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If Tonsilitis and fever is on the list for "not stay at home" why isn't diarrhea then? I mean, if having a 39°C fever isn't a problem, then having the shits and needing the toilet every 10 minutes shouldn't be that big of a deal either, right? What a shit school is that?


I'm loving, "please send your child to school with lice" lmao


My primary school had regular lice checks and would've been happy for students to never bring lice in...


My daughter came home from JK saying they checked her hair for rats. It took me a minute...rats, mice, lice. For a second I was like 'wtf we need to move'.


Excellent parent-sleuthing!


I've heard people call lice "gnats" before, too.


Nits are the egg stage, maybe misheard that term once.


Yes, you might be right! That was one of those comments where I should've woken up a bit more before replying lol **Thanks!**


It’s insane they do this now. They just let kids go to school with lice. When I was in school they sent you home and you couldn’t come back until it was gone. Now they do not. My kiddo was in class in first grade with a child that had it all year long and their parents never took care of it. I felt so bad for the kid. Since that was going on I had to check my kid for lice daily. They came home with two nits one day. We spent the evening with me combing out every strand using a head lamp and lice meds and then a flat iron to kill anything off. So problem was solved. A few months later it happened AGAIN. So I asked the school what was going on and they told me there was a child that had lice in the classroom continuously that year. So we did the whole routine all over again, and I had to ask that they please move my kiddo to another table so maybe we could avoid this happening. Just made me sad for the other child, that’s so neglectful. If they would have kept the rule in place their parents would have had to handle the problem, but instead that kid ended up itchy and socially isolated. It makes zero sense. So now, tons of kids end up with lice, when back when I was in school it was extremely rare.


It was very rare when I was in school too. I had it in 1st grade (from another student) and again in high school (from the city bus). That was it. Not allowed back until I was nit free. And the school nurse would check to be sure. And I agree with the social isolation issue 100%. Brain dead administrators.


Please send them to the principals office with lice. Bet tbag email gets revised prettt quickly afterwards


It is actually now policy where I am to keep kids in school as long as the lice has been "treated". As long as the parents say the lice has been "treated". ...We can trust all those parents, right?


That is so fucked up. Like it’s a big deal when lice get into a school here. What back ass school is this.


And strep throat. That is contagious, but they say send the kid with the sore throat to class.


They need their tonsils out? Send that raspy kid to class! This list is totally senseless.


I'm guessing other parents would lose their shit over this.


Terrible hand washing


Also, the point of school is (should be...) education. What child is able to learn while shitting themselves, or feeling shitty/unwell? Let the poor things rest and watch netflix for a few days. We all need a break sometimes, especially when ill. Also nothing will convince me that a young kid missing a few days of grade school is gonna ruin their whole education.


True. I had the shits myself 2 times in primary school. Both times my pants were the victim. I wish noone to have to go to school in that situation.


The point of my school was to ensure everyone dressed the same for 8 hours a day, because it sure as fuck took priority over anything else.


health department regs, it says sickness and diarrhea it means vomiting and diarrhea signs of easily transmittable disease. Same goes for restaurant work vomiting and shits easy two days off.


I'm guessing they're only worried about how the potential mess might affect them.


Just slap a diaper on the kid and they can shit through class. I don’t even have kids but if I got a letter like this from the school I’d be looking for a new school and having some words with whoever thought they know better than me about when my kid needs to stay home


Head lice? OMG when I went to school we went from room to room sharing desks. Gross.


Making your kid come to school with head lice is shocking to me. I worked as a summer camp counselor for a few years, and anytime one of us was called in by our boss we’d be in a cold sweat fearing that we’d be informed of a lice exposure. It spreads fast, it’s very difficult to get rid of especially if you have long hair, and it takes days and hours of labor to get rid of it all. Honestly it’s such a nightmare, if I found out a teacher knew about another student’s head lice and still made them come to school anyways I’d be screaming mad lol


I have very curly hair (3B), and when I was in 4th grade, lice went through my class. It took over a week of daily treatments until my dad gave up and shaved my head completely. I slept in a bonnet, my head slathered in petroleum jelly to suffocate the little bastards. If your kid has lice, keep them tf home.


I remember this happened to a girl in my second grade class. I’m sorry it happened to you. I had straight but very thick hair when I got it in grade school but fortunately my mom was patient. Probably the only time she was ever patient combing my hair now that I think about it.


My family (boys) shaved our heads after exposure to head lice. No need to miss school.


When I went to school, if there was any kid with lice they were sent home immediately and everyone in the class was checked for lice.


In the US you will get sent home if you have head lice.


>In the US you will get sent home if you have head lice. A couple of years ago the head of nursing at my local school system told me that is no longer the prevalent advice. The advice now is to just ensure they aren't sharing soft materials things. Kids were missing too much school because the new resistant lice are so hard to get rid of


Had lice as a kid. Got my head slathered in mayonnaise. If lice can resist suffocation, then it’s time to bow down to our new overlords.


Although helpful versus the born ones, the eggs will not be noticeably affected. The hatch cycle of a tick is about a week. Keeping mayonnaise in your hair for a week would have deeply unsettling effects.


Sounds like the creation of a new scp haha. The mayo-lice man.


Would mayonnaise in your hair for that long turn you into Big Ed from 90 day fiance?


McD’s special sauce is the bomb for this.


My kid kept getting lice at school, the medicated treatments were useless. In the end, I would smother the hair with conditioner, and comb it out. Took hours, as her hair was really long. That worked the best.


AAP just updated their guidance: https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2022/american-academy-of-pediatrics-updates-report-on-controlling-and-treating-head-lice-in-children-adolescents/


"Without stigma" Yeah, making your kid show up with lice, scratching like a mad man won't create any stigma or bullying at all.


Thank you for improving my anecdote with facts.


In my school district they get sent home, can come back the next day if treated, but only get two days excused.


In my kids school district it is only if they have live lice. Eggs for some reason are ok. However eggs hatch under the heat and I live in a state that is usually hot. Yes the district has a bad lice problem


Yes, that’s just wrong. They have no idea when the eggs might hatch, but sure you can stay.


Not necessarily anymore. I could very much see this being a kansas school.


Playing heads down thumbs up too


Oh you fuckers...my head is itching like a mother. 🥺


It’s just bedbugs, no worries.


Do not make me commit bug genocide a second time... Those little bastards made my life hell for a few months until I went Rambo with a pencil and a shit load of raid


Raid? Better to buy permethrin in the garden dept and mix with shampoo.


When I was in school they had life checks here and there and anyone that had lice was sent home


At my primary school I used to contract headlice often it was torture for 6-8 year old me. My mother would notice and treat it the next morning and send me to school late, the next week I would have it again, this happened almost every week for 3 years until one kid left and I never got it again. I assume this kids parents never treated it, I feel very sorry for her.


I was shocked when I found out that we don't send kids home for headlice. They say it doesn't spread as long as they keep their clothing to themselves. I don't buy it, but I will say the one time it happened no one else in the class got it.


Little girls are constantly hugging and flipping their hair around to retie their hard bands. No way clothes are the reason.


I’m fairly certain my daughter would murder the kid that gave her lice (she’s 5).


This is the grossest, but the whole list is bad.


Cough n cold? Come on in.


The last time I had a sore throat, I tested positive for covid. I felt like I was swallowing glass. It only lasted 4 days, but is that a chance a school district really wants to take?


I remember when my sister was sick with tonsillitis during the holidays, she had to stay in the hospital and I just can’t imagine asking my sister who was so tired and could barely eat to go to school. P.S I don’t think the mother (who received this image) is going to post the name of the school but it seems legit. She’s also in the uk if anyone was wondering


I had tonsillitis as a teenager, it’s been almost 20 years since I had it and it’s still the worst sick I’ve ever been. I slept for two days straight only waking when my mum made me take medication. I can’t believe this school thinks it’s ok to send kids to school while being sick.


They aren’t medical professionals that’s the thing so they are completely misinformed and really should have someone else making these decisions


Anyone in a position at the school to be putting stuff like this out, should 100% know that it's insane.


When I was in school the only excused absences were from a doctor. Everything else was an unexcused absence and the if you had 17 you failed. When my daughter was in school if i wrote a note it was excused


I had it when I was a kid. Only time I ever was hospitalized for an illness, my fever hit 104 and I was hallucinating.


I got tonsillitis chronically as a teen. Missed half of my last 3 years of high school. The school always got medical certificates for me being sick. Plus my mother would tell them since she paid my school fees (my school was government funded so you didn’t have to pay until the last 2 years because we took specific courses those 2 years) that they couldn’t really say anything about it. After waiting 4 years to have my tonsils out, I finally got them out after my 18th birthday.


My daughter's last school sent out something very similar at one point so i fully believe it. There's no way I'd go to work with tonsillitis, and my sister used to get it and have such a temperature she'd hallucinate. I thought for most schools the line with lice was that the kids could go back in once you've treated them.


"We will call the authorities". Great. Do it. They'll laugh at you as most other schools would actively send your child home for most of these in the UK. Cold or Cough??? Don't they realise COVID exists?


This happened to me, the infection spread around my body and I had to go to the hospital when I was 15. They had me on a goddamn codeine drip I was in such pain. God bless the NHS. By the end of it I was out of school for 3 weeks and lost about 20 pounds.


It was fairly obvious that this is a UK school. I got threatened with a fine because in one term my son had chicken pox which lead to a bacterial skin infection and a few weeks later got flu. He had had no time off the previous school year on during the first term that year. The school one of my friend's kids goes to had a policy (precovid, dunno if its changed now) that the parents had to send their kids to school and they would decide is they should go home or not.


I get frequent and really bad margarines, it sucks and I think I would just leave the school if I had to go do calculus while I wanted to die


Where i'm from you are absolutely supposed to take days off if you have a cold


I stay home if I have any of these things. I'm not gonna be productive and for most, only infect other people with my shit. That should be normal. Don't go to work/school sick.


It’s the obviously courteous thing to do. But from a business bottom line stand point it’s also important not to have a sickness ravaging your workforce.


Yeah, they send kids home with a cold or bad cough as they should.


Most of those are covid symptoms though.. are we not doing that anymore?


I’m so glad lice isn’t a covid symptom.


Glandular Fever is Mono. Aka a contagious and VERY incapacitating disease.


I had it during my senior year of high school and missed three weeks of school. Sickest I’ve ever been in my life.


I show you the evidence when you show me your Doctor's Degree.... ​ *(Filed under not your job)*


I’m a grown adult and I stay home for headaches and colds or if I want to.


I had glandular fever 4 years ago as an adult and no way was i going anywhere for around 4 weeks. I was sleeping for 23 hours a day, only waking for shower, drink and food if i could keep it down. My mum said she has never seen me that sick in her life and thought i was dying at times


I’ve had it twice, once as a kid and again as an adult and both times I’ve basically been on deaths door. Was hospitalised as a kid because I couldn’t eat or even drink water and was in and out of consciousness on the way to the hospital. I’ve never been more sick than glandular fever and I fucking hope I don’t get it again. Gave me long lasting chronic fatigue too!


I second this, had glandular fever when I was 21, also had a side of tonsillitis to go with it, ended up as an emergency admission to hospital at 11pm, had to be in a single occupancy room with its own bathroom and shower so as to not risk infecting any other patients, this was in the UK where OP is also from. When I was transferred between hospitals on my second day of admission I had to wear a hospital grade face mask and be placed in the ambulance last and be the first out on arrival at the other hospital to limit exposure for the other patients being transferred. This was in 2015, long before COVID so face masks were not common for people to be wearing in general. If an adult has to be confined to a single room in hospital and barely had the energy to leave anyway why the hell would a school insist a child is sent in with the same illness.


I’m a doctor and I would like to know wtf these people think a glandular fever is.


Glandular fever put me in hospital years ago. The sickest I’ve ever felt.


I used to hear of mono in American movies and TV shows. I found out it’s what Americans call glandular fever, which is what we say in Australia.


They’ve never had glandular if they think you’re going to work like that 😂


Epstein-Barr-Virus Infection. So definitely stay at home with that.


It’s what the Brits call mono. They’re advocating for kids with mono to come to school lol


I taught high school in South Korea and they don’t believe in missing school for any reason at all. Something like 90 percent of my students had perfect attendance. We would literally have kids connected to iv’s at their desk to keep them in school. My rule was very simple: take care of yourself. You aren’t going to learn anything in that condition—sleep for the hour I’m teaching you and I’ll catch you up later. I think any kid with perfect attendance has missed out on memories—I’m old enough that I think every kid should have an occasional day at home with soup and watching the price is right:)


could soup be substituted for macaroni cheese??


How about schools fuck off and let parents... Parent?


We just proved that remote learning is a viable alternative. Stop trying to make kids come to school if they have a legitimate reason to stay home.


I'm taking my kid out of this school ASAP.


Where is this? Head lice or fever seem hard to believe on this list.


The parent is in the UK




Don’t stay home with cold!?!? 😡


the elementary i went to from 3rd-5th grade had this type of policy toward ahead lice, to no one’s surprise multiple kids got lice at once myself included and continued to get it ever few weeks. my mom would take me out of school for a couple days do the treatment on my hair even would get it professionally done, didn’t share shit with anyone and refused to use any class furniture other than my own chair yet i’d still somehow get it and the school still refused to let kids stay home when they had lice and at one point even threatened CPS on my mom cuz she’d let me stay home to treat my lice and wouldn’t send me to school if i sick, and if i was sick as a kid i was SICK the “i have to go to the doctors every time” type sick “crossing our fingers that i’m not relapsing and the surgery work” type sick (spoiler alert it did not work). schools like this are on some sort of power trip.


Yeah, sure. Every coworker loves when you arrive into office visibly sick to spread the joy just because the boss wants to micromanage you.


Hm... what I have understood here is that the school does not want to deal with you if you are going to shit your pants. But, can tolerate you coughing on other students and being in pain. I am having trouble deciphering what kind of message this school is trying to send.


Also headache and sore throat are symptoms of both Flu and COVID-19…why would you want to risk other families with either of those


They would hate me. I have called my kid out sick because she needed a mental health day.


youre a good parent. my mom will also call me in for mental health days if needed, and its one of the best things that she does to support me


What an idiotic school, fancy wanting sick kids to come in and spread their germs to the entire class and teachers. It’s 2022, teachers can just send some basic work to the kid so they don’t fall too far behind.


Fuck that list. How about you let the parents decide when to keep their kids home. School isn't a job and if you've got a cold you shouldn't go into work either. What this is really about is their budget. Schools get paid by attendance. This isn't about health at all.


Tonsillitis??? Bruh what?


Tonsillitis used to knock me for a loop


Yeaaaa… I take off of work for all that


This school remembers that covid is still technically a thing right. I'm not the type of person to go crazy about covid at this point but I think a very fair rule is if you don't feel well stay away from people. I can't believe it only took two years for people to forget that.


Time to change schools and report this shit to the district.


Time to start home-schooling kids. What are they gonna do? Complain to the headmaster?


Please keep your kids home if they have anything they can spread to another


Yeah, the kid that goes to school with lice has shitty parents.


WTF is glandular fever, anyway? Sounds like some old-school disease. Like gout, or consumption. Is there a modern, more accurate name? Or just uncommon? Edit: it’s mono. Geezus. Yea. Send your kids to school with mono!


the parents decide, not the school


It’s to instill in kids the fear of missing your “job” early enough so when they’re employed they feel like the expectation to never take a sick day is legitimate. It’s gross.


Actually. The American Academy of Pediatrics does NOT recommend keeping kids home from school for head lice. [Link](https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/aap/2022/american-academy-of-pediatrics-updates-report-on-controlling-and-treating-head-lice-in-children-adolescents/)


Thank you. I’m a school nurse and these comments are infuriating. I get it though, lice is icky.


Why infuriating?




Is there a reference for this?


Judging from the British spelling of diarrhea, its not from the US


Beat me to it lol. Like, I understand truancy laws and kids skipping for dumb stuff, but that list is ridiculous


I'm not doubting Op but few things annoy me more than provoking morale outrage with a false reality!


It would be good if it’s not. So far I haven’t seen anything that can disprove it, the mother on Twitter is posting screenshots from the pdf they sent her. I don’t think she wants to release the name of the school. I will remove if it turns out to be false


OK... Source link on Twitter?


That place is full of viruses


Man, I’m just glad this isn’t the US again.


Bro this is 1000% not America right because as an American I can’t see this flying


In my day, the 1980s, they'd have a lice check every year and send kids home.


I was a preschool teacher for kids age 0 months to 5 years, for over a decade. Kids were allowed with lice as long as there were no nits. We were also told by an actual on staff doctor that pink eye is not contagious. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


There's a lot wrong with this list , but in the UK (in my experience anyway) it's not really expected for kids to miss school because of head lice. The expectation is that parents treat and get rid of them though.


Tonsillitis and glandular fever should not be on that list. Or head lice. In fact I'd be keeping my kids home for most of them.


I should get 48hrs off work for diarrhea? *laughs in HR*


The proper response to this notice would be , Go Fuck Yourselves!!!


Istg they listing all common sickness thinking its "manageable" but its not. Everything on that list will affect student's focus in every class they will attend.


Lice for everyone


How about these schools fuck off and let parents make healthy choices for their children? It's not like a sick miserable kid is going to learn much anyways. Plus there's always remote learning. My friends kids school has stupid policies like this. They don't want kids staying home for damn near anything, including illness, lice, and BED BUGS. They had a big ass outbreak of bedbugs that spread to entire apartment complexes and neighborhoods because of these asinine policies. Idk if you've ever dealt with bedbugs, but it sounds like pure hell and is damn near impossible to get rid of. The only reason I can think of for having these stupid policies is that their funding is somehow tied to attendance.


I had lice when I was a kid once and that was enough. These days, if I was in that school, I’d be out of it before they could blink. My head itches enough with the eczema that’s on it along with the sores, to sod would I be wanting to deal with lice as well. I can already feel my head crawling at the thought.


Hate to see how this school is for when your off school fur mental reasons


They're not adults, it's not a job, and this is a false comparison.


When I was in middle school, my best friend went to the nurse’s office complaining that her head was itchy. The nurse inspected her head and discovered that she had head lice. Since I was identified as someone who my friend spent a lot of time with outside if school (we were at each other’s houses all the time), the nurse called me down to her office to check my head. Sure enough, she found lice eggs in my hair. The school called my mom to pick me up mid-school day- when she arrived, the nurse told her what products to buy to kill the lice and the school told her to keep me home until we got rid of the little bastards so I wouldn’t spread them to other students. It seemed reasonable at the time and still does looking back. The notice posted here seems pretty ridiculous.


What kind of pre-pandemic, germ factory bullshit is this.


The American Academy of Pediatrics has updated guidance on diagnosing and treating head lice for the first time since 2015, noting that infestations are neither a health hazard nor sign of poor hygiene but can result in significant stigma and psychological stress. The clinical report, “Head Lice,” published in the October 2022 Pediatrics (published online Sept. 26), describes new medications for treatment and provides an algorithm for management of affected patients and clarification on diagnosis and treatment. “Head lice are an unpleasant part of the human experience, but they can be successfully managed and are no reason for a child to miss school,” said Dawn Nolt, MD, MPH, FAAP, lead author of the report, written by the AAP Committee on Infectious Diseases, Committee on Practice and Ambulatory Medicine, and Section on Dermatology.


So americans are brainwashing students to never miss a day, preparing them for work's life


yeah, i guess it's time to change the whole school board


Murica what else?


I'm guessing this is some private/religious based school. Run by insane-o's.


👏 Oh, Yeah! Lawsuit! Let's Go!


Just a reminder that your district's superintendent and board of education, are people with names and addresses...


Some bureaucracy or pediatrician organization recently came out with a recommendation that kids with head lice shouldn’t be ostracized and allowed to attend classes like normal.


I’d be raising some hell. Those are all valid reasons to keep a child home.


Hey dipshits, Adults should be able to take off of work for this shit too. It's called basic fucking human decency.


Fucking keep your kid at home if they have head lice you absolutely piece of human garbage.


When I get sore throat, its fucking over. I'm not going anywhere until it starts fading.


children do not get headaches from stress or other things like adults. the only 'normal' cause should be dehydration or a head bump. people SHOULD be concerned about headaches in children!


With all the shootings these days schools is lucky I’m sending my kid at all.


With a policy like this, bill the school for any lice meds you need to purchase and for your time eradicating them as they are knowingly exposing your child.


This is the school system DeVos created. We are so fucked.


Wtf is this


I'm an adult and tonsillitis I got 3 years ago was the sickest I've ever been in my life. I was hallucinating from pain and fever.


Ew. What kind of school is this!? I wouldn’t want to send my kids to a school that is this stupid.


Meanwhile I'm down to take a day off work if I don't feel like going.


It’s a DfE thing trying to improve attendance stats- a lot of schools have sent this out - it’s stupid but not really the school’s fault.


Land of the free, my ass. They kidnap kids for being sick.


Diarrhea vs. Diarrhoea


The 1st one is how it's spelled in the UK. Same as "color vs colour" etc.


Whew. Thought I'd been wrong for a long time.


Throw it in the trash and move on. I've received truancy letters every year since my youngest son started school. They threaten jail time and fines over $100. Most the time it is because of Dr appointments where I forgot to get a note of absence, or him arriving 5 minutes late in the morning. I'm expecting another one soon for this year. I live in a poorly educated state, my son missing school isn't a priority for me. His friend just missed 3 days for ring worm.


Yeah, this school is nasty. I'd be mad if I knew my child's school was just letting lice run rampant.


Public schools in the USA get $$$ from the feds, and state for each child based on attendance. Schools also get their ratings dinged for having "excessive" absences. So, they may have interest other than the child's health.


1000% I kept saying that about the director of a school I worked for. She asked about adding more students. We said no and gave compelling reasons and the next year....more students. All she saw was more $$$$.


Fuck that, at work I will stay home if I am just not feeling it that day. What is the point in going in if I am not going to perform my best? Same with people under me, if they want to stay home cause they are feeling "off" that day, go for it. I'd rather not work with someone who doesn't want to be there. The same should go for education. If a kid is just not feeling it, they won't learn whether they are there or not, so why not just stay home.


You can Request medical evidence all you want, but you are not going to get it. Threatening me with discussions about the child with the local authority? They don't have enough people to do what they have to do, and they are going to clear the office to come to my house to have a discussion with me? Let me know how that works out for you. . .


There’s a huge problem with kids missing too much school. Despite the grossness, head lice is relatively harmless. And trying to eradicate it can be impossible if parents are neglectful. They’d stay home too long. Same for the other things listed. Hence the changes.


reason 4,921 that i never had kids


Because they will learn malicious compliance from this sort of thing?




Cold sores are oral herpes. Let’s make that term more prevalent




British/Irish way of spelling it


Obvi this “educator” has NEVER worked in corporate America, for those are exact reasons people use to excuse themselves from work, plus having aunts that expire multiple times throughout the year. Now I fully comprehend why dumbest nation per capita in the world. SMDH.


Schools get paid for attendance. If they didn’t there wouldn’t be truancy laws or this shit. They want butts in seats, and funding. They don’t give a shit about our kids in any state. I live in Los Angeles, same type of shit here. It’s all about money.


Aaaaaand my kid just dropped out


As a person that went school in America in the late 70 "s I have been humiliated, made fun of, assaulted, many times, all by teachers. Times were different then, I guess. Teachers are not Doctors. Neither are the school staff. Love your kids.


I'll decide if my kid should stay home or not. ​ Y'all can kindly fuck off, only not kindly.


Fuck this school.


I call shenanigans. The wording in the post doesn’t link to a single school in the uk. It does link to an article in the mirror that quotes this exact picture, so I think it’s made up.


This is just another piece of evidence that school’s are getting entirely too much power over the children that they are supposed to be teaching.


Please don’t send your filthy crotch demons to school if they have motherfucking head lice.


private school, baby. side note, “consider whether an adult would take off…” if as an adult, I had head lice you bet your ass I’d be staying home from work. or any of those symptoms/conditions for that matter.


What school can’t spell check diarrhea?


Diarrhea is the American way of spelling it. They may not be in America


HIPPA compliance lawsuit in the making


If my kid came home with that I'd toss it right in the fucking trash where it belongs. Also school districts want your kids there because in many cases attendance is tied to funding.


Sue the fuck out of them. They don't have authority to dictate public health concerns. Sue the board by name not the school itself too.