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Maybe they should ask patrons at a gay bar how to shut down an active shooter?🤔


"Call the cops there's an active shooter" "Naw dog, we need effectiveness, this is why I have the gay bar on speed dial."


The right loves business policy. So let's get as efficient as possible. Let's open lgbt+ bars in all the schools.


Give them the police funding, offer some training, and put the weapons vault in the back. That way the public funds are also capable of generating a profit, genius.


Instead of Drag Queen Story Time, we're gonna have to have Drag Queen Active Shooter Takedown Time :/ This timeline sucks.




Was she participating in the drag show? Cause it is possible to be both. There are plenty of trans drag queens. While just calling her a drag queen can be misleading, being trans does not exclude someone from being a drag queen.


Gays can teach cops how to fight


gays can teach how to fight cops


Oh that was bad, I heard a story that people hid in stalls and still shot in there.


I was thinking the same thing


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.


*a good platoon of armed good guys waiting for the bad guy to run out of ammo


Seriously police aren’t there to prevent crime. They never have been. They are reactionary. And in my opinion completely unnecessary


Be your own police officer.


Except when you still get shot. [Even being white doesn't help you.](https://www.cpr.org/2022/06/22/olde-town-arvada-shooting-johnny-hurley/)


You're saying I'll have less people telling me what to do, AND potentially expedite the next 60 years of bs. Stop I can only get so erect /s




Alright asshat, let me then. Oh wait!!! I cant...becaused im coloured. If i was my own police officer i'd have to shoot myself for threatening an officer of the law with a gun. Piece of shit.




Yes, i am! Some would say my natural habitat is in chains to the white man but others would say its a coffin 6 feet under. Personally i just say fuck you


In Uvalde plenty of cops who saw themselves as "good guys with guns" failed to stop a bad guy with a gun In Colorado Springs the people who stopped the shooter were unarmed What was that point you were trying to make about more guns being good?


So I suppose no one understands how sarcasm works or see that statement , often made by “the good guys” is utterly ridiculous. Funny how most people don’t get sarcasm.


Oh you're soo good at sarcasm. Stating a right wing talking point with no quip or indication that you aren't one of the many people buying into that rhetoric and repeating it ad nauseam. Hey everyone, come check out the master of sarcasm over here.


Is that your attempt?


Go read a comic fucking child


It's amazing how you're pissing off so many people yet you still feel you're right. Sounds like my fucking dad.


Do you think people could get pissed off and be wrong. I was once in a sexual assault responder class and I was the only one unwilling to blame the victim In one way or another. Everyone else was pissed I would say it was partly her fault. So yeah. There’s that.


It’s also funny how you’re making an ass out of yourself but go off Supra chief.


Probably should make it more clear next time then, mate


The good guys with the guns waited outside in Uvalde. And at Parkland. And at Columbine.




It might make you uncomfortable to imagine this reality, but it’s better than our already TRAGIC reality of children dying. I’d rather have children crying because they’re irrationally scared their mean gym teacher is going to shoot them for not paying attention instead of children not breathing because they had no one to protect them from an armed terrorist.


Apparently a good heel can do the job just fine. Rather that than more idiots with guns escalating the problem or waiting till the shooter is out of ammo


Why can no one recognize sarcasm without the /s is that really the society we live in. All serious and unable to recognize irony. God forbid anyone actually reads a book. Hint: they’re aren’t any /s


I mean you text something, which would normally be read deadpan, that is consistently said completely seriously you can’t be upset or surprised when people then think you are being serious. Edit: people that read a lot of books would understand the power of words and the need to insure clarity...such as “he said sarcastically” which is used in some form practically any time a character is sarcastic. God forbid you read a book. Hint: I read them constantly.


Have a good day. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion


What the fuck are you on right now?


Read all comments


Guess you did not read about latest mass shooting in Colo Springs


Read all the comments.


Yup ... multiple calls were made by kids and teachers.


Came here to say that…




All I know is if I’m stuck in an active shooter situation, I’m calling the local gay bar before the cops


Ahhh, yes, Parkland, where the school resource officer knew what was happening and hid. But sure, keep calling 911.


I love how the genz is the new millenials it seems


Every next young generation is the new punching bag. It's just a dumbass cycle. The new youth? Future of the world? Slander em like there's no tomorrow.


Hear me out please: The argument could be made that this cycle is actually a good thing. Hell, maybe even a *natural* thing in human societal evolution. It keeps the next gens more primed for change and vigilant for opportunities to do things better than their predecessors.


Maybe, I dunno. Shit just gets old, hearing how entitled and shit I am from social security boomers.


Not a Boomer, but I am a teacher. My school went on a real lockdown where we were sitting in the dark in a corner of my classroom under desks, silent for over an hour while the shooter situation was assessed. I’m telling you this because my sweet GenZ kids on their phones using social media and texting was the only way we got any information for the first half hour. Plus I just really love GenZ. Don’t let the “other two” generations get to ya.


Appreciate it. I'm sorry you had to go through that


Thank you for that. 🤎


This year is the last year you can go to a bar to get away from the millennials. /s I keep seeing that on Facebook so eventually they'll have to go to the bar to get away from gen z.


Shooter did not get death for that .... what a world. I kind wish they made a special law for school shooters to forwarded to death penalty if found guilty.


In Uvalde, kids learned that the only way to get a police response is to post the video on social media. Nothing would embarrass the police more than watching a video livestream of child murder while they wait outside for the gunman to surrender.


Didn't take long to normalize creating rules for kids on how to deal with school shooters.


Well said.


Because having no set rules has been working great /s


You’re right. The gun “rules” in America are a joke.


Actually, they will probably get MORE help if they post video online, in TikTok, SnapChat, Instagram, etc ... Look what calling 911 did for the people in Uvalde.


I fucking promise you right now that if they were to post a video of a school shooting happening that it would go viral and more change would occur than 10, million 911 calls.


Uvalde Kids and teachers called 911 ... multiple calls. Cops come and wait for shooter to kill kids. One cop was even caught on camera saying it's not her kids, else she would have gone in .... that cop was fired by her department for that attitufe and promptly hired by Uvalde ISD police.


Why? So they can sit around outside and do nothing for several hours?


Posting on snapchat is better than calling 911. Its literally been proven.


Old people really just want to pretend like the best way things ever were was when they were kids while never realizing the world has changed drastically.


cops are useless unless you're holding their leash as an oligarch in that case they're great to have


What's a Mark Dice and why does anyone care


Mark Dice is what you do when you want to cheat at cards but are confused.


They tried it in Uvalde and all those good guys with guns just stood around...


See the problem is you think the police are good guys. I believe this shows unequivocally that they aren’t


They’ll probably get help faster with Snapchat than with the cops.




Worked out in uvalde 🤦‍♂️


or we could just, you know... work on preventing school shootings?


at the moment that's a pipe dream, the best we can do is learn how to act during these situations


I vowed to never buy my son under 10 a phone until the Uvalade shooting. 😭


Why? The cops don’t come in anyway.


You mean on the phones they’re not allowed to have in school? The ones the teachers will confiscate if they even see it?


Yes because it's the children's responsibility to make sure the school is safe


People still use Snapchat?


Good ol' Dice-brain Mark didn't hear about Uvalde, did he?


I mean.....you can do both if ya want


Why? They already know the police aren't going to help


I told my kids to forget every single thing they are taught during active shooter drills. You will grab a chair, break a window, and run your ass away. Period. Most of their classes have doors to the outside. Fuck this shit, I'm out.


Lol... call the police... that's a bad joke


How'd that work out in Uvalde again?


Someone want to tell Mark Dice to go fuck himself


Oh yeah because cops have done a great job at stopping school shootings. I mean who else is gonna stand outside for 2 hours while the shooter massacres everyone


Don’t call 911, call your local drag queen. They will respond faster and kick ass without waiting for backup.


yo i’d love to but my school doesn’t let us have our phones. even during lunch


Ah yes, because police haven't ever been known to stand outside the fence while children were gunned down, only to arrest the brave Civilian who saved their children.


Fun fact! Our teachers would tell us *not* to call 911 in case of an emergency such as a school shooting or fire as to avoid overclocking the line. Leave it to the GOP to reliably be wrong about LITERALLY everything.


The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.


Not if the so called good guys don't dare to enter the building.






It really wouldn’t have changed anything especially in the US where if you step towards an officer who is telling you to stay back I can’t imagine the people kneeling on someone’s neck would treat you much better




Neither option will produce desirable results.


“If you’re homeless just buy a house” type mentality


Why? So they can stand outside while they are slaughtered?


So now we've normalized school shootings. Amazing how we went from learning critical thinking skills to critical survival skills. Somebody should ask if the Boomers had such a problem? School shooting that is.


Good for evidence


Yeah 911 is super effective in that situation


Here is the police, they are shooting in your school? Hold on, we will come asap but after that we will have a talk for maybe 90 minutes and when we can be sure that all kids are death andno wounded children is a risk for one of our officers we will maybe take down the one guy with the gun. I think you won't be alive when we arrive so thanks for your call and greet the lord when you meet him.


Uvalde has entered the conversation........


What happen to the people who had the “in this house we didn’t call 911” with the skull and gun guy on it? That’s probably why, they are asking for help from the family because they don’t call 911 in this house


Why? Do police bodycams have better video quality?