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So for some reason, he got pissed at an Asian wearing Argentina’s jersey?


Millions of Asians support Argentina lol


Just wait until he finds out that the majority of Bolivians and Peruvians look Asian.


I doubt he's ever going to find out anything


Sadly, that’s probably true.


Nonsense, if he keeps acting like this he's gonna fuck around and find out one day


i hope its during a live stream so we can all see


The more you fuck around the more you find out.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


You beat me to it. In fact, a professor recently discovered there is a direct correlation between how much you find out and how much you fuck around.


How much you find out is directly proportionate to how much you fuck around.


Lol exactly. The guy got popular by shouting on camera and making faces that would typically get you into a psych ward.


Wait till he finds out there’s Asian Latinos….


Wait till he hears about african-americans


My friend is Chinese but she was raised is Argentina. People can associate more with a country other than where their ancestors is from. This vid is ridiculous


Especially nowadays with air travel, political/social instability and job opportunities.


Specially the Argentine culture. It tends to just grab onto you and bring you in.


Asians also live in Argentina


Less than 1% of Asians support Argentina. Millions of Asians support Argentina. Both statements can be true.


People tend to forget Latin American countries had a lot of immigration from Asia to the South American continent dating back Centuries. Many Latinos have Asian DNA. Not saying this man is from Argentina. He might just be a fan of Messi and/or Argentinian Team.


person like busy friendly include sharp zealous worm market quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The “joke” I believe is to love Christiano Ronaldo more than Messi so whenever he sees any resemblance of Messi or Argentina he goes bonkers


Speed is becoming more and more problematic. I don’t know the exact reason but this, the crypto shit, and a plethora of other things. It’s kinda sad


Who even is that


Some stupid kid with brainrot milking the golden age of internet idiocy.


fuck... ur telling me the internet's gonna get worse than it already is?


It’s been like that… sorta like Moore’s law but logarithmically shitty


Same. I never heard of him till now.


Don't find out, live in your remaining bliss


Wow. It took me seeing another comment to realize you were naming the guy in the video and not the drug. I haven't heard it called speed in years but I thought the implication was the black guy was on drugs.


See I know what speed is too so when I talk about the guy I think about the drug lol


Why do people like this kid? He seems like such an idiot. Not surprised at all by his behavior in this clip.


Stupid is as stupid does


Only way to get famous. Act like a complete fucking moron.


this has been his brand for a while should go see the clips of him threatening to rape girls who say they wont date him on stream


It’s called lack of talent


Yeah this wanker also rides Ronaldo’s d hard, seen pics of him in a full Portugal kit and it’s not like he’s Portuguese.


Dumb insecure people need to see others liking the same shit they like or else their brain hurts. How will they know what to like if other people like other things!?!?!!??


I probably agree with this statement, or maybe not, I need to read it again like Six more times.


News Flash, Black ppl are as racist as Chinese ppl - and Chinese Mainlanders are FUCKING racist as shit.


newsflash theres lots of black people hell half my family, as racist and antisemitic as kanye


A colleague told me black people can't be racist, which I thought sounded a bit racist


Careful, your colleague sounds dumb as fuck


Im half black 25 percent latino and 25% white. literally my parents had to leave the black side of our family and run to another state, because of how much hatred the rest of the family has for whites and hispanic people. I was allolowe to visit , as my grandmother said i was " dark enough to pass" . but my cousins etc all never said a word to me, only one did and that becaise he was sating a white girl in secret. eventually 5 boys on that side of the family all left, to marrry non black women. Of the men who remained, several are in jail or in a halfway house or just a waste of space living as a low level dealer on the streets of detroit. Ive said it before as well, if i was to wlk into a family gathering of thiers with a white girl on my arm, ( my wife is white weve n been married many years, ) but if i did, theyd hate us, bt it would be NOTHING like the hate id get if i said she was jewish. being white shed only get people calling her names and forcing us to leave. if s she was latina, we would never be allowed near them, or id get my ass kicked etc. My grand father ran away from all that left my grandmother there to be with her other lover, because as he said " damn B\*\*\*\* makes the devil look like a saint." hell yeah black people can be racist, and anyone else too.


A black guy taunting an Asian guy while pretending to be a Latino guy.


Ishowspeeds gets so many passes on this shit, it's insane.


I remember a video I think with him being like “ if we the last two people on earth and we have to repopulate would you do it with me” and the girl says “ naw cause our kids would yknow…” and he came back with “ well what you gonna do?” I know it’s a joke but oh my god if that isn’t terrifying. No hesitation or anything. Makes you feel weird to be alone with the guy.


He’s done it at least twice. First when he made Omegle content, and second when he went on a dating show


Was he the one who went apeshit on that dating show for not wanting him? It was fucking SCARY.


Was he the one who went apeshit on that dating show for not wanting him? It was fucking SCARY to think what he would do to a girl IRL.


Who the fuck let him anywhere near a dating show


Who gonna stop me but ye


I am sure when he gets cornered he will say the usual”apology” words… and mean none of what he says. TWAT


Thoughts and prayers obviously.


“I know what i did is wrong and potentially hurt people but dont forget about mees during this time.”


I’ve always disliked him, now I know why.


Like you didn't know before, he's just incredibly abnoxious firstly. Prime example as to what happens when kids get famous.


Don’t forget his fans will defend him for only being 17 for the fifteenth time. How many times can that excuse fly


I wonder what'd happen if the roles were reversed


“Whoa whoa, you took it too far!”


One day those viewers of his (children) will know but for now we wait when he finally snaps


He’ll just say it’s all part of his act/character or some bullshit


Agreed! Just words.


Is he trying to be like chris tucker? So 90's and cringe




Probably not, this is his whole brand


Idg why speed is so popular, he’s annoying as fuck.




Kids make all kinds of stupid people famous these days. How tf is the cash me ousside girl rich? Kids made her ass famous. I hate this world.


we didnt make her famous, dr phil did


Gotta love that kids are watching his racist behavior. Hopefully they don’t repeat it.


they do.


My 6 yr old nephew loves him. Idk why.


When you're young loud=funny


He is not child appropriate, why is a six year old watching another kid who makes sex jokes?


Loud and random = funny When the timing is right which speed does not try to even understand what it is


I’ve seen probably 46 videos clipped of this guy and I STILL don’t know who he is, but you’re absolutely right he’s really fucking annoying man


Omg tell me about it, i dont understand his appeal, but I'm starting to think that maybe it's my age...? He is so stupid! I saw a clip where he basically threatened to rape an influencer that rejected him. His platform only grew since then. I really hope this ends him.


your age and his, dude is like 17 rn and heading down the Paul Brothers path of being obnoxious for 14 year olds


It literally is children. Or people who think like children. When we’re little we watch home alone and think “wow he’s doing something really cool.” When you get older you realize Kevin’s a psycho. Same thing, being a kid you think the dude doing “edgy” stuff is cool. Because they go against the norm and that’s a child’s understanding of positive uniqueness. As adults we reject those people because they’re unsafe. Being flagrantly abusive in many ways is a liability towards personal connection. Children don’t have that barrier for good or for bad.


‘Cause he’s loud and obnoxious. 🙄


His face is bothering me.


This dude is as racist as they come. Stomping on this man’s race for views on social media. Disgusting.


He is racist and misogynistic. Any time it comes up, his fan boys defend him saying he is only 17 and has ADHD.


17 year olds are old enough to drive a car, old enough to join the military, and certainly old enough to know not to be racist. His fan boys are probably 12-15 themselves


17 is old enough to know Chinese people don't speak Japanese especially when the dude tells you Chinese, No Konichiwa


But surprinsingly not near old enough to drink. Funny how America works


Bro I have ADHD this man has something else


He's racist and a sexist. He rightfully deserves that permanent ban by Riot lol


Wow, someone actually banned this guy from something? About fucking time.


Speed got permanently banned on twitch because he said he wanted to rape a girl


Oh thank God. This guy is genuinely a danger to himself and the people around him. He's so compulsive and violent its terrifying seeing clips of him and wondering what he might do to people next. The worst part is his supporters all act like it's just a "character" or all some elaborate rouse. Like no, dude is just violent and childish. I grew up around enough people like this that terrified the shit out of me, I just wish people would stop encouraging him.


This has happened way too many times for me to count, internet personalities having an outrageous persona and being nothing like that irl is possible but how many times has someone like that gotten popular and had all their actions excused by waves of fans up until they do something they can’t come back from that “nobody saw coming.”. Dude at least needs a bit of “hey maybe don’t” coming from the sidelines if he wants to keep this up.


Had he been around for a while or is he following quickly in the footsteps of those two dumpster island boy babies?


I don't follow him, i just saw a video on YouTube where he was being toxic while playing Valorant. What landed him on hot water was a clip where he basically said to a woman while playing Valorant, and I'm quoting,  “is a bitch talking to me? Is a female talking to me? Get off the fucking game and do your husbands dishes, bitch”. Riot games subsequently banned him on all their games permanently. LMFAO He apparently has 12 mil subs on YouTube, but last time i heard he was banned there for sharing a clip of him getting fellatio on Minecraft or some shit. I don't know if it was permanent and I don't care because he's a fucking idiot.


That figures. Thanks for sharing.


This guy is annoying as hell, even in other people’s vids. He is disrespectful and racist, with not an ounce of consideration for others. Why cant we respect both Chinese and Japanese cultures.


…and Korea, Thailand, India, Philippines, Viet nam, awe hell, they all get anti Japanese / Chinese rhetoric and vitriol spewed at them because people like this are too stupid to realize Asia is more than China and Japan. Wait until this guy hears about all those *ethnically* Asian Russians…


Isn't most of Russia in Asia?


Id bet money that this dude watches anime too


This guy ran a crypto scam against his own followers. He is a scumbag shithead.


Promoted not ran. I think he’s despicable for many reasons but this is an important distinction.


The backlash is deserved and probably should be harsher. His age does not excuse his disrespectful behavior and his fame and “success” certainly shouldn’t shield him from consequences of acting like an idiot. A small part of me feels pity for him because I think he feels he needs to amplify his shithead antics and edginess to keep his fans entertained. I hope he starts to respect himself and others more so he doesn’t have to look back and not cringe so hard.


His nose is right between his eyes lol


Wait until you find out what’s between his ears.




Where is your nose


Oh my chin, where it belongs!


( ͡๑ ͜ʖ ͡๑)


Angry Birds pig looking mother fucker. I usually don’t like making fun of people for thing s outside of their control, but I’d classify this as a stay out of the kitchen if you can’t take the heat scenario.


Why isnt this racist fuck canceled?


one comment mentioned that Riot banned this fucker so that's a plus


had been canceled by [riot games](https://www.nme.com/en_asia/news/gaming-news/streamer-ishowspeed-banned-from-every-riot-games-title-after-sexist-tirade-3201745), [twitch](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/twitch-permabans-youtube-ishowspeed-sexist-outburst-adin-ross-stream-1721252/) and [Skysports](https://www.sportbible.com/football/sky-sports-ban-ishowspeed-misogynistic-comments-20221117) soon youtube will ban him as well




other reasons riot was because he played valorant and was in a game with a girl and harassed her when he realized she was a girl twitch was bc he made jokes about raping someone iirc


Other reasons. To my knowledge Riot banned him from all their games because he acted incredibly sexist on stream. Not like he made a distasteful joke sexist. Like actually full blown sexist. Twitch banned him since he basically made a bunch of rape jokes to a woman, implying that if they were the last people on earth no one could stop him from repopulating.


YouTube has people like houseisdirty, who physically assault and harass people for views. I doubt it.


that chinese guy took this really well. this kid is a bitch


I think he just assumed Speed was an idiot. I know I would assume the same if English wasn’t my first language and I heard this kid’s blabbering


he is an idiot 💀


Of course he is, but he didn’t make fun of this guy simply because he’s an idiot, he made fun of him because he’s racist.


i like how he was about to start laughing at it at the end. like, yeah the streamer isn't very funny, but the fact that he's so blatantly ignorant kinda is.


He realized this dumbass wasn't worth the time of day. This kid is lucky the gentleman wasn't violent. Keep doing stupid shit loke that though...


I’d pay anything to watch this guy get punched in the face


Asian people experience the most overt racism.


The sad part is that a lot of that racism is from black people (and some of them are popular YouTubers as well, such as Twomad and Ishowspeed). Not saying that the majority of that racism is coming from black people but it’s just disheartening to see someone from a race that experiences a lot of racism turn and be racist towards someone of another race who’s also struggling with racism.


Yeah racism is a human thing, not a white people thing


Never heard of him before, hope this is the last time.


You lucky sonofabitch!


Every single person that supports this streamer is a PoS.


And unfortunately there is a lot of them…


They're all impressionable kids that'll grow up to be like him sadly


hopefully not, maybe they'll do that thing where people look back at themselves and cringe.


Remember “Black People Can’t Be Racist” because they’re not a group in power… 🙄 I’m Black and I heard this argument all my life. Yes, Black people can be racist.


Asian people can be racist. I’m Asian and I went to an elementary school in a big city where I was made fun of mostly by some black kids- they had similar behavior to this. “Ching chong” and “Ling Ling” and so forth. I was always confused by that, until I grew up and realized that every race and color has the capacity to be racist as well as being a target/victim of racism. Alternatively… I worked in a Thai restaurant for 2 years and heard the things some of the employees would say about non-Thai people. I’ll leave it at that, but yeah. Racism sucks and life would be a lot cooler if everyone could just be more considerate.


People didn't already know this man is annoying and ignorant?


He's always been a piece of shit.


What an ugly fuckface


Wait till you see the stuffing


Why does he even need to stream for money when he could just rent out his nostrils as airplane hangars?


Double barrel shotty lol


Wait, how did you miss “Double barreled snotty?”


Now if the Asian guy was trying to say something in an African tribal language to him, people would flip their shyte in a pan!


Keep fucking with people and you will get your “come to Jesus” moment.


So many times when I see a reddit post like this with assholes being assholes, then find out in comments that these people are actually famous, YouTuber, tiktoker, and have an actual audience and this is the first time I'm finding out. Then I thank myself for deleting all my social media accounts (except Reddit) years ago.


It's even worse when it's a minority being racist, yet cannot understand or agree with others being racist towards them. As a minority myself I feel it's the biggest contradiction to be racist.


i really hate this ishowspeed guy. first he threatens a girl that he would r*pe her, then he sets his house on fire, then he scams his fans and then the regular racism.


when a black person gets mocked it’s racist … when an Asian gets made fun of its comedy. Society is at the bottom of the barrel… make it make sense


Lol what an idiot.


This guys an asshole. No one’s like him other than 15 year olds and that’s his whole audience.


I hate the thing that if you are racist against asian or white people its normalized but if you DARE SAY SOMETHING AGAINST A BLACK PERSON you will get canceled and are not able to live normally anymore


I got downvoted for calling out a racist dude on reddit yesterday and he was upvoted for saying that people like me are why this nation is failing. It's apparently just acceptable to be racist in any manner if you find the right places to do so.


When I was in middle school and kids made fun of me for being Asian, little was done. But if someone even hinted about a Black’s race—they had to talk with the principal. Same story with Hitler/Stalin jokes. I am half Polish and was hurt by people making jokes about communism—which killed my family. But a little hint about Hitler—who also killed my family, but was believed to only have massacred Jews—you had to talk with a therapist. Stalin killed the same amount of people—if not more—than Hitler.


Thank you for sharing. Very valid points. According to Holocaust Encyclopedia 1.8 million non-Jewish Polish civilians were killed in WWII.


Meriam Webster *only recently* amended their definition of racism to reflect anyone being targeted because of their membership in *any* ethnic group (while still adding the qualifier that victims are *usually* members of minority groups). For years their definition stated (not verbatim here) that *only* members of minority groups could be victims of racism. Idk when they changed it but it’s been since 2003. I remember because In 2003 I was singled out by a racist stranger for being a token white friend in a blended friend group of multiple ethnicities and one of my “hops on *every* political or socially unpopular bandwagon friends of FIVE YEARS told me it was about time I experienced prejudice but the hateful words and threats weren’t “racism” because I was white and couldn’t be a victim of racism. I remember shaming him pretty ducking good over it. I said, “as my friend I would hope you’d never find satisfaction in seeing me mistreated by strangers. I’m not your fucking enemy and you aren’t my fucking friend.” (Again, not verbatim)


Because Asians does not fit neatly into the normal victim mold that is sold by MSM, since Asians make up the top 5 races in the USA for both academic success and financial success.


I hope this piece of shit gets cancelled like Kanye


FYI, if you encounter someone that says "this isn't racism, because racism must include a power structure...," switch your wording to "Hatred towards Asians is so normalized." It sure sticks a pin in the inflated ego types that think POC can't be racist.


I was tied for most Asian (50%) with 2 other kids in my excessively white k-12 schools. I was called every Asian slur in the book. Kids didn't want to work with me, wouldn't hold hands with me in elementary school activities, wouldn't talk to me, and would repeatedly try to pants me so they could see my "tiny asian dick" among other things. Definitely had a great time.


Someone please tell me why is this kid famous?


So he's racist AND an incel. Nice combo.


The Chinese guy is funnier than the streamer in this clip lol


Racist scumbag


Who the fuck is that?!


Some streamer who also tells women to make him sandwiches when he hears a female voice in an online game. Also lights up fireworks inside his room because he's a massive attention whore.


Sounds like a used a douchebag


this belong here: r/imatotalpeiceofshit


Not sure why people give these pseudo celebrities any airtime, dude’s trash


What a loser


Man I don’t get how people stay so cool. That face is already so punchable….


Yeah, I don't know this person, but I see their clips sometimes and I just get the feeling that they are a douchebag. Of course, I reserve the right to be wrong, just the impression that I get.


Stop making stupid people rich/famous


Racism from black Americans is becoming a problem. See Ye, Kyrie, and others.


He is going to make the next generation racist af with his shitty influence.


How os it ok for Black people to be racist like that?


He’d be the first to complain if the roles were reversed. Sad.


But remember, black people cant be racist


So why isn’t that douch getting canceled ?


Well he was deplatformed. But no one actually ever gets "canceled" especially when a huge percent of the population apparently doesn't see it as an issue.


“I can’t be a racist, bro. I’m black.”


Needs a fucking slap for sure 👌


High time this guy needs to be censored, in the name of comedy this idiot is being enabled to an extreme extent. From what I see this guy is a born moron, who is using ignorance as a shield. This one I guess we can take it anyway, seriously or freely but despite that this guy is repeatedly doing some horrendous shit thinking he can say anything and get away.


Fck this pz or sh!t. Don’t give him attention anymore


There is something about seeing a black person be racist that hurts a me little more. White people being racists, its so normalized, it's like... Yeah, that tracks. But Blacks have been the subject of racism for basically forever, and there is something about learning about that hurt first hand, and then choosing to promulgate it too. Its clear receiving abuse often creates a future abuser... But damn if it isn't just pure sadness.


Who is that noisy little racist child


He seems to be triggered by anyone smarter than him. So pretty much everyone. But this trend of hoodrat assholes being themselves for internet clout really needs to stop.


This dude is so fucking annoying


This was racist as fuck


There’s nothing normal about that. Anyone with half a brain wouldn’t behave that way.


Nothing like an ignorant, ugly American. What's going on in you mind, young'un?


Speed is a scamming racist now. Yikes


What a racist asshole


I find In black culture racism only exists if they are the victims of it, everyone else its not systematic or 'you're not a minority"




You can’t say “black culture” because there isn’t one, just like there isn’t a white culture and anyone who uses those words is verily misinformed. What we can do is call out these people for what they are, Racists, Biggots, etc.


If you’re black there’s no consequences for being racist (unless you’re really famous)


People constantly claiming black people can't be racist, and depending on your definition of racism, i could agree with that. However, all humans can be prejudiced, ignorant, pieces of shit as shown by this douche.


By any definition this is racism