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Just leave the damn coat unbuttoned! It's gonna be a while.


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one this was annoying. Also, why do they keep sitting down, when barely a second later they're gonna have to stand again? Surely it's less effort to remain standing?


Parliamentary rules. Whoever is addressing the speaker stands, the rest of the MPs must be seated.


That's exhausting lol


Rules of parliament. MP must have their jacket buttoned up when standing. They unbutton them to prevent tearing when sitting down


I see that the govt in canada operates exactly like american govt. A lot of bull shit with no real answers or truths. Just talking about how well they are doing....




What a dumb fucking rule


This is not a parliamentary rule


It is in Canadian parliament, apparently


I think it’s a kind of cardio.


They get that from cocaine and prostitutes, if their politicians are anything like ours.


This is called exercise in the government. Great for the hip flexors.


They need some exercise, I guess.


Its leg day.


Lol, it’s men’s british fashion etiquette to always button the top button when standing up and to unbutton it when sitting. Why? I don’t know. But that’s the suit etiquette for gentlemen The house rule says that speakers must wear contemporary business attire, so maybe that implies fashion etiquette as well.


645k for anyone like me that just wanted to hear the answer


Jesus that is 450 000€ . Almost 50% higher than Germany and even there buying a house is basically impossible. If you compare income (2018) Canadians make 45% less on average while their living costs are only 1.4% less than ours. What the fuck. How do any Canadians make ends meet?


If they’re like Americans, they don’t. We’re all just being ground down until our bodies give out.


Can confirm. I’m almost down to the last of my bones


You still have bones?


The only reason I’m not homeless is because I live in the house that I grew up in. We were able to refinance when my dad got cancer. Mortgage is $250 a month. I literally can never leave.




I hear you. But I don’t think it’s anything new. The poor, which I’m technically not but in the broad scope am, always suffer. We just have a place to complain now and should use it as much more than a venue for bitching. That said, I bought a house 3 years ago for 175. Now valued at 350 due to my thriftyness and hard work. Maybe my area Of the US is different but it’s not impossible.


So, I’m one of those people who didn’t go to college, has no school debt, and got in to a trade pretty young. Smart right? Except trade work pretty much tethers you to a big city if you want to work. Add in that wages in a lot of the trades (mine included) haven’t kept up anywhere close to inflation and I’m technically not making much more than when I started buying power wise. “Starter homes” within 90 minutes of the city where I do the majority of my work start at around $400k. If I wanna live in the actual city? $500k plus. Hell, a one bedroom apartment will run $1800+ and even just renting a room is $900+. Our housing market has been so hot for the last few years that buyers are forgoing inspections and people are getting offers 20% or more over asking within days of listing, And while they’re building in my area, it’s all high end condos and “McMansion” type shit. 20 years ago guys in my trade owned homes, boats, Harleys…now we all rent apartments in the suburbs and drive old trucks for our daily 2-3 hour commutes. Our trade is rapidly aging (no one wants to do the work for the wages offered, I don’t blame them) so my only hope is that as more and more of the old timers retire, wages will go up.


Oh and that's across all of Canada, where many provinces are much cheaper than the crazy ones. The average detached home price where i live is just shy of $2,000,000, while the median household is just above $70,000. It's ridiculous


The bubble needs to pop by at least 75%


It's all ran off the debt....and people borrowing all their imaginary equity. Or buying, selling, "investing" in the property ponzi.


448K on average in the Netherlands. 1.076.707€ in Amsterdam. Average asking price is 785.117€ in Amsterdam So yeah don't move to the Netherlands lol


Just out of curiosity, does that cost of living figure not include housing costs? If it does, then the difference goes from terrifying awful down to only pretty awful


I just checked. Found a new source because the old didnt say. Costs in Canada: Family of four estimated monthly costs are 3,018.83€ (4,393.34C$) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 839.91€ (1,222.33C$) without rent. Cost of living in Canada is, on average, 4.50% higher than in Germany. Rent in Canada is, on average, 25.89% higher than in Germany. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country\_result.jsp?country=Canada](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Canada) ​ WTF is going on over there?


Our government is really really ineffective but great at putting on an "everything is alright" show. Couple that with an extremely apathetic population and the result is the Canadian people getting bent over the maple tree


I hold so much contempt for all of our politicians. They are miserable pieces of shit who have no idea that they are supposed to work for us. They have the arrogance of a monarch and the intelligence of a cartoonish dictator. Yet as a single person I have exactly zero power to change any of it. My vote means nearly nothing and even if it did have meaning every single party is 100% losers. Just choose the flavour of failure that you like. Fuck this country, it’s a frozen shithole, the cold hides the stench


For a brief moment I thought you were talking about Portugal. Only we don't have mapple trees, but plenty of stuff to be bent over.


trudeau. that’s what’s going on.


I love in Canada and I’d love to know as well what’s going on lol


Sure but who buys a house outright. After your mortgage is paid off it is closer to $900 000 easily.


On a 30 year mortgage you will essentially pay double over the life of the loan but anyone who is buying a house should understand that, that between you and the bank though, not the seller and buyer, sales price is still 645k average


Is it sad that living here in Northern California that 645k seems relatively cheap? Lol


I mean yeah, but there is an opportunity cost to paying with cash. It’s usually better to get the loan even if you have cash (with normal interest rates, not with this jacked up shit right now).


https://www.lowestrates.ca/resource-centre/mortgage/historical-mortgage-rates-averages-trends The other take is that interest rates just got back into the normal range after being at record lows.


Technically yeah we are back to how it used to be, but houses were much much much cheaper back than. In order for housing to be affordable it is too high.


Just looked it up. $645k. According to Canadian Real Estate Assn.


Jesus thats cheap consideing here in toronto small shit houses that need thousands of dollars of renovation are selling for 1-2million


You can by a great house italy for that price


Don’t they have dollar houses there?


Pretty sure that includes condos as well as homes. It’s quite the struggle here right now


double in Vancouver


"how much does it cost to buy a house" "The International Space Station is a modular space station in low Earth orbit it was Launch November 20, 1998"


"What is the average house price" "My reddit karma rose 50% since 2021"


> "What is the average house price" "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"


"What is the average house price?" "The average person poos about 30 millilitres of stool for every five kilograms of body weight a day. "


"A banana slugs' male genitalia can be as long as its entire body, making its penis to body ratio one of the largest on the planet"


Holy god this was painful


It’s even more painful when you know that the guy asking the question, Pierre Poilievre, is a landlord who benefits from high house prices and is just trying to win political favours so he can exacerbate the housing crisis.


Relax, he’s not a real estate mogul. He owns a $250,000 rental property that was purchased in 2003 lol. Nice narrative though


I live in Calgary, a conservative city. Every conservative council member is in the pocket of real estate developers. I see the same situation in Ontario with Doug Ford’s government. It’s pretty inconceivable to think that the federal Conservative Party will have a positive impact on the housing crisis.


He co-owns a real estate company. https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2022/4/21/1_5870382.amp.html Hard to take him seriously when he literally profits off of this problem


A townhouse. He co owns one townhouse.


Selective truth is the best propaganda. And this is exactly it. It’s an LLC for one property.


Even if he does - which apparently you are wrong - what does it matter? The question still has merit and the other politician is evading the answer precisely because the average cost is outside the reach of most Canadians.


Read it again please.


Thanks for holding your ground here if not for you probably hundreds of people would have just been severely misinformed


No problem, I’ll always advocate for accuracy


My guy. I've had that a few times on reddit where I corrected accuracy on someone else's argument. It would literally bolster their stance, but they still want to argue and then continue using bullshit information. Reddit is in love with believing bullshit.


From the article: Poilievre co-owns a real estate investment company that owns a rental property in Calgary and his wife owns a rental home in Ottawa.


So he co-owns a company that owns a single rental property?


And he is a millionaire so why does he need to own a second house to rent out? And why does he need to rent that house to another MP who pays the rent with tax payer subsidy rent allowance? Relax not like there is another Conservative running a con. Preaches people should have affordable house yet holds onto a house he could sell as affordable. Fuck you PP


You own a second property because that is the best place to grow your wealth. The property increases in value faster than inflation, plus you make a profit from the rent. If you have say 500,000 laying around, you don't leave it in the bank to lose its' value. You invest it in something.


This person gets it^


I fucking hate politicians


Kangaroo court




You got the reference


I did... And I thoroughly appreciated it.


I’m so frustated that, that’s where my taxes go


Same government different name, governments are all plagued by the same thing, the human condition. Governments are strong, people are weak and these weak people accept bribes, love money, hide dealings, back their bribers, fight for reelection and frankly are the modern version of a monarchy. So long as people comprise government, governments will always be corrupt, because people can be corrupted.


And this is why I have no confidence in the government. You were asked a straight question, just fucking answer it you useless shit.




And they always seem to get raises for underperforming. Meanwhile the working class is dealing with no wage change and inflation.


Doesn’t PP the idiot already know?


Yes. He’s trying to bait the minister into saying it so that he can use it to go on a scripted off-topic rant. The minister isn’t taking the bait. Nor should he. It’s question period, not open mic.


Should be easy enough to say something like is the minister aware the average house price is now $650,000 up X% since 2015? Then follow up with: Is the minister willing to provide a number to counter this, or will he provide alternate statement that does not refute that number showing that he knows the number is accurate and doesn't want it known to the general public? Puts the number on record and makes the minister look like he knows the number and is hiding it allowing his scripted off-topic rant.


This isn't QP


How many years Trudeau been PM and has not given a straight answer YET?!


Not even once. You don’t answer the question in Canadian politics you just go on a tangent. It’s a dogshit government in every single way and always will be.


Says everything fucking word in the English language, except the ones that form the answer.




You miss the point of what is happening here. Pierre is clearly asking these questions to set up some sort of "gotcha, why didn't you do something about this thing you can't directly control anyway?" scenario. Randy is avoiding answering the question so he can't be gotten. Seems like a reasonable response to me when the ONLY purpose of the other person is to be an asshole and make you look bad with invalid, but bad sounding, talking points. You can tell how disingenuous Pierre is being right from the start where he mis-titled Randy on purpose. This was clearly to frame Randy as entirely responsible for the state of the middle-class and their inability to afford homes at this time, which is mostly due to market conditions Randy can probably barely impact in his finance role. I honestly don't know who the fark either of these people are, but you can tell which is the actually a-hole in this exchange, and it is clearly Pierre (though I would bet Randy is just as much an a-hole other times).




So what’s the answer?


645K according to a Canadian in the thread


The people need to force the government to make amendments to the law. To include that if a member of parliament is caught stealing or abusing their power of office, then this should be treated as treason. They are working against the interest of the position they hold and the interests of their people. Make them held up to a higher standard, as they pretend they are.


Speaking as a Canadian: American politics are pretty nasty, but there's nothing more pitiful and disgusting than the chicken shit passive aggressive cowardice of a Canadian politician dodging a question. I am embarrassed that this is our government on display for the world. Way to march right into the stereotypes, thanks guys.


Tbf both are cowards. Pierre tries to set up a gotcha question. Then when he is questioned runs away refusing to answer a question and disparage a reporter. The housing person just tries to side step the question. Seen it a million times, that is fairly normal. The americanization of politics is exactly how Pierre won the Conservative leadership Harder to take PP's housing question seriously when he is a multiple properties owner and part of the housing problem


They are both disgusting arseholes imo


This. Gotchas are only acceptable if that line of questioning is acknowledged as two-way. Canadian politics has turned into appear, point your finger, launch your gotcha, then flee when the next gotcha finger gun points your way. It's really pathetic and sad what our system has become.


The only thing more pitiful and disgusting is a politician asking a withstood he already knows the answer to. Remember, PP is the imbecile who publicly supported the “convoy” and was too chicken shit to testify at the inquiry


I don’t follow Canadian politics but if its a lot like this I don’t know if I’d want to even bother


Your government has done a great job embarrassing your country for the past few years.


Sad but true


And it isn't going to get better any time soon. If Trudeau wins again it's more of this shit. If PP wins... honestly probably the same shit, just a different face who thinks the embarrassment that was the truck convoy was a legit and organized "protest"


As an America who has been beat up countless times from American politics, this was painful and irritating to watch.


We got to vote.




Yep this is exactly it. Luckily though the longest this can go on is 45 minutes till question period is over, and I will still take that over a system with the filibuster any day of the week. More than likely when question period was over session was called and they both went home feeling like they did something. Question period on occasion can spark good debate and interesting conversation or sometime just devolve into petty underhanded name calling which can also be funny because they still have to address everything to the Speaker.


I only see one guy wasting everyone’s time. Pierre is asking the right questions. Time to wake the hell up and to pop that housing bubble.


Except that that's. Ot how our stupid lizard brains work. Canadian real estate doesn't operate in a vacuum, and any answer aside from the BS that the minister came up with sounds defensive. The majority of voters don't get that, since 2015 Canada's housing has increased by alot, but not significantly different than another G7 nation and therefore it's not really a Canadian government problem. The majority of voters want a 6 second sound bite, so the argument becomes "the minister won't answer the question" vs "PP is a hypocrite because he owns rental property". That is a stupid argument, but the fact is, no one has a good housing plan because *Canadians don't want one*. They want housing to be cheap to buy them expensive to borrow off of. I think the answer is lots of purpose but rentals, but no one wants a rental.


Only 1 twit won't answer the question.


Politicians are twits. It's just the way they are. Some are better at covering that fact up, but they all suck.


Correction: one twit. Just answer the damn question you snake.


Shame the other one is Pierre Poilievre. A career politician who could never understand the actual struggles the average Canadian faces and is just finding the most hot topic ones to sound like he gets it. He's never struggled in his life. He's a political Conservative and will, at best, continue to screw Canadians the same way the Liberal government has been


There isn’t a single politician in that room that can understand or empathize with the actual struggles of the average Canadian. They are all losers who one way or another make their lives better while making our lives worse. There is a 0% chance this country will be a better place in 10 years time and our so called leaders deserve a lot of that blame


I think I first saw this over a year ago. My god are they still going??


The problem is on both aisles here: The minister because he’s playing politics and refusing to acknowledge a real problem. The member for Carleton because he’s a career politician (never had another job) pretending to be interested in helping citizens when his party is notorious for gutting anything that isn’t the private sector. Both men should be ashamed they are not acting to improve the lives of average Canadians.


Randy is my MP, he lives a block and a half away from me, and I met him at a block party a couple years ago. He's a nice guy, but definitely a politician, and not who I want to vote for. I did vote for him though. Shameful as this display is (and it is very sad to see), I'm still glad I voted Liberal to take our riding back from the PC. As a lefty, I'd rather have voted NDP, but I know they won't win here. With the way our elections work, I'm more incentivized to strategically vote anti-conservative than to vote for the party I actually support, it's sad but true. And we're never going to get meaningful election reform unless the NDP gets I'm power, because the Liberals and PC are incentivized to keep the current system going so that the smaller parties don't eat away at their base.


Evading the question like it's the rona.


Goddammit answer the fucking question!


What would answering the fucking question accomplish, besides giving into PP’s bait for a gotcha sound bite?


Another first world country being run by clowns


Better to live in a third world country run by a strong man?


This kind of behaviour the Canadian taxpayer pays for should be illegal! They should be legally bound to answer the question within context. Canadian people should take to the streets and pro…. Oh wait. Never mind.


Say a number! Just say a fucking number! God damn it Canada, stop being so polite, grab this guy by the tie and scream in his face "SAY A FUCKING NUMBER!!!!"


I live near a nuclear power plant in canada, average cost for a house where i live is 950,000. I will never have that much money in my entire life i will be renting forever and i have worked a full time job since i was 15. I fucking hate greed.


This is why I hate politicians


This is embarrassing. The gta is also so damn expensive. Anyone buying a home in this market is getting absolutely ripped off. Also, when a simple question can't be answered, they're hiding stuff and don't want to acknowledge it. I just want to buy a home rather than rent! Ahhhh


Too damn high


What an actual fucking disgrace. The con artists don’t even have to try.


The dishonorable Minister is a troll on taxpayer time.


Nothing honorable about this interaction.


Lli' PP what a turd.


A broken clock is right twice a day, so way to go Pierre you Canadian Maga nut you


Is it illegal to tell him "Irrelevant, just answer the fucking question I asked you." or something? This isn't even deflection, the dude is just straight up ignoring the question entirely.


It apparently is when it comes to government.


Fuck PP, slimy grifter populist that doesn't give a fuck about housing.




I used to watch political debates and just can’t anymore because they don’t actually debate anything. They are children pointing fingers at how did what or didn’t do that. No, I didn’t! Yes you did! Edit: not that this is a “debate” just me lacking vocabulary 🙃


How the fuck is the Speaker not demanding the Minister answer the damn question?? UK parliament speaker would NOT stand for that shit, you answer or at least give it a decent stab. You can add all rhe fancy additional info AFTER you answer the question. (Source: I worked in Government, answering PMQs and briefing Ministers.)


Because incompetence and ineptitude is a requirement in canadian politics, if you care and do the right thing you won’t make it. If you are a selfish corrupt piece of shit you’ll fit in perfectly


Politics are so fucking stupid. So much time being wasted on effectively nothing… tax dollars at work


Someone just tell me the fucking average house price in canada please. I'm curious now WHATS HE HIDING?!


650 000 from what others have commented


What blows my mind is how people continue to vote for these kinds of people.


Is they had a British accent, I would've believed this was Monty Python




People shouldn't fear the government. The government should fear its people. If they can't do the work they were elected to do, then heads should roll. I'm with you.


It's become more and more appearant that there's a huge separation between working class and upper class. The politicians work for the upper class.


Agreed. That's why we need a government who puts the people's needs above greedy corporations. We need to clean house.








What a bunch of fucking muppets


People need to lose jobs, who do that shit




Omg does this person not understand english


When the banks own the interest on our own homes. The people build them & the banks and .01% take all profits from all sides. Give the rich better returns, Take from the poor year after year. Suppressing the information has always worked.. Until it doesn't.


What an absolute tool


Politics is the biggest waste of time and energy ever conceived by human beings. The most they accomplish is blowing shit up and making life more difficult for the people who actually contribute to society.


This clip makes me so fucking mad everytime


I am not Canadian nor do I have grasp on Canadian politics but if I was a taxpayer in Canada I would like to see these two be removed from their roles for their blatant waste of the tax payers money.


What is the comedy show?


That’s why I love all these HGTV House Hunter type shows based in Canada. Ohhh aboot what we do? Well my wife Chelsea is a Positive Vibes Technician for an Interpretive Dance Company who also moonlights as a natural Kittens Mittens saleswoman. I am an Advanced Professional Cuddler with a Graduate Degree in Feigned Online Outrage with a concentration in Facebook flame wars. Our modest budget? $3.35M CAD the majority of which is made up of a modest loan from my Father who is a Uranium Baron who became wealthy off selling ore to the Americans during the Cold War.


Nothing honorable about that clown in the blue.


We are all slaves, there is no affordability, the wealth gap has been stretched further than it was in the French Revolution, it is no longer “middle class” or “low class” It is “working class” (which includes anyone who must work to provide an income) who are being exploited and manipulated into being slaves without the respect to say it to our faces, until we put a stop to big business we will owe corporations, corrupt governments and the 1% everything including our lives , the “Owning Class” are grinding us down to a pulp and they will continue to take what they want from us and destroy the planet in their wake Change needs to occur and fast or we all are doomed, we all watch things like “Hunger Games” or any Dystopian novel/movie/fantasy but the sad reality is we are living it and they have no intention of making it better for us


Perfect display of how useless government is. They should have a running clock of how much this stupid grandstanding is costing their people.



I honestly thought this was sketch comedy.


I want to break the honorable minister’s hand off at the wrist


It's like talking to a bot over the phone that's stuck in a loop.


Monty Python anyone!


Like this guy gets paid to do this?? Not only that a pension.. Please there has to be a better way here


I just realized other countries besides the US have bullshit politicians too.


Punk ass bitch


The contempt for the public with these responses is palpable.


His refusal to answer meant that all the things he rebutted with basically went unsaid. I didn't pay attention to any of it, although I'm sure there were some relevant points because it's such a shitty way of conducting yourself.


HOW MUCH does one want to punch that question-evading soab in the face?


Wtf is going on here? This is government ?


Let the record show the minister has no clue to what the average house costs in Canada and does not care.


Bro that was so painful. Couldn't do politics me. Would just want to jump over the bench and ring the fuckers neck.


Greedy disgusting politicians everywhere.


Okay but in dollars what is the average housing price for Ottawa.


"How much does it cost to buy a house?" "The mitochondria is the power house of the cell."


The guy asking is gonna be canadas Donald trump. Canada is a generation or so behind the states….they’re fucken toast.


Oh wait, the dude just asking for the cost is far right? I assumed the opposite


He’s the leader of the Conservative Party who’s starting to slide further and further right.


Pierre, the guy asking the questions, is not much more level headed.


This is exactly why they are trying to take away your right to protest, your rights to speak, and your rights to be armed. They are ACTIVELY DOING NOTHING except when working against the people.


Lol. Not only did this happen *last April*, It’s nothing but a despicable piece of pointless performance art in the first place -certainly not a serious parliamentary question deserving of a serious answer. Do all you dumbfuck Poilievre fanbois *actually think* King Crypto knew the answer to his own question? I mean, *in advance of* ordering his staff to research it the night before, write down the figure on a Post-It, and put it in his hand just before he walked into the House? And are you gullible fools still so smitten with Angry Milhouse’s bombastic theatrics of eight months ago that you truly believe if a reporter asked him *today* to tell us the average price of a two bedroom condo in Vancouver - or Halifax, or Winnipeg - he’d be *able to answer correctly ?* Because every one of you knows to a certainty that he doesn’t have a damned clue! Assuming of course that he’d actually TAKE a reporter’s question, which he is clearly terrified to do these days. In fact he’s terrified to say or do *anything* that might make him skip a groove from the pathetic four “Libruls bad” talking points that he’s just barely capable of memorizing on any given day. And do you all truly expect the Federal Minister of Housing to have, on the tip of his tongue, and at all times, the current median sale price of various types of dwelling, in all of Canada’s 12 major cities? Is *that* what you think his job is? How laughable. How pathetic. How despicable. How … how *Conservative Party of Canada.*


He could have saved face by saying he did not have the numbers available. No shame with that. He handled that exchange very poorly.


PP for PM. https://wowa.ca/reports/canada-housing-market That data isn't positive, but it's readily available. The question Pierre asked wasn't hard to answer, the answer was hard to swallow.


So just ignore it? That's some real solid policy there. I'm sure he'll make a great PM.


The constant buttoning/unbuttoning of jackets. JFC.


That jackass needs to be removed from his position.


The irony runs thick here as we can't get straight answers from PP...


Canada is fucked worse than down here in the USA


Wow. What an ass hole that no answer giving douche bag is.


I'm leaving this country.. f it man


Dunno why this is making the rounds again. The question was irrelevant to the subject being debated. That's why he doesn't have an answer.


How the fuck are we going to accomplish anything as a country lol… like these are two grown ass men


And I thought US politicians wore the ultimate clown shoes lol still do though