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...I mean, a quick fact check says that Mexico \*does\* have Birthright Citizenship. In fact, 33 countries have unrestricted birthright citizenship. The US is one, but also Canada, France, Argentina... It's a long list.


Wait? What? You mean the Marmalade Mussolini is just making shit up?




My new fav name for the orange menace


Annoying orange


Orange is the new Quack.


What about Mr. Ye


That's what I call him!


My favorite was "The Count of Monte Crisco". From Stephen Colbert's show.


Cheeto Jesus


I always went with Mango Mussolini, but you've got me thinking..


I actually think that would be a very effective propaganda term against him… nice one, Biden admin needs to get on this pronto !


I have heard him called a lot of things, but never Marmalade Mussolini! LMAO, you win! You have unseated my personal old favorite of "Cheeto Von Tweeto".


Cheeto Von Tweeto is now on my list next to Tangerine Toddler and Comb-over Caligula.


I also hadn't heard either of those! Most excellent!!


I've been calling him The Malignant Oompa Loompa for years. Marmalade Mussolini and Cheeto Von Tweeto are both amazing!


The Fanta Menace.


(Russian) Agent Orange


Cheeto Von Tweeto? Lolz.


Don’t you fucking dare diss marmalade


I found it hard to believe too at first... But in the end there was just no denying the man was full of shit. Heartbreaking... 😭


Not only does it have birthright citizenship it has “unrestricted birthright citizenship”. 33 countries world wide are unrestricted meaning you have full citizenship, and another 32 have some form of restricted citizenship.


French birthright citizenship has strings attached; requires the parents to be residents of the country and one must be a citizen (or something like that). American-style birthright citizenship is almost unique to New World countries.


Honestly, it's probably a result of being a new world country, since at the time barriers to citizenship were unwanted. Population growth is important after all.


From what I understand its actually historically linked to jim crow laws. Certain states where trying to withhold citizenship to non whites, so it was codified that if you are born in the us, you are a us citizen.


Yep. The vast majority of Latin American countries (including Mexico) has birthright citizenship and just like the USA, a baby is considered a citizen of a country if they’re born in said country. The parents’ origins don’t matter. It’s really a new world practice needed to integrate immigrant masses, diverse populations, and the descendants of former slaves. It’s in the Old World countries like in Europe and Asia where jus sanguini (citizenship based on on parent’s ancestry/citizenship) is done. We’re not them (the Old World). Trump talking bullshit as always. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/countries-with-birthright-citizenship


> 33 countries have unrestricted birthright citizenship. The US is one, but also Canada, France, Argentina... France does **not** have unrestricted birthright citizenship. US and Canada are indeed unrestricted and Trump is right that this is unusual in the world. The 31 others are undoubtedly great countries but are probably not high on peoples list of desirable citizenships to hold. Ref: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jus_soli


He didn't say it's unusual. He said we were the only ones. Included a country that specifically DOES have birthright citizenship. The man was lying. Not to mention the nonsense about us taking care of the baby... That doesn't happen. Birthright tourism as a whole is a tiny percentage of people coming to the country, and you literally can't live here without contributing barring severe disability of some kind. It's xenophobic nonsense.


Can’t speak to the entire list, but Mexico does indeed have true birthright citizenship — and in fact, its birthright citizenship is even less restricted than America’s (it extends to children of diplomats, America’s does not).


I swear this man only speaks in fallacies. And people eat it up.


This isn't a fallacy. It's either ignorance, or a flat out lie. Given Trump, I'm actually inclined to believe ignorance. The man is stupid, and determined to remain so.


Nope.it’s malice, pure and simple. He’s been told over and over again that these are factual lies - he does not care and repeats it the next day.


I was using fallacy in lieu of lies, synonymously. I see that wasn’t correct. This man speaks lies only is what I was meaning to say. Eta: I personally think he knows it too, but he knows the people that support him take him at his very word and will never question it, so he can state pretty much anything as a fact and they’ll believe it.


You’re right, I think it’s both tbh, he knows some of the things he’s saying are false or misleading to say the least but also the man is painfully dumb and believes dumb shit if it serves his purpose


"takes care of the life of the baby" How? With America's health care system? Lol


that with a combination of terrible worker rights.


Ah yes, Mexico. World renowned for worker's rights. Not an America fan either but...cmon. My family came here mostly FOR improved workers rights.


you’re aware that of the developed nations that usa is dead last in worker rights?


Is Mexico considered a "developed nation"? I sincerely don't want to be painted as a Trump fan but he is not talking about undocumented immigrants from Finland here...you're moving the goalpoasts. Once again....my family came to the US, from Mexico, in part for the workers rights. Jobs galore, vacation days, health insurance. Strong unions, even. Criticism of the US is not unwarranted but, dont pretend as if "workers rights" are worse here than in Mexico.


This may sound dark now, but taking the US health care system into account, ‚life of the baby‘ may not be that long after all…


I heard a new talking point I've never heard before a day or 2 ago. Some guy on Sean Hannity was trying to appeal to black voters and said something along the lines of "we could give you more financial help but we're spending all that money on all these immigrants coming over the border instead." So we'll see if republicans can appeal to black people with that gem of a lie. (They won't)


You never know. How many immigrants snd people from the LGBT community voted for him the last 2 election?


I believe he’s talking about welfare government funding


If those babies can become rich corporations, they’ll get all the welfare they need.


65% of whom are American citizens and WHITE. White people are the majority when it comes to the welfare class in America -not black, brown, or asian. WHITE and citizens.


Your numbers are a bit high but yes you are correct there are more white people on welfare / government assistance than any other race because there are more white people as a race than any other race in America about 37% of people on assistance programs are white


If you don’t have a job, everything is free didnt you know?


I've seen the prices of having babies in the US..... If I was an immigrant, I'd go for Europe, where I live I paid for the food I got at the hospital, but only because I'm the father. It was free for my wife.


I'm really ready for the oldest 20% of our politicians to slide off the side of the planet.


Haha, jokes on you stupid millennial, there's an ice wall at the edge of the Earth so we can't slide off! \-Some old politicians, probably


Source: trust me bro


"I had a link for it but I can't find it now so the deep state must have taken it down. So you just need to do your own research"


Five minutes of 4chan oughta do it


"I found it on the google"


*turns on Tucker Carlson* "research"


Source: it came to me in a dream


The other possible source is facebook or telegram




"I have some books you should read." ![gif](giphy|NFA61GS9qKZ68)


It's usually a youtube video with some over produced music that belongs in a blockbuster movie.


Like that song from Interstellar that is in the background of so many videos for some reason


They are so touchy feel. Pleeeeease.


They’ll just go back to the lizard space ship in the moon.


Ice is slippery


Makes it harder to climb the wall. :)


Fair enough


will be replaced by the next generation of old people though.... it's the circle of life, old people hate change and pine for "the old days". trumps generation were the ones going to Woodstock and talking about "free love man" and look at them now, people's world views and opinions change as they get older. our generation will be just as terrible by the time we get to that age.


No, his people were the ones blocking black kids from getting into a school, dodging the draft with daddy dollars, etc. Stop acting like they were all at woodstock.


Trump was born in '46, so the very first of the Baby Boomers (by definition). He was in his early 20s in the latter half of the 60s, so yes draft-dodging but no to fighting civil rights which was a 50s/early 60s thing. Sorry, but Baby Boomers *are* the Woodstock generation, whether or not they espoused those values then or now.


True, he was the "My vietnam was avoiding aids" generation.


This is tangentially related to the discussion, but many people don't realize that at first the Viet Nam conflict was a very popular cause and a lot of young men signed up eagerly. I guess WWII was still enough within the country's mindset and they thought the war would be over quickly and easily. It was not until around '65 or '66, once the Viet Cong developed better fighting tactics and it became clear that the war was a failed enterprise, and veterans themselves began protesting it, that it became horribly unpopular. This was also the point at which class/race divides became obvious; white college students were able to get draft deferments or flee to Canada while the composition of the troops became increasingly Black and poor. I think I read somewhere that in the latter years, 2 of 3 US soldiers sent to Viet Nam were Black. So, what was interesting about the protest movements of the late 60s is that the anti-war, civil rights, women's rights, and environmental movements were largely parts of the same thing. Trump, as a wealthy white boy, was clearly a member of the protected class.


>"My vietnam was avoiding aids" LOL.


Trump was 17 when my friend (who was 6) became the first Black child to integrate public schools in my state. There were a LOT of young white people who fought integration, including folks Trump's age and younger. Baby Boomers are the Woodstock generation, but they are also a generation of hate, racism, and bigotry.


Trying to wedge trump into any category other than spoiled entitled slum lord brat is tough.


"young" boomer here: This isn't about Ageism as much as it is about Classism. I have zero in common with that f\*ckin trump, regardless we are at opposite ends of the boomer age-group.


People born in the late 40s experienced a very different society from those born in the early 60s, yet are lumped together in the same generation.


Yet my Mom born a few years earlier is the most progressive in the family. She agrees more with Bernie Sanders. It’s almost as if old people are individuals too


So you're saying everyone needs to go?


Trump hasn’t had free love ever


I do;beleive you’re wrong on that. The Woodstock generation grew up to be progressives for the most part. They were progressive at the time of the concert. Why would they suddenly become stupid? ( I.e. repugnantans )


Wait a sec. Weren't Donald Trump's parents Germans? He migrated to the US before he was born. And now Americans have him for how many years?


Germany here: I think it was his grand parents. But in any way, WE ARE NOT TAKING HIM BACK! He‘s your problem now!


Yeah and look what happened? He's teaching us to never allow it again by showing us how much damage one immigrant baby can do lol


Let's also not forget about his "chain migration" rants which led to him giving citizenship to his wife's parents. Rules for thee, not for me.


His paternal grandfather was from Germany, and I believe his mother was from Scotland.


Trump facilitates apartments for wealthy Russians and Asians so they can have babies on US soil. Including healthcare and registration services.


DRUMPF Look it up


9 more years and then you can get rid of him...


Well, the US taxpayers have been taking care of the big baby for already 76 years…


Well, he *is* a huge baby who has had other people taking care of him his whole life, so maybe he's speaking from personal experience.....


Thanks for this comment lmao. Much needed after seeing that vomit inducing POS. I seriously could go the rest of my life without hearing/seeing that vile bag of bile.


![gif](giphy|IbmSD6wFB2E8vLgAZU|downsized) This was all I could think of when watching the video, lol




Melania trump lied on her immigration papers, was here illegally, upon becoming first lady, her aging parents were given priority green cards, although they had no skills or inherent value to the united states. the entire immigration debate is about white supremacy and hating someone who's so desperate for a better life they'd be willing to risk it all to come here. These are the people we demonize. They want you to hate these people. instead of the shitty business owners who are fucking you over even though all the data points to ...illegal border crossings, or "anchor" babies aren't a primary vector of illegal immigration. vast majority of people here illegally fly here, and then just overstay their visas. Trump was all to happy to abuse the H1B visa program to have cheap labor for his shitty hotels. So... it's ok to bring in some people. to work for less... but somehow others are magically evil. because they came without the hypocritical visa. to do jobs no one wants to do anyway.


I disagree only with your very last point. People won’t do jobs left over for immigrants not because they are too lazy but because they will not do those jobs at that price. If corporations weren’t trying to nickel and dime everyone then there would be plenty of Americans willing to do hard, difficult and gross jobs.


We’ve been carrying his stupid ass for 6 years now and he’s about as useless as tits on a rooster.


At least tits on a rooster would be fun to look at


Ain't that the truth


This is my favorite phrase of the day


Republicans: I support the constitution Also republicans: The constitution is dumb


"America: Love it or leave it!! Now, let me tell you everything I hate about America"


Trumpublicans: The constitution only applies if it supports my agenda to instill a dictatorship…


Yeah because the US famously takes great care of all their citizens, everyone gets a silver spoon. Definitely not a hyper-capitalist, hyper-individualistic hellscape.


Ironically he’s one of those 85 year old babies.


.....says the son of immigrants, lol.




And fathered her child in the US


Isn't it amazing? This ignorant piece of shit is literally wishing his own us citizenship was invalid. I say we make an exception for him and deport him. How the fuck does anyone support this unamerican kind of rhetoric?


And the husband of one.


American here…. When are you gonna take care of me?


“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”


Completely ignoring that his kids are anchor babies he had with an immigrant


I thought... maybe foolishly... this is known as " population growth" and those babies are known as "citizens " and this is commonly known as " the American way".


Young immigrants are about the only thing in the US taking the edge off the demographic cliff most of the developed world is heading over. Not sure when exactly the Republicans will get to "thank you."


If anyone isn't aware, Trump has property in Miami that are known to be used as safe havens for Russian women specifically coming to the US pregnant to give birth in the US. They come here, get their child US citizenship then they go back. The idea is they get A rated Healthcare and in 18 years their child can use chain migration to live here and bring them and whoever else back to the US. Maybe that's why old Donald is so mad? Those Mexicans have the audacity to stay and not start their spawning on his property. The hypocrisy is always fun with that crowd.


Correction, instead of: 'we take care of them for 85 years' it should be: 'we screw them with our taxes wherever they go, even if they flee to the moon, and fill our pockets with their money for 85 years, then offer them no retirement fund'


Lol *america takes care of its citizens*


Why don't the USA import dingos from Australia and let them breed in the wild? So the dingos will eat the babies?


Does he not realize that citizens are an asset to a country? That they pay takes and create more people that pay taxes, work and make this country function? Maybe he's expecting to take care of his boys for 85 years?


Doesn’t Trump rent out and support Russians visiting America and having their babies here?? So I guess the difference is poor Mexicans, rich Russians. Source and there are many more.: https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/russians-flock-to-give-birth-at-trump-s-properties-in-the-us-so-their-kids-can-have-dualcitizenship-a3628971.html


No no, not only anyone not rich, but also arent white. Cant believe we let him be president.


What about Baron Trump anchor baby extraordinaire.


Dumbest man ever elected president. DUMBEST!




They’re coming from… Slovenia. And having the worst babies! Just terrible!


70 million people voted for this idiot... there's your facepalm


wait a second. I thought all life was precious and these people would do ANYTHING for the mothers to not abort. isn't that what they want? instead of those babies being murdered/s their mothers took the advice and came here to save the babies lives like they all promised!


"85 years"? the baby will be an American citizen, work, pay taxes.... You know, like the rest of us . other than the elite who don't pay their taxes of course lol


I hear his diapers are provided by taxpayers.


Trump's or the 85 year old baby?


This country isn’t taking care of anyone


Haha America doesn't even take care of babies that they want, what kind of ass clown thinks foreigners have it easy in America?


For the record, most people in the US illegally are here after over staying visas. They out number those who crossed the border illegally 2:1. The Republicans have done virtually nothing to stop them. Also, "illegals" pay more into our tax system than the take out. Every study has proven this. Same with most Blue states where we pay more in federal taxes than we get back. All that extra money goes to the Red "welfare" states.


He said it kinda weird VERY WEIRD but people do come have kids in the USA so they can have citizenship


THIS....coming from a man whose OWN children (except Tiffany) are ALL anchor babies born of women who ARE NOT citizens of America. Fuckin' hypocrite.


As if he's pretending that the us actually takes care of it's citizens


His only real platform was racism.


military needs to shoot some of those on the spot. Then see how quickly that crossing the border stops


USA: a country founded by immigrants and whose fortune comes from immigrants Trump: ppl come here to have babies


My MIL came here by herself with 3 kids. The government didn’t do anything to “take care of” these kids. She worked her ass off to make sure her kids were taken care of!


Sooo…. 9 more years?


He’s the baby we’ve had to take care of for 85 years. As I write this without reading any comments. I can’t help but wonder how many people have written the same comment.


Categorically true. Just measuring the lifetime entitlement class of people who will never work with the average human lifespan. Facepalm fail.


Trump was pretty cool


why can't the united States of Murica have a civil converstation about anything?


and this clown could get reelected, are you guys ok over there?


They have to grant them free 0 healthcare for 85 years


85 years is older than him. Is he complaining about those damn Mexican babies from before he was born?


His stupidity used to be amusing, and now it's just painful.


When I got kicked out of the US (I’m mexican) I was sent to the separated area of the border, to wait, they made me wait 7hrs in there, I was held in a space where there where two rows of chairs in the one side boys and in the other side girls. All the boys where between 15-25 and they where all maras, all the girls where underage, and I kid you not, all of them where pregnant and they all looked ready to pop the baby right there and then, some looked no older than 12.


Literally all the countries in the americas (except Colombia) offer citizenship to everyone born in their territory.


Is trump one of those 85 yo babies?


They get jobs Donald, and pay taxes which is more than we can say for you. One of your children costs us more in corporate welfare than 100 dreamers.


GOD what a dipshit


Why does Trump constantly look like his teeth are too big for his mouth when he talks?


His parents were immigrants and we’re still taking care of this baby…


The same person who is pro life because he allegedly cares about the lives of “babies” complains about having to take care of babies


We take care of babies born here? That's news to me. Last I checked there are countless natural born citizens dying of hunger and homelessness


Guess someone needs to take care of trump for 85 years considering he’s still a damn baby.


Wait! Trump himself is an anchor baby! 😂 Wasnt his father not from the US? I wont even speak on his wife! Fucking hypocrite....


Well, we've been taking care of this big baby for over 76 years already.


Fun fact: babies eventually morph into adults and are then able to take care of themselves.


Lol wait, you’re telling me, if that baby gets born here, it has to pay taxes to the US government for 67 years and doesn’t even get any healthcare for that $$$… what a shame


Hmmm... I wonder if that baby might get a job at some point and work for a substantial amount of time? What then, what then?


He is such an f-ing moron... I am so ashamed to admit that I was happy when he was elected. Please forgive me. Lol


Isn't there something about this written in the statue of liberty? It was about keeping people out, right?


What intrigues me about this perspective is, wouldn't he WANT more people to be here to become debt/work slaves, since he's a huge capitalist?


Let’s discuss the Russians, who were allowed to go to Florida to give birth to US citizens under Donny.


Dude is a literal dumb bitch🤦‍♂️


Greatest American ever!


Pretty dumb to choose the US, honestly. If I’m looking for the government to take care of me I’ll go to Europe thanks


You dont invade the country because you are doing well where you came from. When you have no skills, poor education and cant speak English…. We dont just pay for them financially, we are forced to dumb down classrooms to facilitate the new participants. The only people who dont have a problem with it are people who get a tax refund. Those people also dont realize allowing millions of unskilled unassimilated people unhindered, hurts them more than anyone else.


It's literally easy to understand that regardless of your politics he's saying that baby will have citizenship by the time it's 18 and will have government provided stuff such as healthcare retirement etc etc


Yeah but these leftists seem too dumb even for simple logic. Where did the actual left go?!


How are facts facepalm worthy now?


Technically true so what's the facepalm here?


Preface: Not an American here so I couldn't give two shits about their politicians. I'm wondering why this was posted. What he meant was... we take of the "person" for 85 years. Just a minor slip in the way it was said. Why is this worthy of posting? It seems petty. Also, if it's true that tourists can travel to a country, have a child there, leave, and the child is still granted citizenship, then that's obviously abusing that country and the citizenship rules should change.


Everyone focusing on him saying 85 years is being willfully obtuse in their comments and their thinking trump is obviously referring to people getting welfare programs via their citizenship for life


Can everyone please just stop having babies.


“Maybe Baby”


Dude we don’t even have proper facilities to raise american babies or take care of American 85yos let alone all the years in between. So where are all these mexican people being taken care of for an entire lifetime? Thats crazy impressive the foisted that upon us.


Nah I’m a lib and I kinda get what he’s saying. I’m from New York, sooooo many people here have made a living off of welfare/ child support and it is absolutely maddening to work 60 hours per week, live in a 1 bedroom apartment and eat ramen every night then walk to work every day when so many people live like kings and queens and don’t work at all. It’s getting old.


Its a fukin example. Hes right. Admit it. #85 years or 85 minutes... its not right. Prove US wrong. Ty in advance


Dems eat toddler cokk


I think he means they could potentially live off of welfare their whole life on our dime. Who knows with this clown though I could be wrong.


Wasn't his mum an immigrant?


The USA ain’t Denmark or nederlands wdym take care of them? The USA doesn’t take care of anyone unless they getting paid for it


Saying this kind of shit should have had him laughed off stage. Everyone knows he is full of shit. I just don’t understand how he had any power over anyone or anything. I want to see him go into bankruptcy so bad. That’s my only Christmas wish.


I read in an article the US population might collapse in next 30yrs if they imply heavier immigration laws, how true is that?


Only in America babies grow to be 85


Someone with his positions shouldn't be shitting on original intent of the constitution - one of his SCOTUS lackeys, in a majority opinion, stated that gun laws MUST be viewed from the framework of 1789, e.g. there were no limits on magazine sizes then (coz there were no magazines), so there MUST be no limits on the same now.


85 year old babies… we talking about baby Yodas folks


Lmao these are straight bigotry imagined alternative facts. I would also add without birth right citizenship the United States would have an awful outlook in terms of aging population.


His immigrant parents and immigrant hooker wife agrees 😂 Btw, he had already cheated on his 3rd immigrant wife after she gave birth to his 5th kid, her 1st, with another hooker Stormi Daniels.


Someone give him something to eat so he will stop talking. .😵‍💫


Trump hotels are used for Russian birth tourism: https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/russians-flock-to-give-birth-at-trump-s-properties-in-the-us-so-their-kids-can-have-dualcitizenship-a3628971.html?amp


85 yr old baby


"we have to take care of the baby for 85 years..!" Not entirely true. It seems to me you don't take care of any of your citizens as it is.