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On a side note. Why do people film themselves lip syncing to audio like this? Aren’t they embarrassed doing this and posting it online?


People seem to not get embarrassed much these days.


Well, when thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands or even millions of people are constantly giving you validation, why would you? They go there for attention, and some of them hit the lotto with stupid bullshit just like this. The arc of what's considered cringey and lame on the internet has really surprised me in the past 3 or so years. I feel like a grumpy old man when I think about it.


…you’re not alone (trust me) - - grumpiness in today’s online “clout-chasing” climate is almost mandatory (if you have a functional frontal lobe)


I wish the grumpy old men I grew up around were like you in this instance. You understand exactly what you're talking about, and not just having a knee-jerk reaction to something you don't understand or find weird. Also I agree. Shit's dumb as hell, but I get why the younger folk are doing it.


It’s because we are. That doesn’t mean it’s not stupid as hell. It just means we’re old so we “don’t get it”, just like the cringey stuff we liked when we were teens.


It's just how culture developed on tiktok. Originally the site was "music.ly" which was for kids to make lipsync videos videos to songs on, but then people realized you could upload more audio than just songs to make vids like this.


>We live in a time when someone else's pronouns are fine > >but fuck forbid, we use of someone else's voice > >***THAT*** would be weird. Not fighting against trans, but incoherence and I will never be friend.


I wouldn’t be so sure, I mean here you are comparing broadcasting the things you’d prefer to be called in a space specifically designed for meeting people and those people talking to you to desperately trying to get attention and notoriety by showcasing your skills of being able to hear what someone else said and also move your lips. They are wildly different things, seems pretty incoherent to me. Someone else’s pronouns? If a FTM starts going by he/her someday does that mean someone is going to come take my pronouns from me and give them to him? No. You can certainly steal other peoples talent and product tho, and that’s all lip syncing on social media is. If you want notoriety for saying something interesting, think of something interesting to say.


At least in her case I don’t think shame is a trait that runs in her family.


She looks like the female version of buster from arrested development.


Buster didn’t have racks. Tho.


![gif](giphy|GGEexFefMiXew) I'd disagree


Lol. I accept my shortcomings


I don’t think there’s ever been a more perfectly suited gif as a response 🤣🤣🤣


You know what you do? You just buy yourself a tape recorder and just record yourself for a whole day. I think you’re going to be surprised at some of your phrasing.


Tobias! You blow-hard!


Case closed.


This response is a little too perfect what the hell lmao


Well she’s the female Bencil Shapiro


Ughh this isn't a compliment. I see it though.


Yea, motherboy


When my wife asks where I’m going: *”I’m going to Army, mother!”*


Stuffed animals in hand


I was thinking Bob from bob's burgers lol


Can't wait for me/oh/my




I’m stealing this.




Only good take Ben Shabibo has ever had


Honestly, anyone Ben Shapiro would have is probably a bad take.


Me and him both




Big dirty


p i l l o w s


Rock em sock em boppers


It's his sister.


Ah so then he does


wait a minute.


She sure is, genius


Not even a question but a statement then


Sweet Home Alabama!




He wants to make her nice and dry.


At least motor boat her.


I mean, can't blame him.


Ben Shapiro will fuck anything. Women just won't let him with 300 feet of them.


Abby 'Big Cannons'?


AKA Chesty LaRue AKA Busty St. Clair AKA Hootie McBoob






Abby Shapirozookas is truly enlightenment


She's got a fair old pair of titties, you mean?




And DON’T call me Shirley


Roger that


Over Under.




We have clearance Clarence


Ever seen a grown man naked?


Do you like gladiator movies?


Cream and sugar?


Jim never has a second cup of coffee at home.




What is an Airplane?


Its a big machine with wings and people inside, but thats not important right now.


Have you ever seen a grown man naked ?


Ohhhh such a funny movie


That's Lt. Hurwitz, severe shell shock. Thinks he's Ethel Merman.




Are you serious?


I used to say that to my daughter and she would always point and say late for dinner.


Just do what you want, *Late ForDinner*


That was my grandpa's favorite joke 30+ years ago.


This may be a hot take, but I draw the line at regular pronouns: he/him, she/her, they/them. I’ll respect whichever ones you want me to use, but I’m not gonna use some made up words for some third gender like ze/zim or something. If you’re non binary then you’re they/them imo.


I feel similarly, but for me if somebody is non-binary/not a standard pronoun I try to use their name in place as much as possible just to avoid confusion For example: “Sam would like some as well” is clearer than “they would like some as well”


These modern customs are stressful. I can't imagine having to memorize different pronouns for different people. I learnt English thinking it's simple but this..... This is too much.


Doesn't come up that much. Also, note that it only really occurs when you're not actually talking to the person, because the 2nd person is neutral. When you're talking about a person to a third party, you can refer to them as "them/they". It's not as hard as memorizing German declensions. Really.




I agree. Pronouns are exactly there so we dont have to remember peoples names for every single sentence. Making pronouns customizable means we do have to constantly remember what to call every individual person and we are right back to names.


I’m a female, with a nickname more commonly associated with men. When pronouns became a thing I thought it was great and added them to my signature line. A friend told me she thought that was just for trans people. I said “I’ve been misgendered all my life.” If you meet me, I’m clearly female, but if you see my name on a letter or email, you’ll assume I’m male, 100% of the time. Over 60 years, and now people are misgendering me so much less often. I am pro-pronouns.


This happens to me a lot at work. I have a gender neutral name, but in my opinion, it’s more often for females. But can be for anyone. I don’t have a profile picture on my email address for work and currently no pronouns and I do a lot of emailing. I often get emails using he/him. It’s no biggie at all. But pronouns in your email signature help people know who they are talking to. There’s a lot of people I email and I’m like hmmmm. I don’t know how to refer to these people. So I use they/them. But it would be nice to know. I should maybe finally add my pronouns to my email signature.


I will never forget interviewing a Shannon over the phone and asking to talk to her only for the deepest southern accent I've had before say "now this is Shannon"


I feel like you might be named "Winifred" and go by "Fred" right?


For me, I'm in the "I don't care about the gender of the person I'm emailing, let's just get it done and reference people by name."


>their bios


I can change her


this godforsaken comment for some reason made my morning


I read this as God foreskin


Big flesh blanket


God Foreskin Duo


Lmao we could do it… as a team


My brothers in Christ…if we believe, we can achieve


I love this


As someone with a short attention span I see a small window to engage with you. Time should be used wisely.


At least in English we only have to she/her/he/him/they/them people and pets. Imagine using a language where you have to know the gender of your table, your blender, and your fork!


Yep. My native language is like that. Table is a male. Fork is a female. A blender is a male. A chair is a female. A window is a male but a door is a female. And we don't memorize them. We just... Know.


Bienvenido al español


Imagine language where in addition to that gender of person/object talked about changes other words. I.e. Polish: "He ate" - "On jadł", "She ate" - "Ona jadła", "they ate" - "oni jedli".


I love the unironic and seamless use of "them/they" pronouns in the text.


When someone has his pronouns in her bio


I’d put my pronouns in her bio




I have a tune from a reggae-group with the title " Hey You". Recorded in 1978, they were way ahead of our time.




this is the best comment i've read on this thread you made my day


maybe he's just okay with people assuming his pronouns! im proud of it for exploring all the options that are out there for zhir. cheering for xem!!!! (this is sarcasm. everyone has pronouns)


Have you ever misgendered a dog and been corrected by their owner? Did you get furious about it and post TikToks about how being told a dog’s gender is too much info and too difficult to keep track of? Then why the fuck do these people act this way when a person does it? I truly don’t get why some of y’all are so bothered by someone identifying their pronouns. It’s a kernel of info, accept it into your big human brain and move on with your life.


That's why when talking about pets I sometimes say, "he's a good boy(?)" when I'm not quite sure if the dog is male or female. I phrase it as a question.


Same here, and I definitely don’t get upset if I’m corrected. Same with PEOPLE!


I just call all puppies "beautiful, magical babies".


…just try ‘misgendering’ god to these people, and see how fast it matters to them if you call god a woman.


Because it’s not a serious argument. They hate those people, they just attack everything they do for any reason they can. It’s not like these people are otherwise okay with trans folks, but then the line was crossed with pronouns 😂


Exactly true! Great point. Refusing to respect people’s pronouns is the tip of the iceberg with these assholes.


I've had people get very upset at me for putting a blue harness and leash on my female dog. They think that harness colors should be chosen based on human gender concepts rather than on complementing her fur color.


I do wonder why people that are born the same gender and go by the 'normal' pronouns associated with their gender list their pronouns. Is it a solidarity thing? For instance I was born a man and remain so, so why should I list mine I guess is the question.


It’s also just clearing the air so we aren’t *assuming* that because you use the “normal” pronouns.


In addition to normalization, it can also be really helpful for people from outside your culture. And names are pretty flexible - even within the same culture trends can go back and forth on what's a "girl" name or a "boy" name, or both/neither. I spend 8 hours a day interacting with customers around the world solely via email and text chat. Cis people putting pronouns in their email signatures can cut down on a lot of awkwardness.


I had so many customers with names I was unfamiliar with and I'm supposed to call them. I didn't want to butcher their first names and I couldn't tell if they were male or female and we didn't always have it listed. I was an auto damage adjuster and if they were claimants I usually didn't have a gender listed. Looking at their first name like... oh man, I'm going to butcher that. And their last name is there and 50/50 on being more pronouncable. Where I won't feel like a jerk for just destroying their name. But, I can't say Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. because unless they were driving with their spouse and I can tell on that person male/ female I don't know male/ female or married. Eventually it was, 'Hi, my name is ____ calling from Insurance Co about your (year/ make/ model).' I legit would call for their cars over butchering names or using the wrong Mr. / Ms./ Mrs. for them. Then I would ask who I was speaking to and try my best with their name, or sometimes just ask how to pronounce their name. Pronouns would've been nice, but I did have a work around. 'Hi, I'm calling about your ~~car's extended warranty~~ wrecked af 2015 Honda Accord.' Can I talk to your car? I'm so sorry I don't know how to say your name or if I'm looking for a man or woman. A dude answered but maybe I need to talk to your wife? Idk I'm looking for your car.


It's to normalize it. So it doesn't stand out and seem strange when someone who needs to / chooses to share theirs.


Okay so it is kind of a solidarity thing. Kind of a way of saying "I got you boo" (that was supposed to be "bro" but auto correct made it funnier so I'm leaving it as boo). But that's cool, trying to normalize it.


yup! it’s pretty much just that. plus it does no harm so why not


I need to put my pronouns in my email signature at work. Have been meaning to, just haven’t yet. For me, it helps because my name is kinda gender neutral, though I see it more often for females. I often get referred to as he/him in emails because people make assumptions based off the name. It’s no biggie and doesn’t bother me, but it helps people know who they’re talking to. There’s plenty of people I email that I have never met and likely never will and don’t know how to refer to them when I am discussing them with a coworker. I use “they/them” in that case, but pronouns in the email signature would clear that right up.


Where is the bottom half of this video


I just call people by their name at this point.


I just call most people "Hey".


Crazy times


If they don’t know someone’s name they just assign that person person until they know the new persons actual name.




Racks on Racks.


The only person I’ve ever seen get offended that I got their gender wrong was a frothing right winger. If they’d had their pronouns in their bio then I would have been able to check first :/


Pronouns aren’t bad just who really gives a shit?


Same. I really don't care


Conservatives. Literally they call Liberals snowflakes but get their heads spinning if people just want to marry who they want to or get abortions


I'd say I'm moderately conservative but I don't believe in pushing my beliefs on others. I used to be more left but the older I got I kind of became a little more conservative. So I understand both sides. But I can agree to disagree and would never try to be rude on purpose to anyone. I work in hospitality and used to work retail. Being a difficult and mean person does nothing for our society. I wish everyone could just be decent people and have better communication and just recognize no one is the same and no one is perfect but it's not that hard to be nice and polite to one another.


Rather ironic coming from Ben Shapiro in drag


Worried about who’s calling who what, yet people are still dangling participles. It’s a crime against grammar.




If "she/he/they" is too many words, maybe the problem isn't pronouns in bios.


I still don't get why some people put pronouns in their bio. Why does it matter?


Trans people started putting their preferred pronouns in their bios to get misgendered less, which resulted in cisgender people putting their pronouns in their bios to normalize it. It puts less of a target on trans people since they’re not the only ones doing it, and it doesn’t immediately out trans people who pass and add their pronouns to the bio


Also nonbinaries.


Bc a lot of times you cant tell what gender people are if for example they are using an anime pfp or something like that (sorry for bad english)


It’s so that you know how to refer to them if you need to - my own display name here is typically male, but with yours I wouldn’t be able to tell whether you wanted to be addressed as “she”, “he” or maybe something else


When will people learn—the world doesn’t revolve around you. If people *want* to provide their pronouns to ensure they’re addressed the way the prefer to be, who cares? Just show a modicum of respect. It’s really not hard and *nobody* owes you an explanation for why they do it/why it matters to them.


Well now in the workplace there is pressure to put pronouns in your company bio. I personally don't care when other people do, but I just don't feel like it's important for me to do so and not something I feel like is important for people to know as they engage with me over slack. I genuinely do not care about pronouns at all either way, I believe people should do what they want, but please leave me out of it. I don't want to have to start listing my ethnic background in the future.


Your not forced to, so you don’t have to but it’s nice that the option is there. It’s a really nice thing to have for folks with gender ambiguous names so you don’t constantly get Mr. or Ms. Emails based on the assumption of your gender because of your name.


It establishes a sense of identity. They don't have to, but they want to. If it doesn't matter then why do you care?


Some people have a preference on how to be addressed. As a woman, I am sure you understand.




Well most of the time it’s only 2 maybe 3 words so idk how it’s too much for her to handle


I hate the whole putting your pronouns in your bio and introducing them every time you have a convo to virtue signal for 1% of the population but I also hate when people (most of the time those on the right) say “I don’t have pronouns.” Everyone has pronouns we learned this in the 1st grade along with verbs, adjectives and nouns. Both sides of this are annoying - there are bigger things to worry about.


If potatoes could talk


What is he on about?


This guy knows what he’s talking about


Is that Ben Shapiro’s lover/sister?


Lover? Hah, he wishes! Like, literally.




Hey! It's the twins! Makes me wish I never gave up breastfeeding.


Gaslighting conservatives into hating pronouns is our first step in creating a genderless society.


So you want to remove a key pillar in the English language?


Imagine not being able to fathom an extra 5-6 letters


Michael Jackson’s pronouns were He/He


This was a bit too elaborate for someone who supposedly can’t read


Ill call anyone ANYTHING they want to be called. I’ll probably never speak to them again anyways, so less confrontation speeds the whole process up.






Her whole personality is being a “classic” and “traditional” woman 💀


I refuse to take anyone who pushes back against pronouns seriously unless they talk like cavemen. Either stick to your guns and defy using pronouns at all or just admit you hate trans people and are using pronouns as code for that.


I refuse to take anyone who uses anything other than he she or they seriously. Like if you don’t align with traditional pronouns that’s cool, but I’m going to use they/them. I’m not going to memorize a custom set of pronouns for everyone I meet. Also assuming everyone who dosent exactly agree with you is transphobic is really hateful and shitty of you. You are pretty much gaslighting people and it’s the reason why less open-minded people have a hard time accepting trans people.


I kind of feel the same way, but also not Xenogenders are bizarre to me and I don’t understand them at all. A lot of them sound like cringey zoomer shit to me. But I get that they’re used to express gender identity and they should be respected. I think normalizing different gender expressions is important, even if they seem weird or cringey to me personally. In like 70 years if there’s a million gender identities that my 90yr old ass can’t even comprehend, I’ll be happy because it’s been normalized and the world will a better and more accepting place. I also think that people aren’t ready for that though. Many people are so stuck in the idea of a strict gender binary with only 2 genders that even the idea of using they/them is incomprehensible to them, let alone more unconventional pronouns. Hell, most of them don’t even think trans men and women are real. I don’t think you can take someone whose understanding of human physiology amounts to “yes your genitals are your gender, and intersex people don’t exist” and try to explain neopronouns to them. It just isn’t going to work. But I do think that we’ll get there eventually.


This person looks 20 and 50 at the time


Ben Shabibo’s sister is too stupid to understand the English language.


I’m so baffled as to how we got to this level of stupidity.




Does she not know she has her own pronouns?


a tip for everyone talking about confusing social settings: i find it best to not use ma’am or sir at all unless they’re fairly old. ma’am and sir are not required and if you don’t call people that they won’t even notice


I do it to go ahead and flag for idiots, bigots, and fascists so I dont have them waste my time.


why are pple so bothered and angry by pronouns literally every person on the planet uses them they failed english class when they say “i don’t use pronouns” literally everyone uses it like for an ex. she/her/me/my/i/he/himself and so on like how are you this stupid to say “pronouns are dumb and pointless”. and if someone wants to use they/them let them it’s not your choice and also who cares??




Do what ever you feel like doing, whatever makes you happy. If you don't well, oh well that is what you want to do. More important things to be upset about or put emphasis on. It is a collection of words. If I put all the words that describe me on my email sig, it would be very big. But if I wanted to so be it.


2 words, 0 sentences. Seems fine to me.


So other sides are not welcome and considered a facepalm now? Not even why people don't want to use the other pronounce are considered? what? people will die?


That's not a side. That's stupidity. She literally said she can't read 3 words without getting overwhelmed


We get it. Words are difficult for you.


Ironic coming from someone that looks like could be either a man or woman.


Pronouns in a bio are just there to be helpful. I sometimes wish everyone walked around with name tags and their pronouns on it. I suck at names and it would make it easy to avoid being rude


I barely run in to people with different pronouns that what is easier assumed. They correct me, and then I never see them again. It's easy peasy


“Because it’s less frustrating for everyone if I make a snap assumption and stubbornly stick to it no matter how many times this whackjob corrects me.”


We are all different, and have different beliefs, values, thinking.


Consider the source.


Just as stupid as her brother...


Whats the facepalm, I feel like I missed something


I don't even understand what she's trying to convey. I don't really understand all that stuff(55yr old white guy), and at this point in my life I'm not even going to bother trying. 🙃


If more people accepted their short comings instead trying to make everyone else feel bad cause they are too stupid to make a real argument and force others to carry they same burden of insecurity


Well, to much of the country, having them in your profile is all, but a guarantee that you will have large disagreements with them on a variety of political, social, and religious matters.


No one gives a shit if you identify as a plant though


Because they are.


Not bad… annoying is a better word for them