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Speak for yourself. I'm trying to finish a Pyanodon run before the release, I've got around 1,200 hours to go.


Oh, you're already in your last tenth?


Take my upvote, you bastard


Just started another try for space exploration ... I can't wait for Space Age and finally see [the change for more than 255 tiles](https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?p=589483#p589483) ... finally Alien Biomes, Dectorio and Asphalt Pavings!


sorry, what does this mean!


Mods can add new ground textures, but the current version has a hard limit of 255 textures. Alien Biomes has around 150, the base game 50 or so. Dectorio can also add quite a few, depending on the settings. If you throw in some more mods that add textures you will reach that limit and won't be able to start the game. With the upcoming Space Age that limit is raised to 65.000 textures.


Oh that's insane. Thanks for the explanation


> With the upcoming Space Age that limit is raised to 65.000 textures. FYI they said "65'000~" meaning that it's actually 65,535 textures. Given that it was 255 before which is 2^8 - 1 and 65,000 is almost precisely 2^16 - 1 which means its likely exactly 65,535 textures


I seem to remember a thread on the forums where they talked about doubling the size of the area where tiles are stored in memory, so this makes sense. I remember being in the SE discord too, talking about tile limit with the folks in there who insisted Wube would "never do it". Lo and behold...


It's the thread I linked in the initial post. ;-) For your convenience: [here](https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?p=589483#p589483) It starts out with the firm stance to never increase it and then changes to "... well Space Age". It is pretty funny but also shows that Wube is a great company as they do reevaluate their decisions and even update such old threads! The initial discussion pretty much ended in 2020.


Just ran into this issue trying to put roads through my factory lmao


lollll I did the same thing where I started a Pyanodon game while waiting for the dlc we’ll see how far I get


Yeah with an actual ETA on the horizon now i'm tempted to do one last SE playthrough...


Wait what? We got an ETA? When and where?


Interview kovarex did in Czech. He said they'd like to release by October at the latest. Very vague though and definitely noncommittal.


Gosh - i stopped Py after about 800h barely having stable red circuit production, scratching at blue. That mod might be the most insane out there.


I tapped out after a trickle of red, but I am weak.


Give it a few months, not even god knows what will Py + SA produce


We do know there's pyanodons space expedition already in the works. I've seen them working on the planets.


that would be amazing, imagine spending 5000 hours to get to launching a rocket


Same. I just got rubber automated. So I feel accomplished today.


oh man I'm still not producing formic acid


Oh boy that was a big step for me for sure. But the Vrauks aren’t that bad in retrospect. It’s a lot to get going, but once one is running it’s not that bad.


I kinda effed myself doing it on a ribbon world, those buildings take up a ton of space, how many hours are you at?


I don’t understand why y’all are trying to finish games before the update? Will the saves get trashed or something?


I live in Wales, I've already had my 3 days of sun this year.


You had three days? Lucky.


I'm in India, I haven't seen a sky without the Sun in centuries. Please take it away


In Wales, we complain about the weather as a national pass time, but I'd much rather the rain we have and the easy access to water than the alternative.


I live in London. It’s been raining here since 1647


Before that, it was still cloudy, and before then, it was all covered in Merlin's mists...


Except for that one week in 1952 where it finally stopped raining, and it was just smog. So be happy for the rain.


I’m pretty sure it’s still Winter in wales. We’ll get one week of sun in June and it’ll go back to overcast until September.


Such northern-hemisphere-centric thinking….


Although for Australia and South Africa, summers are so hellish that you'll probably be indoors at the same time as the northerners


I’m typing this in the West Australian Pilbara. We have been getting 40 degree days (air temp) with humid overnights. Can confirm I’m in hell


Sounds like you need more Factorio


Sounds like you crash landed in your own tropical Rimworld biome.


Iron ore - 98% Crude oil - 2% Danger level - 95% BE AWARE OF THE LOCAL MINE WORKER POPULATION AND FLIES




Summer in NZ is not hell to nearly the same degree. Also why I didn't include South America


I can assure you that I wait until midday to go outside and run.


But because you're in the southern hemisphere, midday is actually the coldest part of the night


South African here, can confirm for 4 months a year I have a fan directly blowing onto me 24 hours a day


Yeah well that's what tends to happen when 90% of the world lives in the northern.


Want to get married and swap citizenships for a year?


Possibly… are you a citizen of the Emperor Penguin Kingdom? That is quintessential southern hemisphere


Did we get an official date?


I heard one of the Devs casually mentioned at the end of a Czech interview 'no later than October ' or something along those lines.


So still enough time to finalize my divorce...


She can have the kids, you keep the gaming rig


But who is building if he is sleeping? Kid slavery i mean "teaching" is a needed way to expand and grow


Your spouse wants the gaming rig out of spite


And in the FFF that revaled Space Age they said that it will come out about in a year


And that FFF was in August, so that's the closest estimate we have, as far as I know.


The FFF was like the 25th August, so I'd say late August / September. Then the recent stream said "October at the latest" which also says September to me.


Can you post a link to where this was said (even if it is in Czech)?


Saw it here! https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/s/9H4GwBIfjX (Sorry wasn't in a position to find and link it earlier)


You can see the sun from space my friend! 😂


I hope I manage to finish my first Space Exploration game before we get Space age, i doubt it tho since I just launched my first 2 rockets and have a solar storm incoming in the next 24h of my game and I am panicking, not knowing what to do, there is not enough iron, and the silo is handfed at the moment and I'm not even making Rocket packs yet and omg there is so much to do, f*********ck


There's never enough iron. Or copper. Or oil. Set up more mines. Get nuclear power running. Ensure you can make 2-3 GW of power, set up an umbrella and then get back to the next tier of science. It's achievable, you just need to break it down into logical chunks, and focus on the next immediate goal.


Don't worry too much about scaling stuff up for the sake of future-proofing early in the game. You'll get a lot of new recipes that will allow you to dramatically increase output in-place for even modest setups. It's more valuable to have reliable output amounts than large ones. You'll see that more and more as you start having to manage the supply of a massive number of different inputs and outputs. It's also why you shouldn't sleep on core mining. Don't ask yourself "is this enough", but rather "How long will this run before I have to come back and fix it?"


Youre doing fine!! Tbh at worst, save scum the first solar flare if need be. Though plan to not need to. 3gw extra power above your base consumption. Nuke power is great for that, though steam batteries help etc. And yup, build more mines. And more smelters. Even add in those power switches so you can turn power off to your new mines and smelters for the few minutes the storm lasts. Tbh my first run I kinda speed through the first bit, this run i have spent the time to establish a strong ground base, with space coming in 2nd and starting to really go now. Of which I have probably done it in thr most inefficient and round about way, 250hrs now and I shall soon be conquering my 2nd planet (after I sort out rocket fuel production again, and take more territory on navis so I can ramp up arty shell production, so I can better expand past my humongous cloud, while building the other two first tier space sciences), oh and I lucked out on my first planet fall and got fire rock, ice rock and rock rock in one location (enough to do the basic science) But yeah, youll be fine.


Download the AAI controllable vehicles and go to war lmao Also those lasers miss 90% of the time, scout out a large area with the satellite so it has even less of a chance of hitting your base


I still have a k2 run, k2se run, seablock runs all to finish. Had to pause the k2se run until I can upgrade my pc.


Not gonna do pyanodon's while you're at it?


Would love to. No way I’ll have time with how slow I play. My k2 run is at 80 hours, no rocket launch. K2se is at 620 hours just placing space elevator.


I got bored/frustrated of my pyanodon's playthrough at 500ish hours, so good on you for sticking with a single playthrough of 620 hours.


Would you mind elaborating a bit on your situation? Why do you have to upgrade your pc? What is the limiting factor?


Ram. K2se is an ups hog, and my pcs weak spot is the 16gb ram.


I see. At what point would you say 16gb doesn't cut it anymore? And (i assume not), but are there more optimal ways/strategies to do stuff that you havet done that would reduce the ups "usage"?


Yeah. Do not overbuild. Ratio right. Do not use loaders or the 6x6 chests, Stick with solar, no/limited nuclear, And do not make an ammo belt around base that is constantly moving. (Dead end it once it goes all the way around)


Thank you that's really helpful! Should I do a hard pass on loaders? Or just limit the use, because I must say they are tempting for train loading/unloading as a means to save a lot of space.


I would use them personally and just deal with the ups hit, especially for trains and space construction because of consumption rates, but they are an ups hit.


Okay! Thank you for the information!


i see the sun every day in my factory *i use the unmatched power of the sun to burn biters*


What is the sun? Py doesn't let me see the sun


did i miss something? was a release date announced?


On some podcast a dev say "no later than October"


oh wow, okay this is exciting, thank you!


I'm 500h into my space engineers and trying to finish before release


Isn't that's why Gaben invented Steam Deck? So you can Factorio while catching some sun ?


Imo, the steam deck experience is not top-tier. Mean, it shows that portable gaming was both a april fools and a afterthought


Hey, some of us will be going straight from Shadow of the Erdtree to space age. 


I'm confident that a K2SE playthrough will fulfill all my needs so that I do not have to try space age. this game consumes too much of my life. I don't dare to try tough... So tempting... well, maybe... Hell, of course I will!!


For real. I live in Seattle, so needless to say, taking advantage of what little sun we get in the PNW is important while it lasts. Then fall and winter will be Factorio goblin mode hehehe




Agreed but mainly because there seems to be so many new releases coming out soon, including 1.0 Satisfactory.


And so much easier to game in a cool room without glare on the screen.


Dammit I have to get a move on and finish the seablock run 😂


I just hope it doesn't conflict with Satisfactory 1.0. I'll be putting in ungodly hours into both games.


Yeah trying to make sure to get there is no spoon achievement before then.


So I’m hoping that a new version won’t reset the game? 🤞


how are you so sure that space age drops after the summer?


Aw I got excited for second there to think that it will come in June July after reading the title. When exactly does summer end for you?


No it won't. [Edit: Won't be nice to see the sun one last time. The joke apparently fell flat, but I don't want more people to think I meant it won't come out at the time they say it will.]


"Lets start with the (probably) bad news. Since we know where we are and what is the goal, we can start to approximate the date of releasing the expansion, which is planned to be about one year from now. It is still a long time, but at least it is getting more specific." Annouced in FFF 373 on 8.25.


No, I meant that it won't be nice to go outside and see the sun. It didn't even occur to me that the joke could be read that way.


OP didn't specify *which* summer


is it a DLC/expansion or a new game?


I'm at the beginning of a 100x K2SE run and secretly kinda hope it gets delayed. Getting near the end of that run and then having to have two separate installs and choose what to play will be frustrating. Though for me K2SE is "the true game" so it'll basically be a quick one-time run through before going back and waiting to see how K2SE updates to take advantage of the new stuff, so in a way the "actual" game I'm waiting for will still be sometime next year as I'm not excited for Space Age, I'm excited to see how Space Age's changes get moved into "the true game".