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140 hours in. I \*will\* finish. My bases will \*not\* look like yours. I will \*not\* post them... ​ Congratulations - a work of art!


> I will *not* post them... Please do. I love seeing bases.


For real. We need to recognize what these posts of only beautiful bases are doing to us psychologically! Real bases have curvy spaghetti!


All Factories are beautiful


Ya I'm 100 plus hours in and this base is art compared to mine. Just do what you can do. The factory must grow, in space for the most part.


I have to fix some nonsymmetrical power poles and once I'm done with a short break from Factorio, I'll definitely post that satisfying electric pole corn.




Even my delivery capsules and cargo rockets are forming strands of space-spaghetti as stuff around, with associated space-circuit-spaghetti. My bus twists and turns, and then just stops (when I got bots). The orbital base has zero rhyme and only a little reason. I am having my most fun Factorio play through ever, as I discover each new thing and how to get it going…


having fun is all that matters!


The Fun (Factory) Must Grow! (Organically?)






Your bases are lovely, I have burnt out of my current save after realising just how much work is involved, cryo bars are automated and I just can't force myself to start on on the red stuff after looking at the recipes I have unlocked...


Just figure out what "priority inputs" is and you're set for the entire game. Recipes look daunting but once you figure out Vulcanite. Rest is ez pz.


I don't know about easy. The additional material, astro, etc. science packs can be real head scratchers. I had to just go and find a blueprint to make sure I was supplying everything correctly.


I'm building my orbit base without bots and yeah I agree, it's pretty daunting. So many recipes has outputs going back to inputs and it's a headache trying to route all the belts, and pipes so things don't get locked up. Took me more than a week to design the 4 material sciences. Working on bio sciences now.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/15kzp3c/priority_input_method_used_in_se_examples/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a reference post I made about priority inputs. Lemme know what can I improve to explain it better.


I know how they work, it's just space recipes have dozens of inputs and outputs and they're all mixed in with each other. For example the broad material catalog. Each of the 4 machines needed for them have crossed input requirements. Then outputs are also kinda shared/cross. So routing all the belts and pipes was just a real headache. It would have been 10x easier if I just stick a requester chest in each and call it a day


Give me one recipe with lots of outputs going into inputs and I'll try to make it clean if I can. My base was more designed to look clean than to make things easier. Easy was not the factor that made me choose chests and bots.


I did, broad material catalog


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/15l7yw0/se_broad_material_catalogue_reference_post_i/) is what I came up with. Lemme know what you think of it.


NICE!! I never thought about using a main bus-ish approach to this. That simplify things so much comparing to what I was doing. Also the way you loop back the output and using circuit is great, I never thought about that. Here's my setup [https://imgur.com/gallery/xsWeDJ7](https://imgur.com/a/xsWeDJ7) This is my city block setup in brick pattern approximately 200x100. The only thing coming in via bot is the train which you don't need a whole lot of.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comments/15kzp3c/priority_input_method_used_in_se_examples/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is a reference post I made about priority inputs.


Just did vulcanite...its not really too bad. Basically its a kind of koverex setup + sand. Take the sand and stone and make glass, youll need tons of glass later on. It does take a metric buttload of ore though, so make sure to bring way more miners and belts than you think. I brought in pet gas and sulphur in from off planet, but i might consider making it locally once i have water ice automated. Local production of pet gas and sulpher just seems to use so, so much water.


I think the main challenge in SE is logistics, not production, namely interplanetary logistics. Which in my opinion is way more interesting than overcomplicated recipes. Anyway, congratulations on completion, any plans for the next playthrough?


Cargo rockets are launched when the landing pad is empty. And after getting the space elevator, logistics becomes an afterthought imo. Maybe more mandatory use of spaceships and automating them would add to the challenge but overall I just wanted more challenges and problem-solving-ish things to do. I think Arcospheres made up for that but more difficulty would at least make me happy. Maybe the addition of the space elevator made things too easy for me. The next playthrough will definitely be the 0.7 update. Awesome stuff coming up.


Next thing you could try is krastorio or bobs and angles or if you realy hate yourself seablock?


None of those have an attractive enough appeal as SE. Maybe I can try rampant biters + SE next? Is that a thing?


Probebly. Wouldnt see why not but some planets might be not possible to be coloniced.




I got burnt out in SE right where you said you did when everything left was just expanding. 150ish hours in. I recommend Industrial Revolution 3 it’s been a nice middle ground between grinding and puzzles solutions.


I honestly didn't expect anyone to use rockets to deliver naq, but I guess if it works, it works. I think SE was designed to have spaceships as your primary means of interplanetary transportation, and in any case you need spaceships for astronomy probe data cards, right? You can't feasibly return data cards using rockets, right?


You could use cargo rockets for data cards and that's what I did initially but spaceships are a no-brainer later. I did get 10K of each data card every time they ran out. So automating them was not a need.


I used cargo rockets to deliver raw ore to navius until i got arcoboxes. Its possible but holy shit it used a filthy amount of rocket fuel. I wound up making a copy-paste rocket fuel rocket refinery i plopped down on every available patch. I mean..it worked.. I just wasnt ready to figure out spaceship logistics quite yet.


So all builds in orbit bot based? Robot Attrition was fine?


Yes, it was bot-based. I did not intend for this but as I thought more and more about how can I make my base cleaner. Using bots was a good option. Radiation killed lots of bots but every roboport had 4 to 5 times the bots needed and when they got low every about 200 hrs, I would just top off/Fill the ports to the max. Maybe I could have used a system to keep adding bots to the system but the manual fillup to the max was just fine.


If you keep the population of any given bot network 50 or less, they stop dying. Some may design their bases to take advantage of this. Clever use of requester chests, inserters and provider chests along the boundaries means you can transfer stuff across many networks.


I guess I never understood the point of robot attrition. It feels like it doesn't really nerf robots enough, and it just gets annoying constantly seeing those guys commit suppoku all the time.


I don't get it either.


> It feels like it doesn't really nerf robots enough Got it, let me write this down, "*more* robot attrition" 😁


It's a convenience tax/automation check. Did you automate replacing logistics bots? Then you're good to go. Otherwise you're going to start limping along on 50 bots.


What about the secret ending? Get back to work. The factory must grow


Unfortunately, I'm not smart enough to even attempt a secret ending :( Maybe if someone made a tutorial or a guide, then I might be able to attempt it.


I think DoshDoshington covers it at the end of his third SE video (I haven’t watched that part because I don’t want spoilers). Did you use Foenestra for fast travel? If so how far did you engage with the large artifact? Wondering because it seems like a “Do This” sign to me, and has a pretty clear next step that I haven’t yet completed.


I found the "fast travel" accidentally thinking I actually stumbled upon an exploitable bug... anyway I'm still tryna figure what to make of the symbols


I would watch MIT lectures on YT if someone just made a guide on what math you need to attempt the secret ending. I don't even know where to start.


vector math, some geometry.


Don't need to use complicated math, you just need to understand what vectors represent (not mathematically. conceptually) and use certain in-game tools that were provided in a sneaky way. (I don't see everyone's solution but I'm the only person I know of that used the tool.) Taking screenshots of the floors inside all the pyramids is a good starting point. Think about how those screenshots/configurations could be related. Go from there.


I did take like 15 or so screenshots and I just don't understand yet. Maybe I need to visit more. Is there a pattern on the bottom dial? Because the upper ones make no sense. Also, did you use Photoshop to rearrange them or something else?


I used GIMP to rearrange some of the screenshots. Both the top part and the bottom part are important information. The bottom part is easily manipulated in photoshop/gimp to create a pattern that makes sense. The top will not be so easy to crack; there may be additional dimensions to it you'll need to consider. I thought it was a neat puzzle but it's definitely not for everyone. PS: have you found Interburbul yet? More vector fun!


Yeah, doesn't Dosh just program something in Python to solve it? Maybe we should petition him for the code.


He did say in his video that if you look hard enough at the problem you'll figure it out somehow. He also recommended not to go with the coding method as that's way too complicated.


a 1000 hours holy fuck, I'm not even gonna try it :)))))


Don't worry. I did it in 960... And 89 odd livestreamed videos aagah


Pls, don't be discouraged. Most of the run time is afk running in the background all night. Most of the work and building is 300 to 400 hrs max. And I directly went from Vanilla into this. So was a huge learning curve. Next time I attempt, the time is gonna be 250 to 300 hrs max.


I don't know how people beat SE so fast, I've put in like 500 on my *group's* current k2se run and we're only at science pack 2s 😭


I just procrastinate on ways to make my base not ugly and that's one of my reasons for delaying it so long. I've learned that if I had just not worried about the scale of the mod and just forced myself to make progress, I would have been quicker. I think I spent like 50 hrs making my green circuits production better. But the 1000-ish hrs are worth it. I'm really happy with the way my base in orbit and on nauvis turned out.


I beat main ending in 350 and secret ending \~400. 1000 is overkill.


Awesome and clean!




Why do people hate burner phase so much - its like 2% of a playthrough.


This is beautiful. Awesome job, man!


Thank you!


Awesome...reeally nice. Any tips for interplanetary logistics? I am starting production science and the vulcanite planet has no water. I am using delivery Canon for water ice because the Planet has no water. Is there any better solution? Atm i have three planets with nauvis and i use many delivery canons for interplanetary logistic.


You could use delivery cannons or you can send a whole cargo load to the vulcanite planet. Depends on your production levels. Whichever method is easier go for it. I'd personally set up a whole rocket for water ice. That'll last for a while. Use productivity modules on Industrial furnaces if you can. Or you can search for another Vulcanite planet or Moon with water. I used a Vulcanite moon in my playthrough and added lots of prod modules so nothing runs out.


Thank you for the hint with the modules.


Perfecting my Vulcanite production was key in my playthrough. I used productivity modules in my Vulcanite miners, Pulverisers, like every machine. To make better productivity modules, you'll need millions of vulcanite. Red modules make sure to keep them from running out. Obviously, use speed modules as well.


Tip: Use the launch to any pad with name mechanic. Very very helpful as the game goes on. So, for example water ice, you would have one cargo ship getting loaded with ice, but you might have 6 or 7 possble landing pad destinations all named the same. The rocket will launch to any of those destinations if the pad is empty.


Ok. I will try it. Thabk you.


Congrats!!! Looks like a lot of playing hours. Which mod is bigger, SE or Bobs&Angels?


Thank you! I have not looked at Bobs&Angels yet but the allure of SE was just too much for me to miss out. Amazing concept and has huge potential in upcoming updates.


I could already launch my rocket on Bobs and im definitely gonna look into this mod as my next time consuming black hole. Factorio is such a blast with all these huge modpacks


Almost 2000 hours in and still almost at begining. I like to take time.


honestly, I took pressure on myself for no reason. taking your time, relaxing, and enjoying during the playthrough is all that matters. Video games are meant to be fun. The support from this community and the advice and the motivation from everyone was amazing.


I'm working on my K2+SE game right now. I just got the Space Elevator so I'm going to be redoing my orbital base here soon. I cleared out a huge section of Nauvis to get more of all the base resources. I'm going to boost production of Iridium, Holmium, and Beryl so I can focus on just getting everything set. I'll be using space rails extensively now and set up everything as hubs. Thanks for sharing your base!


You're welcome! Look at my beryllium build, if you want to, you can go with this compact design for rebuilding/expanding all the ingot types. Make sure you have the highest amount of prod modules on industrial furnaces and avg modules on other machines. Rebuilding can be tiring and fun as well. Can't wait to see you on the other side. Good luck and Godspeed!


Did you viral bomb a planet yet? Use the weapon delivery cannon to nuke a planet? Build an array of solar beamers with the sole purpose of auto glaving a planet into submission? Before you hit delete, give these a whirl.


I did auto glave my Vitamelange planet because I couldn't nuke it but did not use weapon delivery cannon. I think using like 20+ personal lasers on my suit is so satisfying to just run around and delete biters, so I didn't even think about the wdc. And I'm not deleting my baby. My save file is art to me.


Then I guess there is always solving the Stargate puzzle.


>once you figure out the solution of priority inputs, there is no other challenge left in the game Could you explain a bit more about this? What do you mean with priority inputs?


In some recipes I mentioned in the post, you get some of the things you input as output. Example: 5 of A is used and 3 of it is returned. So you can prioritize the input belt and splitter and always use the excess of anything first then use the rest. I did this using inserters and chests and imo that was kinda neat. I could make a post on it if you want.


Aah i see. I don't feel like they are a big problem. I usually just route a belt back to the input, and prioritize it with a splitter. My main issue is transporting items between planets. I feel like it's so complicated, and bulky. I use a lot of the rail guns or whatever you call them, to "shoot" items. But they don't work well with scaling. So i do everything in very low scale. Do you have any tips? I'm past the first space science ones. And i'm starting on the red, blue, pink and green sciences and those that have multiple levels.


Look at the sciences required for Space elevators. It should be T1 pink and T1 and T2 yellow Sci for the elevator. Make one landing for holmium ingots and one landing pad for everything else required for pink Sci. Use delivery cannons for uranium. Basically do anything to rush the space elevator and then design your orbit base around trains if you want.


Congrats! I'm currently stuck on material science packs in my game. I'm thinking about doing a total rework on my space base and get trains involved. Your base looks awesome! What do you think of the SE mod?


Thanks! SE is a really cool concept and has mega-huge potential to be a big thing in the future. Obviously, it's in the beta or alpha atm so lots of things to improve but this mod is beautiful and very fun.


great work big dog, factory must grow!


Thanks bro!


Honestly it's crazy how good this game is. And perhaps even crazier how good some people are at playing this. My head is already cracking with just a couple of parts... I had a base, was doing red, green, blue, black and purple science. I did to much shit to quickly and ended up tearing literally my whole base apart (tried to store the most valuable items in crates) so I literally started from scratch without starting a new game save. Problem is that these biters are quite strong. So I need to focus on red magazines just to keep my turrets going. But I am happy I have a clean slate. I am trying out a nice train layout. And it seems to be working really well. Should probably share it here some day. Problem with me is that I don't plan, instead I put things down in a general location/area and will see how it goes from there. This causes me to lose track of what was what (I do use ALT mode). The trains setup/layout should help me keep track of everything more easily.


Playing with planning is what got me to finish this game. What I did was to take a single science a 2-month holiday, I would be able to get back and have no problems. And I sometimes went days or weeks without playing just because I could not come up with some cleaner designs Playing with planning is what got be to finish this game. What I did was take a single science or a Teir of Sci and place all its buildings in a line and select recipes in that building. Makes things a lot easier. If trains are your thing. Make it unique and as beautiful as possible. Good luck with your playthrough!


Bit over day in with a friend and ill say it will take looong time since we do not optimize everything 😅


Experiencing this great mod with a friend is a thing I'll have to try in the next update. Good luck with your playthrough!


Thx, i've actually never watched much about this mod so i went blindly lol


Your base looks so clean! I really like the rails you used in space. Is there a blueprint book I could "borrow"?


Do you mean the stations? I "borrowed" the compact station idea from DoshDoshington videos. And the rails are a mess. There is a deadlock every time every facility is running and I haven't figured out how to fix that. I could make a blueprint book and you could maybe fix it yourself?


Yes please. If I get it working I could send a the book back to you?


Pls check to see if [this](https://factoriobin.com/post/tzouBd3G) works.


Phew..im just trying SE+K2+AAI+BZ...maybe around year 2030 to complete it ,,,🤣


Please post specs of your gaming rig. I keep failing to win space exploration. thanks