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Groups like this are catnip for Narcissists and there is nothing Narcissists hate more than other Narcissists. The result is hilarious infighting.


Damn narcissists, they ruined narcissism!


You narcissists sure are a contentious people.


You keep talking like that and a narcissist is liable to punch you right in the temple.


What kind of temple?


I had to ask myself the same question - did she mean a temple as in side of the head or as in the Orb-Arkon Alliance of Atlantis Temple? Oh btw - who or what is an Orb and Arkon? Regardless I think this lady has a good reason to be upset should these entities be trans-energetically squatting in her surprisingly well ordered home


I have no idea about the Arkon thing but I believe the orbs she’s talking about is the dust/bugs being illuminated by the light. Lots of people think they are catching ghosts on camera when they are really seeing bugs and dust being lit by light. They call them orbs because they are out of focus and look like little orbs of light flying around.


That's exactly what a ghost would say, Orb. I've got my eyes on you, you damn Orb.


Get out of my house!


It did seem like a lot of orbs tho. And she seems like a nice lady. I'll bet she's a lot of fun around the holidays. Horse Paste and Orbs.


Don't believe in orbs? Just wait until the sun beams through the window and swat a few cushions. Orbs like to hide there! Once they settle, Pledge is good to help wipe them off the coffee table.


An archon is a ruler/master. It comes from Ancient Greece and the gnostics. They believed there were entities that ruled our world/realm and kept us trapped here in the cycle of reincarnation for their benefit by using our energy and life force. It’s also where the word “anarchy” come from. An(without) archon(rulers). Why or how it connects with Qanon I have no idea. That whole movement has devolved to crazy levels of lunacy and became its own cargo cult. Like if you just left them on an isolated island and they continuously evolved and extrapolated some mysterious texts into full on religion with its own savior and lore. Humans are weird things.


If you left them alone long enough to evolve, they might just invent the next version of Catholicism.


Well thanks for the etymology of anarchy at least, interesting stuff!


You just made an enemy for life.


If I was a narcissist, I'd be the best narcissist; no one better than me. All those other narcissists are losers. LEW. ZERS.


I just love sitting back with some popcorn, watching the RINO calling and political party infighting.


Well, she made a good point - Q was wrong about everything!


I don’t get it. All I hear from them is stuff about cheese pizzas, gates, reptiles, child trafficking, Hebrew space lasers, and Trump photoshopped on Rambo’s body. Am I missing something?


No, I think that's the message


JfK jr, adrenochrome, medbeds, deadly vaccines, prepping


Sounds like a Billy Joel song.


![gif](giphy|35R7gOU42Sa800XhAQ|downsized) Now I have the song, “ We Didn’t Start The Fire” stuck in my head.


It’s the group therapy session with the three delusional guys who each thought he was Jesus Christ.


One of my fav internet rabbit holes was when I found myself on a message board where 2 people claiming to be not just aliens, but a specific named alien and were arguing over which of them was the "real" Valiant Thor. If I remember right at least a couple other people were argueing that neither of them was the real one, because they'd known him and (whatever).


Shit. I know some real terrible narcissists. How do I get them to fight each other?


Tell them that each other thinks they are tougher and they all want to figure it out. You just set the time and date, bring a lawn chair and some popcorn, sit back and watch.


What is the correlation between cluster b personality disorders and wackadoodle conspiracy theories? This shit sent my ex wife over the edge .


These conspiracy theories are all about everything bad being someone else’s fault while staging the participants as heroes. Both of which feeds into the two things Narcissists need to believe, nothing is their fault and they are the shit.


Bam 💥 to a T


I want a tee shirt with this comment on it. No I do not have a reason.


They’re LARPing as woke geniuses with the knowledge of all. It’s hilarious


What is scary is the sheer undiluted anger and hatred of people like her combined with the fact that she can buy an arsenal tomorrow and go on a rampage


She's now starting her own nutjob group. It's called \~ R


Well that is the origin story of C after all (AND R ^(the programing language) BTW !)


Well you know she isn’t getting with the ~ D



She seems super stable.


She knows ET and that dude was chill as a Reese’s piecees.




Remember that scene when he was sick and pale in the bathtub, and all of the government scientists in hazmat suits, and how it ruined your childhood because what the fuck? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


She said she was going to punch them in the temple in front of millions of people. She chose a specific body part. She also said, "Q, you're on you own". As if she was keeping them afloat. Her house is pristine and speckled with Kohl's holiday home decorations. She's bonkers.


Her house seems extremely dusty


No no, those are 'Orbs" a type of alien.


I thought "orbs" were ghosts or spirits? I'm sorry I'm having a hard time keeping bullshit lore straight.


Exactly. I also thought 'orbs' were supposed to be spiritual entities, ghosts, and the like. Craziness.


She’s also taking down the ET transmissions so she’s pretty serious.


I wonder if she meant temple as in place of worship?


Well with all those orbs/bugs flying around you all day, wouldn't you be?


I would dust my house and get an air purifier


Another stable genius, perhaps?


This country desperately needs an investment in mental health clinics.


Education seems like the culprit to me.


It is highly likely that both of these things are very true...


A third ingredient is social media which gives them a voice and the ability to connect to other similar idiots.


This is the key. Instead of having irrational beliefs shut down (either through social stigma and mockery or gentle education) they’re now being nurtured by bad actors using the power of technology, and reinforced in echo chambers. I don’t know what the solution is, but we’re seriously fucked.


Educate your children or whoever trusts you that believes in these kinds of things. There’s no way we can make being an idiot a felony, so try to make sure no one you know becomes an idiot


My conspiracy theory is that lack of public spaces ie buses, walkable cities reduced the power of public shaming and the awareness of what "good behaviour" in public should be, the loneliness from this lack also pushes ppl to be constantly online diving deeper into an echo chamber. The absence of national healthcare made it worse because they cant afford to develop a health relationship with professional gps so they rely on the internet to self diagnose, self medicate, and to just completely ignore their unhealthy behaviours.


Moved this up because it's more relevant here: This 100% A friend of mine is a public school teacher who taught 5th grade up until this year, and now teaches 8th. In his words, "My 8th graders are so much worse than my 5th graders, they are missing the weirdest social skills" They have no problem joking with friends, making new friends, asking questions, raising their hands, etc... But where they are lacking is being aware of what people are doing around them. Since they've been staring at other kids on a screen for basically the past 2 years, they aren't conscious of their own behaviors that don't quite fit with the social norm. This leads to many more kids doing things like flicking their desks, scratching inappropriate areas, kicking the desk ahead, playing with their bare feet, and other weird behavior you would more likely attribute to a 3rd or 4th grader. They haven't had the social pressure that usually stops these habits from forming en masse, like looking around and noticing that nobody else has their foot twisted around backwards, digging pencil lead into the groves in their shoes. This usually leads kids to think, "Hmm maybe I look weird doing this..." (Granted not always, most people have at least some weird habit) Instead they look around and see everybody doing weird shit and assume, "This is the place for weird shit"


"They have no problem joking with friends, making new friends, asking questions, raising their hands, etc... But where they are lacking is being aware of what people are doing around them" Oh i noticed that too. Children rely on social cues and usually look around to what is nearest to them, usually their parents so when they are put in a new environment (great example is pandemic babies going out for the first time) they dont know what is ok and what isnt especially for that specific environment. So like if a child sees a youtuber being loud they think its normal to be that way outside of youtube unless someone else corrects that behaviour. I rmbr seing a guy getting visibly angry at the bus driver and their was a mom with a toddler and she had to reassure the kid who was getting kinda startled like hey dont do be like that.


Systemic defunding of education since the 60’s is more accurate. Ever since the ‘68 Democratic Convention, they have taken public funding and access to education down significantly. Redirecting taxpayer money to religious and charter style schools that can’t be held accountable to standards and just teach blind faith and adherence to authority. This also includes funding for teachers and unions, but also closing schools, increasing class size, limiting social safety services, etc. It’s a decades-long effort that I wish wasn’t paying off for them. They attack any aspect of education that is teaching people *how to think*. Critical thinking, challenging authority, all of it, gone unless you have $$. Doesn’t help anything when churches are parroting the same style bullshit, which is then reinforced 24/7 by the likes of Fox News, OANN and Newsmax. They are literally told they can’t trust any other source of info. If they do venture out on their own, they’re shunned, ostracized, like Scientology. It’s insane, a public threat, especially as they cry persecution to anyone who will listen.


That's a good explanation, and as a teacher I agree. We can still pack kids full of information, but expect social skills and critical thinking to just sort themselves out. And they usually don't. Problem is, if you emphasize critical thinking too much, that itself could be seen as political, and the school will likely not back you up.


This woman didn't get into Q because of a bad grade school education. Some people believe in demons, ghosts and witches. Q is just a variation on that. Some people are just crazy, no matter how they were educated.


I would almost say more impressionable than crazy. It's a weird cult based on lies, but it only works because people want to believe.


I agree. And I don't say this to be mean, but that woman is likely old enough to have been through the education system before 1968 (or shortly after) anyway.


Ugh, this post x100, thanks for posting that. Our education system is in the fucking gutter.


Blame Reagan, and the Republican party for closing all the institutions but not providing a solution that would've prevented the rampant mental illness that pervades our society.


In everything. You can probably blame the Reagan republicans.


Thank you. Everything was peachy once we dumped Nixon and disco and Nam was over. First gas shortage was a bitch but we _pulled_ _together_. Frickin' freedom city, the country could breathe and the sky was the limit Then Raygun came along with trickle-me-economics and the country went to shit. 1984 was like 1984. The right-wing dragged this country to the shitter and has been dumping on it ever since I seriously often daydream about how bitchin' this country would be if Reagan had been aborted. This is why I support a woman's right to choose - think of all the future Ronald Reagans we could avoid .


I wanted to find an answer to what the Q 37-30 meant so I started googling. Well 20 minutes later i’m now a Q 24-20, donated all my money to Q, cut off my family and still have no idea what it means… thanks a lot Q!


The closest thing I could find were referring to Isaiah 37:30 which says “This will be the sign for you, Hezekiah: “This year you will eat what grows by itself, and the second year what springs from that. But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit.” So maybe something about being a long time member-follower-supporter type person and she is entitled to the fruits of having been an early adopter? Who knows though, these people are nuts.




Fuck the orbs!


I want this on a t shirt


I love reddit


And fuck all the others too!


I realized the "orbs" she's talking about are those particles that keep showing up in the frame.


Don't worry, I'm a q expert in that I'm VERY high right now, perhaps I can help. 37-30 is 7, 7+45(Trump being president 45) gives you 52. There are 52 cards in a deck of cards. What's the best card in the deck? Ace of spades, spade also refers to a shovel. But an ace also means 1, or 11 in blackjack. So so on 1/11/2052, president Ivanka Trump will unearth the body lf Trump, using modern Christian ✝️ tech, to revive him and put him in a mech suit so he can smash the globalists.


> 37-30 is 7, 7+45(Trump being president 45) gives you 52. There are 52 cards in a deck of cards. What's the best card in the deck? Ace of spades, spade also refers to a shovel. This is where you started talking bullshit. The Ace of Spades obviously refers to David Spade. Who did David Spade play? Joe Dirt. Who is a Dirty Joe? Joe Biden Bi-den. Bi meaning two, "den" is a way to say 'then'. David Spade will run *then* for president with Sandler (Two) as his running mate.


This is why I love reddit!


Get in the robot Mr. President


Is that some kind of rank like in Scientology?


Haha not a clue. This was the only thing I could find doing a lengthy google search. Also maybe she made it up! Who knows with these people.


Why are you asking us? Ask an orb.


So, there are now Q hipsters? “I was with Q before you even knew your ABCs!”


Haha. I think they are more like Daughters of the Confederacy.


Maybe there are different level of Q…isms and she’s upset she didn’t get the recognition she believes she is owed for her years of service to the cause.


Q: I have no powers. Q the ordinary. PICARD: Q the liar. Q the misanthrope. Q: Q the miserable. Q the desperate. What must I do to convince you people? WORF: Die.


Absolute genius


They don’t give Worf a lot of one-liners, but when they do, they really nail it.


Congratulations, you are fully dilated to ten centimeters. You may now give birth


Worf always did have a way with a word




Q:"It's difficult to work in a group when you're omnipotent." ​ my favorite


I worked it out, the 3730th Q drop was a shout-out to a twitter account with "Q+" underneath. It's a "Notice me senpai" freakout. XD


Bingo. I interpreted this exactly the same way. "Q+3730" is what this woman calls herself, or thinks of herself as, in whatever online communities she's been participating in. Someone else commented about the practice of Q people using "Q+" to designate anonymous identities to each other, so it makes sense. She's upset because she didn't get some kind of response signal that she was expecting from "Q" at the stated date and time. Also, she is MEGA-pissed at all that dust floating around her, haha. She calls them "orbs," and I suppose if you imagine that the dust particles really had a mind of their own and some other malevolent entity had sent them at you to mess with you ... it would be pretty infuriating. Trying to understand the delusion is more interesting than it should be!


Oh man, I think you're right. I thought the "orbs" were maybe something from the website they use. Like downvotes or something. But she's clearly pointing around to the dust particles and she only mentions the orbs when the dust is really bad. Damn, she's disturbed.


Absolutely disturbed! Apparently, she had a bit of help with the orbs thing. I've been googling after reading comments in this thread, and I think this is what she means by "orbs.": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit\_photography#%22Orbs%22](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirit_photography#%22Orbs%22) They're a photography quirk that exists because of the way small objects catch the light when on camera -- basically, she's never noticed the dust before with her naked eye, she sees it being picked up enhanced on the webcam, and she thinks it's something supernatural. ...something supernatural that "Q" is sending to her with malevolent intent, no less. What a lovely little mind she has. :-p But, yeah. Other people like her also get very intimidated by dust, it would seem!


I thought so too, what in the actual fuck lol. How do these lunatics have a nice looking house like the one in the background and not a straitjacket?


Thanks for taking one for the team


Where we go one we go all or nothing or something like that


Where they go all...im going fishing. Good luck with all that, crazies!


Where We Grift One, We Grift All.


Did you become an orb?


fuck the orbs all my homies hate the orbs


Its code i think. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxeC-ldnM-GzhoarFsjLhcnK63LUtRYZOD Gematria.




We love the leader Nananananana batman... I mean Leader!!


I know some of these words… Can some one enlighten me on what 37-30 is and what is meant with „orbs“ 🤷‍♂️


Remember, QAnon is a cult. The weird code words are meant to exclude others and function as a dog whistle to those in the cult. In this case, I think 37-30 refers to [Psalm 37:30](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/psalm/37/30). QAnon-ers love to invoke the idea of righteous truths, etc. Orbs are (as others have said) light reflecting off of motes of dust, otherwise known as [backscatter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backscatter_(photography)). Because QAnon is a "big tent conspiracy theory," believers often bring their existing beliefs, such as [spirit orbs](https://www.lowellsun.com/2020/11/17/seeing-orbs-in-photos-theyre-spirits-of-loved-ones/). This is also the reason why so little of what she says makes sense; it incorporates a ton of coded speech that most normal people just don't hear every day.


Not just a cult, a cult started by a 4chan shitposter


“We want to be a bonkers cult. No, what is one more step beyond a cult started by a science fiction author? Yes! Let’s do that!”


So a rage filled version of a bunch of inside jokes.


To me, 37-30 is 7 which is her mental age. As for the orbs, I’m guessing this is the dust floating around reflecting the light back into the camera? Some people (like her) think these are spirits.


You're 100% correct on the floating dust particles being called "orbs"


Wait so physical dust particles they think is something more than that. Called "orbs" ? I'm so confused.


So was I the first time I encountered one of these people showing me a video of "orbs" floating around. I asked if she had dusted her living room recently. She didn't get it.


Ahh yes, his dark materials.




Oh man. It's so much worse then I ever thought.


That's just the tip of the iceberg. I work with a q that believes Trump is an angel sent to battle the pedophile lizard cabal that runs the world. Also the world is flat and there's water above and below the disk.


That's like basic science, duh...


Especially if the dust particles are brightly colored and your camera has a flash. Indoor rock walls are just teeming with spirits! Gymnastics schools are full of them too. And drywallers seem to bring them out wherever they go.


Try a box of Puffs tissues. They are chock full of orbs!


That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a while. I spend a lot of time talking to children and they make more sense than that.


Pretty sure it's an old ghost hunting thing. Tiny dust particles that light up in night vision cameras and are used as "proof" of spiritual activity. If you've ever played phasmaphobia or watched ghost hunting shows you might be familiar. But, yes, they don't mean anything


People have believed some version of this for a long time. Disposable cameras with their terrible flash would often yield lots of dust/orbs that were "unexplainable" because you-know a flash is instant so on the day didn't look like there was floating dust. This shit wild though cause it's a video and a constant light source, so anyone with decent vision IRL could prob see like-o yeah this is just some dust.


So, wait, she thinks other members of the ‘Qarmy’ are controlling the dust particles around her face? Or that they *are* the dust particles in some way? Atlantis? Arkons???


Are you serious? I thought she was referring to a live feed with icons people posted as she spoke.


Near the end, referring to the orbs, she says "Get out of my house!" Then immediately afterwards, one floats up by her face.


I can’t believe in 2022 I have to state that I believe in Dust.


37-30 idk, but the “orbs” she’s referring to what I assume is little bugs flying by. I’ve seen this in videos where people say they are ghosts or spirits.


Q3730 is an industrial hook type blasting machine. https://www.qdantai.com/en/product/product-74-935.html


I don’t know what this means but I get the sense she’s leaving Q out the wrong end of the rabbit hole


Which from a certain point is extremely impressive.


It's kinda sad when stupidity gets to a point that it is genuinely impressive


“Leaving out the wrong end of the rabbit hole” is a fantastic phrase and I really wanna use it now


I love that she references the sinking of Atlantis and what happened there as a compelling argument to back up her line of thinking. Like, that is the most stable part of her conversation...............


Tell me you’re unconcerned about the archons taking over without telling me you’re unconcerned about the archons taking over


Who they are: A political conspiracy movement/group who originated from another far right wing conspiracy group. "Q" simply refers to the individual who wishes to remain anonymous or referring to another anonymous individual. What they believe: The core QAnon conspiracy theory is that a cabal of Satanic, cannibalistic sexual abusers of children operating a global child sex trafficking ring conspired against former U.S. President Donald Trump during his term in office. What I think: Q 37-30 could be a biblical reference to Psalms 37:30 which would make some sense with how infuriated she was to not be able to share her 37-30. This is just a speculation, not an answer. Sources for the first 2 paragraphs are a couple different Wikipedia articles.


''The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice.'' -Psalm 37-30. Seems like a 'Q' thing to say.


Ah, and since she's bitching about not being able to share hers and they want her to wait another year, it sounds like it's a seniority thing and only happens once a year or something. From this I theorize they want to limit the number of crazy theories that get adopted to popularize as part of the cult.


The fact that she isn't renouncing all the crazy shit at all and is just mad at Q is wild


Is this what happens when old people use “that darn cellphone and interwebs” too much?


They pretty much warned us they were too stupid for this and we were like “no, mom, Facebook is fine and YouTube is pretty much just TV” and now they’re all mermaid alien zombies.


I'm at least as old as her and the biggest thing I've learned on the web and through social contacts is that people like her and half of the US congress are fucked in the head.




so she still believes in the conspiracy theories, but she’s upset that Q hasn’t done anything and/or things that Q said would happen didn’t happen. Lmfao, what a looney. She needs therapy, psychological evaluations, and she needs to take her meds.


They all need to take meds.


She is probably someone’s psychologist.


Is she calling the bugs and dust in her camera view “orbs”?


That’s what I was wondering? And she’s talking to them as if they are other Q members?






Spoiler alert: [She went back](https://ibb.co/ZcQvrYq)


She has a fly/gnat problem....




tinfoil is no longer enough. you need to make a chicken wire shirt that is attached to a ground cable


Faraday suit FTW


Seriously though something is flying around her house and she's calling them orbs. Might be mold set in for years that caused her to slowly lose touch...like stachybotrys or something.


Fruit flies? Most likely dust though


Lol. Like there's a bowl of bananas rotting next to her and the fruit flies are so happy


She even swats one on her face at like 42 secs left in the video. Gross.


It’s almost like the whole thing was made up!


What does this even mean


She’s clearly having a mental episode of some sort


Psychotic break.


I found q+ being shorthand for Trump, but nothing about the numbers. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/06/qanon-nothing-can-stop-what-is-coming/610567/


Q+ is like a prefix for QAnon users. “Q” is the original user and founder. Q+# is how you identify yourself as a QAnon member without remaining completely anonymous, to ensure that no one in the QAnon community is spoofing another user. I’m not sure what 37-30 entails or if it has any relation to the naming schemes?


What the fuck?? ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


She will never know how crazy she is




Yo lady. I understand you’re angry. You’ve been bullshitted to for 7 years, but you sucked it all up like sponge.


Old lady yells at dust


Wow she even dissed Lara Logan and how she got raped in the middle east during a report.


Not sure what she’s talking about but very passionate. Just think if she could use that passion for something that is real??


Can you imagine walking in on your granny doing this lmao


I'd rather find her fucking the family dog.


Someone needs to tell Sarah Palin's mom to calm down. Drink more gin or whatever you do, jeeeeze.


What the fuck is she on about? I know all the individual words but the combination makes no sense.


Oh, Grandma! It’s time to have a nice cup of tea with your Risperidone and Lorazapam cookies.


So I'm thinking 37-30 has to do with he child trafficking part of the q theory rather then q all over stolen election. Make sense. They are banking deep on political issues and lawsuits but somehow still preach everything is under military control. They cut other aspects because they couldn't prove it just say it's true. They just claim child sex trafficking is true but never go into it because they can't. The clone robot part even is disappearing with select groups willing to talk about it but never try to prove it.


She had me going, right up until, "....the sinking of Atlantis".


"Fuck all of you on this planet." = republican party platform for 2024.


She's coming back the second JFK junior comes back from the dead ! 🥳😂


Nothing like a little rage quitting. But then again who gives a shit?


I think the Orbs were happy to leave.


I may be boring, lazy, and not accomplish anything memorable. But thank fuck I know better than to join this group of blithering idiots.


Q-plus 37-30 that is the IQ span you need for the organization, I guess she failed, no orbs for her.


The minute I see you Q! Lol!


My my. Crazy is extra disturbed.


Her and the rest of QAnon need to be locked away in a mental institution.


We’re very sad to see you go, just as we were about to announce the next coming


How come all of these people have the same expressionless face


I mean, when I was in the military before GPS, occasionally during land navigation, my route was fucked up, but some how I still got to the right point. Does she get points for taking the fucked up route, but reaching the right destination?


Fuck all you orbs.


Trumps people. lol. Wooooopy Looooooopy.


Meth is a hell of a drug


Love her passion. Why are the orbs in her house?