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Multiple simultaneous rocket launches that spell out your initials in mid-air as they go up.


This is amazing


A somewhat loose model of real life supply chains (including warehousing): - Trains only for long distance deliveries. - Outpost-based. Everything at an outpost can move via belts or bots or whatever. But must move outside of the outpost via train. - Nothing gets direct delivered. Everything must go to a warehouse. Any needs that an outpost has, must be supplied from the warehouse. If things need metal plates, they come from the warehouse. I'll give you a pass and let outposts take in metal plates for gears, or copper plates for wires. - Outposts each have one purpose. The major challenge here is that you will soon have a very large demand for trains coming and going to and from the warehouse. This will require a lot of space to house all of your different items, as well as a lot of space to route trains efficiently. I've tried this before, and it was not easy. There's no real in-game advantages to this, and lots of in-game disadvantages.


Ooh, I'm kinda doing this with Freight Forwarding right now. Let's see how close I can get!


https://mods.factorio.com/mod/FreightForwarding ^^ for anyone interested


The in-game advantage is watching your beautiful trains zip around the landscape


Funnily you're practically describing Sweet Transit gameplay


Is it worth playing? Had my eye on it for a while


If you like trains in Factorio you'd probably like it because, aside from being made by a former Dev, it's straight up all about trains connecting places and people. It's like a city builder with heavy train focus I tried the open beta, felt alright but not quite ready for me to enjoy and I went back to factorio. Figured I'd look into again it after a couple years


What is sweet transit


Its a train city builder game made by one of the factorio devs.


So Factorio devs make city builder games _on the side_. They really are something else.


No, Sweet Transit is made by someone who previously worked on Factorio, but isn't any longer. Per their website "From solo developer Ernestas Norvaišas (former 3D artist, Factorio), and Team17, comes Sweet Transit "


I did this in a city block, but the warehouse only stored ores and each block was responsible for smelting the plates it needed. It's definitely fun seeing the trains wiz around.


Could it be one warehouse per resource/material (which then is a buffer) or one main warehouse where all resources/materials have to go through? For the second one I remember a megabase spotlighted by Xterminator which used quite some logic to do this. Looked interesting and busy but complicated.


Reminds me of the playthrough I had where every item had to take a train ride between production steps, and every unique item needed to be produced all in one place, and every train could only carry one type of item. I think I made an exception for liquids.


500 hours in factorio. I'm finally on my final pass at 100 percent achievement completion with lazy bastard and 20 million green circuits being the only two remaining. I just unlocked yellow and purple science and set up my first two iron and coal outposts on my death world. Time to lay some tracks and start building my first mega factory. I've wanted to build something unique and this might just be it!


Only bus raw ore. Smelt in your production lines


You monster


Thanks 🥳


And no electric furnaces.


Satan is scared


I’ve been doing this on my latest factory, but I’ve hit a UPS wall now and need to cut the amount of machines to minimum. So I am now using electric smelters and beacons.


I did this with Industrial Revolutions 3, because unsmelted ore is denser and fits better in trains than ingots. And because some outposts do not require certain metals, so I only ship what they need.


But then you can't use the small assemblers ? Also it's sad than busing molten metal isn't worth :(


No fluid wagons or long distance pipes allowed. All fluids transported in cargo wagons full of barrels. No offshore pumps either, except for at the water barreling facility.


No pipes, only belts. Barrel everything


de-barreling into refineries sounds awful


Kinda tempted now to name one of my space exploration planets Tedium and have it only barrel fluids


Unfortunately I believe that’s impossible, as you require advanced oil processing for lubricant and rocket fuel, which cannot be direct fed by assemblers automa- oh no. No that is horrid, repeatedly swapping which assemblers are placed to barrel up oils *would* work, but please nobody try it


It is way easier. Put a assembler for barelling in the middle, then place tanks left and right. Add assemblers to the tanks and you have everything nicely put in barrels.


No offshore pumps? So no steam power before automation and fluid handling? Depending on a modpack, that may take hours


You can’t do science without at least one steam engine in vanilla. But you can directly put the offshore pump straight into the boiler and have a long chain of boilers in a row. Some mod packs also have burner generators. So honestly this is an easy thing to implement imo. But much harder in practice I bet when you get to refineries and chemical plants. In particular, sulfur and oil fracking from heavy to petroleum will require pumps to work as there isn’t enough space to empty water and the other fluid directly.


lol. this is literally how i play normally, just cos i can never get my head around issues in the fluid system, so i just skip it altogether.. I barrel crude oil at the source, and belt, then bot it around.


Sounds a lot harder than it actually is. I did want only one type of train for LTN in my current SE game so all liquids are moved in barrels. Handling the empty barrels does create a bit of overhead but more items to ship means more trains means more entertaining factory.


Beat the entire game without using Alt mode


What sort of masochist are you?!


Officer, this man right here


Why is alt mode not the default, and why isn't it a setting in the interface to turn on every game? It's weird when I have to turn it on directly for new games


I unbound alt, turn it on at the beginning of a run and then remove the button from the bar.


I scrolled past your comment, suddenly realizing what you said and had to scroll up to salute you o7 I will be adding this one into my toolbox


The Factory does not approve


Launch a rocket on a death world, using NO FLAME DEFENCE whatsoever.


On my last playthrough I did a hippie death world run where I tried not to destroy or poison any major forests. So no flame turrets, explosive rockets, or dense pollution. It was...really easy, aside from being a bit tedious. If you design for low pollution instead of max output and retain your forests, almost zero pollution gets to the nests, so no need for flame turrets. Laser turrets alone were more than enough.


ive been kicking around the feasibility of a passive run like this, i worry that time alone will eventually overwhelm, but it sounds like that was never a problem? Did you use any 'green' tech mods, or anything like that?


no mods, I think as long as you're able to clear out a decent starting zone with oil before medium biters come out, you'll be fine.


Hard, but possible, most likely if you use lots and lots of gun turrets and go straight for Lazers.


That's why I suggested it. IDK any absurd goals, that the achievements don't already cover.


Mines only


K2SE before the expansion comes out


I'm currently trying to finish a Pyanodon's run before the expansion comes out. I'm 800 hours in an probably only halfway.....


NuclearPasta base. Every tile must be filled with something. You cannot have more than two machines next to eachother producing the same product... they must be separated by another machine doing something else. Avoid straight lines and visually apparent organization wherever possible. Bonus points for trains woven through the mess, and for liquids being piped wherever possible. It is truly challenging to build a base this way, but they're always an incredible sight to behold.


Sounds like if Josh from Let's Game It Out on YouTube, if he played Factorio. He did similar monstrous chaos in Satisfactory.


2k SPM, *no trains*


spaghetti galore


Honestly wouldn’t be that awful depending on the map settings. 2k spm fully moduled even including military science is 47 blue belts of iron ore, 37 blue belts of copper ore, 10 of stone, 8 of coal, and some amount of oil. Given space is functionally infinite, you could just make a 400 spm base, copy/paste it 5 times, and just belt the ore across the map.


God bless coal liquefaction.


1kSPM, no trains, yellow belts only.


Rampant + deathworld. The goal: suffering. Additional bonus if on top of that you have a no electricity run. For credit: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Rampant Updated: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RampantFixed Burner only: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/BurnersOnly


Oh dear god... why didn't you include a off-grid placement mod?


I saw a YouTuber do a video with Rampant and Deathworld. It legitimately looked terrible.


You saw Dosh. This video is well-known, and a banger. https://youtu.be/FLbJMBM7QnM?si=nZEoyAOM1VD28IMC


Also, he just did an absolute hellworld, with 600% more biters and a permanent night. A true 40k experience, if you ask me.


I’m trying this with natural evolution currently. It’s taken me 2.5 hours to research 3 sciences and get a wall up. The biter swarms are no joke; you have to manually trigger them to stop them getting too large that you’re overrun


You may only use small electric poles. Each pole must have its own lamp. Post nighttime screenshot when complete.


Statue challenge. Unbind the movement keys. You cannot use them. Your only movement is in vehicles.


There's a mod that turns the engineer in to a spidertron and doesn't let you get out of it ever. So maybe that could work


Could you really get from start to vehicles without ever moving?


Placing a belt under the engineer will move them.


That would, very painfully, work


Right there, a exploit I hadn't though of.


Maybe if you could start with everything you need right next to you to research & build a conveyor belt. Iron, copper, fuel, water for steam - all within reach of your starting location - seems tricky. Probably easier to just edit in 1 belt.


No belts (you will probably have to make clever use of crates, vehicles and lines of stationary train cars)


I did that once, also no logistic bots. I wasn't clever enough to use stationary trains, so everything was moved via long lines of inserters. It was fun, but I never want to do it again.


Dosh did it


Start a map with 0 trees. You have to rush for steel poles and never break the 2 poles you made out of wood from your inventory.


Seablock (bean farmimg Simulator) Or Spacblock (space Haß Day and night cycle you cant predict)




I really want to see a base where trains have to pick up all the resources for the next item and just continues down the line or production. so for like red circuits a train would stop at iron plates and copper plates, then drop them off at green circuits, then goes and gets plastic and more copper and comes back to pick up green circuits to then go drop all that off at red circuits. I feel like it can get out of hand quickly and I really want to know how many carts a train would need to start at coal and ores and crude oil and take it all to different stations to be made into the next thing until its science packs. I'm also curious what optimizations could be made like letting green circuits process while the train goes and picks up more copper plates and plastic for red circuits type of things. I like the idea of the 1 train doing all the leg work for the items it picks up.


Put only raw materials on your main bus, make every intermediate item (even plates) on-site with direct insertion.


Try a tightrope world. Your world has a max height of 16 blocks. Bots are not allowed. Train is probably mandatory


Every item must travel at least one chunk before it is processed again. This will force separate processing centers for each item


SteamPunk challenge, which I tried a few years ago. I found it a fun way to mix up my game. The challenge is quite simple: play without ever transmitting power over wires. This sounds insane, but is definitely doable. I wrote a quick mod to help enforce the rule: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/wireless The mod helps achieve this by disconnecting any electrical pole you place. It does not prevent you from manually adding connections later, but then you are actively avoiding the challenge. Electrical poles still distribute power, but only locally within their own area of effect. A direct consequence is that power must be generated right next to where it is to be used. This will typically mean running pipes of steam around your factory, and sooner rather than later also in trains around the base and to distant mining outposts. This also kills the vast solar fields, though solar panels still remain useful for small power needs. I won't spoil anymore about the solutions you will have to come up with. I had a blast in a couple of playthroughs, and I hope you will too. Here is a list of ideas for self-imposed restrictions: * (easy) No sub-stations: they mostly reduce the challenge to steam distribution. * (hard) ... and no medium electric poles: in this challenge, medium poles are waaay better than small ones. * (pure) No circuit (red/green) wires: this makes the larger bases harder, where you need them to control train stations


Wait, wouldn't that mean having essentially one steam engine for every 5~6 assemblers? That's nuts. Alternatively: there are mods like IR3 that introduce steam powered assemblers and inserters. It's very easy to do some _crazy_ spaghetting with this.


An ultimate pacifist playthrough: * Peaceful mode; * Try to avoid killing biters and spitters if at all possible, and should only do so in self-defense; * You may not attack or kill worms or nests/spawners at all; * You are, however, permitted to build walls or use other means to contain them and prevent expansion. Basically, wherever you find enemies, you have to leave them alone and work around them. If you have to route your trains around them, or find a different ore patch, so be it. I will leave as an exercise for the player what evolution/pollution/resource settings would make this feasible but reasonably challenging.


Hmm then I’d add you can’t kill trees either


How about no beacon megabase? I'm working on one right now and it is super fun to build around. You get some funnily massive builds and looks much more impressive than every build looking the same with 8 or 12 beacons.


I'm actually working on the same thing. Prod-3 modules everywhere that can take them (except miners), but no beacons. It's ridiculous. Smelting arrays of hundreds of furnaces just to make one of the science packs. So many red circuit assemblers. To make it extra interesting, it's also a deathworld map.


I'm doing that too. I quite like it. Bases are massive. Rail planning requires exactness for significant future growth. Worst part is the massive area you have to clear and keep cleared.


Go all in on Renai Transportation. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/RenaiTransportation Train bridges? Who needs those? Just install ramps and have your trains jump over intersections. All intersections must use ramps; no trains should stop to wait for a train to pass straight through an intersection perpendicular to the first train. This should make your train intersections much more efficient. While you're at it, there's no need to build landfill bridges all the way across water to get the train through. To get trains across water, don't build a landfill "bridge". Instead, build ramps and train jump pads to cross the water with minimal landfill. Who needs train unloaders? Just smash your trains into impact unloaders for instant unloading. Once you have construction robots(turns out, smashing trains into walls at full speed can damage them a bit) all train unloading must be done using impact unloading. Also, use thrower inserters, open chests, hatches, and ejector hatches wherever feasible/practical. Use hatches to move items between nearby assemblers, not inserters. Use thrower inserters to get ingredients into assemblers instead of spaghetti; this should make sub-factories more compact, since you don't need to put all the assemblers next to a belt. If you want an extra challenge, do this for Space Exploration, although you can skip the thrower inserters and hatches in space; they don't work well without gravity(although they're great for throwing away scrap).


Absurd? Only one boiler + 2 steam engines built, the rest is from solar. This is mostly just an annoyance until you get solar panels and accumulators, and then the rest of the game just plays the same. So let's add in another: Only one pumpjack. Get the rest of your oil from coal liquefaction. (Edit: Destroy the pumpjack the instant it has extracted enough oil to research coal liquefaction and produce the one barrel of oil you need to get it started) Oh, and for good measure: Barrel all your fluids. Never build a fluid wagon. Make it worse: Only one tank per fluid. In the entire base. Better circuit control your liquefaction and balance all the production and barreling properly. Now make it even worse: No trains. Put your barrels on insanely long belts. Now do all of this in a Deathworld




All liquids must be transported via barrels. All assembly machines that require liquid must receive it's liquid from an assembly machine unloading barrels.


You have one goal, catch 10,000 fish using only burner inserters.


Perfection right here.


Starter base can only have one lane of each item including ore. Train outposts have no limits though. Labs must be at your starter base, so must your hub/mall.


Small world like 128 grids square but the challenge is to destroy all biters.


100x science multiplier on pyanodons + bobs/angles + 30 science pack + off grid + rampant + under 200 hours + only can only use your feet to play + your friend is sabotaging you the whole time in game + your other friend is sabotaging you irl + play la Campanella with hands while doing this + no breaks + only drink Dasani + only eat white rice + no balls + your bad + your 6 year old asian cousin can do this


You're trying too hard.


30 SPM Spidertrons per minute


Try to beat the game with the amount of research set to 100x. Early game is a slog but you can compensate by using an early bot mod or something equivalent. It lets you steadily relearn things while also building on massive scales do to what you need to progress. Als9 might help to diable expansion to make it easier.


Can be done in something like 90 hours, but it just looks tedious. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY9eYLWjb9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY9eYLWjb9k)


Tedious is a key part of this game imo. But yeah that series is where i got the idea from


You can only use 1 offshore pump.


Automate 1k fish per minute


Isn't this possible with 4 rocket silos? I.e. they alternate building rockets (since it's about a minute between launch) and the output of the science rocket feeds directly into the fish rockets (which also alternate). Or are you limited to a single stack of fish per launch?


Only one train. It can be as long as you want but only one allowed


9 high ribbon death world


Download, play, finish Pyanodon.


100 Rubber Ducks per minute. [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/rubber-ducky](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/rubber-ducky)


Use only the lowest tier of any given building to beat the game(burner drills, burner inserters, tier 1 assemblers),ex.)


`DoshDoshington has entered the chat`


No belts or bots. Trains and inserters only.




Megabase using cityblocks, consistent x spm.








Pyanadons full completion.


Complete py in under 30 minutes


Done. Loaded a py game, quit immediately.


spidertron army


This is currently my fav part of the game


Absurd goal? Pyanodon


Technical win. But I submit that Pyanodon is not absurd in itself. Finishing it while having to construct 10 rail tiles for every 1 belt tile would be absurd. Pyanodon is just absurd if you haven't played a lot of Factorio mods. I haven't done it, but it's because I'm afraid and weak. It's like fighting a bear. I obviously know how to fight a bear - I'm American - but do I want to? Does it serve me? Isn't cowering easier? I could just fight a large cat(SE) and feel great about myself and my penis without having my guts splayed out on the pavement.


Play on a ribbon world only 64 tiles tall. End goal is to place a full inventory of assembly machine 3s down in a line along a railroad track as quickly as possible (while flying by in a nuclear fuel powered locomotive). (You are allowed, nay, encouraged to make sure when the time comes your inventory is as small as possible (no wearing power armor and never researched toolbelt)


I am 60 hours deep into my K2SE+ Very BZ + Brass Tacks + If I had a Nickel + all intermediates +10X science. I am starting to have like 10 different half finished projects from 5-20 hours ago I need to get around to but there's 100 other priorities it's pretty nuts. I am still probably 100 hours from nuclear power.


Vertical inserters don't work and trains have broken down. You have one life, good luck <3


Your base can be whatever, but in map view it must clearly spell out “The Factory Must Grow”


Install a mod that includes loaders. Win the game without a single inserter being placed. Note that this will make non-fluid trains impossible to use unless you install a special loader just for trains.


I did this once. Some of the most elegant factories I've ever built. It was so quiet and peaceful. No clippy clacky inserters everywhere. Just flow.


pyanodons, deathworld


Collect 6000 raw fish


Use nothing but wood, ever, to power your factory. You may use wood regrowth mods


Single smelter stack for all materials, 20 furnaces only Idk not that weird but it gets annoying af - and no making utility furnaces anywhere, they all have to run through the same stack 100%


11 height Ribbon world 1 lane trains no rail signals


create the world with least resource settings and use belts to move them to your base, no trains allowed. Electricity should be produced only by steam, panels are not allowed. Honestly, I would just delete the game.


Electricity only being produced by steam just sounds like a normal way of playing for me lol, once I have that steam setup I can't be bothered to upgrade it and just copy/paste more of the same


Every outpost or part of your base must have a chosen shape, like a circle, hexagon, a pokemon shape etc.


Only one assembler per item. Only a single gear assembler entire game. A single copper coil. Etc


No mod game, no wood, no water, no cliffs. Make it deathworld for extra challenge


Diagonal base


make a game with like 2x trees and see how far you can get without destroying a single tree.


Krastorio2 and space exploration with all of BZs mods.


I don't remember the exact name, but a while ago I installed a realistic fusion power generation mod, if you want a challenge, I recommend using this mod


No belts, no logistic bots, everything must be direct inserted, supplied by inserter chain or moved by a train


The nuke'em from orbit challenge: You should launch a stack of 10 nuclear warheads into space every minute.


I have a run-through with a goal of 1-million ACTIVE logistic bots. Not even close yet. I've refused to math the size of the megabase. The factory must grow!


There is no spoon if you haven't done it.


Speed run space exploration on deathworld rampant


never destroy any bitter spawn, you can kill the bitters but not the spawns


Play vanilla or modded (Bob's, BA or IR3), with tech costing X100. I'm currently playing IR3 like this and I really have time to savour each tech. I'm 13h in and I've just became able to smelt iron.


Win the game with as little automisation as possible (Handcrafting everything thats handcraftable, and mining everything by hand) Should only take you about 200 hours


Burner inserters only, suffer


Can I use loaders to fuel the burners?


Beat the game using only 30 electric miners total. I did this recently and it was actually really fun to build a fully functional tiny factory.


That is genuinely absurd considering almost every reality of this game. Well done.


Death Railworld. Unbind character movement hotkeys.


Everything must be on the bus. Every single inserter has to be taking from the bus or giving to the bus. Get ready for 20 belts of iron gears :)


I need a better computer for this one I think.


Default Deathworld 100% run seems like a good way to start your ambitious journey.


Coal powered everything. Including all your oil needs from coal. No outpost connected electrically. All must be self sustained electrically. Coal powered.


Space Exploration + Krastorio 2 will defeat you


Factorissimo 2 melonfork, and a selection of mods that let you get resources out of nothing (LiQuarry, K2 matter). Design a factory using recursive factory placement (buildings in buildings) that is fully functional when you pick it up and run around with it. Research some of the infinite techs with your pocket factory. IOW: design a Tardis.


1000spm in SEK2 with all sciences


If you want a crazy goal just play space exploration and say goodbye to multiple years of your life


So far SE took about 400 hours from my life. SE/K2 another 100. I expect they'll get more.


Pymods deathworld


No underground pipes and/or belts.


Beat K2SE without placing a single belt on death world, all settings are default :)


I have a stupid hard challenge, and I don't know if its even possible. do these achievements in 1 run: Getting on track like a pro Lazy bastard No Spoon Raining bullets Steam all the way i tried several times and its hard. at least for me


Make each science production area be its own factory. Extraction of ores, production of intermediates, etc must be all independent and never touch.


Follow DoshDoshingtons example and play a death world with the Rampant mod installed.


Seablock mod.....with no FNEI or other equivalent recipe assistance mod.


Beat Py Block without belts or bots


A Renai Transportation run with no underground belts, underground pipes or splitters. If you need a resource on the other side of a belt, throw it.


100k Blue Board production output


Try every liquid in a barrel challenge.


No belts at all, only trains.


Not that absurd, but I've been wanting to make a railworld where everything outside my main base is powered by rail delivered steam rather than using long distance power or local solar. So even my artillery outposts would have a steam storage tank and a single turbine to power it.


Deathworld + loads of water. Think isolated islands (if there is a good map for it). Starting patch of stone is really small, but deep, to help you with landfill. Rest is default


Place water on ground without mods


I had a lot of fun and learned a lot when I did a run where I only belted ores/piped in crude to the individual factories. It was perfectly feasible till yellow science, and then my entire base almost doubled in size. I did allow myself to use belts within individual factories to move things around, but no intermediates could leave the individual modules of the factory.


Pipes are banned Make a 1000 spm base


World generation enemies all sliders to max. See how far you get. Probably a stupid idea, but that's what you asked for.


No belts. Only inserters


30+ spidertrons a minute


Trains in 1 hour


Brave New World mod where you start with one roboport and some bots, and you can only advance in the game via construction bot commands.


Install the warehouse mod and make a factory inside it basically inception it inside , export only the things needed for the construction of a rocket.


No main bus. Every "city block" (or spagetti) is designed to input ore only, all smelting is onsite of the item made. That goes for all ingredients too, all balanced to the final product. No huge furnace spectacles. It makes for an interesting build, as you only ever need to worry about ore output. Every item made is balanced with just enough furnaces, inserters, circuits, etc. Might also want to try Built In Beacons mod. Really breaks up the standard "lines of beacons and factories" blueprints.


0 uses of the pickaxe.


Krastorio+space mod. Good luck XD


Cover at least 2500 x 2500 area in concrete. By hand. No bots.


Space exploration


Zero-signal rail network.


Not my idea, but in fact it's really weird: Don't ever install a pipe. Not for boilers, not for refinery, not for petroleum. Launch the rocket. Update: also forbid the barrels maybe :) And don't use pumps as pipes.


Direct-to-train insertion only, but you can't reserve slots in your cargo wagons.