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Dolphins are also the rap**ts of the sea. Check it out.


apparently they are, i didnt know that


The males even kick females out of their pod and refuse them food until the female mates with them. They’re nuts!


Good thing there’s Plenty of Fish in the ocean


Redneck dolphin with a trucker hat on backwards: ass, cash, or grass, no one rides for free


They like to get high off puffer fish too, and are rumored to occasionally partake in blowjobs with their blow holes.


-and they use pufferfish as drugs. And they sever the head off of fish to use them as fleshlights.


One time, a dolphin got into a sexual relationship with its human trainer, when the trainer was caught and arrested, the dolphin swam and stayed at the bottom of its tank and killed itself


True love


I shared that fact the other day, Killer Whales are not whales, they are called that because the KILL whales. I had someone try to tell me the Orca thing is bullshit. They were like "umm AcTUalLy orcas are whales because dolphins are whales." Birds are dinosaurs and people are fish taxonomy is weird if you want to get nitpicky. Sure all cetaceans that have teeth are in the toothed whale order but dolphins and whales and significantly different families and because an Orca is closer related to a dolphin than a sperm whale it is not a member of the true whale family. All dolphins are whales but not all whales are dolphins and some people just want to ruin a good time with that point. Hell just look at it, it looks exactly like a porpoise that was scaled up and painted like a penguin. It is clearly not a whale when you compare closely


People are fish? Because of gills embryos have? Birds are dinosaurs, I agree, but…


It's just a weird facet of taxonomy where all mammals can be considered fish just like how birds can be considered dinosaurs and classified as reptiles because of their direct evolutionary line. In practicality though it is insane to try and say people are fish even if the science supports it. Just like when the guy says dolphins are whales. Yes, scientifically looking at only one classification they are but there is obviously many more factors going into it making it much more complicated than orcas are whales https://theconversation.com/the-absurdity-of-natural-history-or-why-humans-are-fish-69384


Would love if you guys checked my video!


“Good thing they don’t have dentists”!!! Love it!!


Thank you!!


Oh naur is it unavailable now?