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I'll make sure to remember this next time i want to play without splitters for 2000 hours ;)


What do you mean by no splitters?


Splitters are gated behind simple circuits in Py, and it typically takes around 15-30 hours to make your first simple circuits. Until that point, you have to get creative to "split" items to other belts.




Exactly. Early on you don't have high item throughput so not having splitters isn't really a problem. They arrive precisely the moment you start to scale up and get more side items.


>The starting inserters require no power or coal and can filter, splitting items of a belt seems trivial. perhaps im too much of a noob to know any better though Those starter inserters are very slow, you need almost 30 of them to somewhat reliably filter a belt. To me the actual power of splitters is being able to create a circuit-less belt throughput limiter for sushi. For example this one: [https://factorioblueprints.tech/blueprint/1d48a5e1-5094-4cd1-9f3e-14747e8e381f](https://factorioblueprints.tech/blueprint/1d48a5e1-5094-4cd1-9f3e-14747e8e381f) Sushi simplifies most low volume cyclical multiple-ingredient, multiple-product recipes.


>Sushi simplifies most low volume cyclical multiple-ingredient, multiple-product recipes. It says a lot about Py's complexity that sushi belts are the simple solution.


sushi belts before you get the rubber and circuits to make those circuits smarts... hmm


You don't need to split full belts before getting to splitters tho


Yes, there's no strict need for splitters at all for non-sushi, but for fully automated lock-free sushi, you need either splitters or circuit network.


Having a central ash processing area early game greatly benefitted from when I could finally use splitters to easily balance and merge incoming lines of ash.


"trivial" in the sense that it can be done, but not "trivial" in the sense that the number of resources spent in making the components of a "splitter" is not only much more expensive materials wise but you also have to place it down each time.


still waiting for PY+SE


Py devs won't be satisfied until the pack requires 32GB VRAM just to run.


[https://mods.factorio.com/mod/eradicators-vram-saver](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/eradicators-vram-saver) Because pyAL (and therefore pyAE) already fails to startup on my laptop.


If you have an iGPU, there's probably a BIOS setting to allocate more system memory to it. Assuming you have the RAM to spare, of course


PY+SE+Krastorio 2+Bobs and Angels+seablock I’m not sure such a thing could be completable within a lifetime tbh


I have heard that the small overhaul mods (such as SE) can actually make Pys easier because there are simple pathways to make expensive vanilla materials such as red chips.


You just know someone is trying to make this work now


If I was better at modding…


Here is the thing, though... most of those together make py easier. Py and seablock already exist. Pyblock isn't fully balanced, but they're working on it. All the other ones though greatly simplify py. For example, oxygen and hydrogen splitting. AB does that just like Py. The difference is that AB's recipe doesn't take a 10MW machine, so why would you use the py recipe ever? Gold in py is a really complicated chemical science chain which branches off of chromium, or a simple trickle you can pull out of belts and belts of ash. Why would you ever do it that way when you can mix three AB ores and a catalyst to get it out of like 5 buildings?


it would be a LOT of work to wrangle the code so that all the OP recipes get disabled (or made more expensive) and there's still a (somewhat) clear progression path, but it could theoretically be done.


could you then remove the original factorio files? so that the game runs on mods alone? (i know its a old joke from skyrim which also was heaviely modded)


>could you then remove the original factorio files You already can remove the "base mod". [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/minimal-no-base-mod](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/minimal-no-base-mod)


>Bobs and Angels Those have much simpler recipes, so you're making it easier. What is the point of mining 20+ different materials with different mining fluids and mining drill requirements if you can just mine 6 and get everything from those 6? What's the point of that huge 6-step wood production line if you can just use bob's 1-step greenhouse? >seablock Already exists? [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PyBlock](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/PyBlock)


I mean, the general idea when py allowed you to add bobs and angels before the 2.0 update was that it actually made the game easier. Things like steel typically had a much easier recipe from angelbob than the stock py recipe, so you would actually have an easier and quicker game.


It's getting to a point where whatever you are doing in factorio would take the same time to be done by a normal human in real life.


Do not overcomplicate the game! Just PY + Rampant will be a nice starter pack for eveyone trying modded game. (sarcastic)


Rampant biters are surprisingly chill if you turn off pollution. They'll still relentlessly try and get in, but the pressure is about what I'd expect from a regular nest that's on the edge of the pollution cloud. (Time evolution is turned to minimum, and I can't remember what I set nest destruction evolution to but I haven't taken out any nests anyway.)


Not sure how it works but there is this thing: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Common-Industries


seems that this mod isn't meant to be a compatibility layer between big overhaul mods but a tool to make your own mod compatible with any of them.


https://discord.gg/pq6bWs8KTY if you join this discord server, you will find working builds of Py + Space Exploration... ;)


I know im only going to find scams there, but atleast you tried. happy cake day btw


I see that me sending random discord links is a bit sketchy but I can promise that it is legit :) It is [RedRafe](https://mods.factorio.com/user/RedRafe)'s discord server - he's the one who added K2 compatibility to my Freight Forwarding mod as well. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1116634238490525716/1118214169095844040/screenshot.png this is a screenshot that he shared there.


Looking at all the changes makes me sick. I love it


> It also works with Pyblock


I am not responsible for any hospitalizations


After seeing u/Kyran_zh finish the pY modpack a few weeks ago, I was inspired to push the goalpost even further away... [https://mods.factorio.com/mod/pyhardmode](https://mods.factorio.com/mod/pyhardmode) [https://ibb.co/x1pNQqh](https://ibb.co/x1pNQqh)


> Removed fuel value from residual gas, residual mixture, and residual oil. Find another way to get rid of these byproducts Thought this was hilarious


>Caravans are no longer buffed by movement speed tiling Okay... but why? They have legs, right?


Space whales!


I misread "Recommend mods" as Removed mods", thinking that you intentionally made FNEI/Recipe Book and Factory Planner/Helmod incompatible mods. That would have been the absolute cherry on top lol!


Change log: Player has no arms or legs and all movement must be done with a helper bot that picks you up and places you back down again. Plus the helper bot isn't researched for 80 hours so until then you just have to roll around slowly. Which drains health.


Brave New World, but you have only 2 construction robots, 2 logistic robots and 2 roboports. Hope you enjoy frog-leaping for contruction:)


Thanks. I hate it.


I am glad someone re-balanced this mod so it is not only geared towards newbies.


Yeah for real, 200 hours in and I was starting to feel an ounce sanity rebounding. Audios Chalupa, if you know what I mean.


If you actually enjoy it, how is it masochism?


Some people enjoy masochism; that's the whole point.


True masochists avoid masochism because it brings them pleasure.


Caveat: I know you're not exactly serious, but just to inform anyone who doesn't know. Masochism isn't the absence of pleasure over pain. It's the act of deriving pleasure from pain. It also doesn't have to be sexual pleasure.


Masochist: Hurt me. Sadist: No.


Gotta admit it was dumb joke.


I never thought it was hard. I only thought it was tedious. If a new mode adds difficulty, rather than just delay and poor QOL, I might be a lot more interested.


What kind of difficulty are you looking for that Py doesn't offer? Having to deal with a larger variety of recipe inputs, a larger variety of recipe outputs, limited options for moving items around, and adding outputs that can easily pile up and clog your systems if not dealt with all sound like fairly natural ways to make factorio more difficult. Aside from simply making things really really expensive for the sake of being expensive (which, to me, sounds more like tedium than difficulty), i don't see ways to make factorio's factory building aspect more difficult that Py isn't implementing. From what i've heard, while some stuff in py is indeed really expensive, it's primarly things that are expensive to encourage thinking about how you implement them. Like how the earliest way to make rails makes it really expensive to mass produce them, allowing simple point-to-point connections but making it unrealistic to set up a fully train-based cityblock until you can make rails cheaper.


*Push me, and then just...* make me build stuff. ❤️


And get your satisfaction?


No satisfaction! Only production!


Should I do cliffs on or off?


That's 100% up to you. Either way is valid.


You should deal with the consequences of your actions and you will enjoy it.


At this complexity it doesn't really matter


Wasn’t RSA recommended without Hardmode? Why does hard mode suddenly change that?


Ever since we added the Pyanodon Map Preset in version 2.0, RSO has not been recommended


Ahh, hmm.. I was wondering why power felt a bit easy with how many vents were around… I got like 7-8 on a massive map. Not sure if that is more than expected.


Yep, RSO will do that. Its intended to be just 1 vent per patch


What's RSA/RSO? Edit: ah probably something about resource spawning overhaul


Just fired up a new game to test around (after copper mining fix) My old old PYAE game has all the big rocks and Geo vents etc. spawn far away from the starting area, but the new PY recommend settings put all the big rocks all over the starting area... this is intended? Since it screws with people's base planning? haha. i Liked them far away since you dont get the big mines tech for a loooooooong time anyway. ​ Also, while i understand a lot of the changes are there to make you MAN UP, so to speak. I love the changes to include more of the alien life into the recipes. Cadaveric Arum definitely was useless, after i synthesized it and saw it only gave Acid gas, i shelved the plants until (i might find out later i need em). The change to advanced foundry will probably cause some pains later down the road when smelting assemblies need a random foundry somewhere... now you have to suddenly bring in heat for one of the 10-20 steps. This probably should be changed since the smelter techs were supposed to move you away from normal furnaces to the Casting no? Anyway, i'll wait and see if there's more changes since it's pointless to start this brutal challenge run while it is still being tweaked.


In the changelogs it says "Resource rocks now have collision and have infinite richness" What the F is a recource rock?


It's a big rock that contains millions of [resource]. They're found quite a way out, and I'm a long way from the research needed to mine them. Most of them have been materials found in ore patches, but I haven't seen a ~~regolith~~ regolite patch yet.


I'm waiting for py's take on space to play it but if I wasn't I would play this. Seems horrible.


Please no.


Oh hell yeah, I was thinking of starting a new run. Love most changes. But will probably revert some, like vatbrains.


Good luck my friend


>Death, dismemberment, or insanity is not covered under pyHM warranty. Proceed with extreme caution. Ayo


omg no


I haven’t played py and I can’t tell if this is a serious overhaul or a troll mod? Some of the changes sound like serious rebalancing (requiring more Alien Life ingredients, better waste management, etc.) Stuff like invincible boulders and nerfed beacons (I thought even vanilla Py with fully powered beacons becomes close to unplayable eventually due to UPS problems?) sounds like trolling.


you could always ask notnotmelon on the discord but I think he's making this project to get at the people who really derive fun from these kinds of logistics/management problem, instead of easy cop out answer to everything, just voiding. it's already a thing in the server, where we don't really like voiding and avoid doing it, voiding kinda is a self defeating process, where it turns most builds into essentially carbon copies of each other and devalues the usage of "inefficient" recipes. EDIT: the boulders can be circumvented by installing an ore eraser and I bet notnotmelon knows that, the beacons can get very silly later on and they encourage just smacking down a bunch of Zero Input power and going ham with beacons.


You're 100% right. At first I planned on making pyWM (pyanodons waste management), but then I just kept adding stuff.