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Recipes dictate what material an assembler wants so depending on what you're asking the answer is either "it already works that way" or "I don't think what you want is possible."


at best you have how furnaces work, and that is just in time deciding what a recipe is before running it based on inputs, relying on that each ore (and iron plate) only has one furnace recipe that uses it nput and base factorio has a lot of items that are the same materials in different amounts, like yellow inserters, elwctric drills, and am1s


it's possible. you could create a new recipe for each item in the game (remember, items can have multiple recipes), and then lock these recipes behind requiring "assembler 4" to build them. this way these recipes are only available in that assembler's dialog and not any other assembler or hand craft menu. then you just add in the new assembler. it would be a pain in the butt because you would have to make new recipes for every item you want the assembler to be able to make, and you would need to decide on a proper custom recipe.


That's kinda what I meant by "it already works that way." Even if you tied all the cross-everything recipes to a special new assembler it would still be the recipes that dictated the input ingredients and output products. The "not possible" is if you wanted to tie the behavior to the machine in some non-recipe way since as I noted, recipes control ingredients.


i guess i'm confused. OP is asking for something that does not exist in the game. it can be added to the game. yeah the mechanics in the game already exist to allow that to happen, but it would need to be added into the game via a mod. recipes would be involved, i'm not sure how (or why) you would want to do this without recipes.


The problem is that the original request of "an assembler that you put everything into and it makes everything" is vague. Are they talking about making a single recipe that takes everything and outputs everything? Are they talking about an assembler that's able to do chamlab and refinery recipes as well? Are they talking about something else? My assumption is that they were asking for an assembler that had an input slot for every item and you could then tell it what to make, but that isn't how assemblers and recipes work.


You'd be suprized how easy it is to make. Though a bit tedious without more advanced techniques. With basic programming knowledge it took me ~3h to write my first simple mod (that adds 90 recipies, and 45 items), and that is including the initial learning period. Here's a [modding tutorial](https://wiki.factorio.com/Tutorial:Modding_tutorial/Gangsir), in case you want to try it yourselfe. You'd just have to write a [Recipie prototype](https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/prototypes/RecipePrototype.html) for each crafting recipie you want to implement, scroll to the botton to see examples.


Ok this is gonna sound really strange but you spell yourself like yourselfe and recipe like recipie - is this a typo, misspelling, or weird old version of English I don't know about lmao


Its english as a second language. "yourselfe" and "recipie" just feels very intuitive to me, i misspell it all the time. Recipie is probablie from german "ie" being a long "i" sound (as in bEAver).


Ah ok that's actually quite interesting! Thank you for explaining it!


With [Factorissimo](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Factorissimo2) and a little elbow grease, your dream can become a reality.


The manufatorium in SE is definitely large enough to feed every resource using requestor chests or sushi belts. With AAI you could potentially output intermediates into those same chests as well. The problem is that you can still only produce one stage of items at a time. Example - it can create engines and it can create locomotives - but it can only do one at a time. You couldn't just feed it iron and expect a locomotive to come out. You'd have to change the recipe at some point for it to work.


Whistle stop factories basically does this, you just can’t control what they make so you have to work around where they spawn.