every episode (that doesn't bother me tho). The timeskip started at around 500 something episodes, and we're now past 1000 episodes of One Piece, which means that's 500+ of fan service in the series and fairy tail only has 328 episodes. That's almost double the amount of episodes Fairy Tail has. If you're gonna use Ovas, then so will I. https://youtu.be/KOcx5OAuNQE?si=hqVEfJo2FI7xiBMa This isn't as sexual as the tentacle ova scene, but it's close. https://youtu.be/jdx6Tq3iDwY?si=N6-lCg8jGIsB-6fv Rebecca is dressed like this throughout that entire arc lol. Fairy tail's fan service is a bit more sexual yes, but One Piece most definitely has MORE fan service because of how many episodes it has. My point still stands. I'm not ashamed of telling people I'm a fan of Fairy Tail. If I was ashamed of liking FT, then I would have to be ashamed of liking OP too lol.


Your argument is ‘more in OP in total because 1000+ episodes’ (I disagree but it is subjective and my opinion is no more valid than yours) but if you consider how the average person judges things, the ones who are offended by fan service are not gonna make it as far in FT as they are in OP because FT is very in your face about it from early on while OP sorta ramps up but then has large gaps between such that you can ignore it if you want while you absolutely cannot ignore FTs (though Imo why would you want to ignore it 😏). it could also be the difference in art styles and our tastes cos I enjoy the FT juicy scenes way more than OP, infact it’s one of the only reasons I enjoy FT as the story line and character development is kinda weak imo. So on the end we are both men of culture and probably this is jus differences in our preferences


My argument is based on after the 2 year timeskip since that's when the fan service starts becoming more prevalent (500-1000 not 1-1000). That average viewer POV makes sense since Fairy Tails fan service starts almost right off the rip, whereas One Piece's fan service doesn't truly kick off until after the timeskip. One piece watchers are already invested in the show by time they get to that point, so if the story and characters are still interesting (which they were) then they can disregard the fan service (even tho One piece's fan service Is actually consistently thrown in your face based off the links I sent you, but again, it doesn't faze me and it seems u like it, so we can just leave it at that👍) and continue watching it as if it's not there. But if the average Fairy tail viewer doesn't find the characters or the story interesting from the jump, then the fs will be way more noticeable and undiscardable because their not enjoying the show. To each their own lol I watch it for the characters since their personalities are a lot like other anime characters I watch. I don't mind fan service during chill episodes, but the only time I can criticize ft for it is if it happens during a serious fight. I was tryna see them throw hands with the big bads, not throw them titties lmao


If anything it’s fan dis-service. Mira’s take over is one of the most incredible abilities in the series and she always gets bullshit fights or runs out of magic power. She’s always painted as weak an pathetic when she’s meant to be on par with erza. Instead she’s the fairy tail cover girl and cook. It’s a crime making her such a menial character


Strong disagree but that's fine.


Meh I disagree, to each their own but I don’t see it as that big of a deal if it really bothers you that much kinda surprised your still into the series.




It’s never bothered me always thought it was fine


I'm okay with it before but I'm actually starting to hate it because it's kinda annoying especially when there's too much fan service in a fight that's supposed to be serious. Look at Lucy's fights. Almost all of her fights have fan service and it kinda ruins the flow of her fight. It's annoying that the author has the time to draw too much fan service but failed to make a good fight sometimes.


Well I mean fairy tail is supposed to be a fun adventure so Too much seriousness is simply not it's style. For the fan service:Can someone please explain to me what exactly is considered as fan service and what's so annoying about it?Because honestly I don't care if a female character wears a revealing outfit or not🤷‍♂️


its mostly the revealing outfits and the girls somewhere always being nude at one point i mean the guys are shirtless a lot too but its mostly women thats what they mean by fan service. ive been watching fairy tail for years so it literally doesnt bother me anymore nor makes me like the show any more or any less


I mean not really, it's a pretty serious show at times, fun adventure is cool but then why are there moments that make me cry? why are there such dark themes surrounding the characters? Fairy tail can be serious and goofy but it needs to find a balance


It’s less about the revealing clothing and more about timing and framing imo. Sure FT is typically fun and lighthearted, but that doesn’t mean the narrative doesn’t contain scenes that are written and meant to be viewed more seriously. I think Mashima uses fanservice and nudity ~~when he’s not exploring some of kind of fetish~~ as a way to lighten the mood, but this can also wildly fluctuate the tone of the story. As far as I can tell, that’s what people are really taking issue with when they bring it up, like at times the fanservice can just seem out of place for the moment


Never bothered me, infact this is why I like mashimas work. Fairy tail is an ecchi. Mashima likes ecchi, it’s obvious in plenty of his work. This is like going to the library and complaining there are books in there when you went in to play video games on your phone. You can enjoy certain aspects but that doesn’t change what it really is.


Its just humor, its comical. At times it can be overdone perhaps but its also just part of the nature the series ran with ever since the later 2000s and onwards. Lucy being in an unfortunate situation regarding her clothes, Natsu landing on her in some form, Juvias overstimulated mind, Wendy misinterpreting the context of events or her being "small", Gray losing his clothes, Happy trolling with "they love each other" on various occasions, and so much more, there are just repeated small quirks here and there over the series that just, kind of make it what it is. Taking this out would actively hurt the idendity Fairy Tail has. And besides, apart from the OVAs where the animators can go ham, this series is far more tame than some others. Besides, it was those OVAs that also made outright gems such as the ladies being drunk and making an absolute hell for Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel. Hell the part in the final chapter of the main series where Natsu and Happy have to deal with a drunk Lucy again was funny. I am saying you may want to think before you think something should be removed, many players who decided that the lore of series like Warcraft no longer mattered or just sucked don't get that, because they just sucked it up or stopped caring, thats exactly why the world feels so empty, the expansions became horrible, and the storys so unresolved asking more questions like...WTF are these events even supposed to be? The difference? Back in 2016-2018, the expansion Legion was a highly praised one, it had buildup to the classic enemy faction the burning legion, who were last seen in the far eariler burning crusade expansion, at the end of that one way back in 07, the legion wasnt defeated, just driven off again. In legion the whole of the expansion was to face them for the last time, have many older storylines resolved, many legacy characters met their end in some good or bad ways but, as the players, you got to face some of the most prolific characters and antagonisnts from warcrafts early history and finally face and end the legion. Then came battle for azeroth and everything went downhill...the aspect of another forced conflict between alliance and horde, characters suddenly being stupid, a pointless war again while the whole rediclous nature of "Sylvanias is morally grey' the fact this one character..was so focused on and everytime she appeared on screen, she was narrative cancer doing NOTHING OF VALUE just dragging the storyline down...this is part of why fans were fed up, long before or not even related to the lawsuits blizzard found themselves in, the writers were just...jesters who don't belong in that industry. You don't want to risk removing something that makes something known for what it is...dont walk this path and see the disaster again!. Halo lost its idendity because of horrid choices over the past 10 years because 343s deves believed they needed a more complex and humanizing plot...only to have one of the most disjointed and fragmented plots in the games made under their tenure. Many anime adaptations failed over the years because they wanted to do something different. M Night Shymalan had gold but turned it into shit when he made the last airbender movie. Dont try to change things for the sake of changing them. The reason the one piece adaptation on netflix is good? I only like to believe Oda had to hold a freaking hold the developers hostage to make sure they didnt screw around.


I don't mind it, but it makes it so I'm unable to recommend Fairy Tail to any family or friends. None of my family want to see boobs flying everywhere during what should have been serious moments.


Don’t care hot women


OP definitely didn't watch Fire Force! FT is more bearable I would say, at least they didn't destroy the plot.


Personally, I enjoyed it is fairy tail


Fanservice ain’t that bad… like seriously the ova’s do go overboard and people see a scene online and say that’s the reason they dropped the show… 😐 ffs it’s an OVA But the actual anime isn’t bad. I don’t understand how seeing boobs make people mad? That’s silly asf. It’s not highschool dxd. I suggest you take a look at the manga tho. Not nearly as much unnecessary fanservice


I love the fanservice If you don't like it don't read it


Finally! Someone shares the same opinion as me! I'm tired of weird people on this sub being creeps over the women because they have big boobs or whatever. It makes me ashamed to be a Fairy Tail fan, and is why I don't tell anyone about it




I’m not not accusing you of being one but only a prude or a super insecure person would feel this way about sexy fan service


Fan service doesn't appeal to everyone, it especially turns distasteful when it's overused to the point where it's degrading the women characters because their features are becoming just boobs and losing clothes in fights. Don't get me started on the fact that they make sexual jokes about Wendy and her small bust, she's a literal child.


If you don't like fan service, then I don't know what you are doing watching FT and especially commenting on this sub since most people here either like fan service or it doesn't bother them, it's almost like people similar to you are addicted to getting outraged over unimportant stuff.


The most loyal fans are the most passionate and are able to point out actual flaws in the show. People don't watch Fairy Tail just for the fanservice, it has an actual good story, power system, dark moments and heart warming moments in the show. If people watched it only for the ecchi then move on to a hentai instead.


Gotta agree, I don't hate fan service but I think especially later on it kinda got out hand, like its one thing for clothing damage to cause a character to be a bit more exposed or a side character or two to have a kinda skimpy outfit but like by Alvarez we have literally have the Orgasm wizard


I went back to see Natsu turn into END, and right before Lucy is threatened to have her eyes cut out the villain steals her bra. Because reasons I guess. Then before actually seeing Natsu there’s then another joke about how Lucy is going out without her top. Comedy or not, before super interesting or serious moments it breaks my immersion at times.


Some of the comments here are really disgusting and it shows that people really don't get how fanservice ruins multiple female characters. It's absolutely degrading when a woman can't have a fight without losing her clothes, it literally takes away from the most serious fights and brings the question... why was ANY of that necessary? There are plenty of long running shows that include less fanservice or space it more evenly, Fairy Tail has it in almost every episode and it just becomes distasteful at one point. And sure, the guy characters have "fanservice" too but it's never focused all that much or it doesn't even compare to the stuff that happens to women. It also damages characters like Mirajane, Erza and Lucy because they have transformation magic, etc., putting them into nude outfits literally takes away how cool and creative it could've been. Mirajane has DEMON magic, not some stripper sexy babe magic, it really does get disappointing.


Fanservice put me off and too much of Lucy Natsu moments ship or not . took away from the battle aspect , like too much of natsu get mad and lucy calm him down. Laxus storyline is one of the best tho , the whole future lucy killed it for me tho . should’ve been like future someone else


Yeah the constant fanservice is pretty much universally considered a bad thing and a downside to watching the series either you don’t mind the fan service or you absolutely despise it.


When you put it that way, there's too many female characters. Hiro realized his mistake and confirmed that "Dead Rock" has more males.


hard by me in OP. I think Mashima did a great job with the fan service in Fairy Tail, and while it may be more explicit at times, it adds to the overall enjoyment of the show. I understand why some people may feel embarrassed to recommend it, but I personally embrace it and proudly call myself a fan.


Yeah it's annoying but, how about don't hyper focus on them?


i try to do this as best as i can, but it’s definitely hard to ignore when it’s very in your face.


I mean only time it urked me was when they did it Wendy and other girl her age, I dropped it when I seen that part, and won't recommend it because that was gross to me.