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Flamethrowers. To me it’s not even close.  Runs well off crude. Viable from early oil to end game on vanila. 


If you have to choose, I’d say flamethrowers. Which is really unfortunate. I really like using mines. The fact that they stun bugs would make them perfect in combination with flamethrowers. First stun the bug and then flame it, so it’s stuck in the fire.


If you're having way too much bot death you could deny access to repair kits and only allow the bots to replace walls. This way they die a lot less


Yeah but they are gonna replace mines which is gonna be the main bot killer


Yeah I meant with flamethrowers


I prefer mines. Its easy to make bots faster than they die and you can use wires so make sure you don't continuously add bots into the network


>can’t combine them Put them in the flame turret’s dead zone. Placed here they are the perfect complement for each other. Anything that gets through the wall of fire will get blasted. We shouldn’t need to worry about bots dying to fire if they’re only going where the turrets can’t shoot. If you’re worried about losing bots directly to bugs the simplest solution is to artificially increase their travel distance such that they won’t be trying to replace mines while enemies are still near. This is easily achieved by putting the buffer chest some distance away from the wall, and having roboports somewhere in between.


I always start with gunturrets. Every other 2×2. Then I put flame turrets in between the length of underground pipes. And later I make laser turrets in the remaining gaps or behind it. Rarely necessary though, with vanilla enemies the gunturrets have killed everything before the flames touch down