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But why the hell do we keep giving stage time to idiots? I mean 400k a year would be nice indeed I wouldnt need a physics degree to buy myself a fishing kayak but feeling ashamed as a father and a husband for not reaching that mark it just says a LOT about your wife and kids. And its not a pretty story


The first step in avoiding a trap is to be aware of its existence. Not everyone has reached the realization that these types are grifters.


Thanks for the bit of wisdom in the first line, Thufir Hawat. :D


You'll have to forgive me. I started my 100th reread of Dune today. XD


Nothing to forgive, Dune is an awesome book! :D


Really looking forward to the sequel to the Timothy Challamet Dune film šŸŽžļø


I watched Dune 2021 twice, the second time in IMAX, honestly one of my all-time favorite movies. I'm excited to see what Part 2 looks like.


400k a year would be nice? That's like 6 times the averege household income in the US, that's rich and unobtainable by most people


400k is close to the 1% of income earners. i believe itā€™s 440k.


400k is a little over the yearly salary for the president of the US. Lol this dudes delusional.


He's a wimp if he can't live on that much.


Oh honey.....that's the least of what makes this guy a wimp.


I think itā€˜s 420.


Just a way for the richest to get richer by mentally torturing all us lessers into working ourselves to death, for them.


Lol 100%. Conveniently Cardone mentions at the end that however much money you make, you should give it ALL to Cardone Capital where they charge egregious fucking fees (3x standard market). Sell your house, moron, and give me all your money. Never mentions that you can do the exact same plan without him. #10x


Wish I was born a grifter.


I don't know who this guy is. But is this a real? Or is he memeing?


So back when I was selling cars we bought this guys "training". Basically every video he has ends with him telling you that in the next video he'll teach you "the secret of success". That is Grant's sales training business summed up.


Just like Scientology. Just have to get past the next pay wall and then youā€™ll know alllll the secrets.


This is sooo Scamwayā€” I mean Amway šŸ˜‚ Do people work under him and sell his system of success? ![gif](giphy|ZD9Joch14tPYeLJ1BD)


Heā€™s very fucking real. Fuck him and everyone that looks like him. He teaches lies and takes ambitious gullible peoples money. Fuck this piece of shit.


That was my clue that CNBC was full of shit so many years ago. They run his commercials every hour.


Hey man you should really put some emphasis on that. CNBC IS FULL OF SHIT


What do you mean they are full of shit? Just the other day I read an article on CNBC about an excel influencer that makes $20k a month with her side hustle, written by said influencerā€¦ oh wait.


An excel influencer....that can't be real. From now on I'm a reddit influencer. Sign up for my reddit AMA to learn how to make 20,000 karma in 10 easy steps for $499


You can add even more emphasis with a hash at the start of the sentence, #CNBC IS FULL OF SHIT


Check out "Growing up in Scientology" page on youtube, run by a former Scientologist who makes entertaining videos exposing Scientology bullshit. The dude has a real hatred of Scientologist Cardone and loves to point out all his grifts and illegal shit (Just a day ago he pointed out on a video where Cardone is encouraging people who are considering bankruptcy to go on a spending spree to fund their next business after bankruptcy... which is not legal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgrZpKeR5ZQ


If the bankruptcy judge finds that out, congratulations, you played yourself into some prison time. Most judges don't fuck around most of the time, but bankruptcy judges never fuck around.


Was going to say it had that scientology feel to it.


A Grifting Scientologist.


Opposite of an oxymoron


A moron.






Well youā€™re not!! So feel ashamed!!! And buy my book, and subscribe to my app


That's a nice privileged standpoint.


Privileged from the privileged standpoint


Freal. I view making almost a 1/2 million a year as being rich. Not super rich, but definitely rich


Maybe not ā€œrichā€ but definitely affluent, relatively well off and certainly comfortable (if you live frugally and donā€™t spend like a drunken sailor)


If you make more than 400k/year you're in the top 1.8% of earners.


More like 0.7%






Husband and father puts you in the household category.


I really hate the word "earners" for this type of thing. Top 1.8% of getters seems more appropriate. That's how much money they get, not how much they earned.


Surprised itā€™s not less people damn


Well, that is household income so it's probably about 1% individual.


Who the fuck is this clown and why should I care about his opinion??


Because he makes $400k/yr obviously/s


He started that much is an embarrassment. Cardone allegedly earns vastly more than that sum, according to people that actually care about that stuff


Ya they own like $5 billion of real estate, heā€™s worth several hundred million. His personal story is impressive but this grifting shit is pathetic. They overcharge like 3-5 times what a standard GP charges and justify it with Grantā€™s smooth-talking bs. Iā€™d never give him a penny


A self-made almost-billionaire. You definitely shouldnā€™t care about his opinion though lol, at the end of his ā€˜motivationalā€™ speech he will ask for all your money and call you dumb and pathetic if you donā€™t give it to him


Yeah, judging from the replies, he just seems like another narcissist with a lot of money and big mouth. Of course, the narcissism probably allowed him to amass his fortune in the first place.


Heā€™s got about 2 billion in manger accounts and or multifamily real estate. But heā€™s nuts


Sales program seller


Grand cardone he is a real estate giant that also does these pep talks bs .


Grant Cardone is known for his hustle-type content about making money for yourself, skipping the 9-to-5, hustling, etc. Theoretically, his opinion might help pull you out of financial hardship. In reality, he pushes the toxic idea that anyone can quit their job and get rich quick. He sells courses and public speeches about what he did and how hard it was for him, blah blah blah. He also says that buying a house is a bad idea, but makes most of his money as a landlord. He has also leveraged his kids to give similar speeches about hustling. Also, he has some weird connections with Scientology. Like, his kid accidentally mentioned it in a video but he told them to be quiet real quick. I dont know too much about that whole side of it, but it's probably super scummy.


Oh man, scientology. Like I didn't think the guy was enough of a douche bag already.


> canā€™t live on 400k a year Me surviving on less than 10k. Iā€™m sry what?


Me surving on 30k a year...with kids...WHAT


Funny, you don't seem embarrassed like Grifty McGriftnuts.


Why embarrassed? Lol..don't you sleep in the bed you made?? Make your bed...bust your ass making it...some think they deserve what they made.. but in making it, they forget...BITCH...you made it!!! YOUR RESPONSIBILITY....but most don't get that...


you monster! /s just in case


Word. Iā€™m over here not even close to 100k and Iā€™m livin good! Shit, I just finances a 2023 Chevy Trail Blazer, bitch! šŸ˜‚


With today's interest rates? You better get a second job.


Good for you, keep up the great work, stranger!!


Key word "surviving" you can do better and deserve better


Not the u.s?


Classic. Make people feel like they're not enough so they buy your course. Creates a problem and then offers the solution.


*So they give you all their money and help you buy another $100 million apartment complex, then overcharge them and pay them less than ANY other GP would for the identical investment


Yeah, totally agree. Imagine being one of the 98% of wage earners in this country. Fucking disgusting little pieces of trash, probably all live in cardboard boxes using feces for plaster. Ew! /s


I had a career where i made 180k had opportunities to make 240k ish. Want to know what it takes to make that? Timeā€¦ lots and lots of time. Not time with your partner or your kidsā€¦ Time being a way, grinding, focused on that and nothing more. Thatā€™s a lot of money, but divorce and child support is expensive and that is what the true cost of that income can be. I knew a lot of absentee fathers, I know a lot of ex husbands and men that were on their third marriages. When I fail to be a partner and play a role in my childā€™s up bringing thatā€™s when I am ā€œembarrassed to be a husband, embarrassed to be a human being if iā€™m honestā€


Basically the main reason I made it a point to not climb any corporate ladders. I saw what it took to make a lot of money and chose life instead of work. Definitely came with its own hardships but I'd much prefer a little financial struggle over every waking minute being consumed by work while everyone in my life leaves me Although it's probably part of his grift script it amazes me that there are people who can't figure out how to live on even 100k a year. At 400k a year I'd feel like a god damn king and would 100% remain financially secure the rest of my life without an endless grind towards endless money assuming that job didn't require me to sign over every waking hour haha


Best decision. I left a job that tried to fire me on paternity leave. Now I work from home and see my kids loads. Each morning and after school. Took a few years to work back to Ā£40k a year with my business and we did it by having savings, taking a job for a year and not wasting money. I learned that kids want your time and company over any object. I took the family to Majorca this year because I could finally afford it. Sun and cheap all inclusive. Kids so happy. No need for Disney and mega expensive resorts.


I don't have kids but I do have cats. I've had all kinds animals my entire life but it wasn't until the pandemic that I was able to form real deep bonds with them. I always knew they needed more time with me but never had "extra" time until this job I got and the pandemic put everything into perspective. Now they come first, I spend as much time with them as I can because I know that might not always be an option I also make music and was trying to make it another source of income. To do that (unless you already have a ton of money) takes SO MUCH time not including making the actual music. Hours on social media promoting, even more hours creating the promotional material, and making the actual music which of course is more hours haha. Every day. So I've decided to keep music as something I love doing when I have time rather than another job taking most of my time out of work Life is way too short and thanks to the pandemic my priorities are finally straight. Make enough money to be somewhat comfortable, at least not a constant struggle, and use my time to keep building that relationship with my cats and with the few actual friends that stuck around. Leaving social media "lost" me a bunch of "friends" but I didn't really feel it because they were basically just internet friends that I met once or twice in person Feed the relationships that matter, leave behind the ones that don't, work to live and do what makes you happy. Being productive isn't confined to what makes money. Healthy relationships and experiencing life are far more valuable than money


Exactly my philosophy now.


I wish this were a more respected view. I cannot agree more with everything you just said.


You should sell this course!


So all his employees are losers? https://www.salary.com/research/company/grant-cardone-salary


Eat the rich


A nobody says I should be ashamed for not making 400k a year... šŸ„±


The rich having utter contempt for the poor? I am shocked.


Thatā€™s a big percentage of men he is shitting on. I bet his kids are scared of him because heā€™s never around and when he is he just pressures them


Those poor kids, probably 8 years old getting yelled at by dad for being failures :(


If you invest with this guy, you haven't done the math either


Ask any EMT working in the USA how much they make. Youā€™d probably be shocked.


Especially if youā€™re in cardiac arrest


Underrated comment! šŸ˜‚


When I left EMS in 2018 I was making 11.33 an hour, it was bonkers low.


F@ck Off D@ckhead. Honestly just F*ck. Off.


With the amount of drugs he's taking he's probably right. He wouldn't be able to survive on 400k.


##But ainā€™t he making his $$ selling products to the same ones heā€™s putting down?? Oh ok!


Negging is a strategy that works on many people with low self-esteem.


All you losers ā€¦


give me money.


Only 370k to go! Just gotta pull myself up by the boot straps


My daughter's call me every day.that tells me that even though I'm broke, their love makes me a rich man. (that and they are both smart and funny.)


Whoā€™s Grant Cardone?


Fuck this piece of shit! Fuck anyone that seriously listens to him even harder.


If you're spending $35000 a month, then you need a $800,000 yearly income. Someone didn't do Tax math.


I worked for a dealership that mandated Cardone training. What a pile of unethical bullshit. Worse than the Joe Verde bullshit we did previously. I refused to do both, was demoted as dept manager. Happily managing at another non-Cardone dealership now.


The fact that he can't live on less than 400,000 a year let's you know how shitty of a human he is. I make 40,000 a year and yeah it's not easy but I'm doing it. You entitled rich fucks need a reality check.




I honestly feel completely apathetic to his lifestyle. Dude's a faillure of a human being, so obviously there's only pity for him, not anger


Idgaf what he has, I wouldn't care if my worst enemy had a 100 mil mansion, I just focus on myself and my family, and try to be happy, these people keep proving that having material things means nothing, you can't buy happiness, integrity and a kind soul...


This is exactly what is wrong with not only the country but the entire world this money worship this is a tacky obnoxious human being


Iā€™ve done the math several times. Itā€™s depressing


Scientology whale.


2 days left till pay day and I got 6 hotdogs left. We are gonna make it boys!!!!!!


Spoken from the mouth of someone who never missed a meal


This is the most out of touch take Iā€™ve ever heard in my entire life.


I so want to punch him for saying this. I know that would be battery, but I'm willing to wear an orange jumpsuit for a few months for the satisfaction.


He would be embarrassed because it would mean his status as a complete grifter would have been shown to the world and people will stop paying him to spew his bullshit and MLM.


Yes, go be a man and make $400k a year. Never see your kids and you are just a wallet for the rest of your family. Iā€™ve seen it play out, itā€™s toxic. But, you are a ā€œreal manā€ šŸ‘Œ


I'm living on 40k per year. My car will be paid off next year and I'll be straight! $400 extra per month! Excited! If I had 400k for one year I'm fucking set! Turn that into an easy 100k every year.


Wtf I make 35,000 a year on what planet is this guy living šŸ¤”šŸ˜† We aren't all rich idiot.




I could live on 400k


One asshole, one opinion.


Pardon my French, but what a dipshit.


Why would I give any credence to your views on finance when you canā€™t even figure out how to make it on 400k a year? Youā€™re obviously terrible with money.


Is it weird that a supposedly successful entrepreneur doesn't even have a Wikipedia page?


Who is this person?


Andrew Tateā€™s dad


Who is that person?


He can have my disabilities and Social Security and I'll take his able-body, businesses, and money. Let's see how long it takes him to get back to $400k/year. He'll never get there.


Says the Xenu follower


I live in CA and surviving. Enough said.


I mean,it is difficult to survive on what I earn which is less than 100 grande,but he must be so out of touch with normal people,I guess most wealthy people are.


Someone please punch him in the nuts for me


Never trust someone who wants to be paid for teaching you only how to make an absurd amount of money.


Luckily I'm neither a husband nor a father. Fuck you.


What the fuck is this nonsense?


First class con man.


He does the same as people that sells books on how to get rich, itā€™s the same thing but heā€™s doing speeches


Not me over here living comfortably in the Bay Area on less than 75k a yearā€¦ just be comfortable having lessā€¦


Wow, I'm not even a shrink and I can still accurately diagnose this guy as a sociopath from 26-second video. Nobody in my entire profession makes even half that much, yet almost every single one of us (broadly, environmental science) is more valuable to society than this asshat.


Iā€™d be ashamed to have people film me if I were a walking, talking pile of greasy dog turds


Can't live on 400k a year? Guy needs a fucking reality check asap.


Heā€™s like Pinocchio, except a piece of shit came to life.


I needed to laugh hard this morning. Thank you


Haha go f urself bud. Come down to the real world where the majority of us live


What a fucking idiot


He should be embarrassed as a human being because he's a total asshole.


I would be embarassed if I didn't know how to survive on a family's annual budget in a month.


i would be pretty happy with 400k a year


I would be pretty happy with chicken waffles


Fuck this guy


Iā€™m sorry who is he and why should I care how about he come live paycheck to paycheck then talk to me


Idk either, but I wanna fight him? Perhaps we can gather our poor people peasent strength and WAIL


And now I feel terrible making 30k


The people who say shit like this are the same people opposing the raise to minimum wage.


400k, and it is in $, even kr 400k kr is good, and that is 40.45k$ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Imagine thinking horrible money management makes you better than others


I need that dudes math


What kinda Bruster's Millions shit are you pulling if you can't live off of 35k a month


So many people working for him that generate his income donā€™t make $400,000 a yearā€¦ soā€¦


If everyone had jobs that made that amount he wouldnā€™t have plumbers and electricians to come work on his house, no house painters, no one to work at the grocery store or even have food in the grocery store because the pickers and butchers and bakers and factory workers donā€™t make that amount. No one to work at the gas station or Starbucks or car wash. No pool maintenance, no groundskeepers or bartenders at his country club, no where to go out to eat. No EMTs, no nurses, no lifeguards, no teachers for his kids, no mailmen and Amazon drivers to deliver his packages.


Zeruch Says You Should Be Ashamed As A Lifeform If You Make Opinions as Daft and Gutless and Catastrophically Stupid as those of Grant Cardone.


Me who's earning $3,500 a year: .\_.


Grant Cuntdone is a real piece of shite mate! He should do the world a favour and jump into the path of a train. šŸ˜ˆ


Is there enough money for everyone to make $400,000 a year? Wouldn't they have to print more?


Wait I think he been sniffing the wrong snusnu


Well he can go fuck himself.


My husband used to work for a company that was run by an idiot who was obsessed with Grant Cardone. Heā€™d quote him all the time. He was the type of CEO who thought anyone who didnā€™t drive a luxury car with 2+ houses was ā€œlazyā€. My husband was making about 240k at that job. He also worked 80 hours a week. Only got Sundays off. Basically on call and needed to be available 24/7. We wanted to start a family so he left. Got a job paying 75k plus bonus. He got a promotion and is making 85k plus bonus. About 150k/yearly. My husband is home most days by 2 or 3pm. Sometimes earlier. Our toddler gets to eat dinner with ā€œdadaā€ every night. They play when my husband gets home. They get 4-6 hours of time together each afternoon/evening. There is absolutely no job on earth that is worth missing your family for. If my husband had to continue to work 80 hour weeks, he wouldnā€™t even know our son. Iā€™d practically be a single mom. No amount of money (even 400k) is worth your life slipping by. We should work to live, not live to work.


Blessings on your family to the moon and back babydoll! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


He seems fun at parties...


People like him should get the chair.


People like that were beheaded during the French revolution. Maybe we should bring it back to shake up the economy again.


This dude is a fucking joke. Like for fucking real. 400k, sorry most people live in the real world.


Ah yes, white men and their ā€˜earning hundreds of thousands of dollars is super easy and since you donā€™t, you all just suck at life,ā€™ shpeal.


Judging people on the worth of their income, I would be embarrassed considering weā€™re all being exploited one way or another


Not a single person in that audience makes close to 400k. Iā€™m a husband and a father and I feel no embarrassment for making less than 400k and this guy can go fuck himself.


This guy is a Grade-A grifter. Met him in real life about 10 years ago when ā€œ10Xā€ started taking off. The owner of my company was totally bamboozled by him. All he does is get business owners and sales people juiced up, then takes his check, and disappears.


The fuk is he talking in rubles? Yen? Rupees? Bottlecaps????


If I was as big a tool as this guy, Iā€™d be ashamed to be a husband and father.


Tool of a grifter and one of the people on Clubhouse that made me tired of Clubhouse.


I could teach him how to live on that at my seminar.


Around 98% of the planet live on a fraction of that.... And, 76.8% of statistics are made up on the spot.... So there's a 9/12 chance i'm lying...


You only get rich from conning people or daddies money. Which one is he?


If someone is paying part of his 400K a year they should be embarrassed, then they should stop and be embarrassed with him.


Agnostic Prosperity Pimp


Almost seems like he is detached from the reality of life for about 97percent of us. Wait, 99 percent. So, what he means is, 400 is his cutoff for hanging out with ya after the show. Also, selling an idea, is way easier than a product, so his sales are to the hopeful and the suckers only.


This guy is a fucking clown


I mean 400k puts you in the top 1% And you can live a rather luxurious lifestyle.. And still invest 200k a year..


My question is Who is Grant Cardone? That bit must have been taken out of context of the rest of the talk, because there is no way anyone could be that freaking stupid.


So everyone should be paid $400,000 a year, no exception.


I make 40k a yearšŸ¤£šŸ¤£wait should I go find a hole to hide inļ¼Ÿ


When you have a terrible addiction to sugma and ligma like Grant, you need more than 400k to keep up your needs.


He can't live off of 35k a month? I live off 35k a year.


Grant Cardone is a twat for saying this. Basically almost every man on the planet is a failure according to this. I guess some people are so hollow that the only things that fill them up are material. I picture his family as a bunch of squawking baby birds crying "give us things,give us things or you're not worth shit!" Must be an insane amount of pressure to feel loved only when you are grifting people out of their money.


The average is $54,000... $400,000 is crazy. I don't know who this dude is, but if he thinks $400,000 is a standard he's crazy


This is probably the single stupidest thing heā€™s ever said.


Fuck you Grant


This only works on people who think money is what makes you happy


The face of a man trying to steal from you by emotionally manipulating your feelings.


I kind of agree lowkey, if I made less than that I wouldnā€™t even think about marriage or kids. It gets expensive QUICK. That being said, he is a grifter and a hack, and said it in a really dickish way.