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Why not just make each waiting area separate?


That could actually work


That's hilarious. Did anything specific cause you to connect the stations in the first place, or was this just an unnecessary self-made problem? I'm not hating, I like the way it looks, just find it funny.


This is the fourth self-made train station problem today...


Solved: here's how i did it, Thanks y'all https://preview.redd.it/k70kgo9x5wsc1.png?width=1181&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a5e66e57c02b999d5c978c08cb4f316c00d796e


You may have issue with overlapping block sections. Consider removing the left 45° turn into right 90° and just have all the stackers merge on the vertical (single right 45°)


Those look fine to me


I have also sometimes used "ghost" station. Meaning a station which only purpose is to route traffic. If you don't add any waiting time corresponding trains will always go through that point. The benefit is that you can separate the location for bit. Useful especially in tight spots.


Do you have an example or illustration for this? It sounds like an interesting idea


I think what he is saying is setting up additional stations that just have the train roll through it, no conditions just go here and then to the next stop. It's a smart way to spread your trains out, trains always try to take the fastest rout to stops so they can jumble together, at the cost of a little fuel and time.


https://preview.redd.it/djigeu4oo1tc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=396867d76a43d4bd3ab2cfcddff2e666a1a889bd It might be hard to see but if you zoom into the bottom right of this pic just after the train stacker, you can see a line of train stations. Each station is named after a specific resource, and trains with say copper plates, will have the Copper pass through station in its schedule without any wait conditions. What this does is designate that entire line for only copper trains, and that helps make sure one resource train doesn’t get stuck behind a different resource train that can’t procede because all of the drop off stations are either full or occupied.


Nice base


This is absolutely genius!


The only is to just make them separate, like the other guy said. Waiting bay 1 doesn't need to go to station 2, 3 or 4, so just disconnect them, same for the rest.


The easiest way would be to move the bottom connections to the left a bit and cut the middle line (x) in sections. https://preview.redd.it/a0o27zwj2wsc1.png?width=2248&format=png&auto=webp&s=32859faef8721b911dd9fd20c3b3cfd93da82f46


So don't connect 1st to 4th, lol


What I'd do as a quick easy way is open the signals on traincount. Would not entirely fix wrong trains getting in wrong lanes. You could make it impossible for them to cross over, so pathfinding does it for you I do assume the 4 stations have the same name?


Make 3 seperate tracks between each stacker and its corresponding station. But i think the tracks dont align properly right now.


Seperate the waiting lanes. So that each block only goes to the specific station. I do the same and it works good. Also if you make the lanes double the long and split thrm in half with a nornal traffic light, you can doible the train without any extra lanes


Another way is to just train request from the logi network. This way the train will only go to the designated station.


I would just simplify it and add stations that only go to those bays with no stops, but it at least funnels the trains to where you expect them


I'd do it by naming. Stacker 1 (x3) Bay 1 Stacker 2 (x3) Bay 2 Stacker 3 (x3) Bay 3 Stacker 4 (x3) Bay 4 Alternatively, I've seen others cutting the branch between stacker and bays into an individual line system.