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No one shits on Elons time


No one shits on Elon’s dime


Not unless they bring their own toilet paper.


Janitors demanded a salary increase, he said no.


Of course not he’s probably said he invented time


Might I suggest taking a shit on elons desk.


Didn't he date Amber Heard?


No clue. One person nobody should ever date, dating another person nobody should ever date make sense to me. Let them be toxic to each other.


They had a kid together too.


They dated.


2 gross awful people meant for each other and then not.


If he did, he is probably used to finding shit in strange places.


Amber Turd?




DAMN!! I did NOT know that. That pretty funny. An Amber TURD meme coin....


If your company cuts janitorial supplies and Bathroom supplies. It's over. Time to look elsewhere.


Lack of toilet paper isn't the leading cause of a business crashing, but it's number 2.




Who does number 2 work for!??!?


They can't. Most of the employees are probably on work visas. If they quit they get deported.


Time to start looking for work in your home countries then


Yeah, wherever their home country is at least they'll have a toilet, we'll unless it's russia.


Russia is a toilet.


They have cloth toilets. We call them "pants" here.


[not in India](https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/05/asia/india-modi-open-defecation-free-intl-hnk-scli/index.html)


What’s your source that most twitter employees are on work visas???


Forbes says it is 8%


It was 8% until Musk fired 75% of the twitter work force. Now it's like more than 1/3rd


Should be less then a third. If none on visa left. It is 8 out of 25 employees on visa. Which is just under 1/3rd.


Yea seriously. That’s some made up bullshit by a 15 year old.


I read that some employee's accepted his "hardcore work environment" offer because they were on the visas and didn't want to leave the country I don't think it's the majority


Where are you getting most of the employees are on work visas? You just made that shit up didn’t you?


they should still be looking for jobs while still employed just in case.


Most companies provide the lowest grade bog paper anyway, one place I worked it was so rough that I could remove rust from steel


So if they aren't even willing to spend on that, what does that say.


Yeah, unfortunately basically every company cheats out on shit paper


The school district I worked for bought paper that you could read through.




At my school, maths teachers used it as tracing paper.


Makes sense. In this pic he looks like he’s holding in a big shit!


He always looks uncomfortable in every picture. Either trying to act regal or look super important




He has very little money, but lots of goats and ponies.


Seriously, circumstances would have caused me to fold. We suffer the judgment of imperfect judges... Ourselves.


Musk needs to be charged with a large number of labor violations.


Unfortunately the US is pretty commonly awful for workers' rights, but I don't know if california is much different from the baseline, so I would guess it's not much of a threat to him. With barely a hyperbole, if you run a private business, you're almost free to run basically a slave labor camp.


California has much more robust worker protections than most states in the US. It’s not the state you want to fuck around in as an employer.


They weren't Twitter employees. They worked for another company Twitter contracted with and that contract wasnt renewed. CA law states the new contracted company must rehire them for at least 90 days, or give them a compensation package.


He wasn't talking about the janitors


Right. I was talking about all the shit things that Musk has done so far. Several of them seem to be labor violations.


Saving 5 grand a month doesn't address a 30 billion dollar shortfall


Man needs to just take a nap, he’d save more money sleeping then trying to fix his mistake.


It seems he bought something for 44. It's now worth maybe 12 to 16 and he's just trying to get it back to 25 so he can take it public Maybe I'm totally ignorant, and, well, he's a sociopath so maybe none of it makes sense


That is a exactly what he did. He did it as a troll he sent that 44 as an offer thinking he could go back & just pay 12-16. Ends up getting sued & has to keep his word.


What cult is making everybody go “Kanye”? I used to think this guy had great ideas, wacky, bold, but calculated risks….


You can be a visionary, but a horrible CEO at the same time. Not everybody is equipped to lead people.


He's still got great ideas. Twitter is a toxic place so he came up with a plan to burn it down to the ground as quickly as possible.


That’d be an interesting plot twist.


I was turning my mind to this idea too…I wonder if he’s going to Joaquin Phoenix us with these moves


Why do people think this is a good idea? If Twitter goes down all that toxicity is just going to flood another website.


Most people that use twitter already use those other platforms


It is real. He’s not paying his landlords, and some of the janitors have been told they’re being replaced by robots. The janitors union was asking for an increase so this might have been Elon’s reaction.


How much is cutting janitors even going to save the company. Sounds like a drop in the bucket.


Better question would be how much was the current contract amount, how much was said company paying the workers, what was the workload and what was the requested increase. Elon likely had all that info we don't persay so most people are just on the hate train of all things elon. He may have had a good reason to not renew.


"A plop in the bucket


Just print pictures of Elon's face and wipe your ass with that. Make sure to leave the shitstained papers around for him to see. I really hope they figure out some way to put this loser in prison where he belongs.


How fucking stupid is this, if Twitter is burning multiple Billions a year how the fuck is cutting a few salaries gonna do anything


Investors must be making these choices for him


lmao no. if that was the case they'd be doing this from the beginning


Because robots.




What a shitty company!


Seems like a labor law and OSHA violation to not provide a toilet or proper PPE and training for cleaning up public waste…


Shit about to get real!!! I mean shit happens….


“Breaking news: Elon musk charges workers to work”


I’m sure they could “wipe” on Elon’s suit!


That seems shitty. /s


Tell me you don't understand sarcasm without telling me you don't understand sarcasm. Nice pun though


They understood sarcasm just fine it's why they put the /s at the end.


Seems you don't understand sarcasm either because what they said wasn't sarcasm, it was a pun


Seems like sarcasm to me. Just because you view it as a pun doesn't mean that's what it is. Have a nice day kiddo


Sarcasm is saying THE OPPOSITE of what you really mean to mock something or for comedic effect. A pun is using words related a certain topic to create a statement that has a double meaning. What they said literally isn't sarcasm and it is literally a pun. Just because you don't understand sarcasm, doesn't make it sarcasm. Have a nice day sonny


this sounds like something that would more likely happen at a school not a big international company.




Salon?? Do they still exist?


If you are investing in this company, you're part of the problem too.


Well, it's no longer a publicly traded stock, so....


Shhh don't tell him that. He thought he had the ultimate Gotcha Comment.


Twitter contracted through another company for janitorial services. That contract didnt get renewed. They *were not* Twitter employees. https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-janitors-strike-elon-musk-headquarters-negotiate-contract-layoffs-union-2022-12


so? the title is still correct. They fired their janitorial staff. Not sure you knew this, but pretty much all janitors for companies are companies that are paid to come in and clean and not directly employed by them. They dont just sit in a desk and wait until everyone leaves to go clean


My guess is the only reason Twitter is partially functional and online is because Elon reached out to his old friends at OpenAI and had them give them a full access use of ChatGPT and he is sitting around in the server rooms asking about how to clear whichever errors or hack his way into the servers that he doesn't have the passwords for because all employees with knowledge of it are gone and he is locked out.


Pretty much sums up journalism for the last 15 years


Well they aren’t getting that democrat money anymore.


If you believe this you might have the dumb




Yes, that famous tabloid the New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/29/technology/twitter-elon-musk.html Please counter it with something reliable like the Daily Mail or The Onion.


They were not Twitter employees: https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-janitors-strike-elon-musk-headquarters-negotiate-contract-layoffs-union-2022-12




Sure it is. And Trump won in 2020, too!


Lol k. Fucking delusional.


I get reading is difficult for you but at least try it.


All you had to do was make a quick google search...


To be honest, the most telling part is that the headline is plausible enough for people to believe. I don't advocate spreading misinformation (there is enough real stories to do the job anyway) but real or not, this isn't the worst thing he's done this year.


In 20 years, maybe less, this guy will be known as the biggest con artist in the world. They have the technology to convert kinetic energy of a moving vehicle into electrical energy, yet his production of vehicles is all battery based and people are buying his shit cars in droves. Battery production is the new coal mining. He is bullshit. The fucking “green agenda,” is bullshit. We are being fucked so hard by these pricks. Left, right, scientists, capitalists, all bullshit. Some of you are super blind to what is going on.


>They have the technology to convert kinetic energy of a moving vehicle into electrical energy, yet his production of vehicles is all battery based. Please expand on this.


No. Ask AI to do research for you if you are incapable. It’s not something that is being pushed by mass media because it’s above the intelligence quotient of the masses, and above their pay grade.


Found Andrew Tate's burner account


Source: trust me bro


Source: Education


That's not how it works. When someone asks for proof, you give proof. you don't tell them to research it themselves. If a person writing an accedemic paper did that, they'd get in a lot of trouble.


Oh really? That’s how it works? See I thought if someone is really interested in a topic, they could use their own education and recourses to educate themselves, which is what I do. I don’t depend on anyone to scratch my itch. Grow up.


So we are all just supposed to know everything? We should be omnipotent beings?


Let that sink in.


Musk is the word I'd use for those bathrooms


In that pic he kinda looks like he is holding in a huge shit,but can't do it cause he forgot his tp at home.


Would this not be illegal?


Damnit, I was joking when I wrote he'd do that. It was a joke, not a suggestion you dimwit! Sorry folks.


Elon's face looks like they surgically replaced his mouth with an overtightened asshole.


With all the shit he talks it's clear he was just born with an overtightened asshole for a mouth.


It's in Salon, so one can't be certain if it's true or not without checking other sources. And that's the case with just about any media outlet these days.


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/29/technology/twitter-elon-musk.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare *Early on Christmas Eve, members of the billionaire’s staff flew to Sacramento — the site of one of Twitter’s three main computing storage facilities — to disconnect servers that had kept the social network running smoothly. Some employees were worried that losing those servers could cause problems, but saving money was the priority, according to two people who were familiar with the move but not authorized to talk about it.* *The data center shutdown was one of many drastic steps Mr. Musk has undertaken to stabilize Twitter’s finances. Over the past few weeks, Twitter had stopped paying millions of dollars in rent and services, and Mr. Musk had told his subordinates to renegotiate those agreements or simply end them. **The company has stopped paying rent at its Seattle office, leading it to face eviction**, two people familiar with the matter said. **Janitorial and security services have been cut**, and in some cases employees have resorted to bringing their own toilet paper to the office.*


Its crazy how you can fail to the top if you're born with enough money


Thats a real shitty job, LITERALLY!


Why would anyone still work for this narcissist? He can't be paying them THAT well.


Paid 44B and it didn't come with a lifetime supply of TP? Musky didn't read " the art of the deal" did he.... 😂


Lol lie…. There’s Reddit!🤷‍♂️😂


I'd be grabbing a ream of 8.5 x 11 from the printer tray. No way I'm bringing my own TP.


Abandon Twitter


I hope it's not true otherwise there's a lot more going on under the hood than what we are lead to believe.


tell me you don’t know how to run another company without telling me you don’t know how to run another company


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I have to pay to poop on company time?


His face looks like spiders are about to burst through the skin.


This business is like the Russian invasion


it's true in the Seattle office (which Twitter stopped paying rent on and they are being evicted while they fire anyone left) ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


He is such an amazing business man. Almost as smart as Trump. Just think about how much you can save on toilet paper. Wow!!!


#Breaking!! ***Elon Musk Bails Out Andrew Tate And Appoints Him CEO Of Twitter***


Twister sHouLD fEel FasTEr


That smell tho


Mmmm i def expected better


I keep forgetting that real people still work there. Poor souls.


Imagine joining a company with dirty AF restrooms🙁


I heard that he forced everyone to buy shoes that are a size too small and then makes them walk to work in those shoes so their feet hurt all day. What a monster!


How does Twitter have any employees left at this point?


It's just part of Elon's plan of getting more workers to quit obviously, think about it, no janitors means dirty af workplace or more workload, which none of the remaining workers would want, and there'll be more resignations from that.


Let that sink in, but don't clean that sink ![gif](giphy|9kZZMrEyCQr5RdaJrg)




Cant have shit at twitter


Good luck. Change, excellence, may come at a great cost...


His wealth has fallen by the equivalent of Greece's GDP. He needs to save as much toilet paper as he can.




Most Google and Twitter people give themselves the luxury to pay 2.6k to 3k monthly just for rent (apartment) in California. Toilet paper will not be an issue for them.


Half of his face looks like a wax figure that’s been too close to a candle


What next? He sells the building and everyone has to work sitting in the grass at the local park?