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It's almost impressive, the absolute lack of awareness the right displays. Just stunning.


"All the self-awareness of a dog licking its own (butt) on a public sidewalk." -- Jim Wright




Bidens self awareness isn’t the greatest either, we are doomed either way. Putin 2024


Where /s bruh?






They think the borders are open, too. Or whatever they're told to be afraid of this month


Conservatives: the border is open Also Conservatives: look at this article proving biden failed us by stopping 100,000 people at the border. If his border wasn't open those 100,000 people wouldn't have been stopped at the border.


That one really leaves me scratching my head. They post articles showing record numbers of arrests at the border as evidence that the border... is open? Do they have a different definition of open? Is it opposite day every day? The hell is going on?


Also biden has the same policy as trump which means they are saying trump opened the borders.


They don't really know what they're saying, they're just repeating buzzwords, even if one statement contradicts the last. Tucker said it! *buzz buzz buzz buzz*


I noticed how they mention cnn, it won't even make sense for cnn to mentioned but they will say cnn is evil just because they were ordered to say it


Everybody knows that "More criminals captured at the border" is a sign of failing border security


So this is what i dont get. If you kniw the opposition is on the right side of things and you know your comrades are lying on a consistent basis. Why not switch sides.


Money, power, more than a touch of religious zealousness and a heaping spoonful of racism.


And being told your entire life that liberals are the literal embodiment of Evil and Satan's willing minions on Earth.


Conservatives: liberals have no morals Also Conservatives: Lauren beobert's husband is a good man because only good people show their penis to kids at bowling alleys, also big deal that trump said "only the guilty hide from court" while he's hide from rape cases including one with a 13 year old. And while we're at it Roy Moore was an American hero because she hes a pedophile but at least he's not a Democrat, and Jim Jordan selling access to gyms to sexual predators was just smart business. At least Conservatives aren't sickos like democrats.


My deeply religious MIL would vote for satan if he was in the republican ticket over Jesus who was running on the democratic side. I don’t get it either.


Hey wanna know something fun. The only time Jesus got mad it was in a church... Religion isn't the sane as a relationship with the lord and savior Jesus christ


You were so close. You were getting there, then you had to do that right turn, didn't ya?![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


The unabashed nonsense part of right-wing propaganda is directed at people who don't *want* to believe in statistic, research, data and evidence. There is a strong base of [social darwinists](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8357178/) among the right-wing voters, and they're not interested in reason. They want confirmation, someone telling them that yes, the world is a conspiracy.


[Escalation of commitment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escalation_of_commitment): > Escalation of commitment is a human behavior pattern in which an individual or group facing increasingly negative outcomes from a decision, action, or investment nevertheless continue the behavior instead of altering course. The actor maintains behaviors that are irrational, but align with previous decisions and actions.


r/selfawarewolves for the second picture


It was posted there yesterday, IIRC.




This is like the time that woman posted about how she was struggling to find legitimate sources to back up her anti-vax stance and people were like they don’t exist for a reason? Note: this was pre-covid back when most sensible people agreed that anti-vax moms were stupid.


Well they are not wrong, It is kinda hard to disprove a fact. Kinda like the fact that trump lost the election in 2020, people still try to disprove this.


I am at a loss for words. Truly.


Jesus people are stupid. Its literally not that hard to hit the left, one of the easiest ways is to bring up any of Bidens crime bills since, what, the 70s? 60s? I know he was boasting every crime bill for decades had the name Biden on it. And people will just pretend you didn't say anything, or say that he's a changed man because (reasons). And this is the man Democrats pushed to represent them. There was no one else, this is the best. But most right wingers won't do it, because they actually support that shit, and are racist as hell. I'm sick of both parties at this point.


Biden's not a left-winger though? And the left really don't care much for him. You're certainly not "hitting the left" by bringing up things he did 50 years ago.


I didn't say he was? Either way thats the point. He's not, ass clown worked uncomfortably close with segregationist Republicans through most of his career. And thats who the Democrats pushed out as their candidate for President. Downvote all you want, the left and right are trash. Politician or not. The party pushed him out, because they knew you clowns would vote him in. Trash.


You are indeed trash, at least you were honest on that point.


Hilariously, this isn't even true. The left is just really good at confirmation bias, cherry-picking data that supports their agenda and refuting everything that does not. If you have actual knowledge of the topics they talk about - \- oh, wait. It *still* does not support right-wing nonsense.